Interview Seale Livestock

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dainyboy2235
    @dainyboy2235 5 років тому +506

    I can't believe my black ass just randomly watched a whole video of some country white boy name Anthony talk about cattle hauling but I LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT!!!!💪🚛💵💯

    • @pauliewalnuts7088
      @pauliewalnuts7088 5 років тому +1


    • @Jake_1988
      @Jake_1988 5 років тому +2


    • @frodrickfronkensteen9241
      @frodrickfronkensteen9241 5 років тому +71

      Why you watched? Same reason I did. In short... a smart, articulate country kid grew up on the road... and a camera came across him one day. White, black... wisdom is color blind. We all should be.

    • @fredrickkohlman9587
      @fredrickkohlman9587 5 років тому +2

      I liked it too. White Yankee boy (2nd thought, old man) from northcoast of the buckeye.

    • @Jake0891
      @Jake0891 5 років тому +51

      There are quite a few black bullhaulers out there. The ones I’ve met/known are good shit. Good people is good people don’t matter what color you are.

  • @neckarsulme
    @neckarsulme 5 років тому +200

    People like Anthony are the back bone of this country....a tip of the hat to him

    • @georgeadams5390
      @georgeadams5390 5 років тому +2

      He walks like he has a full diaper

    • @fuzzybutkus8970
      @fuzzybutkus8970 8 місяців тому

      @@georgeadams5390Took all the poop right out of that comment.😂😂

  • @michaelhorstman993
    @michaelhorstman993 5 років тому +124

    Livestock truckers are a special breed. Not everybody can do it. I did it for 28 yes and loved every minute. Anthony is a class act, rock on brother!!

    • @jrneff9773
      @jrneff9773 2 роки тому +2


  • @bobroth7673
    @bobroth7673 5 років тому +138

    The backstory that boy told is what has earned him the right to stand next to that truck today and has earned him the respect in the life he chose. Thoroughly enjoyed.

  • @themoore5509
    @themoore5509 5 років тому +107

    I like this kind of attitude the man is a hard worker!

    • @andrewhatton1606
      @andrewhatton1606 3 роки тому +7

      Biden hates these kind of people

    • @Ratlife724
      @Ratlife724 3 роки тому +3

      @@andrewhatton1606 yupp. Damn shame

  • @MilesNelgez
    @MilesNelgez 5 років тому +73

    11:27 Opens the cab door and "Amarillo By Morning" by George Strait starts playing immediately. Perfect.

    • @zebrazeg16
      @zebrazeg16 5 років тому +1

      Miles Nelgez heavy diesel the only diesel bub

    • @pauliewalnuts7088
      @pauliewalnuts7088 5 років тому +3

      That's cool

    • @georgeadams5390
      @georgeadams5390 5 років тому +1

      Almost like he reached in & turned it on? He did dummy

    • @MilesNelgez
      @MilesNelgez 5 років тому

      @@georgeadams5390 legendary move. It's a shame the cameraman made him turn it off becsuse that moment was perfect.

    • @georgeadams5390
      @georgeadams5390 5 років тому +1

      @@MilesNelgez struck me as a douchebag move. All about putting up an image. Weak

  • @briangleason75
    @briangleason75 5 років тому +47

    This driver is a true Professional. Be safe. God Bless.

  • @kenperry7273
    @kenperry7273 5 років тому +67

    This was the best interview you’ve done so far. This driver is old school

  • @wildchild0168
    @wildchild0168 5 років тому +67

    I can honestly say the best looking trucks that pass me are always hauling cattle! Hats off to you gentlemen!!! Y'all definitely drive some sweet rigs!

  • @WZRD8o8s
    @WZRD8o8s 3 роки тому +30

    We need more people like Anthony!!!

    • @philfishgrab2290
      @philfishgrab2290 Рік тому

      I promise this world isn't big enough for two Anthony Seales

  • @jacobyeatter554
    @jacobyeatter554 5 років тому +100

    You know a driver takes care of his truck when he opens and closes his hood that gentle cmon

    • @keithmackey654
      @keithmackey654 5 років тому +5

      Yea i caught that too. He has too yiu can't dog out a nice rig like his.👍👍👍👍

    • @fjb4932
      @fjb4932 3 роки тому +15

      I took a girl out once that slammed my truck door.
      Once ...

  • @raykoons8046
    @raykoons8046 4 роки тому +81

    I died laughing when he starts talking about the seats how you need a chiropractor after sitting in a peterbilt seat lol hes so right!!!

    • @Bigfoot64
      @Bigfoot64 Рік тому +1

      That's facts 💯😂

    • @Trokero956
      @Trokero956 Рік тому +1

      Gotta get the butt massager 9000 😂

  • @tomallis3954
    @tomallis3954 5 років тому +48

    Outstanding Pete. Love the paint scheme. First class, Anthony. Thank you for proudly moving America. You are appreciated.

  • @thegoattree2509
    @thegoattree2509 5 років тому +73

    When he said “we haul sheep goats if it pays good enough”
    made flash back and laugh. Late one night of on the PA turn pike, I had a bull rack come by me... my headlights were shining in the trailer and it looked like thousands of sparkly green emeralds bouncing around in his trailer, it was really a sight. Finally curiosity Got the best of me and I jumped on the cb and asked him what he was carrying... he answered
    “A few thousand DUCKS” 😂
    That really made me curious so I asked
    “How does one go about loading thousands of ducks?”
    He answered
    “ a big enough checkbook” 😂😅🤣

  • @jimcavalier7092
    @jimcavalier7092 3 роки тому +18

    God this ol boy brings back some memories. I hauled Cattle for around 15 years , and he tells like it is. I miss it every day. He reminds me of the guys I used work with. Level headed, humble , knowledgeable From Experience , well seasoned , Hardworking , And no Bullshit about him. Glad to see Real Trucker's still alive and keepen the tradition alive. I wish him continued success. He's earned it.

  • @louiesanchez823
    @louiesanchez823 5 місяців тому +3

    Solid dude right there appreciate what you do. Truck drivers don’t get enough credit for what they do they keep America going!!!!

  • @jdock694
    @jdock694 5 років тому +31

    I used to love to run with bull wagons back when I drove. Probably why I had 25 points on my driving record.

  • @swishswish386
    @swishswish386 3 роки тому +13

    Don’t know how I wound up here...but what a nice no nonsense bloke he is..No cliche, no bravado just a straight talking guy doing what he loves 👍👍👍

  • @ivanmendoza1312
    @ivanmendoza1312 11 місяців тому +3

    I rode with Anthony couple years ago saw his convoy on I20 heading west decided to follow them headed 90 all the way west, good guy

  • @Paulo660
    @Paulo660 5 років тому +68

    Sometimes all the mediocre stuff you watch on UA-cam is worth it to find the likes of this. Excellent!!

  • @ydtoonice1450
    @ydtoonice1450 Рік тому +2

    I always come back to this video and watch this brotha right here real humble straight forward truck driver gotta pat that respect

  • @jayt6524
    @jayt6524 5 років тому +21

    A man that tells it the way it is. I like that. Great interview with him.

  • @lynnhooper7897
    @lynnhooper7897 13 днів тому

    Mr. Seale, that is beautiful! Tractor, trailer and motor. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  • @TT-zm8np
    @TT-zm8np 5 років тому +38

    Oldschool Paint Scheme with the late 359 PeterBilt Double squared Headlights! I agree with him so much that I don’t follow today’s trim either, Oldschool will always look better than today’s era trucks.

    • @TheRoadhammer379
      @TheRoadhammer379 3 роки тому +1

      379 headlights, the 1986/87 359 rectangular lights are a bit different.

    • @TT.4_
      @TT.4_ Рік тому

      ​@@TheRoadhammer379still a good looking truck!

  • @michaelstone917
    @michaelstone917 3 роки тому +8

    Just watched another “recommended” video of this guy and 3 others of his crew doing over 90 in a convoy through Arizona 😂..good work my man!!

  • @scarface9617
    @scarface9617 5 років тому +35

    this fellers 100% business!🇺🇸(🤝)

  • @CC-xs1hh
    @CC-xs1hh 3 роки тому +9

    My first trucker video to watch, Mr. Seale , Thank You for taking the time to give a good inside on hauling cattle and especially the family history, God Bless all the truckers out there, it’s a tough living, and this country needs you.

  • @hbltzll
    @hbltzll 5 років тому +13

    That’s a bad ass truck! Of all the videos I’ve watched, this one by far is the most informative. That’s a good guy right there, you can tell by the way he speaks. And the toothpick shows he’s been around for a while 😉

  • @nasapeterbilt6042
    @nasapeterbilt6042 3 роки тому +7

    He is the real old school trucker .when I saw him it reminded me of the good old days much respect for all the cattle haulers the last of the cowboys

  • @tonym109
    @tonym109 5 років тому +34

    I like that truck. Paint scheme and all. Another good interview. Good editing.👍🏾
    Seale's upbringing damn close to mine.👍🏾👍🏾

  • @HyperActive7
    @HyperActive7 5 років тому +33

    I actually laughed at some of the lingo. I can tell this guy's family goes way back to when this state was founded by ranchers!

  • @WilliamRachels
    @WilliamRachels 10 місяців тому +2

    Anthony is right that is the sharpest truck on the road I love the paint schemee

  • @Chevy4x4dawg
    @Chevy4x4dawg 5 років тому +9

    Mr. Seale you sir are real trucker. Hauled it all and made a good honest living!!!! Hats off to ya ! I have seen a few of your rigs in Adamsville always want to stop and get a closer look. Keep shinny side up!

  • @johnbarbara3322
    @johnbarbara3322 5 років тому +15

    This is the coolest guy yet beautiful truck man

  • @tedwilliams765
    @tedwilliams765 3 роки тому +6

    Nothing but respect for bull haulers ,from the Pete's they drive and they still dress like real truckers!!

    • @TheRoadhammer379
      @TheRoadhammer379 2 роки тому

      And you seldom see a fat, disheveled slob in a bull rack

  • @mudslanger6577
    @mudslanger6577 5 років тому +13

    am i the only one that heard King George on the radio?! true Texan right there!

    • @lewisnolt
      @lewisnolt 3 роки тому +1

      Heard it! Amarillo by Mornin'. Love it ❤

    • @mustand5212
      @mustand5212 3 роки тому

      One of my favorite

  • @tomharris8263
    @tomharris8263 3 роки тому +2

    I like this guy. He's been there and done it. I think it would be great to drive for him. A shoot from the hip man. Thanks for the posting.

  • @jackthebagger7589
    @jackthebagger7589 3 роки тому +3

    Haven't watched all your interviews , but this one is by far the best .. Been bull haulin' since I was 29 .. 64 now ... This young man has it together it seems ..

  • @soultrain58
    @soultrain58 5 років тому +18

    Great interview with Mr Seale. Very informative. . . 1%er for sure 😁

  • @ihguy2113
    @ihguy2113 5 років тому +21

    6NZ is pretty much bullet prof keep it maintained any C15 pre emission is great video sir

  • @terrymclendon344
    @terrymclendon344 3 роки тому +4

    Appreciate all y'all do.
    My uncle Bill was a cattle hauler & full of stories.

  • @paulgallagher3122
    @paulgallagher3122 Рік тому

    Thank you for letting me see your truck.
    Retired now but looking at your ride has me thinkin’…..

  • @dsmithspecialisttransport2741
    @dsmithspecialisttransport2741 5 років тому +14

    Great video ,Anthony definitely knows his game, well done mate👍

  • @TORKiT
    @TORKiT 3 роки тому +7

    Who has watched this interview more than 10 times? 🇺🇸

  • @99iwaena
    @99iwaena 5 років тому +9

    I like this guy, straight up shooter!

  • @TimHollis3006
    @TimHollis3006 5 років тому +88

    I could listen to this ol boy talk for another 30 minutes

    • @cornbreadtv8834
      @cornbreadtv8834 5 років тому +1

      Same. His voice sounds cool

    • @the80and90srecyclebin
      @the80and90srecyclebin 5 років тому +1

      ya and your a idiot !!

    • @TimHollis3006
      @TimHollis3006 5 років тому +4

      jr garner “you’re an idiot”

    • @jacobmiller5834
      @jacobmiller5834 5 років тому +3

      Sounds like he'd keep talking as long as you'd listen.

    • @JL-ek2ks
      @JL-ek2ks 5 років тому

      I can barely understand anything he’s saying

  • @Solo-di5om
    @Solo-di5om 3 місяці тому

    I see him from time to time passing through Oklahoma City and man let me tell you, that is a beautiful truck

  • @harrygleason325
    @harrygleason325 5 років тому +9

    Awesome interview i miss the road ALOT of respect to u you almost have to be born in that line of driving.

  • @3DayFlagman
    @3DayFlagman 5 років тому +11

    Great interview and thank you for keeping America moving!

  • @stevemccoy8138
    @stevemccoy8138 5 років тому +9

    Good interview , I really appreciate what you are doing Frank. Really a nice rig Anthony,We can tell you take a lot of pride in it. Hauled Cattle my self for a long time. Thank you!

  • @johnmccasthy6153
    @johnmccasthy6153 5 років тому +7

    True this man seen it all . Great experience hauling cattle at a younger age he been there

  • @dalehotard3404
    @dalehotard3404 5 років тому +11

    I wish I had kept my old Barrett slat side trailer. It was a 53’ by 102” 10ft 2 spread axle.

    • @stephentodd4345
      @stephentodd4345 3 роки тому

      You haven't lived life until you are pushing 90 fully loaded grabbing another gear

  • @jasonwilliamson5464
    @jasonwilliamson5464 5 років тому +13

    Best interview yet love this dude

  • @gloriasandoval9588
    @gloriasandoval9588 4 роки тому +3

    This man comes across so informative and sincere that you can see why he's been so successful, keep it up Mr. Seale, and wish you more success.
    Thank you Anthony Seale and I Love Cattle Trucks, GREAT INTERVIEW!

  • @SD-Farms
    @SD-Farms 4 роки тому +4

    I love Peterbilt account trailers and your hard-working man Keep up the good work

  • @williamgray1056
    @williamgray1056 Рік тому

    Thanks to you and all your drivers for moving our Texas beef. Love the hill country where you live. We have our family reunions down around Tow, Buchanan lake, Llano area and have had for about 80 yrs now. I’m a 66 yr old retired trucker and I’ve haul everything but cows. Lots of family down in that area. Bush-Newlin family, but don’t hold that against me…lol.

  • @honahwikeepa2115
    @honahwikeepa2115 Рік тому

    Cheers from Sydney Australia 🦘. Awesome truckers.

  • @kevinmcgann9732
    @kevinmcgann9732 5 років тому +2

    That truck looks great I'm usually not a fan of that type of paint scheme but gosh dang it that truck looks beautiful! Thank you for doing the vidja AND thanks to Anthony for being who he is and what he does!!!!!

  • @Peterbilt359
    @Peterbilt359 5 років тому +9

    I remember that paint scheme in the adds on the back of Overdrive mag when it was a real mag for owner operator. Always loved it but it works better with a sleeper. Very nice.

  • @davidlogel2350
    @davidlogel2350 3 роки тому +9

    When he said “kinda makes ya pucker up there for a bit” I was like oh yeah, I’ve been there bud.

  • @stephencobb292
    @stephencobb292 5 років тому +2

    Trucking is in his blood!!! Keep on Trucking. That's what you call a hard working country boy...

  • @jeffledbetter5935
    @jeffledbetter5935 3 роки тому +1

    This hand is about as real as you get on these videos. Keep getting it done Mr. Seale, you’re the man!

  • @BugsyBarboza
    @BugsyBarboza 4 роки тому +6

    He said thanks for the interview.... LOL no ?’s asked. More like thanks for the talk. Enjoyed it tho. Thanks for sharing.

  • @waxgod5818
    @waxgod5818 5 років тому +7

    Great interview Anthony is awesome god bless

  • @keithmackey654
    @keithmackey654 5 років тому +5

    Awesome video i enjoyed it. I love cattle trucks myself. Cool thanks for the video.Nice truck Anthony love the paint scheme.

  • @NoName-jj4yi
    @NoName-jj4yi 5 років тому +7

    You’re getting a lot better at your interviews I watched the whole thing with out getting frustrated!!!

  • @jamesconn1104
    @jamesconn1104 Рік тому

    That is one Sharp Pete , Thank Ya Sir for what You do !! Keep on Truckin !!

  • @BobKinsley
    @BobKinsley Рік тому

    Drove them for years retired and can't stop looking at them they're the best on the road

  • @mattcanfield6384
    @mattcanfield6384 4 роки тому +2

    I don't drive otr or haul cattle but I haul alot of heavy and wide equipment for work and have seen some really lazy carless drivers this video reminded me that there are some truly old school quality drivers out there still that take pride in there work love that rig and it's awesome paint job well done

  • @anthonyc993
    @anthonyc993 5 років тому +5

    That is one beautiful truck. Love the paint scheme. I would move to texas tomorrow to drive for that man.

    • @davidrogers8373
      @davidrogers8373 4 роки тому +4

      That truck used to be mine. I sold it to Cody, and Anthony bought it from him. Anthony is a good hand.

  • @conanhendrick4379
    @conanhendrick4379 3 роки тому +21

    The way he pulled the hood over made me so happy. Can’t stand people who jerk hoods over lol

  • @TORKiT
    @TORKiT 3 роки тому +5

    Hammer lane! I love a burger at the sale barn. Good ol boys 🇺🇸

  • @edwardzavala1725
    @edwardzavala1725 5 років тому +6

    Good job , both of you gentlemen.

  • @05trucker55
    @05trucker55 5 років тому +11

    That’s one nice Pete that color is badass beautiful truck cool driver too

  • @Solo-di5om
    @Solo-di5om Рік тому

    I saw that beautiful Peterbilt that Anthony Seale drives yesterday in Edmond Oklahoma and it looks amazing in person

  • @rowdybobm
    @rowdybobm 5 років тому +29

    Ride on cowboys, I spent my life around cattle, I've seen those guys so wore out and haggered but just like us cowpunchers they just throw a leg over and go on down the trail . Prayers for all y'all this fall run

    • @yeahno1016
      @yeahno1016 5 років тому

      Rowdybob Morris I just run a van but wondered are livestock guys allowed to exceed the 14 hour do to health of the animals to get them where they need to be

    • @rowdybobm
      @rowdybobm 5 років тому +1

      @@yeahno1016 I not 100% sure but I know they have an exemption allowing them to but I do think there is either a law in Congress or it has already passed allowing them to run over if their loaded

    • @michaeltemmen1223
      @michaeltemmen1223 5 років тому +2

      YeahNo101 ? ELD exempt, paper makes anything possible

    • @michaeltemmen1223
      @michaeltemmen1223 5 років тому +1

      YeahNo101 ? Also get172 statute miles free as you enter the loading region.

  • @lindsayclark9431
    @lindsayclark9431 5 років тому +20

    Anthony lives not to far down the road from me, and I will say that he does keep some really nice looking trucks. I’ve also seen a truck or two of his coming out of Colorado and it ain’t no bullshit, his trucks will run a hole in the wind. He usually has a truck or two for sale on one of the Facebook pages. I have spoken to him a time or two about a truck and he’s pretty straight up about what it is and what it ain’t. One things for sure. His trucks have been up and down the road enough that it knows the way, no map needed.

    • @keithmackey654
      @keithmackey654 5 років тому +2

      Yea just from watching this video i can tell he's pretty straight foward.

    • @m118lr
      @m118lr 5 років тому

      Lindsay Clark ...i’m watching the vid/interview Dec 31st, 2019 (New Year’s Eve) and I live in Goldthwaite...30 miles North. Love those Bull Wagons...he’s doing a great job taking care of THAT one for sure

    • @lindsayclark9431
      @lindsayclark9431 Рік тому

      @@m118lr here it is 1/4/23 and I’m loading out with 2 of his trucks headed to Kansas.

  • @robertarrol4374
    @robertarrol4374 2 роки тому

    Good to see a man like this in the modern world of truckin....the real deal!

  • @tyleradams4633
    @tyleradams4633 2 роки тому

    I just Love that paint job on your Bad Ass Pete, it just LOOKS fast and stands tall. 👍I went thru your home town about 4 weeks ago and seen where you park your trailer and REALLY wish your Pete was there but no luck..

  • @patricknorton7851
    @patricknorton7851 5 років тому +8

    I agree, very good interview. Keep up the good work.

  • @jeremiahfisher6994
    @jeremiahfisher6994 5 років тому +1

    Ive polished 2 of his trucks. Nice guy. Hopefully see him again soon. Get the wheels done on that new one for him! Good kid

  • @justinhamilton3336
    @justinhamilton3336 Рік тому

    Hauled cows for a long time out of Mcgregor Tx for Highbar Cattle made many a trip down to El Campo,Schulenberg,Elkhart all those sale barns down through south Texas i feel like me and him have seen each other before he looks very familiar i was always going to Angelo to Lonestar....great video my man ty for this brings back some great memories....... Be safe out there Driver... Ain't no feelin like cattle mobilen

  • @jakefrost9566
    @jakefrost9566 6 місяців тому

    Great guy, really enjoy his videos! Sweet Pete!

  • @Lukasz4546
    @Lukasz4546 3 роки тому

    Real truck driver, He was born for that job. Beatifull truck. Best regards from Poland 🇵🇱 💪

  • @josiahlomas7388
    @josiahlomas7388 3 роки тому

    All American....I sends my respects from Bakersfield ca...keep trucking

  • @ryanglosson4997
    @ryanglosson4997 5 років тому +4

    I’m from Lampasas! Grew up there and graduated there 1999!

  • @fuzzybutkus3951
    @fuzzybutkus3951 3 роки тому +1

    Gorgeous truck. Well taken care of. Never seen black with those graphics.

  • @sudd2685
    @sudd2685 3 роки тому +1

    Love this guy what you see is what you get.

  • @ljgaines8170
    @ljgaines8170 5 років тому +5

    My uncle hauled cattle that's where I'll learnt from he always told me from the beginning you don't lay down entail them Hooves hit the ground he was a good man

  • @jamesfalls3310
    @jamesfalls3310 2 роки тому

    I parked the truck and bought a Harley.I miss driving and I understand how you feel and Run.thanks truck driver.

  • @choppacity4348
    @choppacity4348 Рік тому

    From Nawlins don't see to many bullwagons haven't talked to to many drivers but you answered all the questions I was always curious about thank you 🙏👆⚜️✌️

  • @m118lr
    @m118lr 5 років тому +3

    REALLY NICE Bull wagon, great vid...

  • @joseservin6781
    @joseservin6781 5 років тому +4

    I seen this truck yesterday in Clovis nm! Sharp looking truck in person.

  • @tygreenwood472
    @tygreenwood472 5 років тому +3

    Great video nice looking truck as well, like this drivers attitude no nonsense!

  • @BigTex347
    @BigTex347 3 роки тому +3

    Great interview! Hello Anthony, have you ever driven through Turkey, Texas? I own the restored 1928 Phillips 66 Service Station on Main street and Cattle trucks go up and down Main all day long. I think they are headed from Fort Worth up through Childress and on to the feed lots in New Mexico. Sometimes the trucks will stop in front of the service station and the driver will get a burger from the restaurant across the street. I sometimes ask the driver if I can look inside the cab - they are always happy the show off their rig. You're the real deal and I pray for you safety on the road. You are the backbone of this country - God Bless You.

    • @cobra6953
      @cobra6953 3 роки тому +1

      Good ole turkey on highway 83. You have an awesome looking station.

  • @bobbywhitlock7936
    @bobbywhitlock7936 5 років тому +4

    Nice ride real good attitude I'd work for you any day,keep the good work up.

  • @chasemiller76
    @chasemiller76 5 років тому +7

    I love hearing a guy talk about what he is passion about; ain't no fellin like cow mobilin

  • @re4477
    @re4477 2 роки тому

    Dude is about dat lyfe. Mad respect.

  • @1pieman
    @1pieman 5 років тому +6

    Beautiful truck great interview

  • @cameronblesi3661
    @cameronblesi3661 5 років тому +1

    You know you can crack a smile every now and then. No disrespect. I respect your line of work, as I work with cattle as well. Great looking rig you got there.