The SAD reality for WORKING WOMEN

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024
  • The solutions to our problems are usually locked inside of ourselves, but not everyone has the ability to unlock it. I can help you find your key if you are willing to do the work.
    Explore the "Trad Wife" trend on TikTok, where women showcase traditional homemaking roles, sparking criticism for perpetuating outdated gender stereotypes. This trend highlights the struggle between traditional roles and modern independence, raising questions about gender roles, feminism, and societal expectations. How do these portrayals impact women's mental loads and career choices today? Join the discussion and share your thoughts in the comments.


  • @ADarkerFantasy
    @ADarkerFantasy 4 місяці тому +13

    I stopped watching at “feminists blasts this as toxic”
    No we don’t. We support choice. I have been a feminist housewife for the past two years, and just recently went back to work to help my husband with some of the financial stress. It was my choice, and I am grateful that feminism empowers me to make those choices. I hope you do a little more research and take the time to learn what feminism is really about.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +3

      I commented on feminists saying the new trend was toxic. There’s been a lot of debate on it. I’m a feminist too FYI. I actually think the trend does support feminism as those traditional roles are highly valuable and worthy, and should be celebrated. Out of curiosity, which “role” did you find the most happiness or purpose with?

    • @ADarkerFantasy
      @ADarkerFantasy 4 місяці тому +3

      Thank you for clearing that up. Maybe I judged too quickly and too harshly. I guess I’m just so used to anti-feminist rhetoric that I made that snap judgement and you didn’t deserve that.
      I really enjoyed my time at home with my kids, and I do believe I needed to step away from the work force. I was post partum with my first and under a lot of stress. I’m grateful for the opportunity to stay home and I know a lot of working moms don’t have that option, so I don’t take it for granted. That being said, I am happy to get back into the work force to make our lives a little more abundant and comfortable. I’m only working part time, so I’ll still be mostly responsible for the kids and house, but it’s really nice to get out too.

    • @ADarkerFantasy
      @ADarkerFantasy 4 місяці тому +2

      To be clear, I don’t think I prefer one role over the other, it was just what myself and our family needed due to the circumstances. I also plan on using some of the expendable income for education and training for a higher paying career.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +3

      Thank you so much for sharing! One aspect I struggle with being a mother and working is trying to do “my best” in each area.
      Well done adding in further education. I am also studying now (with work and kids) and it’s been quite the juggle

    • @ADarkerFantasy
      @ADarkerFantasy 4 місяці тому +2

      @@ItchScratched Absolutely but you got this and I’m rooting for you!

  • @NoisyChicken85
    @NoisyChicken85 4 місяці тому +7

    Being a 100% tradwife is believing one's hubby will never leave, cheat or die. History likes to repeat itself, as they say... also, you gotta be willing to cook from scratch, working people (both males and females) can do that and simply call it cooking, not trad-something.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +1

      Yes, exactly! It’s just cooking ☺️

  • @YFL.111
    @YFL.111 4 місяці тому +5

    I think its awesome to be a tradwive I wish I can do that.
    The thing is, I domt think it's acurate to view life as if... There are just 2 extreme options.
    You are either an agressive work obssesed CEO women, or you have no life at all no interests or education and just stay home forever.
    I think it's ok to study if you have a passion for something. I would like to have a degree on harp and music therapy as I play harp since childhood.
    I wanna develop those skills. Some women feel they may have special skills for being a nurse or a teacher.
    Its ok to develop that, and to be fully dedicated to your kids once you have kids, and later on come back to your activities.
    If uou domt have kids, it doesnt make sense to be cleaning 12 hours a day, your husband doesnt need 24/7 cleaning and cooking attention, it may be even suffocating.
    A women can work before having kids and after they grow up too. Or even have a small job on the side once the kida are 6 or 7 years old.
    Also not everybody finds their husband at 20, even if you want to you may need more time, and you will need to work to sustain yourself.
    So things are not that black or white its all about prioritizing what is actually important in life versus what you are told to do in order to be " sucssesful".
    But mainly the most important thing is that a mom is HAPPY.
    The worst thing for a kid is when the mom is resentful of her life and unhappy.
    This is the most psycologically harmful thing.
    So I am in favour of moms doing whatever makes them truly happy as I know the kids will receive that happiness and permision to also be happy too

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +1

      A happy mum is definitely best. I strive to be that for my kids. But I have to work too and I know the mental load of everything makes me exhausted at times.
      I really agree that a childless household doesn’t need that constant attention of a woman in this day and age. There was a really good response a woman did to one childless tradwife tiktoker about how different things would look with a child.

    • @YFL.111
      @YFL.111 4 місяці тому +1

      @@ItchScratched I am sure you are doing a great job, sometimes mums feel they have to be perfect but kids do know if they are deeply loved, doesnt matter if you are tired or you are in a bad mood sometimes , the things that will stay with your kids are the deeper things.
      I hope your husband can step in a bit and help with all this exhaustion.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому

      @@YFL.111 🥰

  • @starfleetcommander
    @starfleetcommander 4 місяці тому +2

    "Trad wives win" is the best headline I've seen in possibly years.

  • @Cestyoo
    @Cestyoo 4 місяці тому +11

    modern feminist will say "you chose the life you wanna live" if a woman choses to be a trad wife: "oh no, thats the wrong choice".

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +4

      True! I believe part of women being able to make choices is that not every woman wants their actions to be considered part of a feminist movement. And that’s ok too!! 🙌🏻

  • @MehetabelsMovies
    @MehetabelsMovies 3 місяці тому +1

    I'm a stay-at-home-wife (I hate the term "tradwife") by choice. I quit my career when I was in my 30's because it was making me miserable and so I could spend more time with my daughter and my elderly mother. My husband and I are complete equals in every way, we just have different roles in the home and our relationship. I do believe it's an absolute luxury to be able to make this life choice though.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  3 місяці тому +1

      Sounds like you get the respect you deserve in your role in the family. X

  • @KristineWahl-ft9qj
    @KristineWahl-ft9qj 4 місяці тому +2

    Choosing to be a tradwife does not prevent anyone from living a fulfilled life, not what the feminist criticism says at all. The criticism does however, say "insert myriad of ex tradwife youtube content" here. Not the same thing at all. A time when a woman could not have her own bank account and credit card wasn't a simpler time.
    Not that I've seen that much tradwife content, but what little I have seen, they sure as hell do cosplay. There just isn't enough hours in the day to keep a house spotless, take care of what if any number of children they may have, cook everything from scratch while looking like a Marilyn Monroe glamour shot. While also creating enough aesthetically pleasing content to garner enough followers to make money out of it. Not without already being wealthy enough to be able to afford to hire lots of help. Their life is a business, a job - which tradwives aren't supposed to have.

    • @ItchScratched
      @ItchScratched  4 місяці тому +1

      Yes, I agree. Have you seen anyone actually discuss the fact they are working while being a “trad wife”? I haven’t.

    • @KristineWahl-ft9qj
      @KristineWahl-ft9qj 4 місяці тому +1

      @@ItchScratched By those who've pointed out the dangers of not having financial independence, I have. Which is where I've seen the few glimpses of tradwife content.