Thank you for posting these amazing tutorial videos! Great learning tool for me and my new hobby printing models on a 3D printer. I just tried to download your E22 IGES files on your site and I think the link is incorrect. Think it sends me to some spoon JPEGS.
I face a lot of these challenges during work. I have a lot of success with the import doctor in Solidworks but Solidworks will STL any part, with or without intersecting lines. The software I use after CAD almost never takes solidworks stl due to t-connections and such. Having to deal with many different companies who use all the different CAD programs, I have never been able to successfully repair a part with crazy intersecting lines, vertices not connecting, and surfaces shooting to space. Can you do more examples of repairing parts with such problems?
Sorry, but I think that your method is very bad,isn´t necessary to make a copy for iges to close this surface,after make the boundary bled the import data doctor to allow merge between surfaces.Close all gaps the CREO make solid.
gostaria de uma copia de seu material em pdf e alguns exemplos, qual o custo deste material. meu email é sua aulas são muito boas.
Good afternoon, it is possible to import an IGES file, and recognize recursor as in solidworks with features?
Thank you for posting these amazing tutorial videos! Great learning tool for me and my new hobby printing models on a 3D printer.
I just tried to download your E22 IGES files on your site and I think the link is incorrect. Think it sends me to some spoon JPEGS.
I face a lot of these challenges during work. I have a lot of success with the import doctor in Solidworks but Solidworks will STL any part, with or without intersecting lines. The software I use after CAD almost never takes solidworks stl due to t-connections and such.
Having to deal with many different companies who use all the different CAD programs, I have never been able to successfully repair a part with crazy intersecting lines, vertices not connecting, and surfaces shooting to space. Can you do more examples of repairing parts with such problems?
Thank you for answer me!!!!
I would like ever to change informations about Creo,
Hi Maikon, Not that I am aware of.
the screen and voice not clear
Sorry, but I think that your method is very bad,isn´t necessary to make a copy for iges to close this surface,after make the boundary bled the import data doctor to allow merge between surfaces.Close all gaps the CREO make solid.
Thank you Marcio. I will try your technique next time. End result is the same though, isn't it? ;)
gostaria de uma copia de seu material em pdf e alguns exemplos, qual o custo deste material.
meu email é
sua aulas são muito boas.