Black spawns an intercontinental ballistic missile (he can detonate killing every piece next to it not diagonals tho but intercontinental ballistic missile dies) (moves like Queen( can’t capture normally)
the black king check mates the white king in a smaller board next to the normal board and the black king asasinates the wihte king in the normal board winning the game
It’s called casting its a move where the king moves two squares towards a rook and the rook jumps over the king but you can’t do it if the king has already moved
Black spawns an intercontinental ballistic missile (he can detonate killing every piece next to it not diagonals tho but intercontinental ballistic missile dies) (moves like Queen( can’t capture normally)
Bishop d6, we can later go Qc7 and attack the pawn forcing him to make a pawn move and weaken the king
bee swarm player?
its defended by the king
I didn’t expect 25 likes to this comment but maybe we can make this move work
Makes sense.
Knight B4 to go bishop c7 to the queen and advancing our position
Bishop b4 developing the bishop of his staring square and attacking the knight on c3
Bd6 centralising the bishop and rdy to castle
Black builds a secret tunnel adding I1, I8 and all of the J file to the board
Bb4, attacking the knight(possibly getting a trade) and preparing to castle
Bro I would try to solve this only if the chess pieces looked like actual chess pieces 💀
Knight takes knight
Queen to A5
The Queens Knight Takes the Knight on D5: NxD5
Bg4 pins the Knight and queen
Simply a queen move or f3 stops the pin. Bb4 or Bd6 is better, plus your wasting a move for a pin that has no purpose.
the black king check mates the white king in a smaller board next to the normal board and the black king asasinates the wihte king in the normal board winning the game
B5, may the best win
Queen G5 blunder 👍
bd6 gives potential mate
Bishop E7 because black need to castle
Bishop to D4
king to g1
Bd6 for development
Bishop d6
Black draws 19 cards of uno (he got 6 +4 cards)
Bishop b4
Knight b8-d7
Wait you can’t switch in chess right?
It’s called casting its a move where the king moves two squares towards a rook and the rook jumps over the king but you can’t do it if the king has already moved
Make white draw two cards.
Black team, you'll never win