Foraging Sea Buckthorn

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kimcase9
    @kimcase9 3 роки тому +6

    I live in Saskatchewan Canada... I collect the berries with a stick and a tarp or upside down umbrella... lay out under and whack the branches... the berries fall into tarp.. just a thought .. cheers

  • @leakendall1258
    @leakendall1258 3 роки тому +4

    I’ve tried the juice with honey and it was amazing 😋

  • @kimhonglee9044
    @kimhonglee9044 20 днів тому

    Thank so much god bless 🙏

  • @theresashaw3984
    @theresashaw3984 3 роки тому +4

    I’ve just started foraging this year & your video is perfect..thank you for sharing ..subbed 😊

  • @thomaschoat9632
    @thomaschoat9632 2 роки тому +1

    Is there any scope for "tincturing" the leaves with the berries- most likely something good to extract from the foliage too?

    • @WoodlandClassroom
      @WoodlandClassroom  2 роки тому

      I would have to delve back into my herbalism books to find the answer to this. You could certainly tincture the berries, and it’s the berries that are talked about, I don’t recall the leaves being mentioned. Worth an investigation though 😊

  • @angelshearts9196
    @angelshearts9196 3 роки тому +2

    thankies for the advice see if i can i love things that are bitter teast

  • @merijn9602
    @merijn9602 Рік тому

    Thank you !!!

  • @LaughingMan44
    @LaughingMan44 3 роки тому +4

    The one's by me had way less berries than whichever variety you found (they're all planted afaik). We just pluck them off the branches by hand. The one's we have aren't that sour at all either. Tried brewing beer with it and it ended up quite well

    • @drAroz
      @drAroz 3 роки тому


    • @WoodlandClassroom
      @WoodlandClassroom  3 роки тому

      good to know - perhaps there's some variety in taste within the species. More tasting is required :-)

  • @UK-Blue
    @UK-Blue 3 роки тому +2

    I need to find Buckthorn!
    Would love to see you do some leather. Wonder if it would involve the pulp and skin too?
    A windy day would be good to separate the leaves and berries. Pouring from one container to another.
    Thank you sir 🐕

    • @WoodlandClassroom
      @WoodlandClassroom  3 роки тому +1

      No problem - I'm glad you found it useful. I'd like to make leather too but I don't think I'll get a chance this season.

    • @UK-Blue
      @UK-Blue 3 роки тому

      A mission for next year!

  • @Rapunzel-s2i
    @Rapunzel-s2i 3 місяці тому

    Hi when is the season?

  • @nataliesmith-ti7oe
    @nataliesmith-ti7oe 2 місяці тому

    Where can I find this berry in the midlands or anywhere close to there?

  • @ruthsmith2367
    @ruthsmith2367 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks for the video, I might try a fruit leather not done that before. I’ve made sea buckthorn sweet chilly sauce, sea buckthorn, apple cider vinegar and honey as a tonic, put it to steep in gin and vodka also it’s nice with just some tonic water or could use soda water. Some ideas if you haven’t tried these 😊

  • @mainegardenguy703
    @mainegardenguy703 Рік тому +1

    A fan on high and a screen would separate the leaves from the frozen berries.

  • @grettalemabouchou6779
    @grettalemabouchou6779 2 роки тому

    Can I find in US?

  • @PepinieraDraghiceni
    @PepinieraDraghiceni Рік тому


  • @nubianqueen51
    @nubianqueen51 2 місяці тому +1

    Heating up honey destroys the health Benefits

  • @konstantineapridonidze8802
    @konstantineapridonidze8802 Рік тому

    გასინჯეთ ქაცვისგან სპირტზე ნალივკა! დიდებულია!in gorgien!0

  • @ytchess
    @ytchess Рік тому

    Could you separate the channel in two? I want to subscribe to the better half.