I've leveled every job to max, and DRK story was the best job story quest of them all. Definitely worth it! I am a bit sad they made role quests now instead of job quests. Feels less personal as it's not really too closely related to that specific job any longer.
I just commented that I’m leveling up DRK for the figmental weapon, but the story has blown me away so far!! I very much regret not unlocking it sooner.
leveling everything makes you better at your main job/role as you learn the kits of other jobs and that way you understand what your party can do. I personally have no idea what I main anymore since it's fun to switch depending on content!
honestly this!! the main reason i've got every job unlocked and leveled is to better understand how the game's encounter design expects all roles to handle things. and honestly, having been a healer main for endwalker has definitely made me a more considerate dps in dawntrail xD
ehhhh, not really. It used to be that way, but this dev team went well out of its way to remove synergy between jobs and roles. Encounters and jobs are now designed in a way where you just need to focus on what you're doing. This is especially true for DPS jobs. However, it is still beneficial for healer mains to spend some time playing tanks and vice versa. But even this is getting worse every expansion as tanks continue to be granted more and more self-sustain.
I've leveled nearly job and I haven't learned shit 😂. Turns out doing The Sunken Temple of Qarn, The Praetorium, Syrcus Tower and Frontlines over and over again doesn't teach you much about the job you're playing.
Man the moment when i bought the full game i just went and grabbed Dancer Job cus i wanted to wear those cool dancet glams LOL, like nothing else in that job spoke to me than OOHH PRETTY DRESS! haha!
Honestly as valid as any reason! - as long as you use the kit. Please use the kit ;-; the amount of times I ran into people playing a class for glam but not even using the literal utter basics of their kit (eg. a whm not using a single regen dot) is a bit sad... Dancer is a very pretty glam but also SFX/VFX class! ❤
Such a mood unlocking DNC for city speed buffs, I unlocked NIN specifically for that permanent 10% running speed bonus for the same reasons. That and its teleports are the only reason its at lvl 100.
I was (still am) a healer main, and I ONLY had healing jobs unlocked until I was almost done with Shadowbringers and my friends told me to unlock other jobs. Since Summoner came free with Scholar as you noted, I only had to level a tank and a physical DPS (for Endwalker). I chose Gunbreaker as a tank because it started at the highest level, and I chose Machinist because I am a sucker for the steampunk aesthetic and MCH suited that. I made a LOT of jokes about how I was too American, because the two jobs I chose were GUN
trying to level all the jobs just to try out different styles and I'm really liking how the quests really meld well with the world, makes it really fun
I stayed on Free trial for about 2 years, just daily rouletes then couple of dungeons then logout. I bought the full game back in 2022 then activated the keys on dec 2024 after I maxed every class available on free trial to LVL70 (except BLU DOH/DOL). Main reason why I unlocked every jobs is because of personal achievement. Seeing them all in LVL70 when I started playing SBH made me really happy and fulfilled, for a sprout who knows nothing about the game other than spamming dongeons I felt that I achieved something XD. I was a healer main, then I tried Tank then DPS.. I have couple of favorite classes and I don't know which to main honestly.. I'll decide once I'm done with MSQ and once feel I'm ready for harder contents.
I was a sprout until I started Dawntrail the day before yesterday, but I started on Dynamis, which means I have 6 maxed combat jobs and all my DoH and DoL jobs above 90. I recently moved to Aether and I dearly miss the XP boost.
Interesting topic you bring here! I'm so glad to see we experience similar things in the game. I started with Tank as my main and i have played with all Tanks except Paladin then, Bard, Mch, Reaper, Ninja, Viper, Samurai, Dragoon, WHM. The reasons to unlock those were the job lore and second, the gameplay. After been playing with those, I realized that I feel really confident with Reaper for any kind of content. I know is the one of the easiest DPS but maybe this is the reason I clicked so well with it. Now, I would focus in one or two jobs with the goal of master them and then only then only try other jobs.
I have always felt that I should level up a lot of jobs in order to have options available, but you made me think that I instead should focus on one or two jobs that I really like, so that I don't end up with a lot of jobs that I don't actually play.
Do whatever you want!! Leveling jobs is a great way to learn about other jobs' toolkits, which can be good to know if you ever decide to become a raider. There are also some mounts that come from having all jobs lvled to 80 and also one for all jobs at 100.
It especially helps playing all the healers and tanks! You then understand what your co-healer is doing and what your tank is doing (for example bloodwhetting on WAR) Nothing bothers me more than placing lily bell for example, and my sage co-healer spam’s their eukrasian diagnosis on top of it :c if the sage knew how whm worked they’d know to just dps and save their mana/healing spells for another aoe instead :p
I unlocked each job just to get the quest marker off my map :P that and leveled them just because I want to know how they work, and maybe decide on favorite classes. I still don’t know which is my favorite.
I just unlocked all jobs, because it felt like something I have to do. But there is one job among them that I really don't want to play and that's Bard. It just doesn't feel like my kind of job.
I'm unlocking the jobs mainly for the mentor system, I have my 3 mains on each role that I'll swap to fill in parties. But learning the other classes just goes to help out with giving advice to other people
Back in the day you needed the secondary class to get your job class. That is why I had a bunch of them unlocked to begin with. To actually getting around to leveling them all though. It was the Amaro mount in ShadowBringers. When I learned that I could get my little paws on a fluffy dragon mount for getting all battle classes to 80, you better bet I did that as fast as I could. Then it just became a thing. Just finding myself unhappy if all classes weren't orange when I looked at my character, so now it has become a habit.
I think playing other jobs began with, 'this piece of glam would look really good on x but I don't play/haven't unlocked it.' So the gear being locked to certain jobs works but I wish that after you've got it in the glam dresser, with one of the related jobs lvled, that you could put it on any job. Especially some of the doh/dol gear. Some really cute stuff just hanging out because I don't have the space to make seperate glams for crafting/gathering.
I used to play only DPS classes, and maxed most of them. As I was getting familiar with the game, I tried healer class and it’s so much fun! Especially White Mage. I think unlocking other classes give us perspective of each other role works.
I unlocked 90% of the jobs when I was like a baby sprout and/or still new to the game. For me, unlocking a job wasn't a "I want X job because of Y" but rather "ooh, blue quest! what's that do? oh..."
Initially it was Gunbreaker for me since I like gunblades. Didn't know about Machinist since the free trial only went up to level 35 at the time so my friend had to show me everything. I was bored with Bard, he certainly saw that and realized it likely wouldn't make me buy the game so he mentioned the one thing I do like: Guns. The moment he asked if I wanted to see the gun class, I immediately perked up and went "you're an idiot for thinking to ask that. You already know the answer." Now whenever I'm asked why I play Machinist, my response is always "my friend, I'm a Southerner and an American. We're known for our love of guns, do the math"
I wasn't gonna omni any of the combat jobs, but ended up being "bored" so I unlocked the HW jobs one at a time before Dawntrial...and here I am now, 100 all jobs.
crafter and gatherer compliment each other; ususally the BSM crafts the tools and WVR or LTW the other gear etc. at lvl 60-ish you can do custom deliveries and collectable appraiser to gain lot of exp and scrips to purchase pretty good gear and tools.
I started the game as a Lancer/Dragoon because I thought the Jumps would let me sequence break dungeons xD Back when I was still free-to-play, I unlocked Goldsmith and Miner because they had the cheapest recipe for glamour prisms. And now that I'm almost done with Endwalker, I unlocked Picto so it could wear the high(ish) level Organization XIII caster glam I've been holding onto.
When I first joined the game, I used Arcanist because a friend told me it was similar to the pet job from another mmo, TERA, that I played before XIV. Upon getting into the game, I started seeing an issue pop up, that was...the roughly 45-minute DPS queue I had for basically all content at the time and that wasn't playing well with the small window of time I could play the game during the week. I noticed that it was almost always "Healer-in-need" so I decided to pick up Conjurer, and having never played healer in any game ever, I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I was having in the role. I never picked up Summoner again because the rotation was a little too much for me to memorize, though I do play it often now. Once I got to Heavensward, I unlocked Astrologian because I wanted to try another healer and it was very flashy. It was tons of fun and I mained that all the way to the battle with Innocence. When I reached Innocence, a friend asked if i wanted to try another job, so I went with one I'd been eyeing, but never understood: Red Mage. Being a DPS-ing Healer/Rez-Engine brought about a new level of fun in the game for me, and I stuck with that job through the patch content and once Endwalker started, I went Dancer. Overall my experience trying out jobs has been pretty great, but I do have that little square of specific jobs I really enjoy coming back to a lot.
just an added tidbit: I never felt comfy with SCH compared to WHM, so it wasn't a healer I touched until the very end of Endwalker, and to this day I still prefer Sage over Scholar.
Ai embracing her inner 'Murican, love to see it. I unlock most things for glam reasons. WHM just has so many cute and shexy glam options, and RDM for the victory pose. PLD, for the shield you get in MSQ. HW still my favorite story. DNC, I liked the Yokai weapon, and a lala crafter gave me the Thavnairian glam for free. RPR because I'm a DRG main, and wanted something to catch spillover exp (started playing in 6.58).
I am also one of those players who does not level all jobs to max every expansion. However, I do level all jobs I do not max to the starting level for new jobs of the current expansion e.g. in EW, all jobs were leveled to at least 70. Something that is a little silly that I do while leveling is I make it like a competition where the jobs compete against each other. I put full effort into leveling them, which means I don't just take them through roulettes to level them asap. I actually map out their skills, craft their gear, choose glamours, make macros, learn their rotations, and throw them into the leveling dungeons of the respective expansion, and then also take them through the trials and raids once they hit the cap for that expansion. The job I like the most and the runner up win, and as a reward they get taken to max level to join the others to go into endgame content. IOW, for DT, all non-max jobs will be doing the ShB expansion and be leveled to 80. They will go into the ShB leveling dungeons, and do the level 80 trials and raids. Two jobs will be chosen to take to 100. MCH is one of those jobs I want to like. Unfortunately the constant double weaving and Wildfire mechanics drive me nuts. Some people like high APM jobs, I am not one of them.
I unlock every job just so I have options.... but I also don't enjoy playing or leveling them. I just now feel like I have to so that I can keep my armory chest clean. Bard is always one I dread. Couldn't even tell you why... just never has been the job for me. Also tend to delay leveling healing jobs, just because I'm bad at healing and don't want to deal with the stress. Mad respect to the excellent healers in this game because like you with black mage, you're doing something I can't do.
Long ago way back when in 2.0 when you had to pick up other jobs to advance your desired jobs that was, like yea. Now in Modern times... I picked up reaper because it was new but never got more then 5 levels before going nope do not like. Now a days I start a character as Arcanist it was my first and most loved job, as you pointed out 2 for 1 SMN/SCH, I choose 1 tank class, a physical range and physical melee. Then crafters and gatherers since I like to repair my own gear. Thank you again for another lovely video. ♥
It’s actually funny I legit just leveled my Machinist too level 100 for a cool glamour, and honestly I really suck at machinist lol, there’s just way to much going on. Glamour is the true reason anyways.
I boosted Pugilist for this reason. I’m a DPS main, but even then there are some classes that I just won’t play or at least won’t play after I max it out. Monk/Pugilist was one of those
After seeing these classes you got even for not playing and seeing how cute the glamours are would you be inclined of making a video showing off all your classes and glamours you chose some of the outfits are really cute ❤
As a healer main I love playing red mage. It gets a bad rep for doing less dps than picto, but being able to save pulls with well timed rez and sometimes even vercure is priceless in pf. I'm also a mit sheet making nerd and I like planning optimal usage of magick barrier based on what's happening in the pull
I unlocked jobs I don't play (basically anything other than Red Mage, White Mage, Paladin, Machinist, and Viper/Dragoon) for two reasons: Glams and Achievements XD
I unlock all available jobs so that i can switch whenever needed in some situations, e.g dragoon/dark knight for frontlines, Machinist for solo unrestricted stuffs (Peloton + oneshot-ish stuffs), Ninja/white mage/dancer etc for dashes to reduce travel times and so on
My reasons for unlocking gunbreaker was because I liked the artifact gear and Thancred after watching the Shadowbringers trailer and doing the role-play duty as him during that expansion (I liked Thancred already but seeing his new look in Shadowbringers got me interested in the job).
I unlocked and leveled Viper just so I could have another use for my Chef glamour with the Figmental Weapons. I made one for WHM initially for the Cake Fork, but I decided to actually learn Viper to make use of the Fork & Knife combo. I got both coffer drops, but couldn't decide for the longest time what to use them for since they can be so rare and I didn't wanna have to *fork* over the money for them. (pun absolutely intended)
I unlocked: Dark Knights for the uldah memorial line in Ul'dah back in ShB. Leveled it later for story: Worth it Unlocked Monk so I had a use for emporers new fists glamour. Became my favourite dps job later and now I‘m using tea fists since it‘s the first job I ever cleared an ultimate with. Bard: just for the performing stuff. Never used that tho lol.
If it's not something I intend to use in content I don't want to be the tank for, my main, canon job on my main character is Warrior, I either play it for the story or because most of my characters are the try anything sort. Main main guy, I've unlocked everything but Pugilist from ARR, Samurai, Red and Blue Mages, Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist, Dancer, and Gunbreaker and will get the rest of them from the coming expansions when I meet the level requirements, but if they don't vibe with me, they're not going to vibe with him. My most used alt, a Viera, is a magic user first and foremost and her canon job is Scholar, so while it's in character for her to go through each and every class and job to learn, I don't think I'm going to do many melee jobs. Maybe one tank and I've already gotten Rogue to 30 for Ninja, so that's a melee DPS, but she is definitely going to go through all the magic classes.
Haha, MCH is weirdly fun! It's especially handy for breezing through low level dungeons unsynced. Most skills can be cast on the move, which is one of the reasons I find AST appealing too. DRK definitely for the lore.. part of me believes that DRK is WOL cannon, even though derplander is a WAR.
I feel like ive always pictured Derplander as a paladin, though realistically he is everything... after all, in the trailers he gets to swap jobs mid fight and we dont :c
I'm a glutton for punishment, and after I capped off my rpr, I had the genius thought of "hey I'm gonna level EVERYTHINGGGG".. idk what I was thinking other than after playing all the classes, I'd rather tank than heal, and that's saying something for me since I started this journey as a whm too-scared-to-tank player.. and as much as people complain about blm, it's definitely a labor of love, and I'm really starting to love it.. like if I had to pick 1 class to binge level, it would either be blm, bard, or mch at this point because dps is my true love in this game lol
I unlocked MCH just because I really like their Job gear. I play a catboi and I wanted to have those Suit and Tie/Cowboy outfits that the MCH Job gear tends to be. My MCH is level 97 now so im so close to getting the DT set. I just think their Gear has cool vibes.
Mch is my main job, it's fun being a gun bunny with theogonic armor gear with the anima lux weapon for glam all dyed in gold, lol.I can't stand crafting jobs but I'm leveling them all to 100 so I can mend my gear to 190% and no longer have to pay the mender npc's.
I only played White Mage for most of my time up until Endwalker when I finally leveled Paladin and Monk. Whitemage is just all I ever wanted to be and I still play it exclusively. (I now have Picto in that mix - and soon to be Bard/Summoner/Scholar) I'm going to live it to just those jobs though because I only got these jobs so I can fill in for roles to play with friends more often. I don't want to level all the jobs because to me I find that playing jobs I'm not modestly competent at is griefing. I'd rather be average at one or a few jobs than mediocre at all of them except for one.
Personally I love all the combat jobs. the one thing I can't stand (And this might have something to do with not leveling them alongside the expansions) Is the crafters and gatherers. I unlocked them, forgot about them, then decided after Endwalker I'd be in my retirement arc and tried to level the gathers first. And hated it. IDK why, it just filled me with such boredom that if I didn't have UA-cam on my second monitor I'd probably have stopped after lvl 20.
I would always open a job when I got bored in EW. But I never did DPS because I hated melee so much. I also hated Tank so much I would go out of my way to avoid trainers because I didn't want to get sucked in. I'm healer, WHM main! In DT because it's the most boring xpac to date, I opened and leveled everything. I love Heals and Ranged DPS. My DNC pulled me through Endwalker and Dawn Trail, because healing is hard when you're in less than max gear... But doing Shared FATEs butched me up. I have all jobs and trades to 100, BLU is 72 because I need a lot more spells. I got my first weapon coffer on my MCH and there is nothing more fun than running Juno using Flamethrower. My second one I used on my WAR. Oh, and I found I loved tanking so much. No real worries about standing in the shiny unless I'm low health and hey, I can fix that too!
I must be a fluke because I'm scared to death of healing. I've leveled every job to cap but mostly stick to DPS & Tank but I like to be prepared if it comes down to it. I'm terrified of screwing up as heals.😳😱 As for gathering/crafting that's in my blood. Occasionally I'll do a full legendary node hunt to get mats that in turn I keep either for crafting or if I have surplus post on the market board for some extra gil and doubles as a good way to farm for gathering materia. As for crafting I HAVE TO HAVE ALL CRAFTING TO MAX. Reason is simple. I keep 2000+ dark matter 8 to repair my gear instead of splurging at a mender. Oddly enough that aspect in RL got me to be more self sufficient. When I noticed that I don't need to blow thousands of gil to repair all my jobs gear it also got me thinking, "why can't I do that in real life?" As result I pride myself on being a my own culinarian/fix-it-yourself type person instead of blowing a lot of money for somebody to fix everything. It also helps that I'm an incredible cook.😁
I burned myself out to the point I dropped the game and deleted my character because I tried to level every job. I wanted the God of Magic/God of War titles. But I didn't enjoy playing the vast majority of them. In fact, I hated playing as Black Mage, Ninja, Sage, Astro, and Reaper so much that the thought of doing a single dungeon as one of them made me want to uninstall the game. That combined with the fact that my FC only ever did events on nights I worked despite how much work I did for them just killed my interest in the game. If I ever return to the game, I'm only going to let myself unlock a maximum of one job per role.
kinda glad i started the game as a Thurmaturge/BLM cause it is more frustrating to deal with than most classes. i love it just cause i love magic classes in general, but not looking forward to leveling it again on an alt eventually 😂
MCH is my absolute favorite ranged job, so don't worry, dear. I'll be the gun totin', tool blastin' idiot of the duty. You just keep them sweet heals comin' my way, since I hate healing, and that's your specialty! 😂 Edit: Wait, you LIKE it after all?! Two Machinists then, let's get blastin!
I am the same way. Honestly.... I just wanted to unlock everything. Although I would like to get everything to 30 one day, but I just don't care. For Bard, I unlocked Bard just for the instruments lol.... and since.... I've never played them LOL. I unlocked them... played them for like a day and never played again.
I level all the classes because i want the achievement, and what i find is amusing, is due to this last round of leveling, I have started to enjoy playing Machinist. There are also classes i like playin, i just do not cuz i bad at em lol. It's sad DT gets so much hate, because honestly, the dungeons overall have been some of the best if not best, esp the leveling ones. The raid series, story aside, has been the most fun I have had raiding, and imho one of the best tiers they have ever done. Great balance of bod checks vs DPS checks. FRU seems to be a hit. The chaotic I feel is to early to tell. The two EX fights i have done were fun. I even enjoyed the story so far overall, and unlike some, love wuk lamat. Though I agree she was a bit pushed to hard, and the pacing at times were whack, but still had a good time. :shrug:
I unlocked RPR and DNC on top of my pre obtained Ninja and old lv 50 Drg for the dash when I am server shopping the Market Board. All my extra exp goes to whm for that Dash.
I unlocked MCH cause I wanted to give my lalafell a gun and it was the only DPS classed I played for a long time. I have all jobs at 100 for my main now for the achievements! I made the painful decision to level them all up to 99 when DT launched to send as a joke to my boyfriend who was playing Runescape. "Look I got 99 in all skills!" So I didn't "finish" DT for like over a month to keep everything at 99. Was satisfying none the less. But don't ask me how to play any of them. I'm a WHM through and through.
I have all jobs and crafters/gatherers at level 100. But I'm a Tank main, I don't play DPS or Healer at all except for certain situations. Sometimes I try other stuff just for the sake of it, but nah I'll always be a Tank main, and that's never gonna change. My main reason for unlocking all of them was to get the Amaro mount back in SHB, and then the Outrunner mount at level 100. However, I don't think it's actually worth it, levelling jobs for the sake of it isn't a good way to do it.
Initially I unlocked jobs I wasn't going to play that much because of the job stories. But me being a completionist, as time went on I just wanted all of the jobs at 100. My least played jobs are probably monk, blm, and ninja. Just can't wrap my head around their rotations, more so with monk. I know how blm works on paper, but execution is a different story.
I unlocked MCH so I could get the Necromancer title. I unlocked BRD for the instruments (which I have never used). Worst of all I leveled BLM to max on an alt for rp reasons.
these are really fun reasons, way more interesting than me xD i just unlock them all because I'm a completionist, haven't even been playing for a year and i have every job up to at least lvl50... probably should catch up to MSQ first before i go any further 😅
Edengrace Rod. I think I did savage unsynced for the mount or something and ended up thinking that weapon was so cool that i got it even though i hate blm xDD
I remember just having started FF14 when I saw a video of Meoni showcasing his newest addition: the Amaro mount from ShB. And I loved that bird XD Then I heart I would have to level all jobs to 80 to get it (I started during 5.2). So, thats pretty much the reason I leveled all jobs: my Seto mount :) Later I found out, the job-related stories are really good, so I kept going for that. Sadly, role quests a crap, but hey, what can you do? Besides, Im not raiding anymore so Ive got time.
I've been levelling every class just because i want the damned amaro you get for all 80s... I have discovered some cool playstyles but I've also wasted a bunch of glamour plates on classes I'll never touch again, so overall its a wash
I only unlocked Gunbreaker because I wanted all the 'tank X00 things on this job' achievements/titles/mounts. To this day, Gunbreaker is the one tank job I actually hate. Also, I am the complete opposite on Scholar, I only got it anywhere near 100 because Summoner was dragging it along. I am of the opinion Scholar is awful.
I leveled every job to get the mounts linked to the avhievements. Before it was getting everything to 30 for the pvp. So I just need 2 more jobs leveled a bit to get seto at everything at 80, then to 100. I have all my tanks leveled pali was my last to level, and I leveled it before litterally because I didnt want to carry around more tank gear. So now my pali is just equiped with the Bis gear I have for Warrior and Gunbreakers my mains. I leveled Dark just because it looked cool, and I main tank so having a Dark is a nice option.
I do hope to get the achievement mounts at some point! But leveling has always something I've gotta be in the mood for, so I just wait until i have a reason/feel like doing it.
I changed to Machinist when they destroyed Summoner which was my main (I miss my Potato tank). I plan to level all jobs because... well, what else you gonna do in the game?
I (and many other older players) have been conditioned to unlock/level all classes... Cross-class abilities and job soul stones. Will never touch Bluemage though.
Machinist got Aitherea asking "WTF IS A KILOMETER??" Hell yeah brother 🦅
Xeno?! 😂
Hell yeah freedom fries and liberty cabbage am I right mate?
TRIPLE THE MACHINIST BUDGET ! I love this world's guns
I played DRK for the story. Was absolutely worth it.
I've leveled every job to max, and DRK story was the best job story quest of them all. Definitely worth it! I am a bit sad they made role quests now instead of job quests. Feels less personal as it's not really too closely related to that specific job any longer.
Such an amazing questline.
I just commented that I’m leveling up DRK for the figmental weapon, but the story has blown me away so far!! I very much regret not unlocking it sooner.
so funny that people play games for lore
@@vriksi You do not need to level up DRK for the figmental weapon. Just unlock it.
leveling everything makes you better at your main job/role as you learn the kits of other jobs and that way you understand what your party can do.
I personally have no idea what I main anymore since it's fun to switch depending on content!
honestly this!! the main reason i've got every job unlocked and leveled is to better understand how the game's encounter design expects all roles to handle things. and honestly, having been a healer main for endwalker has definitely made me a more considerate dps in dawntrail xD
ehhhh, not really. It used to be that way, but this dev team went well out of its way to remove synergy between jobs and roles. Encounters and jobs are now designed in a way where you just need to focus on what you're doing. This is especially true for DPS jobs.
However, it is still beneficial for healer mains to spend some time playing tanks and vice versa. But even this is getting worse every expansion as tanks continue to be granted more and more self-sustain.
I've leveled nearly job and I haven't learned shit 😂.
Turns out doing The Sunken Temple of Qarn, The Praetorium, Syrcus Tower and Frontlines over and over again doesn't teach you much about the job you're playing.
That's true to an extent, but leveling a job isn't the same as learning a job.
Man the moment when i bought the full game i just went and grabbed Dancer Job cus i wanted to wear those cool dancet glams LOL, like nothing else in that job spoke to me than OOHH PRETTY DRESS! haha!
Me with Tanks, Give me ALL THE ARMOUR
That's a really good reason actually!
Honestly as valid as any reason! - as long as you use the kit. Please use the kit ;-; the amount of times I ran into people playing a class for glam but not even using the literal utter basics of their kit (eg. a whm not using a single regen dot) is a bit sad...
Dancer is a very pretty glam but also SFX/VFX class! ❤
I think there is 1 glam that looks like dnc glam but works for others as well. Thavnairian bustier/ bolero set. Its crafted glam/ market board
same! i thought dnc looked cool because of the outfits (it reminded me of the dancers from fire emblem) and now dnc is my main heheh
Such a mood unlocking DNC for city speed buffs, I unlocked NIN specifically for that permanent 10% running speed bonus for the same reasons. That and its teleports are the only reason its at lvl 100.
We all need more wholesome non-triggering content nowadays.
I was (still am) a healer main, and I ONLY had healing jobs unlocked until I was almost done with Shadowbringers and my friends told me to unlock other jobs. Since Summoner came free with Scholar as you noted, I only had to level a tank and a physical DPS (for Endwalker).
I chose Gunbreaker as a tank because it started at the highest level, and I chose Machinist because I am a sucker for the steampunk aesthetic and MCH suited that.
I made a LOT of jokes about how I was too American, because the two jobs I chose were GUN
trying to level all the jobs just to try out different styles and I'm really liking how the quests really meld well with the world, makes it really fun
I stayed on Free trial for about 2 years, just daily rouletes then couple of dungeons then logout. I bought the full game back in 2022 then activated the keys on dec 2024 after I maxed every class available on free trial to LVL70 (except BLU DOH/DOL). Main reason why I unlocked every jobs is because of personal achievement. Seeing them all in LVL70 when I started playing SBH made me really happy and fulfilled, for a sprout who knows nothing about the game other than spamming dongeons I felt that I achieved something XD.
I was a healer main, then I tried Tank then DPS.. I have couple of favorite classes and I don't know which to main honestly.. I'll decide once I'm done with MSQ and once feel I'm ready for harder contents.
I was a sprout until I started Dawntrail the day before yesterday, but I started on Dynamis, which means I have 6 maxed combat jobs and all my DoH and DoL jobs above 90. I recently moved to Aether and I dearly miss the XP boost.
The bouquet weapon is so freakin' cute! I normally play healers in MMOs, but I fell in love with Redmage! It's now my main job.
Interesting topic you bring here! I'm so glad to see we experience similar things in the game. I started with Tank as my main and i have played with all Tanks except Paladin then, Bard, Mch, Reaper, Ninja, Viper, Samurai, Dragoon, WHM. The reasons to unlock those were the job lore and second, the gameplay. After been playing with those, I realized that I feel really confident with Reaper for any kind of content. I know is the one of the easiest DPS but maybe this is the reason I clicked so well with it. Now, I would focus in one or two jobs with the goal of master them and then only then only try other jobs.
I have always felt that I should level up a lot of jobs in order to have options available, but you made me think that I instead should focus on one or two jobs that I really like, so that I don't end up with a lot of jobs that I don't actually play.
Do whatever you want!! Leveling jobs is a great way to learn about other jobs' toolkits, which can be good to know if you ever decide to become a raider. There are also some mounts that come from having all jobs lvled to 80 and also one for all jobs at 100.
It especially helps playing all the healers and tanks! You then understand what your co-healer is doing and what your tank is doing (for example bloodwhetting on WAR)
Nothing bothers me more than placing lily bell for example, and my sage co-healer spam’s their eukrasian diagnosis on top of it :c if the sage knew how whm worked they’d know to just dps and save their mana/healing spells for another aoe instead :p
I remember leveling everything because I wanted to try out different things... now I'm leveling everything to max to make space in my inventory...
Leveled all of them because I’m indecisive and like playing most of them just to find out ✨Warrior✨ was the only way for me
Also I wanted the mount 😗
I unlocked each job just to get the quest marker off my map :P that and leveled them just because I want to know how they work, and maybe decide on favorite classes. I still don’t know which is my favorite.
I just unlocked all jobs, because it felt like something I have to do. But there is one job among them that I really don't want to play and that's Bard. It just doesn't feel like my kind of job.
Machinist really is more fun than it looks like.
I'm unlocking the jobs mainly for the mentor system, I have my 3 mains on each role that I'll swap to fill in parties. But learning the other classes just goes to help out with giving advice to other people
Back in the day you needed the secondary class to get your job class. That is why I had a bunch of them unlocked to begin with. To actually getting around to leveling them all though. It was the Amaro mount in ShadowBringers. When I learned that I could get my little paws on a fluffy dragon mount for getting all battle classes to 80, you better bet I did that as fast as I could. Then it just became a thing. Just finding myself unhappy if all classes weren't orange when I looked at my character, so now it has become a habit.
I think playing other jobs began with, 'this piece of glam would look really good on x but I don't play/haven't unlocked it.' So the gear being locked to certain jobs works but I wish that after you've got it in the glam dresser, with one of the related jobs lvled, that you could put it on any job. Especially some of the doh/dol gear. Some really cute stuff just hanging out because I don't have the space to make seperate glams for crafting/gathering.
I used to play only DPS classes, and maxed most of them. As I was getting familiar with the game, I tried healer class and it’s so much fun! Especially White Mage.
I think unlocking other classes give us perspective of each other role works.
How many healers don't know SMN has a raise so learning all jobs gives you the info of their tool kit
I unlocked 90% of the jobs when I was like a baby sprout and/or still new to the game. For me, unlocking a job wasn't a "I want X job because of Y" but rather "ooh, blue quest! what's that do? oh..."
Initially it was Gunbreaker for me since I like gunblades. Didn't know about Machinist since the free trial only went up to level 35 at the time so my friend had to show me everything.
I was bored with Bard, he certainly saw that and realized it likely wouldn't make me buy the game so he mentioned the one thing I do like: Guns. The moment he asked if I wanted to see the gun class, I immediately perked up and went "you're an idiot for thinking to ask that. You already know the answer."
Now whenever I'm asked why I play Machinist, my response is always "my friend, I'm a Southerner and an American. We're known for our love of guns, do the math"
I wasn't gonna omni any of the combat jobs, but ended up being "bored" so I unlocked the HW jobs one at a time before Dawntrial...and here I am now, 100 all jobs.
Why to play sch: it came with smn
Why to play smn: it came with sch
crafter and gatherer compliment each other; ususally the BSM crafts the tools and WVR or LTW the other gear etc.
at lvl 60-ish you can do custom deliveries and collectable appraiser to gain lot of exp and scrips to purchase pretty good gear and tools.
I started the game as a Lancer/Dragoon because I thought the Jumps would let me sequence break dungeons xD
Back when I was still free-to-play, I unlocked Goldsmith and Miner because they had the cheapest recipe for glamour prisms.
And now that I'm almost done with Endwalker, I unlocked Picto so it could wear the high(ish) level Organization XIII caster glam I've been holding onto.
When I first joined the game, I used Arcanist because a friend told me it was similar to the pet job from another mmo, TERA, that I played before XIV. Upon getting into the game, I started seeing an issue pop up, that was...the roughly 45-minute DPS queue I had for basically all content at the time and that wasn't playing well with the small window of time I could play the game during the week. I noticed that it was almost always "Healer-in-need" so I decided to pick up Conjurer, and having never played healer in any game ever, I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I was having in the role. I never picked up Summoner again because the rotation was a little too much for me to memorize, though I do play it often now. Once I got to Heavensward, I unlocked Astrologian because I wanted to try another healer and it was very flashy. It was tons of fun and I mained that all the way to the battle with Innocence. When I reached Innocence, a friend asked if i wanted to try another job, so I went with one I'd been eyeing, but never understood: Red Mage. Being a DPS-ing Healer/Rez-Engine brought about a new level of fun in the game for me, and I stuck with that job through the patch content and once Endwalker started, I went Dancer. Overall my experience trying out jobs has been pretty great, but I do have that little square of specific jobs I really enjoy coming back to a lot.
just an added tidbit: I never felt comfy with SCH compared to WHM, so it wasn't a healer I touched until the very end of Endwalker, and to this day I still prefer Sage over Scholar.
There's also rewards for getting all jobs to expansion level caps like mounts and other things.
Ai embracing her inner 'Murican, love to see it.
I unlock most things for glam reasons. WHM just has so many cute and shexy glam options, and RDM for the victory pose.
PLD, for the shield you get in MSQ. HW still my favorite story.
DNC, I liked the Yokai weapon, and a lala crafter gave me the Thavnairian glam for free.
RPR because I'm a DRG main, and wanted something to catch spillover exp (started playing in 6.58).
I am also one of those players who does not level all jobs to max every expansion. However, I do level all jobs I do not max to the starting level for new jobs of the current expansion e.g. in EW, all jobs were leveled to at least 70.
Something that is a little silly that I do while leveling is I make it like a competition where the jobs compete against each other. I put full effort into leveling them, which means I don't just take them through roulettes to level them asap. I actually map out their skills, craft their gear, choose glamours, make macros, learn their rotations, and throw them into the leveling dungeons of the respective expansion, and then also take them through the trials and raids once they hit the cap for that expansion. The job I like the most and the runner up win, and as a reward they get taken to max level to join the others to go into endgame content.
IOW, for DT, all non-max jobs will be doing the ShB expansion and be leveled to 80. They will go into the ShB leveling dungeons, and do the level 80 trials and raids. Two jobs will be chosen to take to 100.
MCH is one of those jobs I want to like. Unfortunately the constant double weaving and Wildfire mechanics drive me nuts. Some people like high APM jobs, I am not one of them.
I leveled Dragoon because.. glamours.
That's all. Looks so f'in goooood!
I unlock every job just so I have options.... but I also don't enjoy playing or leveling them. I just now feel like I have to so that I can keep my armory chest clean.
Bard is always one I dread. Couldn't even tell you why... just never has been the job for me. Also tend to delay leveling healing jobs, just because I'm bad at healing and don't want to deal with the stress. Mad respect to the excellent healers in this game because like you with black mage, you're doing something I can't do.
Long ago way back when in 2.0 when you had to pick up other jobs to advance your desired jobs that was, like yea. Now in Modern times... I picked up reaper because it was new but never got more then 5 levels before going nope do not like. Now a days I start a character as Arcanist it was my first and most loved job, as you pointed out 2 for 1 SMN/SCH, I choose 1 tank class, a physical range and physical melee. Then crafters and gatherers since I like to repair my own gear. Thank you again for another lovely video. ♥
It’s actually funny I legit just leveled my Machinist too level 100 for a cool glamour, and honestly I really suck at machinist lol, there’s just way to much going on. Glamour is the true reason anyways.
I boosted Pugilist for this reason. I’m a DPS main, but even then there are some classes that I just won’t play or at least won’t play after I max it out. Monk/Pugilist was one of those
I unlocked every job and got them all to 90 during Endwalker. Now it is Dawntrail and I have to level them all to 100 because I hate myself
at least the mount is cool xD
I do this to save inventory space
After seeing these classes you got even for not playing and seeing how cute the glamours are would you be inclined of making a video showing off all your classes and glamours you chose some of the outfits are really cute ❤
As a healer main I love playing red mage. It gets a bad rep for doing less dps than picto, but being able to save pulls with well timed rez and sometimes even vercure is priceless in pf. I'm also a mit sheet making nerd and I like planning optimal usage of magick barrier based on what's happening in the pull
Levelled up NIN just cos I wanted to get rid of all the side quest markers on my map....Legit, only lvl'd it with side quests
I unlocked jobs I don't play (basically anything other than Red Mage, White Mage, Paladin, Machinist, and Viper/Dragoon) for two reasons: Glams and Achievements XD
I unlock all available jobs so that i can switch whenever needed in some situations, e.g dragoon/dark knight for frontlines, Machinist for solo unrestricted stuffs (Peloton + oneshot-ish stuffs), Ninja/white mage/dancer etc for dashes to reduce travel times and so on
My reasons for unlocking gunbreaker was because I liked the artifact gear and Thancred after watching the Shadowbringers trailer and doing the role-play duty as him during that expansion (I liked Thancred already but seeing his new look in Shadowbringers got me interested in the job).
I unlocked and leveled Viper just so I could have another use for my Chef glamour with the Figmental Weapons. I made one for WHM initially for the Cake Fork, but I decided to actually learn Viper to make use of the Fork & Knife combo. I got both coffer drops, but couldn't decide for the longest time what to use them for since they can be so rare and I didn't wanna have to *fork* over the money for them. (pun absolutely intended)
I dont like some jobs, but i max then out just so i can clear my bags hahaha
Pretty glams, as always!! Also, super jelly of your Figgy weapons lol.
I unlocked:
Dark Knights for the uldah memorial line in Ul'dah back in ShB. Leveled it later for story: Worth it
Unlocked Monk so I had a use for emporers new fists glamour. Became my favourite dps job later and now I‘m using tea fists since it‘s the first job I ever cleared an ultimate with.
Bard: just for the performing stuff. Never used that tho lol.
Love the glam!! 💖
Makes me want to get that skirt x3
1. Glamour
2. Role quests
3. Amaro I think they are very cute and I will have mine one day!!!
If it's not something I intend to use in content I don't want to be the tank for, my main, canon job on my main character is Warrior, I either play it for the story or because most of my characters are the try anything sort. Main main guy, I've unlocked everything but Pugilist from ARR, Samurai, Red and Blue Mages, Dark Knight, Astrologian, Machinist, Dancer, and Gunbreaker and will get the rest of them from the coming expansions when I meet the level requirements, but if they don't vibe with me, they're not going to vibe with him. My most used alt, a Viera, is a magic user first and foremost and her canon job is Scholar, so while it's in character for her to go through each and every class and job to learn, I don't think I'm going to do many melee jobs. Maybe one tank and I've already gotten Rogue to 30 for Ninja, so that's a melee DPS, but she is definitely going to go through all the magic classes.
Haha, MCH is weirdly fun! It's especially handy for breezing through low level dungeons unsynced. Most skills can be cast on the move, which is one of the reasons I find AST appealing too. DRK definitely for the lore.. part of me believes that DRK is WOL cannon, even though derplander is a WAR.
I feel like ive always pictured Derplander as a paladin, though realistically he is everything... after all, in the trailers he gets to swap jobs mid fight and we dont :c
I'm a glutton for punishment, and after I capped off my rpr, I had the genius thought of "hey I'm gonna level EVERYTHINGGGG".. idk what I was thinking other than after playing all the classes, I'd rather tank than heal, and that's saying something for me since I started this journey as a whm too-scared-to-tank player.. and as much as people complain about blm, it's definitely a labor of love, and I'm really starting to love it.. like if I had to pick 1 class to binge level, it would either be blm, bard, or mch at this point because dps is my true love in this game lol
I only picked up BRD and BLM because I wanted "The Professional" title and I ended up not hating BRD as much as I thought I would but BLM was a pain.
Aitherea's eye opening American Dream revelation happened LMAO
I hated paying for repairs so i lvl'd up all crafters and now i can overmeld materia to gear too!
Healer main. Only reason I have all my jobs at 100 is for the mount.
I unlocked MCH just because I really like their Job gear. I play a catboi and I wanted to have those Suit and Tie/Cowboy outfits that the MCH Job gear tends to be. My MCH is level 97 now so im so close to getting the DT set. I just think their Gear has cool vibes.
Mch is my main job, it's fun being a gun bunny with theogonic armor gear with the anima lux weapon for glam all dyed in gold, lol.I can't stand crafting jobs but I'm leveling them all to 100 so I can mend my gear to 190% and no longer have to pay the mender npc's.
right? I dislike crafting/gathering but ive considered leveling them all to max for that very same reason xD
I've been leveling blackmage and heals with frontlines/tails/allied society quests, slowly. The max combat lvl mount is too cute so i muuuust lol
I only played White Mage for most of my time up until Endwalker when I finally leveled Paladin and Monk. Whitemage is just all I ever wanted to be and I still play it exclusively.
(I now have Picto in that mix - and soon to be Bard/Summoner/Scholar) I'm going to live it to just those jobs though because I only got these jobs so I can fill in for roles to play with friends more often. I don't want to level all the jobs because to me I find that playing jobs I'm not modestly competent at is griefing. I'd rather be average at one or a few jobs than mediocre at all of them except for one.
Personally I love all the combat jobs. the one thing I can't stand (And this might have something to do with not leveling them alongside the expansions) Is the crafters and gatherers. I unlocked them, forgot about them, then decided after Endwalker I'd be in my retirement arc and tried to level the gathers first. And hated it. IDK why, it just filled me with such boredom that if I didn't have UA-cam on my second monitor I'd probably have stopped after lvl 20.
I would always open a job when I got bored in EW. But I never did DPS because I hated melee so much. I also hated Tank so much I would go out of my way to avoid trainers because I didn't want to get sucked in. I'm healer, WHM main! In DT because it's the most boring xpac to date, I opened and leveled everything. I love Heals and Ranged DPS. My DNC pulled me through Endwalker and Dawn Trail, because healing is hard when you're in less than max gear... But doing Shared FATEs butched me up. I have all jobs and trades to 100, BLU is 72 because I need a lot more spells. I got my first weapon coffer on my MCH and there is nothing more fun than running Juno using Flamethrower. My second one I used on my WAR. Oh, and I found I loved tanking so much. No real worries about standing in the shiny unless I'm low health and hey, I can fix that too!
I unlocked all of them because I want to level all of them to max. I’ve only got 5 or 6 more jobs to get from 90 to 100.
I must be a fluke because I'm scared to death of healing. I've leveled every job to cap but mostly stick to DPS & Tank but I like to be prepared if it comes down to it. I'm terrified of screwing up as heals.😳😱
As for gathering/crafting that's in my blood. Occasionally I'll do a full legendary node hunt to get mats that in turn I keep either for crafting or if I have surplus post on the market board for some extra gil and doubles as a good way to farm for gathering materia. As for crafting I HAVE TO HAVE ALL CRAFTING TO MAX. Reason is simple. I keep 2000+ dark matter 8 to repair my gear instead of splurging at a mender. Oddly enough that aspect in RL got me to be more self sufficient. When I noticed that I don't need to blow thousands of gil to repair all my jobs gear it also got me thinking, "why can't I do that in real life?" As result I pride myself on being a my own culinarian/fix-it-yourself type person instead of blowing a lot of money for somebody to fix everything. It also helps that I'm an incredible cook.😁
I unlocked monk because I wanted cool punching and kicking poses in gpose
I burned myself out to the point I dropped the game and deleted my character because I tried to level every job. I wanted the God of Magic/God of War titles. But I didn't enjoy playing the vast majority of them. In fact, I hated playing as Black Mage, Ninja, Sage, Astro, and Reaper so much that the thought of doing a single dungeon as one of them made me want to uninstall the game. That combined with the fact that my FC only ever did events on nights I worked despite how much work I did for them just killed my interest in the game.
If I ever return to the game, I'm only going to let myself unlock a maximum of one job per role.
kinda glad i started the game as a Thurmaturge/BLM cause it is more frustrating to deal with than most classes. i love it just cause i love magic classes in general, but not looking forward to leveling it again on an alt eventually 😂
MCH is my absolute favorite ranged job, so don't worry, dear. I'll be the gun totin', tool blastin' idiot of the duty. You just keep them sweet heals comin' my way, since I hate healing, and that's your specialty! 😂
Edit: Wait, you LIKE it after all?! Two Machinists then, let's get blastin!
Yep, for now i do xDD we'll see if anything changes once i get to 100!
10:02 there’s a Tsai tou vounou one in old sharlyan that should still work
I am the same way. Honestly.... I just wanted to unlock everything. Although I would like to get everything to 30 one day, but I just don't care. For Bard, I unlocked Bard just for the instruments lol.... and since.... I've never played them LOL. I unlocked them... played them for like a day and never played again.
I levelled paladin to to 94 specifically for a kite shield you can get in dawntrail so I could make a Grey Warden glam... does that count?
absolutely. I dont remember why i unlocked paladin but id been wanting the ritter shield for a while after i'd seen it on others xDD
I level all the classes because i want the achievement, and what i find is amusing, is due to this last round of leveling, I have started to enjoy playing Machinist. There are also classes i like playin, i just do not cuz i bad at em lol.
It's sad DT gets so much hate, because honestly, the dungeons overall have been some of the best if not best, esp the leveling ones. The raid series, story aside, has been the most fun I have had raiding, and imho one of the best tiers they have ever done. Great balance of bod checks vs DPS checks. FRU seems to be a hit. The chaotic I feel is to early to tell. The two EX fights i have done were fun. I even enjoyed the story so far overall, and unlike some, love wuk lamat. Though I agree she was a bit pushed to hard, and the pacing at times were whack, but still had a good time. :shrug:
I use warrior because I want be a healer but I also want to hurt things.
I unlocked RPR and DNC on top of my pre obtained Ninja and old lv 50 Drg for the dash when I am server shopping the Market Board. All my extra exp goes to whm for that Dash.
I unlocked MCH cause I wanted to give my lalafell a gun and it was the only DPS classed I played for a long time. I have all jobs at 100 for my main now for the achievements! I made the painful decision to level them all up to 99 when DT launched to send as a joke to my boyfriend who was playing Runescape. "Look I got 99 in all skills!" So I didn't "finish" DT for like over a month to keep everything at 99. Was satisfying none the less. But don't ask me how to play any of them. I'm a WHM through and through.
I have all jobs and crafters/gatherers at level 100. But I'm a Tank main, I don't play DPS or Healer at all except for certain situations.
Sometimes I try other stuff just for the sake of it, but nah I'll always be a Tank main, and that's never gonna change.
My main reason for unlocking all of them was to get the Amaro mount back in SHB, and then the Outrunner mount at level 100. However, I don't think it's actually worth it, levelling jobs for the sake of it isn't a good way to do it.
Initially I unlocked jobs I wasn't going to play that much because of the job stories. But me being a completionist, as time went on I just wanted all of the jobs at 100. My least played jobs are probably monk, blm, and ninja. Just can't wrap my head around their rotations, more so with monk. I know how blm works on paper, but execution is a different story.
I unlocked MCH so I could get the Necromancer title. I unlocked BRD for the instruments (which I have never used). Worst of all I leveled BLM to max on an alt for rp reasons.
Gatherers also have one of the best stories in EW.
these are really fun reasons, way more interesting than me xD i just unlock them all because I'm a completionist, haven't even been playing for a year and i have every job up to at least lvl50... probably should catch up to MSQ first before i go any further 😅
unlocked lancer bec of the same reason, loved the figmental cat toy when I havent really touched or enjoyed much of melee dps as a semi new player.
What's your black mage weapon glam? I've never seen it before, it looks awesome!
I think it's from the eden raids
Edengrace Rod. I think I did savage unsynced for the mount or something and ended up thinking that weapon was so cool that i got it even though i hate blm xDD
nice! I might farm it some time. I actually don't play anything other than BLM just complete opposite lol.
I remember just having started FF14 when I saw a video of Meoni showcasing his newest addition: the Amaro mount from ShB. And I loved that bird XD Then I heart I would have to level all jobs to 80 to get it (I started during 5.2). So, thats pretty much the reason I leveled all jobs: my Seto mount :) Later I found out, the job-related stories are really good, so I kept going for that. Sadly, role quests a crap, but hey, what can you do? Besides, Im not raiding anymore so Ive got time.
Res mage is my favorite class. 😂
That summoner glam is amazing, what's the top?
It is from the chaotic raid, clouddark top of casting.
I love this channel!!!!
Accomplishment points and cool titles... Other than that, I don't touch most jobs after they hit 100
So much time since Shadowbringers and you never got the Amaro Mount from Omni 80. Love that thing, everyone should have one :)
It should have been an MSQ reward. Every other expansion gives you an MSQ mount.
I've been levelling every class just because i want the damned amaro you get for all 80s... I have discovered some cool playstyles but I've also wasted a bunch of glamour plates on classes I'll never touch again, so overall its a wash
I only unlocked Gunbreaker because I wanted all the 'tank X00 things on this job' achievements/titles/mounts. To this day, Gunbreaker is the one tank job I actually hate.
Also, I am the complete opposite on Scholar, I only got it anywhere near 100 because Summoner was dragging it along. I am of the opinion Scholar is awful.
I leveled every job to get the mounts linked to the avhievements. Before it was getting everything to 30 for the pvp. So I just need 2 more jobs leveled a bit to get seto at everything at 80, then to 100. I have all my tanks leveled pali was my last to level, and I leveled it before litterally because I didnt want to carry around more tank gear. So now my pali is just equiped with the Bis gear I have for Warrior and Gunbreakers my mains. I leveled Dark just because it looked cool, and I main tank so having a Dark is a nice option.
I do hope to get the achievement mounts at some point! But leveling has always something I've gotta be in the mood for, so I just wait until i have a reason/feel like doing it.
I changed to Machinist when they destroyed Summoner which was my main (I miss my Potato tank). I plan to level all jobs because... well, what else you gonna do in the game?
Currently watching as I level DRK so I too can rock the figmental weapon 🤣
Nice video! What is your Scolar body piece?
It's from the chaotic raid. Clouddark top of healing.
I unlocked Dawntrail and didnt want to play that.
I (and many other older players) have been conditioned to unlock/level all classes... Cross-class abilities and job soul stones. Will never touch Bluemage though.
Love the MCH weapon lol it was the second one I got after WHM.
Unlocked rdm for the glam 😂😭