this makes me think of Bro and all the "training" he put Dave through more than anything. it's the most... brutal?.. sounding variation on beatdown I've heard. It's fitting for being on the final album, after all the revelations Dave (and the readers) have had about his childhood, and the darker non-comedic perspective it's now viewed in and it just makes me think of the hardcore lifestyles the striders have led in general. these bros beat up and get beat up a lot
i think it's interesting that i pretty much think the opposite of what you wrote here two years ago. I like to think that this song somehow represents the long-awaited unity and reconciliation(but not really on Dirk's side) of Dave and the person who practically abused him in a different universe. The most noticeable fact of Beatup (at least in my opinion) is that it's basically a slowed down version of Beatdown. Beatdown was used in a flash where Dave got literally beaten down to the ground by Bro, and it has a hasty, breathless feeling to it. Compare that to Beatup, and the latter sounds a lot more relaxed and chill, like this time Dave and Dirk are sparring on equal ground. It's as if Dave finally learned to takes certain things in stride. (maybe literally, because the beat of this song actually matches my walking rhythm. beatdown certainly doesn't) also i when i thought "Beatup" i thought it referred to "upbeat". Like usually in homestuck ascension is always a better thing than descension. i'd never thought of interpreting as you did, which is really fun actually.
I REALLY like how heavy it sounds. It seems reflective of the Striders' internal conflicts as well as their shitty upbringings and how it culminates at the end of homestuck and it's SO GOOD.
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah Ultimate Dirk takes and owns this theme, and while it works for him, it severs the ties this song had with the rest of the Striders. So it's still a good song, it just makes me think of ult dirk and that angers me
i get this all too well now that i finished watching dirk's pq route after forever, The Striders theme i can barely associate with all of the Striders anymore, just with Ult dirk, sad days
I'm yoinking this theme from the Cheeto dust anime hands of Ult. Dirk and claiming it as my own. He can go weep in a corner for all I care, he doesn't deserve a song this good.
I used to really dislike this track a few years ago, but I really unironically like it now that I'm relistening to it. I have no idea what happened, but I'm glad.
@@lancegreen1939 I will!! ^w^ (Btw, is in the epilogues any interesting flash? I want to make a video-reaction to [S] Collide and [S] Act 7 and idk if there's any other major flash later
ChReNiC considering that ultimate self makes you merge with ALL of your alternate selves, yeah pretty much. And considering part of Arcquissprite was in Lord English Dirk now has a part of Lord English in him.
@@goldfinch2899 Well, yes, but I think it just kind of is what Dirk does when he's in a position of power over anyone? Like, people go on and on about Bro fucking up Dave, but let's not forget Jake faced a similar if not even more dangerous campaign of training/abuse from Dirk and his bots, not to mention awkward pseudo-flirting from both him and AR. Really, the only difference between Dirk and Bro was circumstance. Bro is what Dirk becomes when unsupervised and unchallenged. He said it himself; he's an engineer. He sees only the parts and their role. A very damning simile when you remember part of Dave's beef with his Bro was how robotic and emotionless he was.
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah That's an unconfirmed interpretation. Remember we don't really get much insight on how the guardians thought. I mean, consider how AR and Dirk acted throughout the story before the Alpha kids arrived. They spent their time surreptitiously engineering everything to their liking without really letting the group in on what they were doing or considering anyone else's feelings on the matter, to the point AR basically gaslighted Jake into a relationship with Dirk. Dirk is just incredibly cold, arrogant and self-absorbed as a base, and only the presence of peers he cares for in the state of vulnerability the in-story trainwreck of events that was the arrival of the Alphas was + the gross self-reflection AR gave him kept him from being a gigantic douche. Again, compare Jake to Dave. People give Bro shit for abusing Dave, but there was nothing Bro did that Dirk wouldn't have done if he had more control over Jake, all in the name of "getting him ready" for his plans. Bro just had more time, more presence, and less obstacles in his way. Tell me that wordlessly saving Dave and attempting to start the scratch on his own since everything had already gone tits up aren't Dirk moves. Dirk and Bro both are so pragmatic and just get so hyper-focused on their own objectives that anything outside of them becomes unnecessary. Whether it be his friends' opinions, his brother/son's mental development, or the established connections fellow ultimates may have, they may as well be more shit to cut out of the way with their katana for them.
for real this song is embarrassingly influential on my current music taste. I would not like Nonagon Infinity or Femtanyl or Techno if not for this fuckass song
Playing this song twice in 2 tabs separated by just over a minute, or two phrases of the melody for those who know music theory out there, is not a mistake. Hit play on the second tab just as the beat drops on the first one. You will not regret it.
totally got my grooove on with this music bruh practically head-banging and shit going on in this town baby hell yeah I'm in heaven hallejulah gonna dance till the hot chicks leave the party tonight
Yes it indeed did...
Ok and-
why? Is it related to Homestuck^2?
@@jorgeaurora1952 This song was reused as Ultimate Dirks theme in Pesterquest.
this makes me think of Bro and all the "training" he put Dave through more than anything. it's the most... brutal?.. sounding variation on beatdown I've heard. It's fitting for being on the final album, after all the revelations Dave (and the readers) have had about his childhood, and the darker non-comedic perspective it's now viewed in
and it just makes me think of the hardcore lifestyles the striders have led in general. these bros beat up and get beat up a lot
child abuse intensifies
i think it's interesting that i pretty much think the opposite of what you wrote here two years ago. I like to think that this song somehow represents the long-awaited unity and reconciliation(but not really on Dirk's side) of Dave and the person who practically abused him in a different universe. The most noticeable fact of Beatup (at least in my opinion) is that it's basically a slowed down version of Beatdown. Beatdown was used in a flash where Dave got literally beaten down to the ground by Bro, and it has a hasty, breathless feeling to it. Compare that to Beatup, and the latter sounds a lot more relaxed and chill, like this time Dave and Dirk are sparring on equal ground. It's as if Dave finally learned to takes certain things in stride. (maybe literally, because the beat of this song actually matches my walking rhythm. beatdown certainly doesn't)
also i when i thought "Beatup" i thought it referred to "upbeat". Like usually in homestuck ascension is always a better thing than descension. i'd never thought of interpreting as you did, which is really fun actually.
@@threethreetwotwotwo3522 wow, that was a fun thing to pop up in my notifications, thanks friend
sayer l I think Stride would be a better fitting track for that kind of mood
@@threethreetwotwotwo3522 I do agree that there is something more triumphant about Beatup than Beatdown
The composers REALLY liked Beatdown.
Ryuuzaki And Doctor. Just listen to volume 5
Who doesnt
black intensifys
Don't forget sunslammer and moonsetter
Oh, and Showtime
can you blame them
I REALLY like how heavy it sounds. It seems reflective of the Striders' internal conflicts as well as their shitty upbringings and how it culminates at the end of homestuck and it's SO GOOD.
I absolutely hyperventilate a little when this song comes on now, thanks Pesterquest!
didnt expect to see a 2 month old comment by someone i see regularly in the homestuck lumiradio, but alas it has happened 🦀🦀hello🦀🦀
wheres beatsideways though
beatdiagonal is my jam
Beataround is a jam
oml, this is my favorite comment by far
69 likes y’all know the drill
Nah nah nah beatthrough is definitely the best
Looks like those Strider boys are in trouble again, and its not because kissing boys is illegal!
I see so many people quoting this. Where the hell is it from?
+Racke If you go to the official homestuck UA-cam chanel they have a video advertising vol10 and this is what they say when showing this song
BR aqui?
PT ;-;
Veronica Ponte Heh, eu também. (Só que BR)
yknow i used to LIKE this theme
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah Pesterquest finale
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah Ultimate Dirk takes and owns this theme, and while it works for him, it severs the ties this song had with the rest of the Striders. So it's still a good song, it just makes me think of ult dirk and that angers me
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah fair enough. I'm not really all that upset--my comment was mostly a joke. I appreciate the words though
@@canine8284 all things that are not homestuck 1 are "dubiously canon" after all.
i get this all too well now that i finished watching dirk's pq route after forever, The Striders theme i can barely associate with all of the Striders anymore, just with Ult dirk, sad days
Me: Man this song slaps but it's weird without having a Strider abusing a kid haha
Monkey's Paw: *curls*
Me: ...wonder what that was for.
So how are we feeling after dirk's route homestucks
The Afterw@rd is like
MSPAR: my timeline now.
I was shaking the whole route, and then exhausted the whole next day. Now I can read it just fine, and it was a fantastic route!
i loved it, it got me hyped for homestuck it a way that i havent felt in a looong time
I'm yoinking this theme from the Cheeto dust anime hands of Ult. Dirk and claiming it as my own. He can go weep in a corner for all I care, he doesn't deserve a song this good.
youre the hero we needed all along
thank you for your service
Your actions have been noted by the Wikked Rad. Your transgressions will not go unnoticed heretic
thank you for your service soldier
Ult Dirk is daddy but yes please do
I used to really dislike this track a few years ago, but I really unironically like it now that I'm relistening to it.
I have no idea what happened, but I'm glad.
The song that made talking with Epilogue Dirk tolerable
Why are we so fucking awesome?
thats the beST fucking question
anybody ever asked
sometimes i hate to type fast ;-;
the last, and best, line of dialogue in homestuck.
if I became the villain I too would use this as my theme
Ripped anime man theme
"Looks like those Strider boys are in trouble again! And not just because kissing boys is illegal. Heads up; it's Beat Up!"
This theme makes me feel like im about to get my ass kicked by someone but honestly im okay with it
Its a bop
well i guess this is definitely dirks theme now
I still didn't finish Homestuck (I'm 7873) but it seems more like the Striders theme uwu
@@BUGFlower413 ooooooh boy. You'll see. Make sure to read the epilogues when done!
@@lancegreen1939 I will!! ^w^ (Btw, is in the epilogues any interesting flash? I want to make a video-reaction to [S] Collide and [S] Act 7 and idk if there's any other major flash later
@@BUGFlower413 nah no flashes. Or pictures either. Just
@@lancegreen1939 Oh... you mean... more than 600 pages of just letters??
dammit epilogue
aka "that one time dirk demonstrated exactly how similar he was to the original Bro in the end"
ChReNiC considering that ultimate self makes you merge with ALL of your alternate selves, yeah pretty much. And considering part of Arcquissprite was in Lord English Dirk now has a part of Lord English in him.
@@goldfinch2899 Well, yes, but I think it just kind of is what Dirk does when he's in a position of power over anyone? Like, people go on and on about Bro fucking up Dave, but let's not forget Jake faced a similar if not even more dangerous campaign of training/abuse from Dirk and his bots, not to mention awkward pseudo-flirting from both him and AR.
Really, the only difference between Dirk and Bro was circumstance. Bro is what Dirk becomes when unsupervised and unchallenged. He said it himself; he's an engineer. He sees only the parts and their role. A very damning simile when you remember part of Dave's beef with his Bro was how robotic and emotionless he was.
@Ooohbopbopboppadoohwah That's an unconfirmed interpretation. Remember we don't really get much insight on how the guardians thought. I mean, consider how AR and Dirk acted throughout the story before the Alpha kids arrived. They spent their time surreptitiously engineering everything to their liking without really letting the group in on what they were doing or considering anyone else's feelings on the matter, to the point AR basically gaslighted Jake into a relationship with Dirk.
Dirk is just incredibly cold, arrogant and self-absorbed as a base, and only the presence of peers he cares for in the state of vulnerability the in-story trainwreck of events that was the arrival of the Alphas was + the gross self-reflection AR gave him kept him from being a gigantic douche.
Again, compare Jake to Dave. People give Bro shit for abusing Dave, but there was nothing Bro did that Dirk wouldn't have done if he had more control over Jake, all in the name of "getting him ready" for his plans. Bro just had more time, more presence, and less obstacles in his way. Tell me that wordlessly saving Dave and attempting to start the scratch on his own since everything had already gone tits up aren't Dirk moves. Dirk and Bro both are so pragmatic and just get so hyper-focused on their own objectives that anything outside of them becomes unnecessary. Whether it be his friends' opinions, his brother/son's mental development, or the established connections fellow ultimates may have, they may as well be more shit to cut out of the way with their katana for them.
when i heard this play in pesterquest i fucking screamed
My favorite version of beatdown.
god dirks route was SO FUCKING GOOD. everything that happened was excellent, and the true ending was PHENOMENAL.
Am I the only one more shocked about Ult Dirk actually being buff??? Than him just deciding to crash the friendship train????
I like to think Dirk and Dave mixed this themselves.
damnit i cant see this song the same way i did before
Put the song at 1.5 speed in order to bring the beat back down
Pesterquest gang where u at
theyre all dead. everyone is dead. everybody is dead, youtube user lalla chan
i feel very different about this theme after pesterquest oh boy
I never thought I needed this in my life.
And the entire music team thought there was just one part of beatdown that deserved a leitmotif (only homestucks will understand this)
this sounds like the theme that would play in the credits of the last episode of a tv show, probably one about dave
This song physically assaults your ears in the best possible way
The best version of the song........ You could almost say.... Ultimate?
You did not
This sounds Like a hotline Miami 2 Level
This is the fourth song in the album.
So fucking true
Bad Strider, worst Dirk
*Bad Dirk, worst Strider
wait did i get wooooshed
nah you good
I’m pretty sure there’s a worse dirk
It takes a whole-ass minute for the beat to drop.
I love this song.
Poor dave, he looks so sad in this picture.
Pictures non canon cause dirks smiling and that was revealed as being impossible
dirk literally smiles in homestuck canon itself though wdym
@@ErikaCartet it's a joke.
@@goldend791 oh sorry lmao i thought you were maybe referencing something in specific that i didn't know about, guess i just didn't get the joke
@@ErikaCartet oh yeah it was a reference to homestuck^2 and the dialogue Dirk had with terezi at the beginning
The Musical Embodiment of "Me and the boys on our way to beat you to death".
Wow I like this a lot more than most electronic-sounding Strider music.
so... bro has been messin up with my stuff...
this time tho it was good to have him a remix done
set it to 1.5 speed, I promise good things
It's almost reminiscent of crypt of the necrodancer at that speed.
Dirk looks like he's about to crap himself.
Because he is
If all the Striders have their own rendition of Beatdown, this is Bro's
like the art
thank u for giving me Tinnitus on my walks home from school in the 10th grade. #love
for real this song is embarrassingly influential on my current music taste. I would not like Nonagon Infinity or Femtanyl or Techno if not for this fuckass song
Playing this song twice in 2 tabs separated by just over a minute, or two phrases of the melody for those who know music theory out there, is not a mistake. Hit play on the second tab just as the beat drops on the first one. You will not regret it.
try three tabs, you might just start crying from all these layers
Dave what happened to your hand?!
it got
It got ran over by yoda in his 2001 Honda Civic whilst on ketamine
it got twisted by king kong during our epic fight you dont know about
@@SkeletonFlock bro you ok now?
But most importantly, you kicked king Kong's ass right?
setting the speed to 1.25 is gr8 ;0
1.5 is p good too :B
Both john Egberts in the same place! 0.0
did dave fuck up the timeline again
we're all fucked
we're all fucked
Set speed to 1.5.
Trust me.
yahoo child abuse
aaaAAAAHHHHH HOT DAMN. This shit is simultaneously bananas and through the roof! I love this, especially the beginning.
0,75 Speed beat to chill too
1,5 Speed Hotline Miami speed run
Sauceman totally copped this vibe for Thousand March in Pizza Tower.
hey op? this fucking slaps my bones are all hard
This is good at whatever speed but normal speed is the only one on which the song quality isn't terribly ruined
absolute banger
when you finally see the guy you remember for being a weak pushover again after multiple years and he's jacked
Love the little 3-note nod to "Hello Zepp"
@Magicant 2:14
at 0:20 it kinda sounds like beatboxing (if you put it at 1.5)
ah, remember 7 years ago when people knew what vaporwave was
I feel like they made a lot of remixes off of the original striker beatdown but I still like the original theme best. is that just me?
"Feast your eyes."
this reminds me of guile's theme but it's a depressive slow rap
Lovin this music
myaooooo get em get em!! ;3c get em good n how they needs get got and get gone!
Im just here so i can get more people saying "i see you everywhere"
i legitimately see you everywhere
I see you everywhere
totally got my grooove on with this music bruh
practically head-banging and shit going on in this town
baby hell yeah I'm in heaven hallejulah gonna dance
till the hot chicks leave the party tonight
This is so fucking awesome
tfw child abuse motif is popular
Should I be worried this song, along with Crystalmethequins, reminds me of Kairiki Bear and MARETU's art.
sick beats
dammnn bruhhh 🔥🔥🔥
Is beatup a music genre?
Because i want more shit like this, any suggestions?
did caliborn dislike this
lmao even caliborn cant pretend to dislike this masterpiece
I genuinely don't think Ultimate Dirk is that bad.
First beatdown
Now beatup
beatleft when
2020? >:3
moviestarplanet 2 soundtrack leaked
Deux gars de la street
Two guy of the street in french
This is my favorite vaporwave.
fucks sake
was this the version used in pesterquest?
Whya re so many of these better at 1.25
BeatDOWN and BeatUP
Key and bpm???
Hi loveletgo
1.5 for original speed