E22 CREO Parametric 2.0 IGES Repair

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @AkuanNLive
    @AkuanNLive 11 років тому

    Good afternoon, it is possible to import an IGES file, and recognize recursor as in solidworks with features?

  • @taughtwolf
    @taughtwolf 10 років тому

    Thank you for posting these amazing tutorial videos! Great learning tool for me and my new hobby printing models on a 3D printer.
    I just tried to download your E22 IGES files on your site and I think the link is incorrect. Think it sends me to some spoon JPEGS.

  • @bl3ujay07
    @bl3ujay07 10 років тому

    I face a lot of these challenges during work. I have a lot of success with the import doctor in Solidworks but Solidworks will STL any part, with or without intersecting lines. The software I use after CAD almost never takes solidworks stl due to t-connections and such.
    Having to deal with many different companies who use all the different CAD programs, I have never been able to successfully repair a part with crazy intersecting lines, vertices not connecting, and surfaces shooting to space. Can you do more examples of repairing parts with such problems?

  • @ribeiroferramentaria
    @ribeiroferramentaria 10 років тому

    Thank you for answer me!!!!
    I would like ever to change informations about Creo,

  • @vertanux1
    @vertanux1  11 років тому

    Hi Maikon, Not that I am aware of.

  • @IBI-r3f
    @IBI-r3f 11 років тому

    the screen and voice not clear

  • @ribeiroferramentaria
    @ribeiroferramentaria 10 років тому +1

    Sorry, but I think that your method is very bad,isn´t necessary to make a copy for iges to close this surface,after make the boundary bled the import data doctor to allow merge between surfaces.Close all gaps the CREO make solid.

    • @vertanux1
      @vertanux1  10 років тому

      Thank you Marcio. I will try your technique next time. End result is the same though, isn't it? ;)

  • @claudinei_dutra
    @claudinei_dutra 11 років тому

    gostaria de uma copia de seu material em pdf e alguns exemplos, qual o custo deste material.
    meu email é claudinei_dutra@hotmail.com
    sua aulas são muito boas.