Helo brother ankur narula ji u r great u pray for people u make them happy . I always pray for u god bless u always and god bless ur family all the time as wel . 😊
jai masih g sari kalisiya sevak ko papa kehti hai but matti mey prabhu g ney apne chelo ko mna kiya tha k tum pita na kehlana fr sabhi mami papa kyo kehte hai read matti 23:7 to 10
Papa jee please prayer for me I apply Canada vise.i can get vise ...I am from Pakistan but living the Bangkok. I join the worship and prayer every Day online. thanks
hallelujah actually you missed that Beauty full Gair Bhasa prayer. it was really best and spiritual on 27/11/2016 kindly add that part or else upload it on UA-cam separately. I request to admin. it was an awesome feeling on that day with Gair Bhasha pray..Ameen
God bless u my brother ankur narula ji . 😊
God bless u brother ankur narula ji 😊
Mera Jeevan yeshu Tera hai
Amen papa ji
God bless you sister all group family nice geet sir nice masg
i love you God love papa ji
Please brother ankur narula ji pray for me . Thanks a lot . God bless u always 😊
Amen amen amen amen thanks god
Jesus i love you jesus love you jesus and papa ji ❤❤
Prayer kro.
Doono punjab ko 1 kr dy khudawand.
yesu masih ki jai....... halelueya... amen
Helo brother ankur narula ji u r great u pray for people u make them happy . I always pray for u god bless u always and god bless ur family all the time as wel . 😊
Jesu ki jai Amen
God bless you brother g
Praise.theLord amen hallelujah hallelujah Love you jesus ireceive in name of jesus
Papa g mama g I really love uu dil sa😭😂😂😂😍
amenñnnnnnnñnnnnnnnnnnnnn praise the Lord i am favorite child of God
papa ji Praise the Lord Osama meeting bless you Papa ji.
hallelujah hallelujah amen ammmmeeeennnn
Jesus blessed you pastor g Amen hallelujah
what a Great anointing move in jalandhar Glory to be JESUS
बस तुही एक मेरा परमेश्वर है! येशू...🙏🙏🙏
jai jai jai ho yesus g ki
amen Praise.theLord amen
praise the lord papaji merry Christmas🌲god bless you
amen.💑mammy Papa I love uuuuuuuuuuu
Jesus love you
Praise the Lord Amen
Mere piyere prabhu jesus g mujhe mafkrdo please ap ka bhut dhinyabad jesus love u
hallelujah .love u jesus
praise god... god bless u sis.... amen ... nic worship...hallelujah
Ameen 🙏
God bless you sister
amazing jesus ...u r more then possible ....
Yeshu Hi prabhu hai
Oh yes praise hallelujah
Nice video
I love you papa
hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
I receive in Jesus the name of Jesus Christ Amen
wonderful meeting and all glory of god
Thank you Jesus Christ 🙏
I receive miracles and blessings right now
Amen.I love u papa
praise the lord. amen
praise lord
Oh yes praise Jesus hallelujah
praise the lord........
great 👏👏💒
God bless you everyone ❤️
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏
Nice show
God bless you
God is great
god plz bless me
Hallelujah ❤ God Bless You All ✝️🌹❤️
Powerful sermon
Love you Lord💖✝️💖
I am God's favourite child
EvaShafiqMasih Amen Shalom GODGODGOOS
o god plz bless my all famliy
u r my lord jesus i love u me papa g aapki tra prabhu ki preacher bna chahti hu prayer kro mere lye ameeeennnnnn
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
Nice Worship song 👍God bless you all teams halleluyah Halleluyah🙌🙌🙌🙌 Halleluyah
Amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
sir please upload the song yahowa tu hai takht naaheen please
jai masih g
sari kalisiya sevak ko papa kehti hai but matti mey prabhu g ney apne chelo ko mna kiya tha k tum pita na kehlana fr sabhi mami papa kyo kehte hai
read matti 23:7 to 10
Amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Amen 😊
🙏 i 🙏 Receive 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏 Ameen 🙏
Papa jee please prayer for me I apply Canada vise.i can get vise ...I am from Pakistan but living the Bangkok. I join the worship and prayer every Day online. thanks
i Miss u lNDiA
🤰 i 🤰 Receive 🤰 Ameen 🤰 Ameen 🤰 Ameen 🤰
jai masih ki please charch ka bank account kya hai
God. Bless you very very➕➕🅰🅰🅰➕➕
hallelujah actually you missed that Beauty full Gair Bhasa prayer. it was really best and spiritual on 27/11/2016 kindly add that part or else upload it on UA-cam separately. I request to admin. it was an awesome feeling on that day with Gair Bhasha pray..Ameen
At 1:41:00
Musa say to Joshua fight with enemy
praise the lord
amen praise the Lord
hallelujah .love u jesus
Amen Praise the Lord
Praise The Lord