Ngl, at some point Yorick was the only reason I played league, then Riot decided to gut him because "Silver players were confused why they are dying" and I've just dropped league
To answer your question about why the yorick ghouls sometimes follow and sometimes don't- Yorick's ghouls will always default to following him, until they auto-attack a minion. As soon as they've done that once, they stop following Yorick and will run down the lane with the minions until they die. The way to undo that is to land Yorick's E on either an enemy champion or a large/epic monster in range of those ghouls, which will make them become Yorick's again, unless they immediately auto-attack another minion afterwards. An upside to this, though, is that while Yorick can only have 4 ghouls active, once he gets far enough away from his ghouls, they stop counting towards his maximum. So you could, in theory, have 4 ghouls in each lane + 4 more ghouls following Yorick, though that'd be near impossible to do before any of them die.
21:30 on top of all that, once you get Baron to target the ghouls, it is no longer applying the debuff to Yorick that reduces how much the targeted champ does to Baron.
11:20 Several seasons ago there was a challenger OCE Yorick jungle otp named Ninetales that did comprehensive guides on Ghoul and Maiden AI. He even figured out how to "shuffle" maiden out of lane to regain control of her after you press R to make her "run it down". If you can still find the vods, he probably has some good info on why ghouls follow.
If the ghouls hit minions they lock into perma shoving that lane, it’s why Q summon is useful you can make graves then summon fresh ghouls that will walk with you.
@SP_Grimmlin I was curious. Since the limit is 4 ghouls, can you use your R to make 4 ghouls and also have 4 Graves to summon 4 more with Q if the 1st 4 die? Like backup ghouls?
@@Kyle-nm1khAFAIK yes, the 4 ghoul limit also only applies within a certain area. For instance if you release the maiden into a lane and go somewhere else she can have 4 ghouls with her while you have 4 with you
@PekinWoof yo! first of all, great video, always love your vibe and gameplay. I've been liking your recent content format change to having the multiple games back-to-back. Idk how it's affected your videos' performance and whether that's all been better, worse, of just different than before, but I hope it's better. I for one don't always JUST want to see some bizarre cheese or offmeta strat or new op thing, but I also just like seeing good players optimize champions I enjoy in various situations and matchups... so I would even watch a whole season of you maining one thing if you were into it and playing well and wouldn't be bored by it. With that said... I had a suggestion for your editing process which would hopefully help, but you know better than I do. Since you probably come up with an idea for a champ to play for content and then play that champ all day long while filming everything to hopefully capture worthy games to post, you probably have to repeat yourself each match about the theorycrafting, buffs, champion abilities/kit, and so on... since you never know which games will be good. I imagine that is one of the more energy-consuming routines you have in your work, and seeing how you really don't do many other post-processing edits to make your videos than start and stop the live capture, it might save you some energy without taking too much of your time to just record the theory part in one shot, then slap that at the start of the video, then go through all your games without ever having to explain that part instead of like 6-7 times or however much you do it. I think it would also be a little bit of a video quality boost, but that's pretty subjective, so take it or leave it. Anyway, something to consider! Keep on doin your thing dude. I enjoy watchin!
nothing makes me laugh more than seeing pkein get bewildered at the decisions players make sometimes. that early skirmish pekin genuinely just doesn't know how to react to what he's witnessing.
Pekin didn't explain why boots of swiftness are actually good on Yorick, but basically it's because Maiden gets some of your bonus movespeed, so she doesn't get caught out as easy.
Ah, nice to see Yorick get some buffs. Underrated and underloved champion IMO. Hard to see his kit still has some inconsistency/bugs though. =( EDIT: Pekin's surprise when he notices he lost one of the games. XD Freaking classic
The double ghoul jump you do by landing e, graves get summoned and then you cast R and they’ll jump again. In S13 when they buffed Yorick if you did this it would one shot anybody but a tank. Good stuff I love seeing Yorick games
From my understanding, another big reason Yorick can solo baron is because whatever is tanking the Baron does much less damage to Baron. One of Yorick's ghouls can tank the Baron, causing the other ghouls/Yorick to do full damage. Yorick and all his ghouls together do some crazy DPS
Nah ghouls don’t have any lethality scaling, it’s just the %bonus to ghoul damage on jump they added plus the fact that ghouls already scale with AD and do physical damage (which has always benefited from lethality) means that he hits the oneshot breakpoints easier with the buffed ghoul damage
hasn't lethality yorick been a tad too strong prior to even buffs? i've come across a couple yorick mains in low diamond and it feels brutal to play against once they get profane
In the second game you could have q summoned the ghouls to get more dmg on kogmaw, the e effect for the ghoul jump is quite long so by the time they walk towards you he would still be in range do get jumped
Also the minion deaths for graves scales down for yorick. Early game it’s 12 minions but by like level 10/11 it’s every 2 minions that’s why your Tiamat was spawning so many graves
9:00 with that bug, you can have 2-3-4-5 or if you do it properly, you can have UNLIMITED MAIDENS at the same time. When i first ran into this bug, it was in a ranked game. I had 2 Maidens at the same time. One was pressuring the toplane one was following me...(It was not intentional, and at that point i had no idea why my maiden was still alive after i died, because if you dies, your maiden dies too even if you release her free in any lane, UNLESS you do the "bug") after the game i quickly went to play vs bots(custom game) to try how it works, how to get 2 maidens at the same time again.. I managed to spawn 10!!!!!!! MAIDENS at the same time... :D Iam not gonna tell you guys how it works, how to do it but it is very simple. I already raised a ticket to Riot Games regarding this BUG, and they are currently working on a fix. They are aware of this. Iam a Yorick main, and this bug is... Well, iam not going to use this bug at all in ranked or in any game mode. Riot has to fix it, and now because i know how to do the "bug" i will be carefull not to trigger it again, because it is very very simple, and you can trigger it completely unintentionally.
You’re missing a few obscure yorick mechanics such as the double jump. When you land e without maiden the graves will jump right after they deal damage with their jump summon maiden and her minions will jump too so you can get up to 7 minions to jump on a single e it’s great burst.
So the way that the ghouls work and the reason that yorick is such a god damn nightmare split pusher is you can have up to 4 ghouls ON YOUR SCREEN at a time. Your ghouls will push waves if they are aggroed onto the wave so you can technically have up to 16 ghouls on the map at the same time. If there is no wave to aggro they will follow you
The ghouls stop following you after they have entered combat with minions, as then they just march along that lane until they die. But ghouls going for a push that are far enough from you aren't counted towards your ghoul cap, either.
The ghouls will follow you until they've attacked an enemy minion. Then they'll only run down lane. If you wait for those minions to go a screen away from graves, you can spawn new follower minions without destroying the lane minions. They just can't exist in the same screen.
That's the one thing I find annoying about his ghouls is that they take 50% reduced AoE damage, so you have to auto one at a time just like the wall thing. If I'm Teemo into Yorick, I like taking Runaan's to quickly clear his ghouls and wall while still hitting Yorick.
You honestly have to use a sheen item with yorick too right? Don’t you miss out on too much damage? Annnnd, how about don’t ever stop recording!!! That shit is gold I literally hate when I don’t have at least two new Pekin videos a day to watch when I get home from work while I clean up.
If a ghoul aggros to a minion or tower they will stick to the lane indefinitely unless you throw your e to a jungle camp. I do agree that it is quite annoying and I wish the ghouls would just follow yoric like the madden does. The only upside to this is that i guess you can use the ghouls to push a side lane.
If ghouls damage minions after they have spawned, they won't follow you unless you cast E on jg monsters. If they do not damage minions, they'll always follow.
Since you aren't aware, Yorick's minions will target the first enemy minion they see in a certain range, and from then on will run down the lane. The only exceptions are if an enemy or jg camp are marked by your E, in which case they'll jump onto those and reset their aggro once they're dead. They were following you at seeming random because in the brief moment you walked away they were out of range of minions. Also this build is disgusting.
Does condemn work on Yorick wall? That would be pretty good. Yorick wouldn’t have any ghouls to work with though, since he needs to last hit otherwise he’s getting one grave every 2 waves early game. I guess he could do the support item procs but those don’t come back up very fast either. Being a wall bot is nice and all but you can use Anivia for that too or use Taliyah or Poppy’s anti-movement fields. Plus since there’s two people bot they can break your wall in one auto each. I’m big on off meta combos like that but I’m not sure it works for Yorick. Now Yorick bot Vayne support, *that* could be a gimmick pick you pull bow and then.
@@jonathanrussell8998 i think her E works with the Yorick cage ye, also ur right he would have close to none ghouls but since he’s support it’s all about Vayne getting her E off in his cage not Yorick getting he’s ghouls
@@enderix8543 Yeah, I just mean that if that setup for Vayne E is all you’re going for then I think you’d be a lot better off with one of the champs who can both set that up and help capitalize on it. Like Anivia who can set up a wall and chain Vayne E with her stun, or Poppy who can use her W to set up E to stun and then throw in a bunch of damage, etc.
the problem with yorick is lethality. shits so annoying last season. his mains are stupid af and dont realize the champ is busted two items with full lethality. idk about this season. if they nerf that then yorick bruiser can be bumped up. also his maiden regening hp when out of combat is insane. shit never dies.
the cast time of yorick E got reduced by 25% .....would you really call that a small buff? considering that if you get hit by it youre basically dead as a botlaner....thats a fuckin lethal buff bruh.
If anyone wants to see my Yorick Pentakill from 7 years ago:
I thought it was this one xD watch?v=dKp6rTb5yYk
omg against tarzaned too
the fact that it's been 7 years and it's still on the visual update rift is fucking with me, did that really happen so long ago???
@@Brosephu_Brostarnot only that, but I was also expecting the old Yorick before rework lol. Time flies
The five yorick mains are gonna have so much fun for the next week after Riot decides they've had way too much fun and decide to nerf him back
And yet they didn't even give us asol mains a fucking day lol
I'm just happy they remembered him at all
@@gregoryzelevinsky9837bruh Asol was literally game breaking broken. His WR was still going up at 57% when they hotfixed him.
Ngl, at some point Yorick was the only reason I played league, then Riot decided to gut him because "Silver players were confused why they are dying" and I've just dropped league
Pekin losing control of his car at 150 mph, hurdling towards a tree: "That doesn't kill me."
To answer your question about why the yorick ghouls sometimes follow and sometimes don't- Yorick's ghouls will always default to following him, until they auto-attack a minion. As soon as they've done that once, they stop following Yorick and will run down the lane with the minions until they die. The way to undo that is to land Yorick's E on either an enemy champion or a large/epic monster in range of those ghouls, which will make them become Yorick's again, unless they immediately auto-attack another minion afterwards. An upside to this, though, is that while Yorick can only have 4 ghouls active, once he gets far enough away from his ghouls, they stop counting towards his maximum. So you could, in theory, have 4 ghouls in each lane + 4 more ghouls following Yorick, though that'd be near impossible to do before any of them die.
Yeah, I remember this tip from ninetales. Stacking ghouls in a lane is cool
Pekin saying he's 5-0 while not acknowledging the defeat very clearly in frame is comedy gold
he did m8
Cracked me up when he noticed lol. Must not have been a hard loss if he didn't even think it was a loss at all. xD
"5 and 0 😃"
he literally looked at it and said "nevermind I lied" he probably forgot that the loss even happened lol
Its a loss at 15min so his team prob surrendered. I wouldn't count that shit either
Stops Pekin from getting a kill, then accidentally kills Pekin, THEN DABS ON HIS DEAD BODY.
Pekin handled it well. when teammates do shit like that to me it makes me want to uninstall this cursed game forever
21:30 on top of all that, once you get Baron to target the ghouls, it is no longer applying the debuff to Yorick that reduces how much the targeted champ does to Baron.
11:20 Several seasons ago there was a challenger OCE Yorick jungle otp named Ninetales that did comprehensive guides on Ghoul and Maiden AI. He even figured out how to "shuffle" maiden out of lane to regain control of her after you press R to make her "run it down". If you can still find the vods, he probably has some good info on why ghouls follow.
I think they just changed some AI mechanics this patch
If the ghouls hit minions they lock into perma shoving that lane, it’s why Q summon is useful you can make graves then summon fresh ghouls that will walk with you.
@SP_Grimmlin I was curious. Since the limit is 4 ghouls, can you use your R to make 4 ghouls and also have 4 Graves to summon 4 more with Q if the 1st 4 die? Like backup ghouls?
@@Kyle-nm1khAFAIK yes, the 4 ghoul limit also only applies within a certain area. For instance if you release the maiden into a lane and go somewhere else she can have 4 ghouls with her while you have 4 with you
@Simoniz07 what would happen if your 4 ghouls meets the other 4 ghouls? Do they disappear?
22:08 i love this noise thank you pekin
and love the video too, its way too entertaining to see ori disintegrate after u hit e
what about 30:52 ? heyaheyahyea lol
@@alexsudati hahahahah i missed that
“I do the same with car accidents” you make it sound like its a rather common occurrence for you
Father poke, ghouls jump, enemy die
It is what it is
A Pokerick fan, I see
AbsorbMist much?
@@TruMaverick da who?
@@rl55555 guess you missed that vid
When first wife dies, must get second wife. Life goes on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That was a nice 5-0 yorick streak. Absolutely flawless
I greatly enjoyed this video. Superb edutainment AND a lesson on surviving car crashes!
"I got a pentakil with yorick. It has no views on it" Im sorry, I laughed so hard at that. 🤣🤣🤣
@PekinWoof yo! first of all, great video, always love your vibe and gameplay. I've been liking your recent content format change to having the multiple games back-to-back. Idk how it's affected your videos' performance and whether that's all been better, worse, of just different than before, but I hope it's better. I for one don't always JUST want to see some bizarre cheese or offmeta strat or new op thing, but I also just like seeing good players optimize champions I enjoy in various situations and matchups... so I would even watch a whole season of you maining one thing if you were into it and playing well and wouldn't be bored by it.
With that said... I had a suggestion for your editing process which would hopefully help, but you know better than I do.
Since you probably come up with an idea for a champ to play for content and then play that champ all day long while filming everything to hopefully capture worthy games to post, you probably have to repeat yourself each match about the theorycrafting, buffs, champion abilities/kit, and so on... since you never know which games will be good.
I imagine that is one of the more energy-consuming routines you have in your work, and seeing how you really don't do many other post-processing edits to make your videos than start and stop the live capture, it might save you some energy without taking too much of your time to just record the theory part in one shot, then slap that at the start of the video, then go through all your games without ever having to explain that part instead of like 6-7 times or however much you do it. I think it would also be a little bit of a video quality boost, but that's pretty subjective, so take it or leave it.
Anyway, something to consider! Keep on doin your thing dude. I enjoy watchin!
That play cracked me up haha
Yorick can feel crazy oppressive if done right. It's so weird that he is not played more.
I remember asking you for yorick in the office meta challenge. Love the throwback!
Man wish his quality was better. Great content.
quality? Video quality?
Video quality, love the gameplay. Always watch the uploads.@@PekinWoof
nothing makes me laugh more than seeing pkein get bewildered at the decisions players make sometimes. that early skirmish pekin genuinely just doesn't know how to react to what he's witnessing.
8:28 there is a bug that's not easy to get, but if you release maiden right as you are dying, sometimes it resets your ultimate
Couldnt find the pekinwoof yorick pentakill video 😢 It seems my perception of time is off, this was 7 years ago lol
We love watching pekin talk to his ghouls all game XDDD
Pekin didn't explain why boots of swiftness are actually good on Yorick, but basically it's because Maiden gets some of your bonus movespeed, so she doesn't get caught out as easy.
You gotta watch my man Pokerick for some quality yorick gameplay
Ooookay. Okay.
Slogdog also does a lot of good lethality Yorick gameplay
You can also use yorick wall to displace champions that are channeling if you use the edge. Yorick wall is also hilarious vs sion and olaf.
Ah, nice to see Yorick get some buffs. Underrated and underloved champion IMO. Hard to see his kit still has some inconsistency/bugs though. =(
EDIT: Pekin's surprise when he notices he lost one of the games. XD Freaking classic
Thanks for playing the Shepherd, a treat for us yorick mains!
The double ghoul jump you do by landing e, graves get summoned and then you cast R and they’ll jump again. In S13 when they buffed Yorick if you did this it would one shot anybody but a tank. Good stuff I love seeing Yorick games
30:30 huh???
I found the penta bois (around 13:10)
That is a crazy bug with the maiden
From my understanding, another big reason Yorick can solo baron is because whatever is tanking the Baron does much less damage to Baron. One of Yorick's ghouls can tank the Baron, causing the other ghouls/Yorick to do full damage. Yorick and all his ghouls together do some crazy DPS
8:26 I wonder if pekin recast R to release maiden just as he died? Which caused the CD to get reset for whatever reason?
Ghouls didn't follow @10:07 because they hit lane minions. That means they'll fight down that lane until they die.
0.33 cast to 0.25 is NOT a small amount, that is literally 25% faster.
"The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim." -Sun Tzu
I have no idea how he doesn't get tilted after all the things that happened. The Maokai Q, the Evelynn failed easiest ganks ever. All that.
Ahhh perfect. A pekin video just in time for bed 😴
There’s been a yorick ultimate bug since they reworked the ulti, there’s certain inputs you gotta put in but everyone just decides to not do it
Confidence is how you survive those situations, I do the same things in car accidents. Lets talk about that in Pekinwoof2 😅
Also mini ghouls will automatically push the lane once they hit minions, so when they don’t follow that’s bc they have hit minions
Very minor correction Pekin: the reason you go Lethality is that in like Season 12 Riot made it so ghouls scale with Lethality
Nah ghouls don’t have any lethality scaling, it’s just the %bonus to ghoul damage on jump they added plus the fact that ghouls already scale with AD and do physical damage (which has always benefited from lethality) means that he hits the oneshot breakpoints easier with the buffed ghoul damage
@@trolltroll4557 you're right, I had that in my head for years and was just completely wrong
hasn't lethality yorick been a tad too strong prior to even buffs? i've come across a couple yorick mains in low diamond and it feels brutal to play against once they get profane
In the second game you could have q summoned the ghouls to get more dmg on kogmaw, the e effect for the ghoul jump is quite long so by the time they walk towards you he would still be in range do get jumped
Also the minion deaths for graves scales down for yorick. Early game it’s 12 minions but by like level 10/11 it’s every 2 minions that’s why your Tiamat was spawning so many graves
9:00 with that bug, you can have 2-3-4-5 or if you do it properly, you can have UNLIMITED MAIDENS at the same time. When i first ran into this bug, it was in a ranked game. I had 2 Maidens at the same time. One was pressuring the toplane one was following me...(It was not intentional, and at that point i had no idea why my maiden was still alive after i died, because if you dies, your maiden dies too even if you release her free in any lane, UNLESS you do the "bug") after the game i quickly went to play vs bots(custom game) to try how it works, how to get 2 maidens at the same time again.. I managed to spawn 10!!!!!!! MAIDENS at the same time... :D Iam not gonna tell you guys how it works, how to do it but it is very simple. I already raised a ticket to Riot Games regarding this BUG, and they are currently working on a fix. They are aware of this. Iam a Yorick main, and this bug is... Well, iam not going to use this bug at all in ranked or in any game mode. Riot has to fix it, and now because i know how to do the "bug" i will be carefull not to trigger it again, because it is very very simple, and you can trigger it completely unintentionally.
You’re missing a few obscure yorick mechanics such as the double jump. When you land e without maiden the graves will jump right after they deal damage with their jump summon maiden and her minions will jump too so you can get up to 7 minions to jump on a single e it’s great burst.
30:29 What the fuck
So the way that the ghouls work and the reason that yorick is such a god damn nightmare split pusher is you can have up to 4 ghouls ON YOUR SCREEN at a time. Your ghouls will push waves if they are aggroed onto the wave so you can technically have up to 16 ghouls on the map at the same time. If there is no wave to aggro they will follow you
If a yorick ghoul deals damage to an enemy minion, that ghoul is considered a "lane ghoul" and will run it down until it dies.
Fiora is the #1 Yoricks' permaban.
The ghouls stop following you after they have entered combat with minions, as then they just march along that lane until they die. But ghouls going for a push that are far enough from you aren't counted towards your ghoul cap, either.
The ghouls will follow you until they've attacked an enemy minion. Then they'll only run down lane. If you wait for those minions to go a screen away from graves, you can spawn new follower minions without destroying the lane minions. They just can't exist in the same screen.
Wtf he said at 30:40 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
That's the one thing I find annoying about his ghouls is that they take 50% reduced AoE damage, so you have to auto one at a time just like the wall thing. If I'm Teemo into Yorick, I like taking Runaan's to quickly clear his ghouls and wall while still hitting Yorick.
the maiden mark will deal more dmg when you activate it with your q, so its kinda nuts now theres no cooldown
If your ghouls see the wave they will start pushing the lane. Raise the ghouls when the minions are dead and they ll follow you
You honestly have to use a sheen item with yorick too right? Don’t you miss out on too much damage? Annnnd, how about don’t ever stop recording!!! That shit is gold I literally hate when I don’t have at least two new Pekin videos a day to watch when I get home from work while I clean up.
"I do the same thing in car accidents" Lmao.
If a ghoul aggros to a minion or tower they will stick to the lane indefinitely unless you throw your e to a jungle camp. I do agree that it is quite annoying and I wish the ghouls would just follow yoric like the madden does. The only upside to this is that i guess you can use the ghouls to push a side lane.
Pekin doesn't want you guys to know, but enemy team are paid actors, by example the orianna is Angelina jolie.
Maiden also makes your auto attacks deal max hp damage
next time try to push 3 lanes at the same time with gouls and maiden, pretty fun
Honor that Poppy!
lethality is good on yorick cos ghouls get lethality and armour pen as well, but they dont get bonus ad from yorick
They do scale on yoricks AD they have a 25% AD ratio on their attacks
That maokai makes me want to run it down
i really like him with sunderer rush rn
Yay new video
would love to see you play kalista!
If ghouls damage minions after they have spawned, they won't follow you unless you cast E on jg monsters. If they do not damage minions, they'll always follow.
@10:15 the ghouls dont follow you if they touch the wave
The intial summon ghouls will follow you until you attack something that's frim my exp with him
Ghoul's that have aggrod/attacked something wont follow you. Ghouls will push lane if they have attacked something in the lane after being summoned
why nobody play him in jg?
little bit of pekinwoof2 leaking into pekinwoof here.
If the ghouls start hitting minions then they follow the lane down, if they didn't hit a minion then they follow you
Pokerick would be proud
Since you aren't aware, Yorick's minions will target the first enemy minion they see in a certain range, and from then on will run down the lane. The only exceptions are if an enemy or jg camp are marked by your E, in which case they'll jump onto those and reset their aggro once they're dead. They were following you at seeming random because in the brief moment you walked away they were out of range of minions.
Also this build is disgusting.
Big game mr woof
When will the pink hair be back
Wouldn’t vayne adc be a god combo with yorick as support ?
Does condemn work on Yorick wall? That would be pretty good.
Yorick wouldn’t have any ghouls to work with though, since he needs to last hit otherwise he’s getting one grave every 2 waves early game. I guess he could do the support item procs but those don’t come back up very fast either.
Being a wall bot is nice and all but you can use Anivia for that too or use Taliyah or Poppy’s anti-movement fields. Plus since there’s two people bot they can break your wall in one auto each.
I’m big on off meta combos like that but I’m not sure it works for Yorick. Now Yorick bot Vayne support, *that* could be a gimmick pick you pull bow and then.
@@jonathanrussell8998 i think her E works with the Yorick cage ye, also ur right he would have close to none ghouls but since he’s support it’s all about Vayne getting her E off in his cage not Yorick getting he’s ghouls
@@enderix8543 Yeah, I just mean that if that setup for Vayne E is all you’re going for then I think you’d be a lot better off with one of the champs who can both set that up and help capitalize on it. Like Anivia who can set up a wall and chain Vayne E with her stun, or Poppy who can use her W to set up E to stun and then throw in a bunch of damage, etc.
Yorick ghouls tank it so well because they have decreased damage taken from AOE spells and baron throws AOE spells only
@PekinWoof The ghouls stop following you if they get to aggro minions
Pokerick: father runs
lol buffs made for bruiser yorick sound great! anyways im going lethality yorick
That Evelynn has to be boosted
the problem with yorick is lethality. shits so annoying last season. his mains are stupid af and dont realize the champ is busted two items with full lethality. idk about this season. if they nerf that then yorick bruiser can be bumped up. also his maiden regening hp when out of combat is insane. shit never dies.
Oof. I would have reported that Orianna. Just tilted and threw at the end.
If a ghoul enters combat they will no longer follow you and will instead push a lane
Whee, ghouls go brrr
zac flashed, I looked in my phone a bit, I looked back to the video and pekin was 2/0
Yeah Ghouls ... I have the same problem , they dont have macro man
22:09 ????????
ok google, how do i make aatrox's hp decrease
for me, i cant play vs adc mid anymore as yorick, the early is way weaker and really hard poke too, no more sustain in the first 5 levl
the cast time of yorick E got reduced by 25% .....would you really call that a small buff? considering that if you get hit by it youre basically dead as a botlaner....thats a fuckin lethal buff bruh.
Lol also your ghouls won't follow you if they're in combat with minions in a lane, they will continue down the lane.
Well yeah the wall didnt cast yet
hi pekin