Native Tradition. Consecration and blessing by the Powers of the Great Mother of the World of the

  • Опубліковано 14 лют 2024
  • Read the book "Introduction to Wisdom. Theory of Love and Practice of Love" (Ukrainian) (Russian)
    Native Tradition. Consecration and blessing by the Powers of the Great Mother of the World of the Gods and Goddesses of the Family
    Glory to Rod!
    Glory to the Native Gods!
    Glory to Ukraine-Russia!
    we must also remember what we had, our custom, our culture, our faith,
    our advice, our spiritual knowledge, spiritual practices and in that to revive
    strength of our people and accordingly then it will be
    for all mankind
    the same as thousands of years ago
    we speak
    Lord Almighty! I am calling for your nourishing light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Matinka, and all the Gods of Light, come
    and bless this water!
    Dano-Vodytsa, living well, I pour you from the horn, I glorify Father Rod!
    Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, enlighten our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates native meadows and forests.
    Life was born in you, so renew and enrich life in our bodies and souls.
    Let there be strength in our family, Let our families be
    prosperity comes in abundance
    May our children become ten times stronger, a hundred times wiser, and a thousand times richer than us!
    May our wealth and fortune, knowledge, strength and wisdom,
    health and happiness increase with each passing day!
    May the Living Guide be sanctified!
    Glory to the Native Gods!
    I call on the gods of my family!
    I call upon the gods of my family!
    Come Gods!
    Come Ancestors!
    Bless with Your powers, bless with Your powers, sanctify with Your powers!
    our snacks, our pancakes, because there is that
    the symbol of the Circle of Living Phenomenon, the Symbol of the Unity of the Earthly Kind with the Heavenly Kind in the Most High Kind!
    Let it be so!
    With the Holy Fire of Heaven, with the Holy Fire of God, I consecrate the ancestral mouse! May it bring us goodness of thoughts, health of the body, luck and good fortune, protection and safety! Let it be so! Glory to the Native Gods!
    Well, my dear daddy, my dear mother, grandmother Zonya, grandmother Katya, grandfather Hnat, grandfather Filya, grandfather Petya, grandfather...
    cleanses your souls from all wrongdoing...
    And you, the Spirit of Our House, the House, come, to be treated with a holy cherub, to be sanctified by the Divine Powers!
    Treat yourself to snacks with us...
    By the Maternal Water Powers, by the Powers of the Mother of God...
    harmony, peace and tranquility...
    Well, everyone who contributed to our light ceremony with a monetary donation,
    then let your donations be multiplied a thousandfold
    money, joy, love and affection return to you,
    pleasure and bliss,
    abundance of well-being in all spheres of life of your families!
    Our Proto-Slavic traditional our native #Orthodoxy, pouring milk, honey, butter into the #Holy Fire together with our thoughts, prayers for our people, for our Mother Ukraine, for our planet
    #Family Gods are the essence of the Forefathers and Foremothers of our race, who have already reached a much higher spiritual evolutionary level
    They hear us and wait for our requests, wishes, hopes
    In addition, at Orthodoxy, we honor and invoke the Powers of the Saviors of the Slavic Family, who guarded and protected our families, spiritual horses, knowledge, faith, customs of our people
    Now more than ever we need the support and protection of our Saviors
    And, of course, at Orthodoxy, we are cleansed by spiritual forces from all kinds of wrongs and are filled with the Powers of Heaven and Earth. We direct these forces to the recovery of our relatives, friends, well-wishers, and our land
    And then we remember our ancestors and send them our faith, love, joy, so that their souls may be cleansed from all kinds of wrongs, protected from all darkness, so that they will be sweet and joyful in all the Three Worlds, wherever they are
    To free our lands from the invaders!
    So that our families are freed from crime, corruption, lies and oligarchy, so that we BECOME REAL MASTERS, KNOWLEDGEABLE RULERS ON OUR LAND, ORTHODOX RUSSIAN UKRAINIANS!
    Everyone who participates in the ceremony increases its effect seven or even 11 times!
    Spiritual processes work in the recording as well. Therefore, if you cannot join during the broadcast, you can do it at a convenient time for you and contribute to our #Victory of Ukraine of Light and Truth
    To submit your list of relatives and ancestors for speaking, write to Skype:
    Slavolyub-Alan Bogach, #healer, spiritual psychologist, author of books, methods, trainings and courses on the development of vision, hearing and management of subtle energies, teacher of love and relationships
    Founder of the School of Healing, Love, Love and Relationships "Healing Life"
    Share this video with your friends to bring more love, joy and happiness to our world


  • @user-gy2wp3vd5b
    @user-gy2wp3vd5b 3 місяці тому +1

    Щиро дякую Вам пане за Вашу працю! Нехай правослнавні Боги оберігають нашу православну віру і православну українську державну мову! Слава Україні! Слава Богам! Навіки СЛАВА!

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому +1

      і вам дяка велика. Хай Боги Рідні вашу родину оберігаоють!

  • @zoer325
    @zoer325 3 місяці тому +1

    Слава Україні Русі

    • @user-gy2wp3vd5b
      @user-gy2wp3vd5b 3 місяці тому +1

      Навіки СЛАВА!🙏

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому +1

      Навіки Слава Богам, Предкам і Героям Нашим! Хай пребуде благословення Богів Рідних в житті вашому!

  • @user-gy2wp3vd5b
    @user-gy2wp3vd5b 3 місяці тому +1

    Київ слов'янського народу а до московитих Київ і близько не стоїть, спочатку була Києвська Русь тепер Київська України! 💙💛

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      так і є. Слава Україні-Русі!