Fun fact: The rapid clicking noise at the very start of the video is an imitation of a sound Apple II floppy drives would make when the computer was powered on. It was the read/write head repeatedly banging against the end-stop to ensure that it was at track zero. This saved the expense of an end-stop sensor, instead relying on the fact that stepper motors can be safely jammed for short periods of time.
Millar! You presented a file with _active cognitohazards in it_ to a classroom full of trainees?! My God, the Ethics Committee will have a field day with this if they exist!
@@SkylerLinux Or TheVolgun is himself a Thaumiel SCP that protects those in his immediate vicinity from cognitohazardous material. In fact, let's go a step further. I propose that he is the computer setup itself we see in every video and that setup in it's entirety when brought together manifests said Thaumiel-class SCP that we know as "Dr. Millar".
Turning the "call of the void" (which is a real concept btw) into an SCP was really an interesting move. Glad it took your attention there to make this beautyful thing here as well.
When the author calls it an Abgrund event and the project lead talks about how there is no disease, only people coming to an authentic realisation I suspect the author is actually turning Martin Heidegger's philosophy into an SCP as well here. I love the SCPs that turn everyday stuff into something more; truth is stranger than fiction.
@@hellajeff5613 Thanks to this I realise that this SCP answers the Fundamental Ontology of "What does it mean to be dead?"... You can only process that question when you're situationally and temporally at that state... The basics of "Being there". And you need to fully answer that question. You can only answer what does death mean only when you're dead at that moment. If you're not dead, you can only answer partially. This SCP doesn't want people to be dead for its own purpose. This SCP see death as an Ultimate question, and those who answer it are essentially achieving enlightenment... Yep, no wonder This SCP would be insanely dangerous if it manifested on a Religious doctrine.
I remember reading this on my own time some years ago. When you yourself read the segment that goes, “do you hear a voice when you read these words? Listen to the voice.” It hits a lot differently than it does here. Hard to describe, but it’s unsettling to feel like a pattern screamer is pushing your mind towards some kind of damaging idea, even if you know they aren’t actually real.
Wow this also gives "intrusive thoughts" a whole new meaning. They really are intrusive thoughts, they are the SCP trying to force themselves into our heads and make us do things. They are intruders and they exist in the form of thought.
I was literally looking up the call of the void phenomenon and, yeah, that’s exactly what that is. A momentary self-destructive thought that is out of character and not usually acted upon.
@@sassyghost_8 I thought it was from our ancient primate ancestors, from when we jumped from tree to tree, as a sort of "Can I reach that branch?", urge to jump. Not a self-destructive thought.
So, all the victims of SCP-2718 have teamed up against humanity in an attempt to make us die so we can all experience their suffering. The SCP universe really is a wonderful place sometimes...
The mentality of “I struggled to pay my student debt, so everyone else should struggle and be anxious too” taken to its most logically extreme point lol
They really made "the voices in our head" a meme. This has got to be the most meta theme for an scp. I can't help but love it, I couldn't tell you why I think it's so unique, I just think it is.
In numerous of Volgun's videos, I've seen comments from the authors themselves praising the narration of their SCPs. It really is no wonder is it? The quality and care taken to preserve even the subtle nuances, tone and mood of the SCP stands clear. There really is nothing else that comes close. Yet again, you've smashed it Volgun.
As a chronic depressive, this is a good discourse on depression; "good" in the sense of being thoughtful and insightful. The call to self-destruction is indeed part of us and to acknowledge that is the first step in resisting it.
Fellow chronic here. I can confirm that, on some level, destructive thoughts are always present. On your best days they’re just a whole lot quieter. The only „trick“ I‘ve learned in my closing-in-on-40 years of life is… just keep living. Yeah, no deeper meaning here. Just be stubborn and keep moving on. o.O
This SCP was probably inspired by Martin Heidegger's philosophy, evident by the "abgrund event" as a probable reference to his "abyss (abgrund) of Being". His work wrestles with the very dilemma the project lead talks about in the last part of the story, so maybe if the SCP affects you then Heidegger's work could be of some comfort to you.
Love when they start with cognition hazard warnings, I just really love information that tries to hurt you it’s just a cool spooky concept. Sticks and stones can break your bones but knowledge is psychic poison that can not be expunged from reality and spreads like a virus just by being aware of it.
@@Muykle Yeah, but consider SCP-3004, an entity that is contained with the restriction of information and a fail safe procedure that involves attempting to whip out all knowledge of the abrahamic god, that’s insane. The only way to combat it is to forget it but then it manages to infect knowledge of other things, like cicadas and particular religious practices, and it’s like a daisy chain of abstract destruction that can’t be physically stopped. I once heard a theory that “deleting a religion to stop the entity” has happened more then once and that’s just even cooler. The implication that their fail-safe isn’t even a permanent solution. Magnificent.
a bunch of things stand out about this. to start with, we have a sequel to the terrifying scp "What Happens After." What's more terrifying is that I believe this scp is the aftermath of that one causing an XK scenario. The use of "Damerung Clearance" as an exclusionary factor for chosing personelle for this project is the dead give away. Maybe they tried to use something like project lethe to get rid of it. I point out the way this cognitohazard invades the brain is similar. If thats the case, the two scps likely merged to create this one. I can't remember numbers here, but I do remember concepts. If I recall correctly Lethe is "attempts to assasinate thought" but I could be wrong. Regardless, this scp is incredibly chilling. If I'm right, it means the Foundation failed to protect humanity from cognitohazards TWICE before this. Notice that just like with Lethe, when SCP 2000 is activated to deal with this one alterations are to be made. That was one feature of lethe, they tried to muck with it with scp 2000 and it didn't work. The common features indicate this cognitohazard has been merging and evolving for quite awhile. The Foundation is going to have to get really really creative to counter this.
@@nethermaster1935 SCP-3448 Half Death MRI Machine SCP-2718 What Happens After There's also this motif around pattern screamers throughout the skip. There's a series on that to explore as well. The line that stood out was "there was no virus" and connect that to the way the plague doctor deals with the pestilence, it may be a bit of a stretch but given the cognito and infohazardous nature of this skip, doubt that it will be any good. It's a stretch, but there's a non zero possibility that these are connected and if that's the case, SCP-049 may also be affected to some degree and therefore thinks it's like a disease that must be cured in any way the plague doctor knows how. If it's the screamers, they need to return to the coordinates that don't exist and simply wipe themselves clean (that's apparently what they want but they're stuck in between dimensions so they're basically stuck but there are a few of them that remember their past and how they became that way and use bamboo/pandas to communicate. These ones aren't hostile, but if it's the same group of entities they might share insight. At any rate, is magnitudes better than project Lethe which ended up not only being a complete failure but created a much more dangerous entity. A similar approach to Project Lethe (with varying results) is to use the mind mapping techniques "Project Pneuma" referred in SCP-5000 Why, effectively create another antimeme similar to SCP-055 (thought to be an artifact of the fifth world and everyone forgets about it because it was wiped from the collective consciousness and therefore is unable to be remembered by anyone). SCP-6699 A Rhizome of our Minds (thaumiel and top secret) can be used to map out the noosphere, isolate the entity and make them imperceptible to anyone, severing the connection once again.
It reminds me of 7004-insane, wailing, feral in the way you describe it. But if 7004 got stuck in the noosphere instead of causing 7004. But there's often accidental overlap with the intentional.
@@Mophony Its kind of complicated, but they are basically entites that are the result of nothing. If you don't know what I mean, go look up scp 3930 and 000. Its the result of the human mind just not being able to comprehend nothing, so it just keeps thinking things exist. These entities are the result of this, only they're aware of it and hate us for creating them.
Pattern screamers are tormented, disembodied consciousness with malevolent intent. Imagine ghosts trapped under our layer of reality that can only indirectly influence matter and energy, but are still sapient and perceptive. They're recurrent in SCP. Some are introduced as remnants from a previously destroyed universe, or in this one, they're human consciousnesses that were irreversibly altered by a "dammarung" cognitohazard while alive.
Oh! This SCP is basically the phenomenon known as “The Call of the Void”. To give a very rough summary; have you ever had those random, out of the blue thoughts like “what if I jumped off this cliff” or “what if I just punched this person’s face for no reason”? These weirdly destructive thoughts are “calls of the void”. Edit a year later: I can’t believe I forgot to add this but; Psychologists believes this phenomenon happens as a means for the brain instill a reluctance to perform the envisioned action and any of the like.
Theres a few theories about this. When youre high up and you feel a voice telling you to jump. The Earth's gravity is pulling you down and your subconscious/conscious whatever brain is turning it into that. When you meet someone and you feel a voice telling you to punch them. The brain is hardwired for survival and their face has triggered a response. Maybe their left nostril is slightly off center or they have sanpaku eyes. Its something your subconscious brain has registered as necessary for survival.
A particularly horrifying and yet common subcategory is the call of the forest, which is urges to walk/run into the forest, as deep as possible. Feels much more eerie to me than the urge to jump off things.
Something I want to know is how was the actual nature of this SCP discovered? There’s no “retrieval log”, which I think would be extremely interesting. Another thing that spoke to me was how the Project Head mentioned the word “symbol”. That could be a metaphor of course, but if the Foundation were to study the memetic workings of this symbol, or rather the method of activation or infection, it could produce great insight on how to prevent infections altogether. I know few SCPs have good endings, but I’d love to see some spec of hope, Y’know? Regardless, a fantastic SCP, and kudos to the author.
I know it's such a reach, but I like to think that every SCP about the concept of you after death is the same one, and it's the catalyst for SCP-5000. My head canon as to why the foundation would think of themselves as still working to protect humanity. Being scared of death is such a human thing and anything that tries to put that into words is so interesting to me
Same! Scp5000 being the opposite of some entity that can only rest/stop suffering/become real/etc when all of human kind is dead also fascinates me. The idea of those two ideas fighting each other would be fascinating to see. What would the foundation choose? Being host to an entity that keeps all our souls in perpetual suffering after death or the extinction of all humanity?
Actually terrifying/scary SCP, without just being a big scary gore-monster and such, love it. I also hugely appreciate all the effort that you put into these videos, you go beyond just reading an article and adding a text-scroll. Your delivery feels genuinely thought out, and I bet it always takes a few takes, especially with effects coming in later, to arrive at the actual result. Thanks for putting these out here for us, for essentially free.
There should be an edit where pepole whom have suffered from a depression condition or bipolar and live properly through it have a residence to it. Or that some people are immune due to a faith in a higher being and pure spite to kill the bad thoughts.
You know what, I have to comment twice. I love so many of the Vogun videos, especially the really thorough, multi part ones, but this is my favorite in a long time. Thanks Volgun!!!
Your voice has helped me a lot lately. I have been having the hardest time just living idk how to describe it, but my racing thoughts make sleep difficult. Your videos just are able to distract my thoughts I guess and it slows them down enough for me to sleep. So, thank you. I’d be restless without you.
I love the calmness of the "Decline" by Dr. Miller. As if it's just an everyday precaution he has to deal with. Really demonstrates the casual effectiveness of Foundation protocols.
So in this SCP, when you die, your mind separates from your body and essentially becomes a ghost suffering infinite pain, and in that pain, the ghosts try to get all of humanity to destroy itself because of these ghost's spitefulness. That's pretty grimdark.
Reminds me of another similar one where it was revealed to the O-5 council that an infectious cognitohazard had begun to infect humans. The effect was that after your physical death you would experience every mote of agony from the decay and breakdown of your corpse. Along with a 'spreading' of your conscience mind as bits of you were separated off by various carrion feeding insects and stuff. Really horrifying stuff. Think it was classed as a "Dammerung Class Cognitohazard". I forget the skip number though. Edit: The article NAME however is "What Comes After" if I remember correctly.
Excellent work. I know you put a lot of effort into these videos, so I just want to say that we all appreciate it. It's always great to see a new upload from you.
I thought it was pattern screamers at first but after listening further I don't think that's what this is. I don't think the disembodied consciousnesses of dead people are meant to be the same as pattern screamers. Although, who knows. Not sure if I've ever really thought about that possibility.
@@sourdface well pattern screamers are(if my crumbling brain is remembering this correctly) these that died in the last universe that was destroyed by the 'pattern' so its not that far off.
In a way, it can be thought that this cognitohazard turns humans into something analogous to pattern screamers once they die. These tormented disembodied consciousness with malevolent intent.
@@sourdface It would be interesting to assume that this Is a pattern screamer and only fakes its identity as "dead people consciousness". What's more malevolent and alien than pretending to be dead past people trying to take revenge on the living and force modern humans to die and take our place in a world that was never theirs?
It sounds to me like the human equivalent of pattern screamers, rather than the unknowably alien entities who went through a slightly similar process to create pattern screamers.
I don’t typically comment but just thought I’d say that your channel is one of my favorites. As someone who is disabled and can’t get out of bed for more than a few hours every day, your videos are one of my favorite ways to stay occupied, so thank you!
I went to the article to see the "edits" for myself and ended up reading the page for Dammarung, SCP 2718. It makes understanding this SCP much easier.
I kept rejecting the edits but they weren't what I expected. Information about socks, coffee, some video games. They felt more like commercials than a cognito hazard. Wait a minute...
Who keeps leaking these dangerous and highly classified SCP cognition hazards onto the Interwebbie thingie? Somebody is SO fired. Amnesticize everyone below level five...again.
You know that feel when you're driving down the road, you've got some other cars around you on either side... and the sudden thought that lands in your head is 'what would happen if I just... yanked the wheel to the side and plowed into another car/truck/big rig?' But you don't do it because you're either not willing to give into that random thought, or know that it would be a terrible idea and you discard it consciously because why would any sane person do that sort of that? That's this SCP. The 'Call of the Void.' There's a French word for it, I think, specifically. Can't remember what it is though.
I have diagnosed schizophrenia and that sounds exactly like me. Huh. killed myself via intentional overdose once because I couldn’t stand all the voices breaking my conceptual understanding of reality and it was just… It was a black screen with no volume, yet no static. Death just…… wasn’t. I WAS and then I…. WASN’T. This reminded me exactly of that. Just nothingness.
I almost never comment in these SCP videos since I use the audio only form a lot when I am busy working on stuff, but let me tell you I ABSOLUTELY adore the long episodes 💕 Edit: I also am addicted to cognitohazard SCPs or any trippy ones
An excellent piece of writing and the presentation done effectively, both leaving an impact on the listener. As I return to old SCP catalogs, it a lovely surprise to find a missed gem!
Another SCP details what death is... They labeled it as an info hazard, but the only hazard is the truth. In the document it details how an 05 was brought back from the dead... He eventually said that be could feel every cell of his being being torn apart and carried away through the years. The insects having at his body while time went on and on even when he was dead.
What Comes After. This referenced that one at the beginning with the mention that personnel with Dammerung Level Clearance are not to be involved with experiments or data regarding 3675.
The dead are jealous. They cry, they weep, they scream and reap. But change comes. Life lengthens. And soon. So very soon. *Your ranks will grow no longer.*
I really don't know how to feel about this SCP, mostly because mind-affecting SCPs are something I try to avoid, it really speaks to the dangerous nature of this SCP just based on the very expansive infiltration it has - as well as is - capable of. My dreams are messed up enough, but to compound it with the presence of that weird woman with 'special knowledge' about an impending apocalypse? I... am not even sure why this one sits so weirdly in my brain, but it is definitely one I'll think about from time to time. Sort of like when you have a song as an earworm, except in this instance it's thinking about the details associated with this SCP. The Void Called, will stick in my mind for a while.
I read a sci-fi story in an anthology once where aliens have traveled to the burnt out remains of Earth. It was long after the sun had expanded to a red giant and then shrunk down to a white dwarf star. The aliens poked and prodded the spirits bound to the remains of the planet. Each spirit played out its strongest, most enduring memories. Apparently, love does not conquer all. Suffering and anguish are the only eternal emotions. These historians learned about extinct cultures by viewing personal tragedies. Humiliations, homicides, failures, and loss. Those were the only memories the ghosts ever showed, as the historians traveled the galaxy.
The very much reminded me of the "Reality Dysfunction" in Peter F. Hamilton's book series "The Night's Dawn"... Great work again, as usual! Though I missed Dr. Millar saying "Good bye." at the end.
To think this SCP is more or less something psychological and cannot be stopped by physical means other than using a device that affects the subjects brain. But in the end you can’t stop it at all. Such a scary conceptualized SCP. Makes me think of a movie where ghosts invade the living through electronic devices.
The changes to voice effects, and different voices, made this feel like a significant deviation from the normal style of Dr Miller going through the document. Made it a little more difficult to follow tbh. Still great work though.
Possibly. Dammerung Clearance is a reference to another skip in which it is revealed that a stealth cognitohazard has been infecting some of humanity. When you die while affected by it. You get to experience the *wonderful* effects of your corpse decomposing bit by bit. Your consious mind being 'spread out' as bits of your corpse are consumed by various carrion eating insects and such. I forget the skip number though. Edit: iirc the article name however is 'What Comes After'
@@McDonaldWilliamT As I understand, the cognitohazard is that your consciousness moves onto the afterlife you believe you will go to. That other skip is a first-hand testimony of What Comes Next, so when you hear it, you are now convinced that it's 100% true and unavoidable, which makes it so for you. With this one, it's similar in that it's meant to shape the beliefs of those infected by its cognitohazard, and redirect that consciousness into this reality after death.
Natalya Velikovna: "Do you know the feeling of drowning in a deep ocean and trying to swim ashore, but you are weighed down?" Dr. Malthus: "I am married, yes."
Slayer's song "Hell Awaits" starts with a chorus of voices chanting "join us" (backwards for extra spookiness) that climaxes with a distorted voice saying "Welcome Back!" That's how I conceptualize this SCP
As someone absolutely terrified by the concept that so many of my fellow humans believe in an afterlife (and therefore take life less seriously and act dangerously), this is some S Tier bespoke horror.
This feels like a dark version of the second death (the your second death is the last time anyone thinks if you thing). The waiting area apparently sucks so the souls try to convince those who remember them to die so they can cease to exist
The void called. It’s been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.
The void is calling, it wants it's 2018 memes back.
@@jwalster9412 and you responded with an even older meme lol
@@Tertion ah yes, counter meme
@@Tertion it's an older meme but it checks out
The void called. It says to watch out for that Adolf Hitler. He's a bad egg.
Fun fact: The rapid clicking noise at the very start of the video is an imitation of a sound Apple II floppy drives would make when the computer was powered on. It was the read/write head repeatedly banging against the end-stop to ensure that it was at track zero. This saved the expense of an end-stop sensor, instead relying on the fact that stepper motors can be safely jammed for short periods of time.
You are exactly right! impressive ear!
@@TheVolgun It is a sound I have heard *many* times.
The Foundation uses Apple computers? Gross
@@pseudotasuki I'm impressed 😁
Sick! Man, I love people that just talk about random shit they know. So educating :)
Millar! You presented a file with _active cognitohazards in it_ to a classroom full of trainees?! My God, the Ethics Committee will have a field day with this if they exist!
Pretty dure the Ethics Committee has already been infected.
That's assuming that the cognitohazards are transmissible via his covering of them.
@@SkylerLinux Or TheVolgun is himself a Thaumiel SCP that protects those in his immediate vicinity from cognitohazardous material.
In fact, let's go a step further. I propose that he is the computer setup itself we see in every video and that setup in it's entirety when brought together manifests said Thaumiel-class SCP that we know as "Dr. Millar".
@@ApocTank66 yup new head cannon
@@ApocTank66 That can't be it. Earlier episodes are presented on a reel-to-reel tape recorder, and we saw Millar graduate from Researcher to Doctor.
I think Dr. Miller is an SCP. His anomalous ability is to describe horrific awful things that should freak you out but instead relaxes you.
I literally go to bed with the playlist running
SCP: 393358 - Dr. Miller
Classification: Safe
@@stygianrenegadehow are you not having nightmares are you okay?
@@dawndarklight44 funny you should ask. No. I am not. Though the dreams I get are quite entertaining
I only feel alive when I'm dreaming
When the wind cries “Mary!”, it’s all part of the plan. But when the Void calls Keter, everyone loses their minds!
Both figuratively and literally.
The best part is I didn’t even watch the video or read this SCP before making the joke, it was based solely on the thumbnail.
@@WASDLeftClick 😂great
Jack Nicholson was better...
Turning the "call of the void" (which is a real concept btw) into an SCP was really an interesting move. Glad it took your attention there to make this beautyful thing here as well.
Really happy the call of the void isn’t just me
When the author calls it an Abgrund event and the project lead talks about how there is no disease, only people coming to an authentic realisation I suspect the author is actually turning Martin Heidegger's philosophy into an SCP as well here. I love the SCPs that turn everyday stuff into something more; truth is stranger than fiction.
@@hellajeff5613 Thanks to this I realise that this SCP answers the Fundamental Ontology of "What does it mean to be dead?"...
You can only process that question when you're situationally and temporally at that state... The basics of "Being there". And you need to fully answer that question. You can only answer what does death mean only when you're dead at that moment. If you're not dead, you can only answer partially.
This SCP doesn't want people to be dead for its own purpose. This SCP see death as an Ultimate question, and those who answer it are essentially achieving enlightenment...
Yep, no wonder This SCP would be insanely dangerous if it manifested on a Religious doctrine.
I remember reading this on my own time some years ago. When you yourself read the segment that goes, “do you hear a voice when you read these words? Listen to the voice.” It hits a lot differently than it does here. Hard to describe, but it’s unsettling to feel like a pattern screamer is pushing your mind towards some kind of damaging idea, even if you know they aren’t actually real.
This is the epitome of “letting intrusive thoughts win”
Actuve forms of SCP - 3675 have been coined as "autism"
Gotta resist those intrusive thots
Wow this also gives "intrusive thoughts" a whole new meaning. They really are intrusive thoughts, they are the SCP trying to force themselves into our heads and make us do things. They are intruders and they exist in the form of thought.
I was literally looking up the call of the void phenomenon and, yeah, that’s exactly what that is. A momentary self-destructive thought that is out of character and not usually acted upon.
@@sassyghost_8 I thought it was from our ancient primate ancestors, from when we jumped from tree to tree, as a sort of "Can I reach that branch?", urge to jump.
Not a self-destructive thought.
You know what? I was going to sleep but TheVolgun's new video is clearly more important
It would be really awkward if I slept when this video came out, since it’s the afternoon and I’m in the middle if my work shift.
It's 1pm for me lol. Where do you live?
Volgun's videos make great lullabies.
@@alnfsyh9403 used to do that until scp "you do not recognise the bodies in the water" couldn't sleep for weeks after that sudden shift mid video
Let us know of you were able to sleep after this one lmao
So, all the victims of SCP-2718 have teamed up against humanity in an attempt to make us die so we can all experience their suffering. The SCP universe really is a wonderful place sometimes...
this is why we need to bring Omega K Class scenario in action
Figure spite is the only reason the SCP continues to exist and after death the spite of the dead transfers target to the living
We must suffer, as they have
This is a very believable senerio.
The mentality of “I struggled to pay my student debt, so everyone else should struggle and be anxious too” taken to its most logically extreme point lol
They really made "the voices in our head" a meme. This has got to be the most meta theme for an scp. I can't help but love it, I couldn't tell you why I think it's so unique, I just think it is.
That's not Meta, Meta would be them breaking the 4th wall
Did you know that between 50% and 70% of people don't have the inner monologue? Kind of makes you worry....
The void called they want their [REDACTED] back
In numerous of Volgun's videos, I've seen comments from the authors themselves praising the narration of their SCPs.
It really is no wonder is it?
The quality and care taken to preserve even the subtle nuances, tone and mood of the SCP stands clear. There really is nothing else that comes close.
Yet again, you've smashed it Volgun.
He's the unofficial official voice of the plague doctor having done the voice recordings for the file. On the site I mean not just UA-cam.
@@justinsmith5870 I wonder what he thinks about SCP Explained's looneytoons version of the Plague Doctor
As a chronic depressive, this is a good discourse on depression; "good" in the sense of being thoughtful and insightful. The call to self-destruction is indeed part of us and to acknowledge that is the first step in resisting it.
Fellow chronic here. I can confirm that, on some level, destructive thoughts are always present. On your best days they’re just a whole lot quieter.
The only „trick“ I‘ve learned in my closing-in-on-40 years of life is… just keep living. Yeah, no deeper meaning here. Just be stubborn and keep moving on. o.O
This SCP was probably inspired by Martin Heidegger's philosophy, evident by the "abgrund event" as a probable reference to his "abyss (abgrund) of Being". His work wrestles with the very dilemma the project lead talks about in the last part of the story, so maybe if the SCP affects you then Heidegger's work could be of some comfort to you.
@@ArDeeMee I'll pray for you.
@@ArDeeMee 🍻
It really does resonate so terribly well ... 🙁
1. whoever wrote this has a background in psychology
2. based on the description, I'm definitely infected
Did you say decline each time edits were offered?
Love when they start with cognition hazard warnings, I just really love information that tries to hurt you it’s just a cool spooky concept. Sticks and stones can break your bones but knowledge is psychic poison that can not be expunged from reality and spreads like a virus just by being aware of it.
well, that is what the class d amnesthtics are for are they not?
Yeah, but consider SCP-3004, an entity that is contained with the restriction of information and a fail safe procedure that involves attempting to whip out all knowledge of the abrahamic god, that’s insane. The only way to combat it is to forget it but then it manages to infect knowledge of other things, like cicadas and particular religious practices, and it’s like a daisy chain of abstract destruction that can’t be physically stopped.
I once heard a theory that “deleting a religion to stop the entity” has happened more then once and that’s just even cooler. The implication that their fail-safe isn’t even a permanent solution. Magnificent.
Information being dangerous??? That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard and that’s amongst the 2521 others lol
a bunch of things stand out about this. to start with, we have a sequel to the terrifying scp "What Happens After." What's more terrifying is that I believe this scp is the aftermath of that one causing an XK scenario. The use of "Damerung Clearance" as an exclusionary factor for chosing personelle for this project is the dead give away. Maybe they tried to use something like project lethe to get rid of it. I point out the way this cognitohazard invades the brain is similar. If thats the case, the two scps likely merged to create this one. I can't remember numbers here, but I do remember concepts. If I recall correctly Lethe is "attempts to assasinate thought" but I could be wrong. Regardless, this scp is incredibly chilling. If I'm right, it means the Foundation failed to protect humanity from cognitohazards TWICE before this. Notice that just like with Lethe, when SCP 2000 is activated to deal with this one alterations are to be made. That was one feature of lethe, they tried to muck with it with scp 2000 and it didn't work. The common features indicate this cognitohazard has been merging and evolving for quite awhile. The Foundation is going to have to get really really creative to counter this.
Which SCP was that? The dammurung clearance one I mean.
SCP-3448 Half Death MRI Machine
SCP-2718 What Happens After
There's also this motif around pattern screamers throughout the skip. There's a series on that to explore as well.
The line that stood out was "there was no virus" and connect that to the way the plague doctor deals with the pestilence, it may be a bit of a stretch but given the cognito and infohazardous nature of this skip, doubt that it will be any good. It's a stretch, but there's a non zero possibility that these are connected and if that's the case, SCP-049 may also be affected to some degree and therefore thinks it's like a disease that must be cured in any way the plague doctor knows how.
If it's the screamers, they need to return to the coordinates that don't exist and simply wipe themselves clean (that's apparently what they want but they're stuck in between dimensions so they're basically stuck but there are a few of them that remember their past and how they became that way and use bamboo/pandas to communicate. These ones aren't hostile, but if it's the same group of entities they might share insight. At any rate, is magnitudes better than project Lethe which ended up not only being a complete failure but created a much more dangerous entity.
A similar approach to Project Lethe (with varying results) is to use the mind mapping techniques "Project Pneuma" referred in SCP-5000 Why, effectively create another antimeme similar to SCP-055 (thought to be an artifact of the fifth world and everyone forgets about it because it was wiped from the collective consciousness and therefore is unable to be remembered by anyone).
SCP-6699 A Rhizome of our Minds (thaumiel and top secret) can be used to map out the noosphere, isolate the entity and make them imperceptible to anyone, severing the connection once again.
It reminds me of 7004-insane, wailing, feral in the way you describe it. But if 7004 got stuck in the noosphere instead of causing 7004. But there's often accidental overlap with the intentional.
I'm reading 2718 again, and there is even a matching qoute "...all memory of life shriveled to a cinder, lost in interminable anguish"
The quality of these videos just keeps getting better. It’s mad.
Wait. So it's just every human who's ever died being angry that we get to live? So their spiteful asses try to make us end ourselves quicker?
With the help of pattern screamers, yes.
@@rwberger6 I've heard of pattern screamers before, but what are they?
@@Mophony Its kind of complicated, but they are basically entites that are the result of nothing. If you don't know what I mean, go look up scp 3930 and 000. Its the result of the human mind just not being able to comprehend nothing, so it just keeps thinking things exist. These entities are the result of this, only they're aware of it and hate us for creating them.
Pattern screamers are tormented, disembodied consciousness with malevolent intent. Imagine ghosts trapped under our layer of reality that can only indirectly influence matter and energy, but are still sapient and perceptive.
They're recurrent in SCP. Some are introduced as remnants from a previously destroyed universe, or in this one, they're human consciousnesses that were irreversibly altered by a "dammarung" cognitohazard while alive.
@@dregnis-488 So they are basically entities that are trapped between life and death in a purgatory like state, and this manifests in different ways
Oh! This SCP is basically the phenomenon known as “The Call of the Void”. To give a very rough summary; have you ever had those random, out of the blue thoughts like “what if I jumped off this cliff” or “what if I just punched this person’s face for no reason”? These weirdly destructive thoughts are “calls of the void”.
Edit a year later: I can’t believe I forgot to add this but; Psychologists believes this phenomenon happens as a means for the brain instill a reluctance to perform the envisioned action and any of the like.
Theres a few theories about this.
When youre high up and you feel a voice telling you to jump. The Earth's gravity is pulling you down and your subconscious/conscious whatever brain is turning it into that.
When you meet someone and you feel a voice telling you to punch them. The brain is hardwired for survival and their face has triggered a response. Maybe their left nostril is slightly off center or they have sanpaku eyes. Its something your subconscious brain has registered as necessary for survival.
I acted on one and broke me arm.
Thank you, saved me 40 mins
A particularly horrifying and yet common subcategory is the call of the forest, which is urges to walk/run into the forest, as deep as possible. Feels much more eerie to me than the urge to jump off things.
@@jakubgodlewski9104 I feel like that’s how a lot of fey legends talk about people being drawn to their death began.
Something I want to know is how was the actual nature of this SCP discovered? There’s no “retrieval log”, which I think would be extremely interesting. Another thing that spoke to me was how the Project Head mentioned the word “symbol”. That could be a metaphor of course, but if the Foundation were to study the memetic workings of this symbol, or rather the method of activation or infection, it could produce great insight on how to prevent infections altogether. I know few SCPs have good endings, but I’d love to see some spec of hope, Y’know? Regardless, a fantastic SCP, and kudos to the author.
It could give them good insight researching the symbol, but it's more than likely they'll just end up affected by it instead
I know it's such a reach, but I like to think that every SCP about the concept of you after death is the same one, and it's the catalyst for SCP-5000. My head canon as to why the foundation would think of themselves as still working to protect humanity.
Being scared of death is such a human thing and anything that tries to put that into words is so interesting to me
Same! Scp5000 being the opposite of some entity that can only rest/stop suffering/become real/etc when all of human kind is dead also fascinates me. The idea of those two ideas fighting each other would be fascinating to see. What would the foundation choose? Being host to an entity that keeps all our souls in perpetual suffering after death or the extinction of all humanity?
Actually terrifying/scary SCP, without just being a big scary gore-monster and such, love it.
I also hugely appreciate all the effort that you put into these videos, you go beyond just reading an article and adding a text-scroll. Your delivery feels genuinely thought out, and I bet it always takes a few takes, especially with effects coming in later, to arrive at the actual result.
Thanks for putting these out here for us, for essentially free.
You know it's a good one when there is a warning message.
This SCP only fuels my spite towards the void itself to such an extent that I want to become immortal just to give them a huge middle finger
There should be an edit where pepole whom have suffered from a depression condition or bipolar and live properly through it have a residence to it. Or that some people are immune due to a faith in a higher being and pure spite to kill the bad thoughts.
Always a good day when you catch a Volgun upload.
You know what, I have to comment twice. I love so many of the Vogun videos, especially the really thorough, multi part ones, but this is my favorite in a long time. Thanks Volgun!!!
Mind effecting SCPs are my favorites
Your voice has helped me a lot lately. I have been having the hardest time just living idk how to describe it, but my racing thoughts make sleep difficult. Your videos just are able to distract my thoughts I guess and it slows them down enough for me to sleep. So, thank you. I’d be restless without you.
Listen to The Dark Somnium
I love the calmness of the "Decline" by Dr. Miller. As if it's just an everyday precaution he has to deal with.
Really demonstrates the casual effectiveness of Foundation protocols.
I kept waiting for that prompt where he hits Accept.
I can’t stop thinking about the “crabs in a bucket” metaphor. As the saying goes, “Misery loves company…”
So in this SCP, when you die, your mind separates from your body and essentially becomes a ghost suffering infinite pain, and in that pain, the ghosts try to get all of humanity to destroy itself because of these ghost's spitefulness. That's pretty grimdark.
Reminds me of another similar one where it was revealed to the O-5 council that an infectious cognitohazard had begun to infect humans. The effect was that after your physical death you would experience every mote of agony from the decay and breakdown of your corpse. Along with a 'spreading' of your conscience mind as bits of you were separated off by various carrion feeding insects and stuff. Really horrifying stuff. Think it was classed as a "Dammerung Class Cognitohazard". I forget the skip number though.
Edit: The article NAME however is "What Comes After" if I remember correctly.
all caused by that entity from scp 5000
I think damarung refers to the what happens after scp where an overseer is resurrected and reveals what the afterlife is to everyone
When it's time to go to bed and TheVolgun uploads...
Sleep can wait
Looks like I have another video to re-listen to and pick apart for my DND campaign. Quality content as usual brother man
There is a tabletop RPG based on the SCP foundation, I haven't played it so I wonder how good it is
Honestly the SCP foundation would fit well into Starfinder. The foundation could be explain as an Azlanti organization tbh
I really love these cognito-hazard/mind-affecting scps especially with some existential horror stuck in!
'the void Called'
Aren't these just pattern screamers?
Irregardless. Wonderful entry.
Excellent work. I know you put a lot of effort into these videos, so I just want to say that we all appreciate it. It's always great to see a new upload from you.
I'll drink to that.
As far as pattern screamers generally go, this one was only slightly incomprehensible.
I thought it was pattern screamers at first but after listening further I don't think that's what this is. I don't think the disembodied consciousnesses of dead people are meant to be the same as pattern screamers. Although, who knows. Not sure if I've ever really thought about that possibility.
@@sourdface well pattern screamers are(if my crumbling brain is remembering this correctly) these that died in the last universe that was destroyed by the 'pattern' so its not that far off.
In a way, it can be thought that this cognitohazard turns humans into something analogous to pattern screamers once they die.
These tormented disembodied consciousness with malevolent intent.
@@sourdface It would be interesting to assume that this Is a pattern screamer and only fakes its identity as "dead people consciousness".
What's more malevolent and alien than pretending to be dead past people trying to take revenge on the living and force modern humans to die and take our place in a world that was never theirs?
It sounds to me like the human equivalent of pattern screamers, rather than the unknowably alien entities who went through a slightly similar process to create pattern screamers.
Awesome, I'm going to save this to watch just before bed. Thank you for posting. 😸
I don’t typically comment but just thought I’d say that your channel is one of my favorites. As someone who is disabled and can’t get out of bed for more than a few hours every day, your videos are one of my favorite ways to stay occupied, so thank you!
I went to the article to see the "edits" for myself and ended up reading the page for Dammarung, SCP 2718. It makes understanding this SCP much easier.
i really enjoy the suspenseful "ambiance" you always have in the background
I've listened to you now for so many years. Took a break, and came back. Your production has become amazing.
The opening is super well done, I love it
Another fantastic video, TheVolgun! I love these mind- and reality-affecting SCPs.
Pattern Screamers: "Do a flip!"
I kept rejecting the edits but they weren't what I expected. Information about socks, coffee, some video games. They felt more like commercials than a cognito hazard. Wait a minute...
Who keeps leaking these dangerous and highly classified SCP cognition hazards onto the Interwebbie thingie? Somebody is SO fired. Amnesticize everyone below level five...again.
You know that feel when you're driving down the road, you've got some other cars around you on either side... and the sudden thought that lands in your head is 'what would happen if I just... yanked the wheel to the side and plowed into another car/truck/big rig?' But you don't do it because you're either not willing to give into that random thought, or know that it would be a terrible idea and you discard it consciously because why would any sane person do that sort of that?
That's this SCP. The 'Call of the Void.' There's a French word for it, I think, specifically. Can't remember what it is though.
I have diagnosed schizophrenia and that sounds exactly like me. Huh.
killed myself via intentional overdose once because I couldn’t stand all the voices breaking my conceptual understanding of reality and it was just… It was a black screen with no volume, yet no static.
Death just…… wasn’t. I WAS and then I…. WASN’T.
This reminded me exactly of that. Just nothingness.
I was half expecting Dr Miller to start confirming edits approaching the end of the document
The longer the video, the more likely i am to watch/rewatch as a sleep aid, i love your stuff and always love seeing 40 or 60 minute+ videos
Let's goooo Volgun uploaded.
I almost never comment in these SCP videos since I use the audio only form a lot when I am busy working on stuff, but let me tell you I ABSOLUTELY adore the long episodes 💕
Edit: I also am addicted to cognitohazard SCPs or any trippy ones
I like the intro with explaining, instructions and spinning logo. The CPU voice works well with this as well. good job 👍
An excellent piece of writing and the presentation done effectively, both leaving an impact on the listener. As I return to old SCP catalogs, it a lovely surprise to find a missed gem!
0:13 That automated voice reminds me of Denise Crosby. (Tasha Yar - Star Trek: TNG).
It has me thinking of a much younger Shohreh Aghdashloo with her voice’s distinctive accent and raspy quality. It’s very attention-grabbing
Finally, one that is long enough to sleep through. Would prefer a version with just your voice so it's nicer to listen to while relaxing
I love how the counter is basically just turning someone into a trans dimensional psychic bomb without somehow killing them.
Dude very nicely done. This was one of the best UA-cam Productions I have seen in quite a while
Another SCP details what death is... They labeled it as an info hazard, but the only hazard is the truth. In the document it details how an 05 was brought back from the dead... He eventually said that be could feel every cell of his being being torn apart and carried away through the years. The insects having at his body while time went on and on even when he was dead.
What Comes After. This referenced that one at the beginning with the mention that personnel with Dammerung Level Clearance are not to be involved with experiments or data regarding 3675.
This is incredible, your production quality is already really good but this went way above and beyond. Might be your best work yet.
The dead are jealous.
They cry, they weep, they scream and reap.
But change comes. Life lengthens.
And soon.
So very soon.
*Your ranks will grow no longer.*
I really don't know how to feel about this SCP, mostly because mind-affecting SCPs are something I try to avoid, it really speaks to the dangerous nature of this SCP just based on the very expansive infiltration it has - as well as is - capable of. My dreams are messed up enough, but to compound it with the presence of that weird woman with 'special knowledge' about an impending apocalypse? I... am not even sure why this one sits so weirdly in my brain, but it is definitely one I'll think about from time to time. Sort of like when you have a song as an earworm, except in this instance it's thinking about the details associated with this SCP. The Void Called, will stick in my mind for a while.
Absolutely incredibly well produced. Love to see the changes to the content. Keep up the fantastic work Volgun!
I was legit helping my Lil brother do a class project due tomorrow & this showed up on my notifications......Thank goodness
The next stage of ghost possession: infopossession!
The void called she needs [DATA EXPUNGED] back
I read a sci-fi story in an anthology once where aliens have traveled to the burnt out remains of Earth. It was long after the sun had expanded to a red giant and then shrunk down to a white dwarf star. The aliens poked and prodded the spirits bound to the remains of the planet. Each spirit played out its strongest, most enduring memories. Apparently, love does not conquer all. Suffering and anguish are the only eternal emotions. These historians learned about extinct cultures by viewing personal tragedies. Humiliations, homicides, failures, and loss. Those were the only memories the ghosts ever showed, as the historians traveled the galaxy.
OK. This is one of my favorite SCPs so far.
I'm going to have to listen to this a few times in a row, before I can give a perspective.
"Have you ever been engaged in conversation and then suddenly forgot what the topic was?"
Potheads: Uh, yeah.
great job on the SFX for the automated messages in this entry
The very much reminded me of the "Reality Dysfunction" in Peter F. Hamilton's book series "The Night's Dawn"...
Great work again, as usual! Though I missed Dr. Millar saying "Good bye." at the end.
This is one of the best written SCP's I've ever seen. Great job with this narration Volgun!
To think this SCP is more or less something psychological and cannot be stopped by physical means other than using a device that affects the subjects brain. But in the end you can’t stop it at all. Such a scary conceptualized SCP. Makes me think of a movie where ghosts invade the living through electronic devices.
Looks like this morning's office meeting is going to have to wait
The changes to voice effects, and different voices, made this feel like a significant deviation from the normal style of Dr Miller going through the document. Made it a little more difficult to follow tbh. Still great work though.
This channel is a godsend. I like listening to this while studying, it helps me concentrate.
The mention of Dammeruing clearance and the add-in cognitohazards leads me to believe that these aren't actually the souls of the deceased.
Possibly. Dammerung Clearance is a reference to another skip in which it is revealed that a stealth cognitohazard has been infecting some of humanity. When you die while affected by it. You get to experience the *wonderful* effects of your corpse decomposing bit by bit. Your consious mind being 'spread out' as bits of your corpse are consumed by various carrion eating insects and such. I forget the skip number though.
Edit: iirc the article name however is 'What Comes After'
@@McDonaldWilliamT As I understand, the cognitohazard is that your consciousness moves onto the afterlife you believe you will go to.
That other skip is a first-hand testimony of What Comes Next, so when you hear it, you are now convinced that it's 100% true and unavoidable, which makes it so for you.
With this one, it's similar in that it's meant to shape the beliefs of those infected by its cognitohazard, and redirect that consciousness into this reality after death.
The warning on SCPs is reminiscent of warning in books of magic.
Natalya Velikovna: "Do you know the feeling of drowning in a deep ocean and trying to swim ashore, but you are weighed down?"
Dr. Malthus: "I am married, yes."
Slayer's song "Hell Awaits" starts with a chorus of voices chanting "join us" (backwards for extra spookiness) that climaxes with a distorted voice saying "Welcome Back!" That's how I conceptualize this SCP
Fun fact: Abgrund, means "Abyss" in German. The literal translation is Ab - which means Off/Without, and... Grund - Fundament/.... Foundation.
Grund is also just the Ground we stand on. Abgrund conveys that the floor is literally gone. =)
No Void, i don't want to hear about my credit score!
Yesssssss I love the long videos!! I just get so swept up in the story of it. And holy shite the intro robot lady intro was so perfect and cool.
This man’s work gets more and more professional everytime
This was pretty cool until the end when it essentially hit you on the head with “PEOPLE ARE BAD”
It's very interesting that this SCP is in a lot of pain, and wants us all dead so that we also plunge into the same eternal pain
Indeed quite intriguing 🧐 wants us dead and in eternal pain you say? By Jove
Again, humanity's worst enemy is ourselves. It was an absolutely wonderful article and a wonderful presentation from you sir 👏
You forgot to say goodbye volgun I won't forget this!😊
Da king is back baby he neva miss
Having a lazy Sunday. Was about to get out of bed. But a new Vulcan video. You bet I snuggled and pressed play.
Just stumbled upon your channel by chance and luckily I did. Enjoy this video so far 😎🔥
Damn, the Writer did a good job with this one, especially with their well-articulated dialogue.
I feel like this is a serious contender for what pattern screamers are.
As someone absolutely terrified by the concept that so many of my fellow humans believe in an afterlife (and therefore take life less seriously and act dangerously), this is some S Tier bespoke horror.
This feels like a dark version of the second death (the your second death is the last time anyone thinks if you thing).
The waiting area apparently sucks so the souls try to convince those who remember them to die so they can cease to exist
The edits may claim that the dead can no longer die, but in strange aeons even the dead may die
so scp-3675 is basically a "living" suicidal thought
Nah that´s intrusive thought, you never spontaneously idea to commit violence for no reason?
...Thank you for the post, always appreciated.