Great job people you should be proud part of my childhood brings back lots great memories always a classic to to the circus appreciate the memories and a good laugh appreciate you guys thanks way to go very impressed !!! Joe
Цирк это древняя традиция Римской империи, гладиаторское исскуство в наше время это анохронизм, у кого совсем нет воображения чем себя занять, идите в пчеловоды, не и полезно для больных и выгодно!
Great job people you should be proud part of my childhood brings back lots great memories always a classic to to the circus appreciate the memories and a good laugh appreciate you guys thanks way to go very impressed !!! Joe
This isn't circus. Please note the Feld organization dropped the word circus from the name of this dance show
No Horses and dogs.No aerial acts, Just clowns and balancing acts.Glad I saw it when the circus was incredible
@@3piper I wish I had this is no fun for me honestly
Ever heard of animal cruelty?
Are the poodles and horses and Tigers there
Nope. And to quote founder P.T. it ain't circus without elephants
Цирк это древняя традиция Римской империи, гладиаторское исскуство в наше время это анохронизм, у кого совсем нет воображения чем себя занять, идите в пчеловоды, не и полезно для больных и выгодно!