Well hello there. My name is Donald Mayer and I live in Coplay, Pennsylvania. I'm 62 years old and have been blind since birth. You mentioned the hair piece and I think that's fascinating. Just so you know, I just got a hair cut this week. I like it when my head is shaved because it always grows back. You may send me a reply if you want to communicate with me. Listen to Michael Card sing New Jerusalem. I think you will love it. Marlene, have a great day!
We miss our son in law David, he was amazing and we miss him so much.
Love that song
Tim at his very best and then there's David Hill as an added bonus.
Tim looks super with his hairpiece. I stu ferris) should wear one.
Well hello there. My name is Donald Mayer and I live in Coplay, Pennsylvania. I'm 62 years old and have been blind since birth. You mentioned the hair piece and I think that's fascinating. Just so you know, I just got a hair cut this week. I like it when my head is shaved because it always grows back. You may send me a reply if you want to communicate with me. Listen to Michael Card sing New Jerusalem. I think you will love it. Marlene, have a great day!