Imagine Martian ambassadors coming to Earth wearing masks and strengthening exoskeletons, or Eathling ambassadors visiting Mars with masks and radiation suits.
eqlipse333 in that case, interplanetary visits in SciFi should be a lot more difficult for the various species (or even the same ones).
4 роки тому+3
You are assuming wrongly that the individuals with the undesired traits are let to die, but human contemporary civilisation does not let die individuals whose traits natural selection would not select. If a person whose trait natural selection would not select is wealthier he would be the one passing his genes. Natural selection is not applicable in modern human civilisation because we don't live in the Nature anymore.
4 роки тому
Furthermore speciation just occurs when there is no inter breeding, when the groups of individuals are really apart, which would be very unlikely since people would travel between Earth and Mars and they will inter breed
@ Mars seems a monster even for our technology, going on Mars is pretty much like returning to nature and starting a new evolution. The real problem is either Mars or Earth, apparently not both.
But isn't there a decent chance that in amount of time it takes to develop such a significant changes between Martians and Earthlings, space travel between the planets would become affordable (like taking a plane today) thus eliminating the environment isolation and species differentiation in the first place? Hard to predict that, I know, but still..
.. if that would be the case though, then those two environments would basically become one more diverse environment for us, which would only benefit our genome in a long run. The same way today humans are able to swim under water as well as climb a mountains, the future humans might be well adapted both to Earth and Mars! :)
If Martians and Earthlings survive long enough, it is extremely likely that there will be an interruption in the travel between the planets. However, you are right about the combined population continuing to evolve while the planets are still in regular contact with each other. What the effect of that evolution will be depends on a lot of factors, including how long the period of frequent exchange is.
The problem would be being born there or living there most of the time. The bones, the lungs, the heart wouldn't function well enough here on Earth. The differentiation into another species will be much slower, hundreds or thousands of years.
Given we are talking about transporting humans back and forth only for interbreeding, it's even easier; almost within the reach of modern technology. You can keep mixing the gene pools by DNA-sequencing on one planet, transmitting the genome, and synthesising the DNA and implanting it into another egg on the other planet. (If your bandwidth is too limited for sending millions of genomes per year, you can prod each embryo to turn into 1000 identical twins that you eventually scatter across the world.)
Yeah the Expanse covers this, about 300 years in the future, and humans also live out past the asteroid belt (called "Belters") on various stations and moons. I disagree with Hussain Attai, the Expanse is definitely the best sci-fi TV show in years.
Special EDy I was wondering if someone was going to catch the reference he made at the end there lol At least he doesn't have to worry about pronouncing Gonzaga because I bet he'd butcher that word even worse lol
Abe Lincoln 1. You're not in your early 20s, you're dead, Mr President. 2. I said MOST, you obviously aren't most 3. Oregon trail started in 1868, 3 years after you went to see that fateful play
I am in my 20's also and I got the reference. yall needa git outa here with your labeling and generation bashing. Save that shit for the Martian terrorists and the spacewall we will build.
This show is amazing, for the first time ever I can grasp physics at a level I never thought possible without the maths I thought necessary to do so. Inspiring me to start my journey into higher levels math on the Khan Academy. I wish these resources were available when I was younger, it may have changed the course of my life. My 5 year old son watches your shows with me and is able to grasp higher level concepts at a very young age, which will most likely guide him in his future endeavours. So, thank you for the great show and thank you to the Patreon supporters who ensure the show's future so my son can learn and enjoy the unique perspective of the world that only comes with an in-depth knowledge of it.
The neat thing about Martians, is that they would go on to colonize planets with 25-50% Earth gravity and likely look for cooler, darker worlds than future earth interstellar colonizers, resulting in two parallel families of humans that would likely trade but would not be likely to compete for planets to terranize since each would have a different idea of a good home.
You guys should really watch, or read, The Expanse. It contains excellent, and scientifically accurate, portrayals of humans who evolved in very different , low-G environments like Mars and Ceres.
Sergio Gutierrez Four years of college debt not good enough for you? ☺️ Start scouting potential employers and preferred career paths early. Like Sergio noted, an undergraduate degree may not cut it.
Update 3 years later: Turns out my college doesnt have a good astronomy program so i am majoring in economics instead while still remaining very interested in astronomy. Good luck everyone else in your studies
Man just as I go a month without talking thinking about us getting to Mars and how I could fit in all of that, you come out talking about the difference in microbes, made me feel my body pump and could feel the air being cleaned, things being excreted, cells being created and dieing e.g. Brilliant video, Thank you
TheWaross but evolution could be for the better. People will be able to survive and thrive on mars a lot easier. Why would you want to keep crippling the Martian society with genes that will do nothing for them except make living on mars a hell. I say let evolution take its course. It’ll be for the better.
BUT WHAT ABOUT MUTATIONS FOR VENUS!!!! Seriously, a Sci-fi book where humans have colonized Venus and Mars, with Earth and Venus being similar but Mars isolated and different would be amazing.
The biggest genetic difference between Martian and Earthb population will come from the founder effect when selecting the first colonists. If we are going to be as selective as we are with astronauts now, Martians will be most intelligent, cooperative and fit group of humans. Probably for the better.
True, but at some point you gotta start sending "average" people. Highly intelligent scientists and other professionals make up a very small part of the general population. Then out of those, not all (probably not even most) will want to leave Earth to never come back. Any mass migration of people has to involve a whole bunch of regular, everyday people. There probably won't be a lot of bottom of the barrel types, but they won't all be exceptional.
There's a huge caveat to all this speculation. All evolution is dependent on selection, which is just a fancy way to say dying. A population will only adapt to an environment if those poorly-adapted individuals die off at greater rates than better-adapted individuals. Or really, even more to the point, if they die /before reproducing/ at greater rates. But our present attitude towards death is one of enabling even the least-fit of individuals to survive, and our technology for doing so is only getting better and better -- especially with things like CRISPR on the horizon. It would take a massive failure of that project for natural selection to even act on humans at all in the future, either on Earth or on Mars. If we can keep everybody alive at least long enough to have kids who we likewise keep alive, evolution has no chance to act. And over time our intent and ability to do that has only increased with no signs of stopping. There might still be artificial selection, or even a non-selective evolutionary process, with our advancing biotechnology. But in that case, a lot of the changes made to help the population of one planet would also be made to the population of the other because there's no reason not to. Need to engineer Martians to have stronger bones? Well, Earthlings could use stronger bones too even if we don't need them as much, so why not? Martian immunity genes growing weaker over the generations? Earthling immunity genes are still perfectly strong and we can splice those into the Martian population as needed. And so on. I think it's more likely that we end up with a genetically engineered immortal superhuman population on both planets, over evolutionary timescales, than that we see Earth and Mars populations allowed to speciate.
Pfhorrest I tend to agree. I'm curious what extent epigenetic expression could come into play. I'm ignorant of the current state of research in the area, but I thought I saw something basically suggesting that environmentally selected expression might be preferentially heritable.
Instead of Natural Selection, our evolution will be driven by Sexual Selection, Social Selection (not Social Darwinism, Social Darwinism is a failed right wing discriminatory theory, Social Selection is when elements of your social structure make it easier for some to reproduce compared to others), Guided Selection (using genetic engineering), Clone Populations (possibly), etc...
That is potentially correct, but there is an angle you haven't mentioned. Is it worth it for a Martian Colony to detect and fix potential deficiencies that aren't deficiencies on that planet. If your born with immunodeficiency on Mars would anyone bother to fix it? Likewise maybe being 5 3 is a disadvantage on mars, so that gene gets selected out, while on Earth it's shorter than normal but acceptable. Selection pressure is always acting on us. We choose who we mate with, and eventually we choose our genes. It's all section pressure. I suspect Earth and Mars populations would culturally diverge faster, and that cultural divergence would be reflected in the choices we made for gene editing. I actually am not certain the rate of divergence would be different with germ line editing technology. In fact it could happen more rapidly.
The Mars humans will be almost guaranteed to make genetic editing of fetuses mandatory for increasing their strength, disease resistance to all known diseases, and ability to breath in lower oxygen environment for when oxygen eventually gets common enough in the outside environment.
Great work in that video! Would have been interesting to discuss the effects of isolation on the mind and what possible adaptions of humans could be (both biological and in terms of building the cities on mars maybe).
I must disagree with you here. Yes, it is very likely that speciation will occur when we colonize Mars and other planets in our solar system. But it isn't inevitable at that point just yet. Travel between a planet's surface and space is likely to become much easier in the coming decades and centuries. I think we will probably develop a full solar system wide civilization which could likely have near constant travel and communication between the planet based colonies and (more likely in the long run) our Dyson swarm of artificial habitats. Where speciation DOES become inevitable is when we go interstellar. Humanity (and it's descendants) is probably destined to expand across the galaxy in time. But there will be no galaxy-wide civilization. The limitations of the speed of light mean that colonies in neighboring solar systems are necessarily isolated from each other, and are by any reasonable definition two separate civilizations. The populations of those two colonies will inevitably diverge in their evolution and become two distinct species. Which means that the Star Trek image of a galaxy saturated with humanoid aliens might actually be more scientifically accurate than we ever thought (for the distant future).
Dantess26 I know but he did not talk about the distance of planets. it takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth and 30 minutes to reach jupiter so there will always be a delay of 22 minutes between the earth and jupiter and that is just the speed of light. it took us 3 days to get to the moon, 8 months is what it will probably take to get to mars. It could take more than 100 years for technology to develop a way to get from 8 months to 4 months traveltime between mars and earth but by that time both earthlings and martians probably would've evolved into different species.
Wait, there is actually a discussion going on one of MY comments? SQUEE!! johnny dss, you are absolutely right. I didn't bother mentioning the time delay between planets within our own solar system because I didn't consider it to be significant. The delay is still small enough that travel and immigration between the colonies (with sufficiently advanced technology) can plausibly occur at high enough levels to prevent speciation on the scale of a single solar system. It is when the delay becomes years or decades that a group will be sufficiently isolated that genetic divergence becomes inevitable. Granted, Matt argues that speciation will occur when we colonize Mars due more to environmental differences than isolation. However, I think by the time we start setting up permanent colonies on other worlds technology will do a pretty good job of mitigating these factors. Matt admits this, but suggests that the environmental corrections will be sufficiently imperfect to drive evolution anyway. However, my feeling is that by the time we reach evolutionary time scales humans will be relying more and more on artificial habitats with more precisely controlled environmental conditions. At which point we are likely to view planets mostly as building material. The short version of my argument is this. Since we will eventually build habitats that will perfectly simulate an Earth-like environment it is isolation, not environmental factors, that will drive human speciation. And, it is only at interstellar distances, not interplanetary distances, that a group becomes sufficiently isolated as to make speciation inevitable. However, there could always be a flaw in my logic that I'm just overlooking. I look forward to your counter arguments! :)
+Gareth Thompson, Yes but it still requires advanced technology and a lot of resources to be able have space travel, settle on, and terraform a planet like Mars. Also, keep in mind that there have also been a number of examples of societal collapse in human history where civilisation have risen and fallen, while your argument relies on the assumption that our modern type of civilisation would continue and technology would advance at a steady pace for centuries and possibly millennia to come. It could well be that we could establish a colony on Mars and a societal collapse on Earth at some point causes us to lose contact with them for a few centuries until we re-establish space travel. You never know what might happen in thousands of years time, a lot can happen (the Roman Empire eventually fell and gave rise to the Dark Ages, didn't it?)
i've never understood why the hell you'd want to keep humans as close to being suited to live on Earth, if these colonists on Mars will absolutely never get back?
Because adapting to martian environment requires many generations, all the while those generations suffering with cancer, heart/lung disease, etc. Natural selection favors mutations that are beneficial to the environment- others die out or don't reproduce. You would want the first martian colonists to be as close to earth environment as possible.
If your population was having serious health issues that society would probably put pressure on people to select who they breed with. It would also take generations so are technology would most likely let us edit are genes anyway and basically let us choose what ever traits we want in 1 single generation.
Imagine the olypics on Mars ( probably on the Olymp mountain) with 38% of Earths gravity, who knows how much easier would be to run 100 meters or jump high or even lifting weights. The statistics will be so different.There will be the world record and also mars record.
I think it would be harder to run as fast because gravity pushing you into the earth is part of how you get traction - plus you'll be weaker from the lower gravity to begin with so you can't even push away from the ground with as much force.
Its a pleasant surprise when a physicist can actually explain evolution. There is an amazing disparity in many public scientists understanding fields outside their own - and that doesn't help common folk get a clear idea... But no blame goes to you! I would say great episode but you're such a dependable host with ever interesting content, that all the episodes are equally delicious. Thank you!
I have few problms with these predictions: 1. Genetic modifications in humans are ahead, so i belive that evolution will be more choice-based, and will probably result in huge variety of genome in both earth and mars. (just like ppl now get tatoos or plastic surgery, you could one day get genetical modifications just for fun/fasion/whatever reason) 2. Wont we bring some bacterial flora to mars with us? i mean not every ship will be sterile (earth bacteria would adapt much quicker than humans) 3. mixing population will occur, and i dont think it will be dimnishable. multiplanetary buissness trips, tourism, even if its expensive, there will be traffic.
It's easier and more resource efficient to just make rotating habitats in the long run. One obvious benefit is that all planets will eventually die due to their parent star dying, but a rotating habitat you could quite easily move to another star system it doesn't even need to be sun like, and that is if a star isn't already simulated with artificial light source by the habitat itself. With fusion the whole human specie diverging thing would be unlikely since everything on the habitat could be made to mimic Earth, barren planets like mars would just be glorified resource mining fields.
What if we devise mechanisms that can give us control over the nuclear reactions in the sun? What if we can keep the sun burning indefinitely by recycling the hydrogen and helium that the sun launches out into our solar system? What if we find a technique to capture 100% of the sun's energy as it permeates our solar system, and then constantly reuse it to run our planets, before it escapes into space and is recaptured again (in this situation we wouldn't need the sun anymore, but if we wanted we could keep the sun alive, by feeding it the energy we captured )?
I agree, mars has very little benefit over the moon as a target for a colony. It is just another barren, radiated lump of rock with too little gravity and harmful dust on the surface. Settle the moon, because there really is no way around that if you want to settle the solar system, then go to the asteroids and build habitats, then, maybe, build a small settlement on titan (for nitrogen and carbohydrates) and one of the ice moons (for hydrogen). Forget mars, forget venus, forget mercury and most of the other planets, we do not need them, at least not for a long time.
We can keep the sun useful for a long long time, but why should we? It would take considerable time and a lot of resources to do so, better to spend them to build habitats and move slowly to the next star.
I personally agree with staying on Earth, and limiting our colonizing efforts to the moon, and few research bases and tourism destinations on other celestial bodies and artificial satellites around such celestial bodies.
PBS Space Time drinking game: Take a shot every time you hear a sound effect from Star Trek. Take a shot every time you fail to understand something. Take two shots every time you almost, but don't quite, understand something. Legal notice: This is the official, PBS-endorsed Space Time drinking game. It is definitely affiliated with PBS, and accurately reflects the opinions of their employees. PBS accepts full responsibility for any injuries, deaths, or universe ending SCP anomalies caused by playing this drinking game.
it was not the scientists that dropped it, it was the politicians, and the opposition politicians were the ones that said (without any proof, as usual) that it would ignite the athmosphere... Scientist thought the weapon was weaker than what resulted, leaving a shocked Oppenhaimer saying "i've become death, destroyer of worlds" after the trinity tests... most scientist were in it for the research and the civilian uses of nuclear power, they did the weapons only for the fundings and because, well, they were at war
@Alex Merezas The thought was the temperatures produced would cause the nitrogen in the atmosphere to undergo nuclear fusion, and that from this it would be a self sustaining chain reaction which would sweep over the globe. I would presume oxygen wasnt so much of a worry as it is a little harder than nitrogen to fuse.
Bethe has indicated this is at least mostly myth. Teller wondered if an explosion could start nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. Bethe and some others looked into it, and reached the conclusion it was impossible. At least Teller, Fermi and Oppenheimer had accepted their conclusion that it was impossible before the Trinity test. A few physicists maybe still had some concerns, notably including Compton.
Humans haven't speciated because we rapidly became a globe fairing species and all of a sudden we were interbreeding again. I'm not sure how long it typically takes to lose the ability to interbreed but we have some fairly different non cosmetic traits. I hope i don't sound racist or favoritist now but here we go. Honestly the largest example of evolutionary distinction to me as a Caucasian Canadian are people of African-American decent because: 1) their African heritage makes them more resilient to solar radiation than I am; 2) the horribly detestable action of artificially selecting humans for breeding during the slave trade has resulted in some black people who are A) freakishly tall and B) freakishly genetically predisposed to strength and stamina. (And I don't mean freakish in a hateful way, I'm jealous!) Furthermore there are distinct cosmetic facial and body features typical of different backgrounds which are interesting, and I wonder if they are all exclusively caused by genetic drift and prior isolation from other human populations (like when we first started to populate the continents), or if some generate important advantages. I'm not sure exactly on the timescale, but given that humans originated in Africa, the African people who are still in Africa, especially in more isolated communities today, have had longer than the rest of us to respond evolutionarily and genetically to their specific environmental pressures. They might literally be the "most evolved" of all the human racial archetypes or heritages or whatever you want to call someones background. It might only be slightly more evolved though, I know genetic evolution takes a long time. Thoughts anyone?
JaydragonM There is also the fact that Africa was the site of most of the wars that have been fought with medieval weapons and minimal armor in all of the Earth, which also selects for strength and bone density.
@@evannibbe9375 such things can theoretically select for such traits, but those traits are not strictly genetically determined ones, but also highly modulated by physical strain itself, which dampens almost any selective effect. You can see on one's skeleton if one's a horse rider or a tennis player, that doesn't take generations, it happens under the course of a life time, out of practice. Horse riders have "deformed" hip bones and tennis players have in their racket arms disproportionately denser bones.
Your last point is incorrect; they are probably the 'least evolved' (not really a meaningful term in this subject given how evolution works but whatever, I'll run with it) given that they have spent their entire existence as homo sapiens living in the exact environment that product our species in the first place. I.e. for all of the time they have lived they have been living in the ideal environment for 'wild' humans and have not needed much further adaptation since homo sapiens first arose. In the case of other human populations, such as Europeans and Asians, they have had to adapt to radically different environments that 'wild' humans are not suited for. Humans cannot survive in the cold forests of Eurasia without basic technology such as fire, clothing, shelter and weaponry, for example. They would freeze to death without sufficient tools for warmth during the winter and the hunting tactics required in forests (rather than persistence hunting in grasslands). Also evolution doesn't really take that long. It only took a few thousand years for humans to adapt to non-equatorial climates, and to put that into perspective, China and Egypt stood as mighty empires for several thousand years each. It would be a relatively short time for a Martian 'race' to emerge, perhaps less time than it would take to terraform the planet (that takes hundreds if not thousands of years). That race would be 'more evolved' for Mars but significantly less evolved for Earth. In terms of how evolution works, no organism is more or less evolved. All are perfectly evolved for their environment... or they die with no offspring.
Well, there is the story of the Argentinian Polar Dog, a dog breed specifically developed through artificial selection, that was created in the middle of the 20th century after Argentina set their first bases on Antartica, to help with the sleed and other works. After the stupid Antartic Treaty ban of dogs from the Antartica, the 60 remain dogs on the continent were moved to Argentina, and they all died during the next year since they had lost the inmunity to other dogs viruses ans bacterias, getting extint. I hope we don't see something similar with the Martians Humans.
You're joking but the structure of the universe is actually very likely flat. What a flat universe means is that if you travel straight in any direction, you can go on infinitely, never looping back to where you started, like Minecraft. And the opposite is a spherical or torus shaped universe, where if you travel far enough, you will loop back to where you started, like Pacman.
Comawn 3000 years? By then we'll have technology to freely move between planets in the Solar System on a whim. Anyone who would want to visit earth could do so at any time. Not to mention we'll have better gravity simulations and gene manipulation technologies at our disposal. So any body plan we want we can have. And if 2 people want to make a kid together I think we'll have the technology to make it happen no matter how far our "races" may drift. This video is not taking any of this into consideration.
As Bruce Sterling has put it: "I'll believe in people settling Mars at about the same time I see people settling the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is about a thousand times as hospitable as Mars and five hundred times cheaper and easier to reach. Nobody ever writes "Gobi Desert Opera" because, well, it's just kind of plonkingly obvious that there's no good reason to go there and live. It's ugly, it's inhospitable and there's no way to make it pay. Mars is just the same, really. We just romanticize it because it's so hard to reach."
Humans are natural explorers. We are always pushing the boundaries. There's no practical reason to climb Everest and many people have paid the ultimate price to attempt it, yet people are still attempting it. Mars is the next frontier. Humans will climb it because it is our nature. The most pathetic members of our species will mock the aspiration and the attempts, but we will still climb it.
Earth has between 500 million and 1 billion years of habitability left at most, depending on who you ask. Humans don't need to ruin it, it's going to die no matter what.
It would seem to me not only inevitable that each planet we colonize would produce different human species over time, but that we would want to use gene editing techniques like CRISPR on those we send in the first place. Sending ordinary earth humans to colonize mars seems irresponsibly dangerous to those colonists. It would be in the colony's best interest to use every technique we have to ensure their survival, including editing their genomes beforehand. Of course this would have moral consequences, since people edited this way wouldn't have a choice in the matter, they would have to be edited early in their development before they could verbally consent to such changes.
Don't think we humans should live on other planets, very high risk involved. We should master sustainable Interstellar travel technology instead, in the long run we humans are probably going to live in space longer than on a planet in the distant future. Empty space is roughly the same all over the universe.
Kevin Yeoh The technology for sustained interplanetary travel is well out of our reach. We don't even know which direction we would head in. We need to survive long enough to get to that point, and having life on 2 planets is an insurance policy against major disasters.
One disaster that can occur on Earth is Nuclear war that can destroy us so having two planets is like a backup for us to survive the disasters. Its like Fallout but a better plot.
But two planets might double the risk of mutual annihilation ;) Long term large ringworlds would be much cheaper in terms of material and energy to create earth like living conditions. Also much cheaper to land and lift off of.
Yeah orbitals or halos might also be more feasible in the near future. Not a ringworld build around a star, that is crazy, but just very large rotating space stations with artificial gravity.
Absolutely fascinating! Thank you :) Humanity's past present & future has, is & will be an incredible journey, struggle & persistance far beyond our one ball of hot metals, rocks & dirt into an impossibly huge cosmos...awesome!
Well orbital debry can travel at several times the speed of a bullet. Create enough debry and leaving the planet gets tricky. Now which planet will the "wall" be built around?
That ending though, LOL! As for combatting the Martian fragility, one could just do specialized exercise 38% more frequently on Mars than you would on Earth.
a really good book that I recommend thats related to this topic is "All Tomorrows" . It's a theoretical evolution book about interstellar humans evolving.
Imagine Martian ambassadors coming to Earth wearing masks and strengthening exoskeletons, or Eathling ambassadors visiting Mars with masks and radiation suits.
Joseph Engelhardt Watch or read 'The Expanse' and pretty much you will see what you just described
"ALDNOAH ZERO" seems to see the things some different :D
They will need pressure suits as well like fighter pilots who need them coz of high g's.
Or may both of them meet at a space station.
Ah, speciation. I'm happy they're finally covering this! Even much of science-fiction rarely touches this subject.
eqlipse333 in that case, interplanetary visits in SciFi should be a lot more difficult for the various species (or even the same ones).
You are assuming wrongly that the individuals with the undesired traits are let to die, but human contemporary civilisation does not let die individuals whose traits natural selection would not select. If a person whose trait natural selection would not select is wealthier he would be the one passing his genes. Natural selection is not applicable in modern human civilisation because we don't live in the Nature anymore.
Furthermore speciation just occurs when there is no inter breeding, when the groups of individuals are really apart, which would be very unlikely since people would travel between Earth and Mars and they will inter breed
@ They wouldn't let them die, but it might mean they are considered less attractive as a mate. And thus less likely pass their genes on.
@ Mars seems a monster even for our technology, going on Mars is pretty much like returning to nature and starting a new evolution.
The real problem is either Mars or Earth, apparently not both.
When aliens finally visit, they'll bring us cookies from "grandma" and tells us stories about our ancestors that sent the first group to earth.
But isn't there a decent chance that in amount of time it takes to develop such a significant changes between Martians and Earthlings, space travel between the planets would become affordable (like taking a plane today) thus eliminating the environment isolation and species differentiation in the first place? Hard to predict that, I know, but still..
.. if that would be the case though, then those two environments would basically become one more diverse environment for us, which would only benefit our genome in a long run. The same way today humans are able to swim under water as well as climb a mountains, the future humans might be well adapted both to Earth and Mars! :)
If Martians and Earthlings survive long enough, it is extremely likely that there will be an interruption in the travel between the planets. However, you are right about the combined population continuing to evolve while the planets are still in regular contact with each other. What the effect of that evolution will be depends on a lot of factors, including how long the period of frequent exchange is.
The problem would be being born there or living there most of the time. The bones, the lungs, the heart wouldn't function well enough here on Earth. The differentiation into another species will be much slower, hundreds or thousands of years.
Given we are talking about transporting humans back and forth only for interbreeding, it's even easier; almost within the reach of modern technology. You can keep mixing the gene pools by DNA-sequencing on one planet, transmitting the genome, and synthesising the DNA and implanting it into another egg on the other planet. (If your bandwidth is too limited for sending millions of genomes per year, you can prod each embryo to turn into 1000 identical twins that you eventually scatter across the world.)
Just wanted to say I absolutely love all of the content that Space Time produces. Very entertaining and educational.
Someone should make a movie about this. 2 species 2 planets, earth is dying, Martian humans don't want earth humans to come, battle for survival...
Ser Han Would make a cool Red Faction like movie.
I think "the expanse" has a similar plot. I didn't like it personally, too much exposition.
Yeah the Expanse covers this, about 300 years in the future, and humans also live out past the asteroid belt (called "Belters") on various stations and moons. I disagree with Hussain Attai, the Expanse is definitely the best sci-fi TV show in years.
Ser Han The mars trilogy and 2312 by Kim Stanely Robeson 😉
2312 doesn't really explore speciation between distinct populations.
We need a Mars equivalent of Oregon Trail.
Special EDy I was wondering if someone was going to catch the reference he made at the end there lol
At least he doesn't have to worry about pronouncing Gonzaga because I bet he'd butcher that word even worse lol
futotesan I laughed out loud at that joke! It's probably generational, most millennialist will never know the joy/hardship of the Oregon Trail!
I'm in my early 20's & totally got the reference.
Abe Lincoln 1. You're not in your early 20s, you're dead, Mr President. 2. I said MOST, you obviously aren't most 3. Oregon trail started in 1868, 3 years after you went to see that fateful play
I am in my 20's also and I got the reference. yall needa git outa here with your labeling and generation bashing. Save that shit for the Martian terrorists and the spacewall we will build.
This show is amazing, for the first time ever I can grasp physics at a level I never thought possible without the maths I thought necessary to do so. Inspiring me to start my journey into higher levels math on the Khan Academy. I wish these resources were available when I was younger, it may have changed the course of my life. My 5 year old son watches your shows with me and is able to grasp higher level concepts at a very young age, which will most likely guide him in his future endeavours. So, thank you for the great show and thank you to the Patreon supporters who ensure the show's future so my son can learn and enjoy the unique perspective of the world that only comes with an in-depth knowledge of it.
"Having reached the forested fields of Oregon, your party dies of dysentery."
::cue melancholy chiptune::
The neat thing about Martians, is that they would go on to colonize planets with 25-50% Earth gravity and likely look for cooler, darker worlds than future earth interstellar colonizers, resulting in two parallel families of humans that would likely trade but would not be likely to compete for planets to terranize since each would have a different idea of a good home.
You guys should really watch, or read, The Expanse. It contains excellent, and scientifically accurate, portrayals of humans who evolved in very different , low-G environments like Mars and Ceres.
QBasicTNN ho god no. Just watched the last episode of season 3 and I have never been more sexual erect since Stargate
@@iurycabeleira7990 Queue her Doctor Krieger.
@@iurycabeleira7990 Impsossible, books has Chapters not seasons
"...right before dying of dysentery." Woke up my wife laughing.
I want a documentary or TV series based on this! That sounds so cool!
It's been a while since I've had this. It's not bad. It's how I remember honestly
I'd love to see an artist's rendering of this! Absolutely fascinating.
it's funny to think that we can go on holiday on mars in the future
Would probably be under whelming tbh.
It’ll be like going to an entire world made out of Utah. So... bring your mountain bike.
justin van der werf
Just remember not to breathe on those martians
Or a newly wed couple going on their honeymoon, they can take a honeymoon on the moon.
Tiger H. Lore you would need a pretty heavy bike to get any grip on mars
I have decided to Major in Astronomy. I'll be back to this video in 4 years.
good luck
more like 8+ but good on you friend 👍
Sergio Gutierrez Four years of college debt not good enough for you? ☺️
Start scouting potential employers and preferred career paths early. Like Sergio noted, an undergraduate degree may not cut it.
Only 3 years to go
Update 3 years later: Turns out my college doesnt have a good astronomy program so i am majoring in economics instead while still remaining very interested in astronomy. Good luck everyone else in your studies
Imagine racism between Earthlings and Martians
Rythem it won't be racism it will be speciesism
Watch "The Expanse"
xMckingwill no, it will be planetism
The interplanetary racism in the expanse is half imaginary and completely unexplained. For some reason martians seem shorter than earthlings.
but if they don't live together, will it matter?
Didnt find any comments about "The expanse" but i was thinking of this almost the whole video :)
Man just as I go a month without talking thinking about us getting to Mars and how I could fit in all of that, you come out talking about the difference in microbes, made me feel my body pump and could feel the air being cleaned, things being excreted, cells being created and dieing e.g.
Brilliant video,
Thank you
So humans on Mars will slowly evolve into Slenderman?
Except darker skin, not pale.
So an enderman then :)
No those damn belters will. damn them all!
Bruce Alrighty i guess
your profile picture matches the fact that your comment is a question. lol
two words: gene editing
TheWaross but evolution could be for the better. People will be able to survive and thrive on mars a lot easier. Why would you want to keep crippling the Martian society with genes that will do nothing for them except make living on mars a hell. I say let evolution take its course. It’ll be for the better.
@@TheMaster5059 you dont understand what he meant do you
Genetic engineering
Adaptation, etc
BUT WHAT ABOUT MUTATIONS FOR VENUS!!!! Seriously, a Sci-fi book where humans have colonized Venus and Mars, with Earth and Venus being similar but Mars isolated and different would be amazing.
Red Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson is pretty much that.
busi magen so like 6, 7 ice cubes max
busi magen we wouldn't have enough on earth then
Jforcefilms Humans can't adapt to sulfuric acid
Colonization of Venus is not on surface, covered by PBS already.
Man I am 15 and I love the way you explain this. Salute!
I've been watching this show for over a year and it is awesome
Darker on the surface and lily white under the ground? Sounds like a reversed Morlocks and Eloi lol
reversed Elves from the norse mythology, how didn't I see that?
Charizard will be a dragon type on Mars.
Omg your my hero, nice comment!
Venomoth will be a Flying/Psychic type on Mars.
The biggest genetic difference between Martian and Earthb population will come from the founder effect when selecting the first colonists. If we are going to be as selective as we are with astronauts now, Martians will be most intelligent, cooperative and fit group of humans. Probably for the better.
they'll probably send the antisocial ones back to earth, lol. They can then order new genes from Amazon and try again.
True, but at some point you gotta start sending "average" people. Highly intelligent scientists and other professionals make up a very small part of the general population. Then out of those, not all (probably not even most) will want to leave Earth to never come back. Any mass migration of people has to involve a whole bunch of regular, everyday people. There probably won't be a lot of bottom of the barrel types, but they won't all be exceptional.
By the time we're colonizing Mars, CRISPR would be king.
It depends on the size of the colony but yeah
Great, a colony of arrogant elitists....
It would be great to have another video on this subject in the future when more is known.
Nice explanation of the basics of evolution: mutation plus selection pressure plus time.
what if there is no aliens, but eventually we become ALL of the aliens, by speciating on different planets.
2:10 "Matt made Tenure" mfaoooooooo
Thanks for the awesome channel
this is my favourite channel on youtube!
"Musk guy" "Gone supernova"
Some of the best quotes
There's a huge caveat to all this speculation. All evolution is dependent on selection, which is just a fancy way to say dying. A population will only adapt to an environment if those poorly-adapted individuals die off at greater rates than better-adapted individuals. Or really, even more to the point, if they die /before reproducing/ at greater rates. But our present attitude towards death is one of enabling even the least-fit of individuals to survive, and our technology for doing so is only getting better and better -- especially with things like CRISPR on the horizon. It would take a massive failure of that project for natural selection to even act on humans at all in the future, either on Earth or on Mars. If we can keep everybody alive at least long enough to have kids who we likewise keep alive, evolution has no chance to act. And over time our intent and ability to do that has only increased with no signs of stopping.
There might still be artificial selection, or even a non-selective evolutionary process, with our advancing biotechnology. But in that case, a lot of the changes made to help the population of one planet would also be made to the population of the other because there's no reason not to. Need to engineer Martians to have stronger bones? Well, Earthlings could use stronger bones too even if we don't need them as much, so why not? Martian immunity genes growing weaker over the generations? Earthling immunity genes are still perfectly strong and we can splice those into the Martian population as needed. And so on. I think it's more likely that we end up with a genetically engineered immortal superhuman population on both planets, over evolutionary timescales, than that we see Earth and Mars populations allowed to speciate.
Pfhorrest I tend to agree. I'm curious what extent epigenetic expression could come into play. I'm ignorant of the current state of research in the area, but I thought I saw something basically suggesting that environmentally selected expression might be preferentially heritable.
Instead of Natural Selection, our evolution will be driven by Sexual Selection, Social Selection (not Social Darwinism, Social Darwinism is a failed right wing discriminatory theory, Social Selection is when elements of your social structure make it easier for some to reproduce compared to others), Guided Selection (using genetic engineering), Clone Populations (possibly), etc...
That is potentially correct, but there is an angle you haven't mentioned.
Is it worth it for a Martian Colony to detect and fix potential deficiencies that aren't deficiencies on that planet. If your born with immunodeficiency on Mars would anyone bother to fix it? Likewise maybe being 5 3 is a disadvantage on mars, so that gene gets selected out, while on Earth it's shorter than normal but acceptable.
Selection pressure is always acting on us. We choose who we mate with, and eventually we choose our genes. It's all section pressure. I suspect Earth and Mars populations would culturally diverge faster, and that cultural divergence would be reflected in the choices we made for gene editing. I actually am not certain the rate of divergence would be different with germ line editing technology. In fact it could happen more rapidly.
The Mars humans will be almost guaranteed to make genetic editing of fetuses mandatory for increasing their strength, disease resistance to all known diseases, and ability to breath in lower oxygen environment for when oxygen eventually gets common enough in the outside environment.
@@evannibbe9375 ...Some people think Space is Fake.
Sci Man Dan debunks such people.
Its all great Fun, so why not take a Look?
Great work in that video! Would have been interesting to discuss the effects of isolation on the mind and what possible adaptions of humans could be (both biological and in terms of building the cities on mars maybe).
Some people think Space is Fake.
Sci Man Dan debunks such people.
Its all great Fun, so why not take a Look?
It's also possible that natural selection won't factor in at all. By the time we colonize Mars we may be ubiquitously employing genetic engineering
Congrats on getting tenure!
1:20 "Characteristics genotypes", another key to evolution along with mutations and natural selection.
I must disagree with you here. Yes, it is very likely that speciation will occur when we colonize Mars and other planets in our solar system. But it isn't inevitable at that point just yet. Travel between a planet's surface and space is likely to become much easier in the coming decades and centuries. I think we will probably develop a full solar system wide civilization which could likely have near constant travel and communication between the planet based colonies and (more likely in the long run) our Dyson swarm of artificial habitats.
Where speciation DOES become inevitable is when we go interstellar. Humanity (and it's descendants) is probably destined to expand across the galaxy in time. But there will be no galaxy-wide civilization. The limitations of the speed of light mean that colonies in neighboring solar systems are necessarily isolated from each other, and are by any reasonable definition two separate civilizations. The populations of those two colonies will inevitably diverge in their evolution and become two distinct species.
Which means that the Star Trek image of a galaxy saturated with humanoid aliens might actually be more scientifically accurate than we ever thought (for the distant future).
Gareth Thompson There will always be a delay tho because of the distances between the planets.
That's exactly what he's saying in the second paragraph :)
Dantess26 I know but he did not talk about the distance of planets. it takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach the earth and 30 minutes to reach jupiter so there will always be a delay of 22 minutes between the earth and jupiter and that is just the speed of light. it took us 3 days to get to the moon, 8 months is what it will probably take to get to mars. It could take more than 100 years for technology to develop a way to get from 8 months to 4 months traveltime between mars and earth but by that time both earthlings and martians probably would've evolved into different species.
Wait, there is actually a discussion going on one of MY comments? SQUEE!!
johnny dss, you are absolutely right. I didn't bother mentioning the time delay between planets within our own solar system because I didn't consider it to be significant. The delay is still small enough that travel and immigration between the colonies (with sufficiently advanced technology) can plausibly occur at high enough levels to prevent speciation on the scale of a single solar system. It is when the delay becomes years or decades that a group will be sufficiently isolated that genetic divergence becomes inevitable.
Granted, Matt argues that speciation will occur when we colonize Mars due more to environmental differences than isolation. However, I think by the time we start setting up permanent colonies on other worlds technology will do a pretty good job of mitigating these factors. Matt admits this, but suggests that the environmental corrections will be sufficiently imperfect to drive evolution anyway. However, my feeling is that by the time we reach evolutionary time scales humans will be relying more and more on artificial habitats with more precisely controlled environmental conditions. At which point we are likely to view planets mostly as building material.
The short version of my argument is this. Since we will eventually build habitats that will perfectly simulate an Earth-like environment it is isolation, not environmental factors, that will drive human speciation. And, it is only at interstellar distances, not interplanetary distances, that a group becomes sufficiently isolated as to make speciation inevitable.
However, there could always be a flaw in my logic that I'm just overlooking. I look forward to your counter arguments! :)
+Gareth Thompson, Yes but it still requires advanced technology and a lot of resources to be able have space travel, settle on, and terraform a planet like Mars. Also, keep in mind that there have also been a number of examples of societal collapse in human history where civilisation have risen and fallen, while your argument relies on the assumption that our modern type of civilisation would continue and technology would advance at a steady pace for centuries and possibly millennia to come. It could well be that we could establish a colony on Mars and a societal collapse on Earth at some point causes us to lose contact with them for a few centuries until we re-establish space travel. You never know what might happen in thousands of years time, a lot can happen (the Roman Empire eventually fell and gave rise to the Dark Ages, didn't it?)
i've never understood why the hell you'd want to keep humans as close to being suited to live on Earth, if these colonists on Mars will absolutely never get back?
Eugene InLaw no one ever said they'll never come back. With our current technology mars is only a couple weeks away.
Crafty Canadian Three months, accessible once every two years. But yes, we can easily come back.
Because adapting to martian environment requires many generations, all the while those generations suffering with cancer, heart/lung disease, etc. Natural selection favors mutations that are beneficial to the environment- others die out or don't reproduce. You would want the first martian colonists to be as close to earth environment as possible.
Flight time isn't the problem. Extended periods in Mars gravity and those people will not be coming back unless they want to die on Earth.
If your population was having serious health issues that society would probably put pressure on people to select who they breed with. It would also take generations so are technology would most likely let us edit are genes anyway and basically let us choose what ever traits we want in 1 single generation.
_"..Dark they were and Golden-eyed.."_
As a specialist in the biological sciences (immunology), I appreciate an episode of PBS Space-Time that doesn't melt my brain ;)
You guys should pay the guy who made this thumbnail more - it looks like something that would go on the start of a decent sci-fi show.
Just don't bring back any Xenomorphs.
What? Grab em they're worth more than the SHIP!!
Wubba Dub Dub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Worth more than you lives, pathetic space ore miners !
Look man, I just need to know one thing. Where. They. Are.
Imagine the olypics on Mars ( probably on the Olymp mountain) with 38% of Earths gravity, who knows how much easier would be to run 100 meters or jump high or even lifting weights. The statistics will be so different.There will be the world record and also mars record.
Inverted Antielephant
Mars is a world, too.
Besides: John Carter.
I think it would be harder to run as fast because gravity pushing you into the earth is part of how you get traction - plus you'll be weaker from the lower gravity to begin with so you can't even push away from the ground with as much force.
@Despiser Despised I agree. Liberals don't deserve a real planet. >;D
I freaking love science!!!
@@loturzelrestaurant 😁
@@feynstein1004 XD
Its a pleasant surprise when a physicist can actually explain evolution. There is an amazing disparity in many public scientists understanding fields outside their own - and that doesn't help common folk get a clear idea...
But no blame goes to you!
I would say great episode but you're such a dependable host with ever interesting content, that all the episodes are equally delicious. Thank you!
Love your sense of humour, Matthew! :-D
I have few problms with these predictions:
1. Genetic modifications in humans are ahead, so i belive that evolution will be more choice-based, and will probably result in huge variety of genome in both earth and mars. (just like ppl now get tatoos or plastic surgery, you could one day get genetical modifications just for fun/fasion/whatever reason)
2. Wont we bring some bacterial flora to mars with us? i mean not every ship will be sterile (earth bacteria would adapt much quicker than humans)
3. mixing population will occur, and i dont think it will be dimnishable. multiplanetary buissness trips, tourism, even if its expensive, there will be traffic.
It's easier and more resource efficient to just make rotating habitats in the long run. One obvious benefit is that all planets will eventually die due to their parent star dying, but a rotating habitat you could quite easily move to another star system it doesn't even need to be sun like, and that is if a star isn't already simulated with artificial light source by the habitat itself. With fusion the whole human specie diverging thing would be unlikely since everything on the habitat could be made to mimic Earth, barren planets like mars would just be glorified resource mining fields.
What if we devise mechanisms that can give us control over the nuclear reactions in the sun? What if we can keep the sun burning indefinitely by recycling the hydrogen and helium that the sun launches out into our solar system? What if we find a technique to capture 100% of the sun's energy as it permeates our solar system, and then constantly reuse it to run our planets, before it escapes into space and is recaptured again (in this situation we wouldn't need the sun anymore, but if we wanted we could keep the sun alive, by feeding it the energy we captured )?
That's quite an interesting thought
I agree, mars has very little benefit over the moon as a target for a colony. It is just another barren, radiated lump of rock with too little gravity and harmful dust on the surface.
Settle the moon, because there really is no way around that if you want to settle the solar system, then go to the asteroids and build habitats, then, maybe, build a small settlement on titan (for nitrogen and carbohydrates) and one of the ice moons (for hydrogen).
Forget mars, forget venus, forget mercury and most of the other planets, we do not need them, at least not for a long time.
We can keep the sun useful for a long long time, but why should we? It would take considerable time and a lot of resources to do so, better to spend them to build habitats and move slowly to the next star.
I personally agree with staying on Earth, and limiting our colonizing efforts to the moon, and few research bases and tourism destinations on other celestial bodies and artificial satellites around such celestial bodies.
PBS Space Time drinking game: Take a shot every time you hear a sound effect from Star Trek. Take a shot every time you fail to understand something. Take two shots every time you almost, but don't quite, understand something.
Legal notice: This is the official, PBS-endorsed Space Time drinking game. It is definitely affiliated with PBS, and accurately reflects the opinions of their employees. PBS accepts full responsibility for any injuries, deaths, or universe ending SCP anomalies caused by playing this drinking game.
Thank you PBS for finally growing a pair. I love that you endorsed this game and I now have much more respect for all you do.
This is such an awesome problem to work through ! I can imagine a day when humans populate the solar system
Oregon Trail reference in a video about Martians and their weirdness lol dayum I love this channel.
wouldn't increased radiation select for better cell repair mechanisms
Databing Depends on how much / how often you’ve being bombarded with radiation.
One thing I'll never forget about science is that they thought the atom bomb would ignite all of the oxygen on earth. And. They. Dropped. It. Anyway.
it was not the scientists that dropped it, it was the politicians, and the opposition politicians were the ones that said (without any proof, as usual) that it would ignite the athmosphere... Scientist thought the weapon was weaker than what resulted, leaving a shocked Oppenhaimer saying "i've become death, destroyer of worlds" after the trinity tests... most scientist were in it for the research and the civilian uses of nuclear power, they did the weapons only for the fundings and because, well, they were at war
@@Moribax85 n
If that was the case we should be glad that those cunts don't live anymore or we'd be gone
@Alex Merezas The thought was the temperatures produced would cause the nitrogen in the atmosphere to undergo nuclear fusion, and that from this it would be a self sustaining chain reaction which would sweep over the globe.
I would presume oxygen wasnt so much of a worry as it is a little harder than nitrogen to fuse.
Bethe has indicated this is at least mostly myth.
Teller wondered if an explosion could start nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. Bethe and some others looked into it, and reached the conclusion it was impossible. At least Teller, Fermi and Oppenheimer had accepted their conclusion that it was impossible before the Trinity test. A few physicists maybe still had some concerns, notably including Compton.
Humans haven't speciated because we rapidly became a globe fairing species and all of a sudden we were interbreeding again. I'm not sure how long it typically takes to lose the ability to interbreed but we have some fairly different non cosmetic traits. I hope i don't sound racist or favoritist now but here we go.
Honestly the largest example of evolutionary distinction to me as a Caucasian Canadian are people of African-American decent because: 1) their African heritage makes them more resilient to solar radiation than I am; 2) the horribly detestable action of artificially selecting humans for breeding during the slave trade has resulted in some black people who are A) freakishly tall and B) freakishly genetically predisposed to strength and stamina. (And I don't mean freakish in a hateful way, I'm jealous!)
Furthermore there are distinct cosmetic facial and body features typical of different backgrounds which are interesting, and I wonder if they are all exclusively caused by genetic drift and prior isolation from other human populations (like when we first started to populate the continents), or if some generate important advantages. I'm not sure exactly on the timescale, but given that humans originated in Africa, the African people who are still in Africa, especially in more isolated communities today, have had longer than the rest of us to respond evolutionarily and genetically to their specific environmental pressures. They might literally be the "most evolved" of all the human racial archetypes or heritages or whatever you want to call someones background. It might only be slightly more evolved though, I know genetic evolution takes a long time.
Thoughts anyone?
JaydragonM There is also the fact that Africa was the site of most of the wars that have been fought with medieval weapons and minimal armor in all of the Earth, which also selects for strength and bone density.
@@evannibbe9375 such things can theoretically select for such traits, but those traits are not strictly genetically determined ones, but also highly modulated by physical strain itself, which dampens almost any selective effect. You can see on one's skeleton if one's a horse rider or a tennis player, that doesn't take generations, it happens under the course of a life time, out of practice. Horse riders have "deformed" hip bones and tennis players have in their racket arms disproportionately denser bones.
Your last point is incorrect; they are probably the 'least evolved' (not really a meaningful term in this subject given how evolution works but whatever, I'll run with it) given that they have spent their entire existence as homo sapiens living in the exact environment that product our species in the first place. I.e. for all of the time they have lived they have been living in the ideal environment for 'wild' humans and have not needed much further adaptation since homo sapiens first arose.
In the case of other human populations, such as Europeans and Asians, they have had to adapt to radically different environments that 'wild' humans are not suited for. Humans cannot survive in the cold forests of Eurasia without basic technology such as fire, clothing, shelter and weaponry, for example. They would freeze to death without sufficient tools for warmth during the winter and the hunting tactics required in forests (rather than persistence hunting in grasslands).
Also evolution doesn't really take that long. It only took a few thousand years for humans to adapt to non-equatorial climates, and to put that into perspective, China and Egypt stood as mighty empires for several thousand years each. It would be a relatively short time for a Martian 'race' to emerge, perhaps less time than it would take to terraform the planet (that takes hundreds if not thousands of years). That race would be 'more evolved' for Mars but significantly less evolved for Earth.
In terms of how evolution works, no organism is more or less evolved. All are perfectly evolved for their environment... or they die with no offspring.
Congrats on tenure matt
thanks for making the plot of The Expanse feasible :D
Well, there is the story of the Argentinian Polar Dog, a dog breed specifically developed through artificial selection, that was created in the middle of the 20th century after Argentina set their first bases on Antartica, to help with the sleed and other works.
After the stupid Antartic Treaty ban of dogs from the Antartica, the 60 remain dogs on the continent were moved to Argentina, and they all died during the next year since they had lost the inmunity to other dogs viruses ans bacterias, getting extint.
I hope we don't see something similar with the Martians Humans.
Reminder... all dogs were developed through artificial selection. A lot of breeds have inherited weaknesses.
Send Huskies to Mars first. They'll know what to do.
Aww, no interview with Elon... Great show anyway ;-)
David McSween Ikr. I hope Elon gets to take the first steps on Mars. He deserves it
Randy Copeland to be honest he will probably be too old for that and not strong enough to survive
Someone else can still grab Elon and force Elon there, I mean even if Elon dies or is very weak, he can still do a kamikaze into mars.
Harry Svensson Musk has even said he doesn't mind the thought of living on earth and dying on Mars, although "hopefully not at the point of impact."
How pokemon will evolve on mars?
New channel with candies
Poonam Pandey rare candies
Martian Exeggutor will have an even long neck than it's Alolan form
it would be hard to get their exclusive pokemon...
Alive -> dead.
This was by far the best Space Time episode ever.
This was the most BS Space Time ever Mars is sterile.....Lets talk about martians
I love this channel even though I do not undestand anything sometimes.
Can you explain how a Mars colony would be affected by time dilation
not really, but it would be affected by the time lag of radio communications
the universe is flat.
Damn Flatcosmoser?
I think I like that last one.
we prefer flatverser
Doctor Robotnik
That's pretty good.
Doctor Robotnik oh shit waddup
You're joking but the structure of the universe is actually very likely flat. What a flat universe means is that if you travel straight in any direction, you can go on infinitely, never looping back to where you started, like Minecraft.
And the opposite is a spherical or torus shaped universe, where if you travel far enough, you will loop back to where you started, like Pacman.
Comawn 3000 years? By then we'll have technology to freely move between planets in the Solar System on a whim. Anyone who would want to visit earth could do so at any time. Not to mention we'll have better gravity simulations and gene manipulation technologies at our disposal. So any body plan we want we can have.
And if 2 people want to make a kid together I think we'll have the technology to make it happen no matter how far our "races" may drift.
This video is not taking any of this into consideration.
Oh Oregon Trail, such a fond childhood memory.
Congrats on your tenure, Matt.
You talk about a species that's optimized for low oxygen, high cancer tolerance? Have you heard of naked mole rats? Mars doesn't so fun anymore...
As Bruce Sterling has put it: "I'll believe in people settling Mars at about the same time I see people settling the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is about a thousand times as hospitable as Mars and five hundred times cheaper and easier to reach. Nobody ever writes "Gobi Desert Opera" because, well, it's just kind of plonkingly obvious that there's no good reason to go there and live. It's ugly, it's inhospitable and there's no way to make it pay. Mars is just the same, really. We just romanticize it because it's so hard to reach."
ViolentDelights56 James amen to that also we cant even travel to the moon yet
Humans are natural explorers. We are always pushing the boundaries.
There's no practical reason to climb Everest and many people have paid the ultimate price to attempt it, yet people are still attempting it.
Mars is the next frontier. Humans will climb it because it is our nature. The most pathetic members of our species will mock the aspiration and the attempts, but we will still climb it.
We -will- end up ruining Earth. Mars is necessary as the next step for becoming interstellar and not going extinct.
Earth has between 500 million and 1 billion years of habitability left at most, depending on who you ask. Humans don't need to ruin it, it's going to die no matter what.
It would seem to me not only inevitable that each planet we colonize would produce different human species over time, but that we would want to use gene editing techniques like CRISPR on those we send in the first place. Sending ordinary earth humans to colonize mars seems irresponsibly dangerous to those colonists. It would be in the colony's best interest to use every technique we have to ensure their survival, including editing their genomes beforehand. Of course this would have moral consequences, since people edited this way wouldn't have a choice in the matter, they would have to be edited early in their development before they could verbally consent to such changes.
Perhaps the first and only time I didn’t get lost in Space Time 😀
I like his way presenting theories based on scientific explanations.
You think you're some kind of genius?
Me: "homo"
Science is one of the reasons why I don't have friends
Don't think we humans should live on other planets, very high risk involved. We should master sustainable Interstellar travel technology instead, in the long run we humans are probably going to live in space longer than on a planet in the distant future. Empty space is roughly the same all over the universe.
Kevin Yeoh The technology for sustained interplanetary travel is well out of our reach. We don't even know which direction we would head in.
We need to survive long enough to get to that point, and having life on 2 planets is an insurance policy against major disasters.
One disaster that can occur on Earth is Nuclear war that can destroy us so having two planets is like a backup for us to survive the disasters. Its like Fallout but a better plot.
But two planets might double the risk of mutual annihilation ;)
Long term large ringworlds would be much cheaper in terms of material and energy to create earth like living conditions. Also much cheaper to land and lift off of.
Halo esque Dyson spheres or ring worlds would be a better bet. That way we can copy paste earth’s environment.
Yeah orbitals or halos might also be more feasible in the near future. Not a ringworld build around a star, that is crazy, but just very large rotating space stations with artificial gravity.
"We will try to colonize mars!"
How optimistic. Here is counter prophecy : "Whole world will be islamized and we will live in bronze age again".
Stone age probably
Religon is bad af
Even worse idea: Trump starts World War 3 and nukes us back into the stone age.
Found the lefty
This video gave me so many great ideas for movies and novels holy shit
Absolutely fascinating! Thank you :) Humanity's past present & future has, is & will be an incredible journey, struggle & persistance far beyond our one ball of hot metals, rocks & dirt into an impossibly huge cosmos...awesome!
Will Trump build a wall around Mars to keep the immigrants out?
Well orbital debry can travel at several times the speed of a bullet. Create enough debry and leaving the planet gets tricky. Now which planet will the "wall" be built around?
Naaaaahhhh. He'll build a cheesy casino for his fellow nazis.
Everyone I dislike is a naaaatzi
Nyah! He'd be dead. His great-grandchildren w8uld, probably.
mulder1979 if earth pays for it
"unless we manage to self destruct in the next little while... "
Actually that could possibly happen with trump's tantrums and anger..
The PaintBlob I can't take a Minecraft profile picture seriously
Still waiting for it to happen!
We never had tails! What is called the "tail bone" is actually the protective bone mass for the end of the spinal cord.
People are born with tails
Great episode! I didn't feel like my head was going to explode trying to figure out what you were saying this time lol
According to a recent GuruLarry/Larry Buddy Jr video, The Oregon Trail is almost unheard of outside of the USA. Impressed. :)
It's amazing how they always manage to make an ending line that ends with "Space Time"
Some people think Space is Fake.
Sci Man Dan debunks such people.
Its all great Fun, so why not take a Look?
Now when I watch (the original) "Total Recall," I can't get these thoughts out of my mind.
I already imagine a war between the earth and the mars factions
This has been really helpful for me to develop the lore of my sci fi universe, thanks!!!
Reference to Oregon Trail? +9000 internet wins!
Ha! This is one of my favorite episodes.
That ending though, LOL!
As for combatting the Martian fragility, one could just do specialized exercise 38% more frequently on Mars than you would on Earth.
Im not sure that would help the bone density.
Congratulations to Dr. O'Dowd on his tenure.
I can't stahp laughing... the Oregon joke... my tummy hurts, so funny!
Martians could just be hairy to block the UV light. Martian Wookies. XD
So... many... Easter egg... quotes!... head... explodes! ^.^
But closing the comments with The Oregon Trail was the best ;)
This will make a great plot for a movie
a really good book that I recommend thats related to this topic is "All Tomorrows" . It's a theoretical evolution book about interstellar humans evolving.
The last sentence made me smile
very intelligent report - never considered these possibilities.