Fort of Betul | My Goem | Prudent

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @saket3045
    @saket3045 Рік тому

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ❤

  • @josebraganza8430
    @josebraganza8430 2 роки тому

    salute to you sir, you explained so well the history of betul fort. Proud to see such a jewel in my Goa. God bless you and your team.

  • @madhusudanphatak5763
    @madhusudanphatak5763 Рік тому

    श्रीशिवाजी महाराज

  • @rinafernandes6537
    @rinafernandes6537 2 роки тому +2

    Beautiful betul

  • @pankajsarang4521
    @pankajsarang4521 2 роки тому

    Nicely explained sir ...thanks...

  • @Myworldisgoa
    @Myworldisgoa 2 роки тому +3

    This fort was actually built by the local hindu leaders an not shivaji, I think what p.p. shirodkar wrote was correct, some people who wanted to connect shavaji to goa must have spread this rumors, but when they came to know that shivaji died before construction started of the fort, they changed it to, that he ordered the construction of the fort. An let me inform you that this fort was actually handed over to Portuguese by the local hindu rulers to prevent it in going in the hands of tipu sultan. Portuguese never went there to conquer the fort.

    • @hannan7284
      @hannan7284 2 роки тому

      This is true

    • @rajghatge7669
      @rajghatge7669 2 роки тому +1

      Portuguess pig it was order by chatrpati shivaji maharaj....

    • @Myworldisgoa
      @Myworldisgoa 2 роки тому

      @@rajghatge7669 ghatia that fort was built 15yrs after the death of your shivaji Maharaj, don't connect him to goa an don't teach our goan history to us. We know our history well.

    • @Rahul-K1822
      @Rahul-K1822 Рік тому

      @@rajghatge7669 @johnoliveira1866 is a Portuguese sponsored radicalized story teller. He is neither a Goan nor a Gaunkar. He spits the stories scripted by the Portuguese in order to show the good image of invaders. He will just claim that he is Gaunkar of Merces, but the truth is, their ancestors were nominated as Gaunkar because Hindus/ Gaunkars fled to other regions due to numerous persecution laws by invader Portuguese as a result inheritance was transferred to converts. Converts were mostly the servants of the gaunkarias were called Kulachars so this person might be the descendant of Kulchars.

    • @Rahul-K1822
      @Rahul-K1822 Рік тому

      @@rajghatge7669 Points to be noted:
      He will introduce himself as Gaunkar of Merces, but he is only "nominated" by Portuguese for licking their shoes.
      He will talk about unnecessary things of Hindu God as he has hatred for other religions like Portuguese.
      He will try to criticize you by saying Ghati or Ghati from Maharashtra just to make you feel bad.
      He will claim that he knows History of Goa because he is Gaunkar, but now you know who he is.
      He will challenge you for public debate, but he will ignore questions like what is freedom fighter, who is Lohia, what does Azaad means.
      He will preach only scripted stories by Portuguese and will give reference to some Goan writers.
      Later this person will bring RSS and BJP in the picture even if the other person has nothing to do with it.
      He will not accept that Goa was invaded, if you say anything like that he will say that you are an RSS person.
      This type of people are termites of Goa and India.

  • @Ved-zg2rt
    @Ved-zg2rt 2 роки тому +1

    Make a video on cuncolim and assolna

  • @peterdmello3785
    @peterdmello3785 2 роки тому
