Normally I don't watch doctor type videos but as a contacts wearer I really enjoy the relaxing vibe of eye exam roleplays. Thank you for your hard work.
Omgg I’ve been wanting a roleplay video of yours again for soo long i love the ones u did quite a while ago and i always watch them plss do more roleplay asmr
I would really love to see more role plays from you! I used to love your role plays and I’d love to see more role plays and personal attention type role plays ❤️❤️❤️ loved your channel since the beginning
It's been so long since we've seen a rp from you like this! Thank you so much owen! Enjoyed this immensely! 👍 Love the gloves 😄 seriously thank you. God bless you! ❤
YES HE HAS ARRIVED! First video I ever saw was a Dr. Dennis video last year and thats what got me hooked to both you Dennis and ASMR no joke. 🎉🎉🎉 thank you!!!
Time for an eye exam!
Doctor ♥️♥️
i really needed this, knowing the fact that I’m actually halfway to blind 💀
Plz Make ASMR Video on Hand Movements Plz 💕💕💕
i say, "Time for a boyfriend roleplay now!"
I see what you did there
Normally I don't watch doctor type videos but as a contacts wearer I really enjoy the relaxing vibe of eye exam roleplays. Thank you for your hard work.
I saw your post of the roleplay thing and got soo excited! Curious to see how it turns out 😊
My favorite roleplay thanks Dr Dennis
I would go back and rewatch your videos like this all the time, good to see you're back.
brilliant, i love eye exam videos 😍 i had been hoping you would post more Dr Dennis videos for a while so this is great!!
Not the dish washing gloves 🤣🤣
The best ASMR channel ever
Hey guys i am here for the tingles
Roleplays are some of my favourite type of video
Fun fact: Dennis is a goated Asmrtist
I love how this is still very much your style and lo-fi
Yess!!! The rubber gloves doctor is back!! I’m going to sleep so well 🥰
Omgg I’ve been wanting a roleplay video of yours again for soo long i love the ones u did quite a while ago and i always watch them plss do more roleplay asmr
LOVVVED this vid and all the whispering vids you do 😍
So excited 🙏
Yess I’ve been waiting for a role play video!
I would really love to see more role plays from you! I used to love your role plays and I’d love to see more role plays and personal attention type role plays ❤️❤️❤️ loved your channel since the beginning
Thank you Owen!! 😊
Was looking for an eye exam video to watch perfect timing!
I love scalp exam videos
It's been so long since we've seen a rp from you like this! Thank you so much owen! Enjoyed this immensely! 👍 Love the gloves 😄 seriously thank you. God bless you! ❤
Please more roleplay! I really enjoyed that ! Great job dr Dennis
The humour is on point in this one
Yay! A new doc video, I love light videos and stuff like this!
YES HE HAS ARRIVED! First video I ever saw was a Dr. Dennis video last year and thats what got me hooked to both you Dennis and ASMR no joke. 🎉🎉🎉 thank you!!!
Tingles on my birthday!
Dr. Dennis, you are my all-time favorite!
Thx, for this. I was missing so bad this type of ASMR roleplay, so great job Owen!!!!
His name is Dr Dennis
Following your channel from the last three years, interesting content!
Yay, been waiting for another role play, my favourite type of ASMR 🎉🎉🎉🥰
My favourite since you’ve been back
Yes 😁, I’ve been waiting for this for so long 😊
I absolutely love your exam videos 🖤💜
I love so much roleplays 💞
Good timing! My second eye exam today. 🤭
Loved it, but the “no cheating” got me laughing cause how could i cheat if i dont see the color anyway? Lol
Love ur asmr Dennis 💓
Bruh it's so much relaxing 😳
This was wonderful and relaxing. Thanks Owen.
Finally, my fav trigger
Welcome back to your favorite doctor
Dr Dennis
Man I’ve been waiting for this
I'm here again 🖤
These are the best 🤪 love whispering watch this become your most watched of newer videos haha by me 😂
Waiting for like aa year for this ♥️♥️
hi Dennis ur my firs Ever Idol of becoming of asmr
I liked following the ball hook thing
Omg i love thiss😍😍
the only place i’m ever early.
it’s not just the first eye exam its the third one :0
Great vid man thanks 😀
Thank you.
Oh my god he’s back!
🌷 Whoever is reading this, never give up. God is with you.
Love ya Dennis
Lmao this reminded me to actually book an eye test 😂
My Doctor Favorite 😍🔥
When you are about to pass out and a loud ad/commercial comes on 😭😭
Love your videos. :)
The light is amazing lol
Me gets all letters: is this the power of... a god!?
Plz make Video on Hand movements ASMR PLZ 🙏🏼
This put me sleep instantly what amazing content I love you ASMR Dennis please marry me.
Plz more vedios of this type of roleply
I wanna marry Dennis. He’s just so attractive. Who agrees?
I like the yellow gloves but had you just finished the dishe
Hi doctor dennies
Parker has changed jobs
Oof I slept while i was watching
looking gooood
Wait what when did he come back
Months ago
Very cool
800th like 😅👍🏽
My only reaction:
Why am I watching a bass clef? Where did the giant blue bass clef come from?
Mid roll ads scared the fuck outta me
Fall asleep or fall in love: Here's the question
Hello how’s your day
You know why I like you because of the maned lion who knows you are king and prince too!!!!!!
Preference:- more sounds & less talking!
Can you maybe make just a doctor check up again??
🔥🔥🏅🏅 amazing
Selena ❤❤❤❤❤💝❤❤💝❤💝
I thought you called your self dr dentist
You are so beautiful
Bro you lowkey look like cole bennett
umm, don't wear neon dish gloves for an eye exam. highly distracting.
wtf is that bruh…..