2024 May - Update on how to move incremental. In the top right corner you'll an icon that looks like a magnet that it's on its side. It is the "Align " option DESELECT that stupid thing and you'll be back in business. It took about an hour of search, i.e., UA-cam vids, websites, and forums. Finally found my answer. I hope this helps someone and saves you time. Later.
2024 May - Update on how to move incremental. In the top right corner you'll an icon that looks like a magnet that it's on its side. It is the "Align " option DESELECT that stupid thing and you'll be back in business. It took about an hour of search, i.e., UA-cam vids, websites, and forums. Finally found my answer. I hope this helps someone and saves you time. Later.
thank you thank you!
I wish outdated instructional videos would be deleted automatically by UA-cam.
Didn’t notice this, I’ll make a new one
at last I got the solution, thanks!!!
Oh my lord- thank you so much, man!
What is the minimum for millimeters? Because om working on something really fine in only does the 0.35 mm no lower than that and its frustrating
I'm new to Illustrator and I can't find my keyboard increments in the properties panel
he shows u its in the general prefs panel - still mine is set to 0.3 mm, but its clearly moving at least 5 mm at a time... not sure wth
Dealing with the same thing. Annoying
Bad video