Honestly I see no problem with overleveled phantoms 👍but I see problems with griefers “ aka hardcore gankers “ they are toxic to play against or salty tryhards that can’t take the L
Yes I completely agree! When I was making this video I was not talking about gankers, while what they doing is allowed- I feel it makes more saltyness then we as a community need and it don’t help fun healthy play styles- my point is only for why some people use mult password to summon players of higher level and then when those people get invaded - the invader thinks it’s unfair when in many cases it’s just a host trying to play with their friends and getting a leg up in help since they did it before
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 I'll admit I've found it hard to enjoy the invasion system. Granted there have been some really silly and memorable moments with people, and hell, I invaded people in Dark Souls 3 all the time to give them gifts and see how they'd pan out in an area. The thing is, I'm not a PVP'r. Look, I played TF2 for years and was deep in the competitive gaming scene, and I had to take a step back when I realized how angry and toxic I had become. I like helping people, cooperating and succeeding with others. More than that, I don't want to fight people, I don't want to feed anger or be part of someone's toxic behaviors. A figure for someone's youtube video for mockery or what have you. The thing is...not everyone wants a fight. A specific fight. I'm okay stomping down on a giant magical snake, and trying to kill gods, but maybe I don't want to go toe to toe with someone because all it does is remind me how awful a person I was. Maybe I don't want another reminder how awful a lot of people are when I'm trying to have a good time, trying to get away from dealing with how awful people are at work and everywhere else. Maybe I just want to help someone and succeed with them. Triumph and share that personal time together without intrusion. That being said, seriously this whole Elden Ring multiplayer/invasion system is just working against everyone. No one wins here, everyone just gets more angry and has a miserable time. Invaders get outflanked, early players get chased by skilled invaders bringing crazy armor or weapons with them while these new players are just trying to understand and experience the world for the first time. Like I said, never enjoyed the invasion system, but Elden Ring's brings out far worse in others compared to its peers.
Gosh, thank you so much for such a thoughtful response and it really does get me thinking even more than I was before making this video- my original tread of thought was over justifying how the multiplayer password is okay and having players of any level join makes it a smooth and easy process for new players needing help, but like why isn’t it more balanced on the whole experience and system? How come it almost rewards toxic players with wins over either under prepared invaders or inexperienced new hosts now fighting someone so much better than they are. The system could be better if we had more options of play. Not just colosseum and invasion but have players be able to lock games for first time runs with only pve no interference with invading because it mostly only distracts from the game when you just trying to make progress and then get invaded and they rush over and nuke you before you can do anything… and for the invader hell after maybe 30 crushing soul defeatsa maybe they just want to punish someone else for crimes against them by other people so they looking for a endorphin boot and get a quick easy kill to make the world right again… PvP is very complicated and I feel only real balance and update work is going to more pve over PvP with no changes to fix anything on the way… I guess at the end of the day it’s just up to us the community to just try to not let toxic patterns happen. And if we start to feel it’s not fun anymore than we need to step back and relax and only return when we have joy again… for me I’m never going to be super competitive because I just not that good or sweaty, lol but it’s fun to face against other players- just hope we both enjoying it and no one is getting butt hurt because we all just here to have fun! Also please have more than a great day!! Have a wonderful one!!!
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 the thing about souls games it’s not competitive and no matter how skillful you are you would still lose from someone weaker than you but smarter ( that’s why I love this game and invasions ) and certain streamers ( you know who ) implement negative feed back to the game and unfortunately their voices are well heard, for example they invade a group of people and one of them is overleveled, they would start trash talking the host and the overleveled phantom and call them toxic gankers cause he have higher output damage I know it’s unbalanced but in my view it’s a challenge
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 Bless for hearing the rambles of a silly creature. Personally, I recognize the seamless co-op mod for Elden Ring to address one of the main issues I feel which is allowing the player the choice to participate in PVP. While it will not address the malicious nature of players, both the invaders and gank hosts, it provides a gate for those who have no interest in the first place. A friend had considered enabling PVP in the mod eventually for the sheer fact they now had a choice, and that's an important small distinction. To have a choice. In the end is that not the crux of the issue here, in that a decent number of invaders look for a fair and wanted fight only to find hosts disconnecting or so bitter they become a part of those mules and ganks themselves because they had no choice? What is the point and thrill of the hunt when the target is actively disengaged, inexperienced, not looking for a fight, or wanting the most unfair advantage because of it? You want to play the game a certain way, focused on fighting people, well perhaps you need the people who want that same thrill too, being hunted. Otherwise you are where we are now, and again, no one is happy.
Elden ring needs mandatory solo invasions but at same time should increase hunter spawn rate. Arena is just meta build show-offs. I miss running for my life in DS3 while being chased by 2 purples and 1 red, while fighting my way through with blues. You can't have those moments if the invasions system babies the hosts so damn much. Most invaders are people who've beat the game and have litterally notthing to do. Pvp extends the life of the game greatly. The souls series didn't build it's following and reputation because of it's baby cradling. It was because of of the sweaty-try-hard lords that we even have Elden Ring. To that I think we owe the veterans a decent invasion system.
I myself love the PvP aspect and greatly appreciate the rush that happens when you have another player to deal with during the game and I love the struggle the game brings and makes you want to better yourself to beat it by pure willpower and determination. I love the game and it’s been one of the best games to play with friends in my life since really halo when I was a 12 year old kid… Like I said I never got into dark souls and my skin in this fight is new compared to others who have been playing since the beginning, I appreciate the fandom and the try hard that made this game so damn successful to get to the point of where we are now with Elden ring- dark souls 2 was a game I spent over 100 hours playing and it baffled and confused me- it’s complicated and frustrating system was maybe the first true flirting I had and it wasn’t till years later and Elden ring to snag me into a world I am so glad to be apart of In playing and enjoying. Thank you so much for commenting and sharing your thoughts and feedback and I hope you have a wonderful day!
There has never been a better PvP system than the arenas in Elden ring. Invasions were never fair, getting ganked, tryhards running low level builds to pick on new players, getting invaded at 30 hp with no healing remaning, inavading and gitting kicked out after 10 seconds because the gost started a boss fight, and not ot mention the horrible netcode in all fromsoft games. long story short, the souls games are built on hard single player moments, not pvp.
Leaving this comment before I actually finish your video (probably not the best thing to do), but I do think both PvP and invasions in elden ring have a lot of balancing issues that ought to be resolved. I think most grievances when it comes to invasions are misdirected. Invaders are upset at getting ganked, while 'invadees' are upset at their good time being ruined. In reality, both of these are just game features that are present, which may not even be used by players maliciously. There's no point in being upset over players using game mechanics that are present; that's like being upset at players using their flasks. I do think these aspects need some changing, where invasions can be turned off, or introduce better balancing. Same goes for PvP, since a lot of builds just end up being imbalanced. I think a lot of hardcore souls fans dislike the idea of such changes, even though there have been quite a lot throughout the games fromsoft released.
Idk I feel with so many weapons and options when building your character that it means not all are equal and it will always be like that some builds are better than others but weak to otherwise strong counters, and as I learn more and more about PvP and its meta and how competitive builds work I will say to add My video has nothing to do with the competitive ness of invaders or hosts but rather addressing what I felt is overlooked for new time players- Gank squads and players that are past first playthrough are free to play as they like- sometimes it’s just about being silly and sometimes it’s about playing serious but it’s just a game/ really my video is just me going on about new time players sometimes need a hand to get into the game. It’s easy to put down newbies and spank them and say get good but sometimes it’s about teaching and playing with friends that make the ability and time to get new players invested and on the path to where others are already at.
@ yeah I do understand and agree that a lot of new players prefer some assistance and I think that’s perfectly fine. I do like aspects of seamless co-op because of this, since it allows us to turn off invasions and just play the game with our friends without any hindrances.
its also a mainly PvE game. so if you are playing PvP, first off, you are probably "that guy" thats always trying to overcompensate for something and prove he's "that guy," and secondly, you are playing the game wrong. i swear there's a type... if they had a bolt action rifle in elden ring, every one of you would be the type to practice your no scopes with it. 🤣🤣🤣 "i heard the game was hard, i wanna be the very best! like no one ever was!"🤔🤫🤭😂🤣
@@BacteriaIsLifeOnMars i don’t typically play these games for pvp, but you’re just further solidifying my point. These games having pvp is just dumb when these games are built around pve balancing. Regardless, I doubt theres anything inherently wrong with people who play pvp in these games, considering that it’s an available option. I wouldn’t generalize them in a negative light simply because they play pvp
No. PvP in Elden Ring is fine! I partake every now and then and used to do it alot more! PvP in Elden Ring is not great but not ruined! But Elden Rings Invasions on the other hand always was designed to not be fair to the Invader! I mean you cant be invaded unless you got another player with you! Unless you specifically activate Invasions with Taunters tongue! Invasions in ER are a very simple and very scripted event which is participated in by two groups of people! Very talented and experienced PvPers and the most toxic and angry people whose skill did not take them past Margit! Thats why Limgrave is the most popular PvP location Script most of the time goes like this: Invader shows up in meta gear, gets spotted and rushed by 3 people also in meta gear! Perhaps one of them has Magic spam or Fallingstar Beast Jaw for pressure! They stab, spam spells, roll and heal until the invader either gets overwhelmed, screwed by latency or runs out of heals and dies! Depending on the invaders skill or luck? The three, two or one people remaining on the hosts side then T bags the Invader cuz hes assumed to be a toxic person! (Very often true btw) and same repeats over and over! Sometimes more easier for other side if the opposite side did not use the most meta gear there is! Dual Nagis are pretty much a must have now! RoB got ruined and nerfed to shit because it was equally as powerful in its time! Now we waiting for Dual Nagis to not only get nerfed but ruined Elden Rings is popular with the masses which means that uninevitably there was gonna be enough Neanderthals who did not understand the game mechanics enough to skip by invasions and who took it personally when a player killed them! Same people then went on to get roll catched by Margit 3 times in a row ans die and were absolutely fine with it cuz its an AI Elden Ring deserves the success it got! And it being a single player game? Is a crucial part of that because the players it attracted turned out to be primarily the most angry and most immature people I have seen in gaming! All we missing is a proxy chat and we could have compilation videos of Invaders or Hosts dropping N bombs as soon as they realized they gonna lose
I mean I think people who play PvP and competitive games in all forms have a leaning towards meanness and what I call sore winning or losing- my point to this video is just about us playing and having fun and not worrying so much about how others are playing but just being happy we each have found something in this wonderful game and enjoy our community despite our differences- Thanks so much for your comment and feedback and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Those are Fromsoft rules. Play solo or play co-op. Co-op is fine but you do have to deal with invaders. Its a perfect system. If you keep dying youll get better. You cant have everything. You already have a helper or two. What else do you want?
My video is not about being mad about getting invaded, it’s about when someone invades you- are you okay using the multi password to play with your friends who are overleveled sometimes. My videos is just the random thoughts and feelings about balancing and what I feel we all can do to make playing less toxic. All play is allowed and regardless of what we feel, I think fromsoft is keeping it mostly this way- so my thoughts was just over how I feel and seeing how others feel about the topic. Thanks for your comment, I do appreciate the feedback and hope you have a wonderful day!
@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 Overlevel helpers are nerfed with pw so there is added balance. Nightreign seems to be giving co-op players everything they desire anyway. Its co-op focus so in this regard the rules will be different I suppose.
Honestly I see no problem with overleveled phantoms 👍but I see problems with griefers “ aka hardcore gankers “ they are toxic to play against or salty tryhards that can’t take the L
Yes I completely agree! When I was making this video I was not talking about gankers, while what they doing is allowed- I feel it makes more saltyness then we as a community need and it don’t help fun healthy play styles- my point is only for why some people use mult password to summon players of higher level and then when those people get invaded - the invader thinks it’s unfair when in many cases it’s just a host trying to play with their friends and getting a leg up in help since they did it before
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 I'll admit I've found it hard to enjoy the invasion system. Granted there have been some really silly and memorable moments with people, and hell, I invaded people in Dark Souls 3 all the time to give them gifts and see how they'd pan out in an area. The thing is, I'm not a PVP'r. Look, I played TF2 for years and was deep in the competitive gaming scene, and I had to take a step back when I realized how angry and toxic I had become. I like helping people, cooperating and succeeding with others. More than that, I don't want to fight people, I don't want to feed anger or be part of someone's toxic behaviors. A figure for someone's youtube video for mockery or what have you.
The thing is...not everyone wants a fight. A specific fight. I'm okay stomping down on a giant magical snake, and trying to kill gods, but maybe I don't want to go toe to toe with someone because all it does is remind me how awful a person I was. Maybe I don't want another reminder how awful a lot of people are when I'm trying to have a good time, trying to get away from dealing with how awful people are at work and everywhere else. Maybe I just want to help someone and succeed with them. Triumph and share that personal time together without intrusion. That being said, seriously this whole Elden Ring multiplayer/invasion system is just working against everyone. No one wins here, everyone just gets more angry and has a miserable time. Invaders get outflanked, early players get chased by skilled invaders bringing crazy armor or weapons with them while these new players are just trying to understand and experience the world for the first time. Like I said, never enjoyed the invasion system, but Elden Ring's brings out far worse in others compared to its peers.
Gosh, thank you so much for such a thoughtful response and it really does get me thinking even more than I was before making this video- my original tread of thought was over justifying how the multiplayer password is okay and having players of any level join makes it a smooth and easy process for new players needing help, but like why isn’t it more balanced on the whole experience and system?
How come it almost rewards toxic players with wins over either under prepared invaders or inexperienced new hosts now fighting someone so much better than they are. The system could be better if we had more options of play. Not just colosseum and invasion but have players be able to lock games for first time runs with only pve no interference with invading because it mostly only distracts from the game when you just trying to make progress and then get invaded and they rush over and nuke you before you can do anything… and for the invader hell after maybe 30 crushing soul defeatsa maybe they just want to punish someone else for crimes against them by other people so they looking for a endorphin boot and get a quick easy kill to make the world right again…
PvP is very complicated and I feel only real balance and update work is going to more pve over PvP with no changes to fix anything on the way…
I guess at the end of the day it’s just up to us the community to just try to not let toxic patterns happen. And if we start to feel it’s not fun anymore than we need to step back and relax and only return when we have joy again… for me I’m never going to be super competitive because I just not that good or sweaty, lol but it’s fun to face against other players- just hope we both enjoying it and no one is getting butt hurt because we all just here to have fun!
Also please have more than a great day!! Have a wonderful one!!!
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 the thing about souls games it’s not competitive and no matter how skillful you are you would still lose from someone weaker than you but smarter ( that’s why I love this game and invasions ) and certain streamers ( you know who ) implement negative feed back to the game and unfortunately their voices are well heard, for example they invade a group of people and one of them is overleveled, they would start trash talking the host and the overleveled phantom and call them toxic gankers cause he have higher output damage I know it’s unbalanced but in my view it’s a challenge
@@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 Bless for hearing the rambles of a silly creature. Personally, I recognize the seamless co-op mod for Elden Ring to address one of the main issues I feel which is allowing the player the choice to participate in PVP. While it will not address the malicious nature of players, both the invaders and gank hosts, it provides a gate for those who have no interest in the first place.
A friend had considered enabling PVP in the mod eventually for the sheer fact they now had a choice, and that's an important small distinction. To have a choice. In the end is that not the crux of the issue here, in that a decent number of invaders look for a fair and wanted fight only to find hosts disconnecting or so bitter they become a part of those mules and ganks themselves because they had no choice?
What is the point and thrill of the hunt when the target is actively disengaged, inexperienced, not looking for a fight, or wanting the most unfair advantage because of it? You want to play the game a certain way, focused on fighting people, well perhaps you need the people who want that same thrill too, being hunted. Otherwise you are where we are now, and again, no one is happy.
Elden ring needs mandatory solo invasions but at same time should increase hunter spawn rate.
Arena is just meta build show-offs. I miss running for my life in DS3 while being chased by 2 purples and 1 red, while fighting my way through with blues. You can't have those moments if the invasions system babies the hosts so damn much. Most invaders are people who've beat the game and have litterally notthing to do. Pvp extends the life of the game greatly.
The souls series didn't build it's following and reputation because of it's baby cradling. It was because of of the sweaty-try-hard lords that we even have Elden Ring. To that I think we owe the veterans a decent invasion system.
I myself love the PvP aspect and greatly appreciate the rush that happens when you have another player to deal with during the game and I love the struggle the game brings and makes you want to better yourself to beat it by pure willpower and determination. I love the game and it’s been one of the best games to play with friends in my life since really halo when I was a 12 year old kid…
Like I said I never got into dark souls and my skin in this fight is new compared to others who have been playing since the beginning, I appreciate the fandom and the try hard that made this game so damn successful to get to the point of where we are now with Elden ring- dark souls 2 was a game I spent over 100 hours playing and it baffled and confused me- it’s complicated and frustrating system was maybe the first true flirting I had and it wasn’t till years later and Elden ring to snag me into a world I am so glad to be apart of In playing and enjoying.
Thank you so much for commenting and sharing your thoughts and feedback and I hope you have a wonderful day!
There has never been a better PvP system than the arenas in Elden ring. Invasions were never fair, getting ganked, tryhards running low level builds to pick on new players, getting invaded at 30 hp with no healing remaning, inavading and gitting kicked out after 10 seconds because the gost started a boss fight, and not ot mention the horrible netcode in all fromsoft games.
long story short, the souls games are built on hard single player moments, not pvp.
Leaving this comment before I actually finish your video (probably not the best thing to do), but I do think both PvP and invasions in elden ring have a lot of balancing issues that ought to be resolved. I think most grievances when it comes to invasions are misdirected. Invaders are upset at getting ganked, while 'invadees' are upset at their good time being ruined. In reality, both of these are just game features that are present, which may not even be used by players maliciously. There's no point in being upset over players using game mechanics that are present; that's like being upset at players using their flasks. I do think these aspects need some changing, where invasions can be turned off, or introduce better balancing. Same goes for PvP, since a lot of builds just end up being imbalanced. I think a lot of hardcore souls fans dislike the idea of such changes, even though there have been quite a lot throughout the games fromsoft released.
Idk I feel with so many weapons and options when building your character that it means not all are equal and it will always be like that some builds are better than others but weak to otherwise strong counters, and as I learn more and more about PvP and its meta and how competitive builds work I will say to add
My video has nothing to do with the competitive ness of invaders or hosts but rather addressing what I felt is overlooked for new time players- Gank squads and players that are past first playthrough are free to play as they like- sometimes it’s just about being silly and sometimes it’s about playing serious but it’s just a game/ really my video is just me going on about new time players sometimes need a hand to get into the game. It’s easy to put down newbies and spank them and say get good but sometimes it’s about teaching and playing with friends that make the ability and time to get new players invested and on the path to where others are already at.
@ yeah I do understand and agree that a lot of new players prefer some assistance and I think that’s perfectly fine. I do like aspects of seamless co-op because of this, since it allows us to turn off invasions and just play the game with our friends without any hindrances.
its also a mainly PvE game. so if you are playing PvP, first off, you are probably "that guy" thats always trying to overcompensate for something and prove he's "that guy," and secondly, you are playing the game wrong. i swear there's a type... if they had a bolt action rifle in elden ring, every one of you would be the type to practice your no scopes with it. 🤣🤣🤣 "i heard the game was hard, i wanna be the very best! like no one ever was!"🤔🤫🤭😂🤣
@@BacteriaIsLifeOnMars i don’t typically play these games for pvp, but you’re just further solidifying my point. These games having pvp is just dumb when these games are built around pve balancing. Regardless, I doubt theres anything inherently wrong with people who play pvp in these games, considering that it’s an available option. I wouldn’t generalize them in a negative light simply because they play pvp
PvP in Elden Ring is fine! I partake every now and then and used to do it alot more! PvP in Elden Ring is not great but not ruined!
But Elden Rings Invasions on the other hand always was designed to not be fair to the Invader! I mean you cant be invaded unless you got another player with you! Unless you specifically activate Invasions with Taunters tongue!
Invasions in ER are a very simple and very scripted event which is participated in by two groups of people! Very talented and experienced PvPers and the most toxic and angry people whose skill did not take them past Margit! Thats why Limgrave is the most popular PvP location
Script most of the time goes like this:
Invader shows up in meta gear, gets spotted and rushed by 3 people also in meta gear! Perhaps one of them has Magic spam or Fallingstar Beast Jaw for pressure!
They stab, spam spells, roll and heal until the invader either gets overwhelmed, screwed by latency or runs out of heals and dies! Depending on the invaders skill or luck? The three, two or one people remaining on the hosts side then T bags the Invader cuz hes assumed to be a toxic person! (Very often true btw) and same repeats over and over! Sometimes more easier for other side if the opposite side did not use the most meta gear there is!
Dual Nagis are pretty much a must have now! RoB got ruined and nerfed to shit because it was equally as powerful in its time! Now we waiting for Dual Nagis to not only get nerfed but ruined
Elden Rings is popular with the masses which means that uninevitably there was gonna be enough Neanderthals who did not understand the game mechanics enough to skip by invasions and who took it personally when a player killed them!
Same people then went on to get roll catched by Margit 3 times in a row ans die and were absolutely fine with it cuz its an AI
Elden Ring deserves the success it got! And it being a single player game? Is a crucial part of that because the players it attracted turned out to be primarily the most angry and most immature people I have seen in gaming! All we missing is a proxy chat and we could have compilation videos of Invaders or Hosts dropping N bombs as soon as they realized they gonna lose
I mean I think people who play PvP and competitive games in all forms have a leaning towards meanness and what I call sore winning or losing- my point to this video is just about us playing and having fun and not worrying so much about how others are playing but just being happy we each have found something in this wonderful game and enjoy our community despite our differences-
Thanks so much for your comment and feedback and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Those are Fromsoft rules. Play solo or play co-op. Co-op is fine but you do have to deal with invaders. Its a perfect system. If you keep dying youll get better. You cant have everything. You already have a helper or two. What else do you want?
My video is not about being mad about getting invaded, it’s about when someone invades you- are you okay using the multi password to play with your friends who are overleveled sometimes. My videos is just the random thoughts and feelings about balancing and what I feel we all can do to make playing less toxic.
All play is allowed and regardless of what we feel, I think fromsoft is keeping it mostly this way- so my thoughts was just over how I feel and seeing how others feel about the topic.
Thanks for your comment, I do appreciate the feedback and hope you have a wonderful day!
@BigSpudsPotatoStream-Wjam87 Overlevel helpers are nerfed with pw so there is added balance. Nightreign seems to be giving co-op players everything they desire anyway. Its co-op focus so in this regard the rules will be different I suppose.