NES Godzilla Creepypasta Game - All Bosses v0.3.1

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @phantomsanic3604
    @phantomsanic3604 2 роки тому +63

    I think its really cool that they made a fully functioning game from a creepypasta. I also like how up until you get to Red, the game seems pretty normal, unlike other creepypasta games that just jump straight into the spooks

  • @solomon5726
    @solomon5726 3 роки тому +160

    If you think this is cool, wait until you see me

    • @scary-sounds
      @scary-sounds 3 роки тому +11

      That's right your still the best since 1973

    • @saarkirstein6395
      @saarkirstein6395 3 роки тому +1

      I like play as you and battra

    • @ramccarthy2144
      @ramccarthy2144 2 роки тому +3

      I like gezora why? Cause..... WOOMY

    • @ragewireloki6213
      @ragewireloki6213 2 роки тому +4

      @@ramccarthy2144 I see a fellow splatoon fan.

  • @Dantido
    @Dantido 2 роки тому +36

    The soundtrack slaps, the combat looks fun and everything's so well put.
    Can't wait to see this become an actual game!

    • @FReshh884
      @FReshh884 Рік тому +1

      Actually is a real game

    • @Dantido
      @Dantido Рік тому +4

      ​@@FReshh884 Yeah but it's far from finished.

    • @FReshh884
      @FReshh884 Рік тому +1

      @@Dantido I hope they release a new update soon

  • @somedude9828
    @somedude9828 2 роки тому +22

    Godzilla victory teabagging is a sight to behold with

  • @silvernado8644
    @silvernado8644 2 роки тому +43

    The music distorting every time you hit the not-monsters is creepy.

  • @kiesarisunny13
    @kiesarisunny13 Рік тому +18

    I hope this is as accurate to the story as possible, I love actually being able to play Creepypastas like Lost Silver

  • @frozenking2474
    @frozenking2474 2 роки тому +29

    Moguera in normal game reacting to tail whip: GOD HELP ME I'M STUCK!
    Moguera in NGC Game reacting to tail whip: Not stuck anymore, *B#&$%*

  • @monkeboi4455
    @monkeboi4455 3 роки тому +117

    They made a game about the creepypasta? Wow!

    • @nigachad4031
      @nigachad4031 3 роки тому +38

      i mean...sonic.exe was made into a game, but the difference is that godzilla NES was (and still is) revolutionary

    • @sanjakuzmanovic3729
      @sanjakuzmanovic3729 3 роки тому +15

      It's still in beta

    • @meysamkhodaeebadpiggies3659
      @meysamkhodaeebadpiggies3659 2 роки тому +10

      I think they make it because they want a game through of the creepypasta

    • @nickzilla20
      @nickzilla20 2 роки тому +6

      It’s still in the works. A demo of it is available to play consisting of the first three worlds. But it could take years for it to be fully done.

    • @train_go_boom2065
      @train_go_boom2065 Рік тому

      @@nigachad4031 not save the earth though

  • @purpleplasma4824
    @purpleplasma4824 3 роки тому +66

    Red: Bro, i am trying to murder you IRL!
    Game spider: Haha tbag go brRrRr!

    • @meysamkhodaeebadpiggies3659
      @meysamkhodaeebadpiggies3659 2 роки тому +7

      red: (gets very mad)
      Godzilla: okay I'm leaving the solar system

    • @ramccarthy2144
      @ramccarthy2144 2 роки тому +1

      @@meysamkhodaeebadpiggies3659 haha ikr

    • @noicekays4869
      @noicekays4869 2 роки тому +1


    • @terrancebloxlore3209
      @terrancebloxlore3209 2 роки тому +2

      Logic be like: *shadow zachary is gonna kill his main counterpart since red is just a manifestion of zacharys guilt about his gf dying*

  • @Hellbat_the_Destron
    @Hellbat_the_Destron 2 місяці тому +1

    I had this game when I was a kid. I always thought that it looked scary (creature designs, backgrounds, haunting music), and I'm not at all surprised that it was turned into a creepypasta

  • @waffler-yz3gw
    @waffler-yz3gw Рік тому +5

    the not-monsters generally arent described too well in terms of how they fought so it's incredible that they did so well at recreating them

  • @waffler-yz3gw
    @waffler-yz3gw Рік тому +4

    these first normal boss battles actually look pretty fire

  • @muhammedhany225
    @muhammedhany225 3 роки тому +14

    I like the ghost titansour also nice vid!

  • @eltigredefran4960
    @eltigredefran4960 2 роки тому +13

    3:55 wait a second. That machines create the not kaiju bosses?

    • @Neutroman007
      @Neutroman007 2 роки тому +3

      Yep. Y según el beta Gameplay, puedes usarlo como aliados en un futuro. Bueno, pero todavía está en beta el juego basado en la Creepy.

    • @Pollomanssj
      @Pollomanssj 4 місяці тому

      Han pasado 2 años y aún sigue en beta​@@Neutroman007

  • @aliencrashedbyaccident2110
    @aliencrashedbyaccident2110 Місяць тому

    This is genuinely awesome ! :3

  • @Ponera-Sama
    @Ponera-Sama Рік тому +3

    If this game ever gets finished, anyone who attempts to make an all bosses compilation better include the stage minibosses like Maguma, the Moon Beast, and the Red Angel as well

    • @waffler-yz3gw
      @waffler-yz3gw Рік тому +1

      it won't be finished but assuming it was, they'd definitely be doing the minibosses

  • @SaltheSalleyface
    @SaltheSalleyface 11 місяців тому +1

    00:01 我還記得我剛來北士商的時候我因為怕生在大禮堂哭了起來,這時我後面蠟筆團的雙胞胎姊妹秋娥和唯一直接一句話安慰了我,舒華也不甘示弱就拿出了迷幻棒棒糖讓我停止了哭泣,來到新的教室嚴格的班導叫來了秋娥和唯一並嚴厲的譴責她們兩個自作主張,我知道這麼做是在安慰我,但是卻引起了班導的不滿,可不料做隊長的金美挺身而出保護了秋娥跟唯一,成為了蠟筆團雙胞胎的替罪羔羊,此時昭燏因為被經紀人和經紀人的朋友欺壓到得了腸胃炎而還沒等班導開口就忍不住坐在位子上吐了一地都是嘔吐物,我看了也是直犯噁心,有點想吐,但我心裡有一點點心疼昭燏現在的身體狀況,嚇得班導連一句話都不敢說了直接打電話叫救護車急救人員送昭燏進了醫院
    00:21 不止一次,另外一次是開學第一天蠟筆團裡的瀏海少女昭燏因為腸胃炎向學校請了三個月的病假,我想是昨天晚上遇到的烏賊怪在昭燏的肚子裡作祟,這肯定不是好事,很可惜是我想太多了!而是昨天晚上飢餓的昭燏不小心吃了壞掉的髒饅頭和一些過期食品才會得腸胃炎、拉肚子的!我聽了突然醒悟
    1:14 昭燏住院的第二天,我跟秋娥、唯一、金美和愛玲去探望昭燏時,金美被一個陌生男子搭摸到了胸部,還好金美是黑帶高手,不到五秒鐘的時間就把侵犯自己的變態打到屁滾尿流的,太了不起了!
    1:53 昭燏住院的第三天,我跟金美同時看到昭燏的肚子上方被醫生縫了22針,我想是昨天晚上昭燏因為半夜被疼醒而被醫生和護士送去手術室動了手術,愛玲剛好去菜市場買了香蕉要給昭燏吃,可是想到護士小姐說腸胃炎還沒好之前不能吃東西,但只能吃液體食物,晚上金美傳簡訊告訴我昭燏做惡夢了!夢到自己被一隻奇怪的紅色恐龍追殺,我看了也是十分著急,我本想騎車去醫院但車鑰匙被唯一拔走並掛回了我辦公室的掛勾上,唯一還跟我說自己請了最厲害的驅魔大師去醫院幫昭燏驅魔,結果昭燏因為紅色恐龍的戰鬥力太強就驅魔失敗了!而驅魔大師也因為紅色恐龍驚嘆到直接跑路了!
    2:50 到了隔天,昭燏被送去手術室動了第二次的手術,順便給昭燏洗了胃、打了點滴,手術過後昭燏又做了一個惡夢,這次是夢到紅色恐龍又回來襲擊自己了!愛玲見狀趕緊打電話聯絡我,但是我因為手被唯一用手銬銬著根本走不開,我想唯一是一個控制欲很強的雙胞胎妹妹,秋娥用勸說的方式勸自己的妹妹幫我鬆綁,但妹妹做保安的根本是無動於衷,秋娥好像想到了什麼,拔了掛勾上的車鑰匙就去車庫開父親過世前送給自己的吉普車,我見狀趕緊助秋娥一臂之力
    3:52 誰知昭燏康復後回到學校沒多久就遇到了一個喝醉酒的老阿嬤,她二話不說把昭燏打得遍體鱗傷,好在秋娥急中生智打電話給警察同志,後來我從警察同志在警察局做筆錄得知對昭燏拳打腳踢的老阿嬤是昭燏的母親,也是昭燏女兒口中的太陽婆婆,太陽婆婆生了昭燏之後就有暴力傾向,經常有事沒事就打昭燏或者是自己的家人出氣
    05:21 還有一次是我跟金美在搭公車去波羅羅診所打預防針的路上遇到了地震,這讓我非常生氣,公車好好的在行駛,今天我就因為地震而停了下來,還我跟金美延誤了兩個小時,我想預防針是真的打不成了,這當我絕望時地震突然停了!接著我看了看屏幕上有一個陌生的可怪獸背影才知道地震的罪魁禍首是地底星人大搗蛋,直到蠟筆團再也受不了地震帶給她們四個的壓力直接轉學了!
    6:18 自從上次蠟筆團轉學之後,IVE、T-ara、TWICE跟IDLE同時轉來終極一班跟我一起上學上到畢業了,我還放學的途中遇到了舒華、子瑜跟員瑛,回到家後,我打開手機簡訊員瑛用英文在我的群組裡傳了一句(I promise)我不知道這句話的含義是什麼,但舒華跟子瑜用翻譯機翻譯過來的話就是我保證或者是我答應,我聽到後有些明白了
    7:47 上音樂課的時候,員瑛、舒華、跟子瑜這三個忙內被音樂老師安排唱貓咪喵喵喵、喵喵歌、一百隻貓咪、蘋果、小花貓和喵喵喵給我聽聽,似乎是在對我行禮或者是要治好恐貓症(我的心理疾病),我聽了有些害怕因為我每次聽到貓的叫聲就會心跳加速,甚至當我瑟瑟發抖的時候雨琦跟米妮就會把我定住不能動彈,但為了面子,我也是鼓起勇氣豁出去了!另外一次是上桌球課的時候我把自己鎖在籠子裡是因為我聽到憤怒的員瑛想要用拳頭做掉我後就感覺到了害怕,心想(我平常這麼愛用功卻意外在學校惹到了不該惹的人了,招誰惹誰了我)我嚇得在籠子裡瑟瑟發抖,遠離龍在外面的員瑛,結果不小心踩到睡覺的小東西了!
    7:52 還有一次是在中元普渡的時候我為了要保護王怡婷跟何柔雅選擇派出達克萊伊、月亮伊布跟貓鼬斬和幽靈天王鬼龍對戰,誰知道鬼龍因為害怕我的達克萊伊嚇得直接撤退了!後來晚上鬼龍又回到了之前雅雅跟婷婷在一起玩的小公園,但這次是帶著耿鬼以及其他幽靈的寶可夢回歸了!我絲毫沒有恐懼直接應戰,最後一回合結束的時候鬼龍直接舉白旗投降了,這一系列讓我看了都坐立難安,此時雅雅跟婷婷看到鬼龍後毫不猶豫的手牽著手走了過來並答應和鬼龍做朋友,在後來我從管理員得知鬼龍小時候因為喜歡搖滾的性格被朋友排擠了!長大後為了交到朋友就用對戰的方式獲得更多朋友,可惜都失敗了!直到兩個勇氣十足的小女孩手牽著手朝自己走來才知道自己並不是在做夢,是真的!而那兩個小女孩正是雅雅跟婷婷
    09:28 回到家後我轉頭看到金美和愛玲在我家的後院種玫瑰花,似乎是在紀念什麼東西,我走過去查看時看到一個墓碑才知道原來金美跟愛玲種玫瑰花是紀念醫院的院長王金平,王金平已經50多歲了!我心想王金平在幾十年前退休後就過世了!這時我聽到了類似怪物的叫聲,抬頭一看是哥斯拉準備要跟一隻頭很像玫瑰花的怪物碧奧蘭堤PK

  • @Mahaveez
    @Mahaveez 2 роки тому +10

    Took me a while to find Varan. You have to beat Biollante, then go to that area of the Pathos map (the empty northern space between the two major regions) for the fight to be revealed.

    • @thewho2820
      @thewho2820 2 роки тому +5

      Beating Biollante is just if you want to be the strongest you can for when you fight him. He isnt a requirement.

    • @Mahaveez
      @Mahaveez 2 роки тому +1

      @@thewho2820 Do you know the actual condition to unlock the northern path, then? It isn't initially available.

    • @thewho2820
      @thewho2820 2 роки тому +1

      @@Mahaveez you just need to go to the northern space and you can access there. Idk if they changed it in v0.3.1, but that’s how it was in v0.3

    • @JetstreamTheSexSam
      @JetstreamTheSexSam Рік тому +1

      @@thewho2820 Biollante is female

  • @allhui5828
    @allhui5828 2 роки тому +7

    Wow, godzilla's atomic breath deals very low damage...
    It should make 4-6 bars, but at long range, close 2 is acurrate

    • @nevillenarambuena4811
      @nevillenarambuena4811 2 роки тому +2


    • @allhui5828
      @allhui5828 2 роки тому +2

      @@nevillenarambuena4811 yea!
      Is that much?
      I mean, titanosaurus deals 3-4 damage when sonic scream is used, shuldnt godzilla make that damage too?
      At least, it should make more, but wel...

    • @I_Forgorlolol.
      @I_Forgorlolol. 2 роки тому +1

      @@nevillenarambuena4811 I'm pretty sure he's confused

    • @axinhedgelion8417
      @axinhedgelion8417 2 роки тому +2

      @@allhui5828 close range should deal MORE damage. Godzilla’s atomic breath depleting 2 life hard up close isn’t good. It should deplete 4 bars up close

  • @omegasurge3277
    @omegasurge3277 3 роки тому +20

    Is it me or during the fight with Titanosaurus in Mars, Something is flying in the background like Stars?

    • @the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult
      @the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult 3 роки тому +2

      No saw them two Maybe they're embers? Or shooting stars

    • @jayhommy6439
      @jayhommy6439 3 роки тому +10

      after you defeat the giant moguera those pixels start to appear

    • @uraveragegamer6715
      @uraveragegamer6715 2 роки тому +1

      no, that might be a new enemy teaser.

    • @MrBlock-qe7hi
      @MrBlock-qe7hi 2 роки тому

      This whole reply section dumb as hell

    • @MegaRumia217
      @MegaRumia217 2 роки тому +1

      It's the Giant Moguera sprite after you beat him. (also appears if you played a normal level after you beat him)

  • @PixelatedChatter
    @PixelatedChatter 9 місяців тому +1

    Wish the *Not* monsters were real Godzilla monsters in the franchise
    And this Game is still awesome

  • @laaalaaalalalalaaa
    @laaalaaalalalalaaa 2 роки тому +5

    2:01 bruh moguera big boy 💀

  • @alphamakesstuff
    @alphamakesstuff 3 роки тому +15

    The not monsters feel more like SCPs

  • @porterbrown836
    @porterbrown836 Рік тому +1

    so i'd assume you mean boss by fade to black screen and fight enemy, right? because i'd count red and the stage minibosses but i don't mind

  • @rhetthirsch5552
    @rhetthirsch5552 3 роки тому +26

    I wanted to see the red boss

    • @sunstorm750
      @sunstorm750 3 роки тому +7

      Not yet, unless you meant the red escape level

    • @rhetthirsch5552
      @rhetthirsch5552 3 роки тому +3

      @@sunstorm750 no i meant the actual boss

    • @sunstorm750
      @sunstorm750 3 роки тому +13

      @@rhetthirsch5552 you gotta wait a few updates then

    • @Regigigas_YT
      @Regigigas_YT 3 роки тому +1


    • @zhereanprogamer
      @zhereanprogamer 3 роки тому +2

      @@sunstorm750 Wait the game isn't finish yet?

  • @thebluemorpho6640
    @thebluemorpho6640 2 роки тому +3

    when playing not gezora the death scene shows normal gezora in the ground

  • @joereading2999
    @joereading2999 2 роки тому +3

    I think the creepy one are cooler then the og bosses

  • @prodigy-hu6dy
    @prodigy-hu6dy 2 роки тому +3

    I’m hyped to see Trance

    • @Mangdup.
      @Mangdup. 2 роки тому +1

      For when 💀

  • @DarshaMaitenprettyfaces
    @DarshaMaitenprettyfaces Рік тому +2

    Did You Know Varan Was Processed In This Game?

  • @NolanSchools
    @NolanSchools 3 місяці тому +1

    Red:what about me?😢

  • @Grapesoda-is7ti
    @Grapesoda-is7ti Рік тому +1

    If Godzilla had to fight this version of Titanosaurus in TOMG he'd be fcked

  • @emberashes6809
    @emberashes6809 2 роки тому +2

    So basically
    Gezora (round 1)
    Moguera (round 1)
    Gezora (round 2)
    Moguera (round 2)
    Titanosaurus (round 1)
    Not gezora
    Not Moguera
    Not Titanosaurus
    Biolante (rosě form)
    Biolante (true form)

  • @Bigzig2
    @Bigzig2 3 роки тому +6

    I've read that creepypasta before.

    • @Mangdup.
      @Mangdup. 2 роки тому +1

      Day 69 of searching for the person who asked

  • @sameergill-raza711
    @sameergill-raza711 2 роки тому +2

    Godzilla be laughing when he kills the monsters...

  • @Fish-r5i
    @Fish-r5i 2 роки тому +2

    Ahh hell. What happened to you my boi quinnard

  • @aksjsksj
    @aksjsksj Рік тому +1

    Is it me or when he fights with the not monsters the distorted song sounds

  • @noicekays4869
    @noicekays4869 2 роки тому +1

    who would win beetween void red and godzilla earth (void red like void ghidora)

  • @VaryingEnthusiast69
    @VaryingEnthusiast69 3 роки тому +3

    Fake out Gezora moment, Normal Moguera but better graphics, corrupted Squid boi 🦑, chonky Morguera, Hol up you’re not normally here where tf is Varan? Oh there’s Varan the flying squir- demon, *B U B B L E B R A I N S !* Noodle Drone drill, Where’s Titano? THERE’S TITANO! (But HAS FRIENDS and is spoopy now!) Rose Dinosaur poison squid thing!
    No Red because you just keep running, no stage/mini bosses? Oh well they were annoying anyway!

  • @xamhehehe7888
    @xamhehehe7888 2 роки тому +1

    Please finish the game I want to play it so bad!

  • @ThrillerXero
    @ThrillerXero 2 роки тому +1

    No red first fight?

  • @goyangi4143
    @goyangi4143 2 роки тому +2

    Some of the sprites are too complex/detailed for an NES game

  • @debangshusharmasarkar6851
    @debangshusharmasarkar6851 2 роки тому +1

    Where is red??

  • @exboi9098
    @exboi9098 Рік тому +1

    You forgot red

  • @xvittorx
    @xvittorx 3 роки тому +1

    And the red??

  • @escorneris
    @escorneris 3 роки тому +4

    "not gezora"

  • @netopatrao5586
    @netopatrao5586 4 місяці тому


  • @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088
    @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088 3 роки тому +1

    Red’s supposed to be in the game.(really)

    • @zhereanprogamer
      @zhereanprogamer 3 роки тому +4

      Well it's still in development but ok

    • @Garbo_trashcan
      @Garbo_trashcan 2 роки тому +1

      the first chase is in the game, but the rest is in development

  • @shadowthehedhgog1867
    @shadowthehedhgog1867 2 роки тому +2


    • @mana_beast_beats1114
      @mana_beast_beats1114 2 роки тому +2

      Really???? Dammit!

    • @shadowthehedhgog1867
      @shadowthehedhgog1867 2 роки тому +1

      @@mana_beast_beats1114 OR AT LEAST ITS WHAT A FRIEND OF ME KNOW

    • @nota444tm2
      @nota444tm2 2 роки тому

      @@shadowthehedhgog1867 its not cancelled. Its just gonna take a while.
      Hedorah's development was the most recent of the game updates.

    • @shadowthehedhgog1867
      @shadowthehedhgog1867 2 роки тому

      @@nota444tm2 WHEN IT WAS

    • @axinhedgelion8417
      @axinhedgelion8417 2 роки тому

      @@shadowthehedhgog1867 v0.3.1 was recently released

  • @analineguedes6852
    @analineguedes6852 2 роки тому +1

    I like the Monster imposters like not gazora ir not gigan

  • @etnnikacosmetica3160
    @etnnikacosmetica3160 2 роки тому +1


  • @hakugamer1597
    @hakugamer1597 2 роки тому

    you forgot red boss

  • @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088
    @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088 3 роки тому

    Where’s red?

  • @scrabcrabthecornrab6019
    @scrabcrabthecornrab6019 3 роки тому

    Y no red

  • @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088
    @ongshengyuantelokkuraups1088 3 роки тому

    Where’s hedorah???

    • @muhammedhany225
      @muhammedhany225 3 роки тому +1

      He’s not in I think also game is not complete

    • @mathiasJUSTsvendsen
      @mathiasJUSTsvendsen 2 роки тому +1

      Probably in the Next world, both as in as a secret boss and as the Not Monster

  • @jameslawson8138
    @jameslawson8138 3 роки тому

    wait...if this is just a creepypasta HOW DID HE SHARE THUS FOOTAGE 0_0

    • @inkynoob4396
      @inkynoob4396 3 роки тому +5

      This is a fan made game of the creepypasta..

  • @T_chOnYT
    @T_chOnYT 3 роки тому +2

    where's red?

    • @fallenguardian3538
      @fallenguardian3538 3 роки тому +3

      You don’t fight Red on Pathos. It’s the RUN level, not a boss fight

    • @T_chOnYT
      @T_chOnYT 3 роки тому +5

      @@fallenguardian3538 But in the creepypasta there's a true final boss level where they actually fight red

    • @fallenguardian3538
      @fallenguardian3538 3 роки тому +12

      @@T_chOnYT that’s correct, but that’s not until the very final world. The game is currently only built up to the third world. It will take them some time to get all the way to the final world of Zenith. And I honestly can’t wait!

    • @T_chOnYT
      @T_chOnYT 3 роки тому

      @@fallenguardian3538 Ohh. Well I was hoping

    • @indiralogan6262
      @indiralogan6262 3 роки тому

      you can't fight red the run Level