My cute room drawing collection zip🫧_Square ASMR_work BGM_sleep BGM🌙_labor song_2 hours 30 minutes

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025


  • @crafty_cub
    @crafty_cub Рік тому +23

    Why is the sounds so calming I'm listening to this while drawing and it's so good

  • @Dolma-v3c
    @Dolma-v3c 2 роки тому +11

    정말 아름답고 편안했습니다.영화를 완성했어요.정말 더 원하는 비디오.정말 아름답고 멋지네요

  • @Serenisy
    @Serenisy 2 роки тому +169

    Thank you so much for doing a two hour video! I actually needed it! Right now at the moment, I'm kinda stressed out.
    But this helps me a lot, and I know this took you a while to edit/do. And I love you for that! Your underrated, and you need more subscribers! Keep up the amazing work! Ily 🥰

    • @alyadoggy216
      @alyadoggy216 2 роки тому +3


    • @lancercorpus6320
      @lancercorpus6320 Рік тому +4

      First off, I would like to say an advanced apology before u read the rest: sorry if this is unrelated.
      RIP her hands, because on how much detail it has 😅

    • @funnybysafae6560
      @funnybysafae6560 10 місяців тому


    • @EviesWorldOfCookies
      @EviesWorldOfCookies 9 місяців тому


  • @eun_eol
    @eun_eol 2 роки тому +14

    유튜브 뭐 볼까 생각해다가 딱 눈에 띈 이영상!! 너무 아기자기 하고 예뻐보여서 들어와봤는데 그림을 정말 잘 그리시네요! 오늘부터 CHARIBIO
    ART님 구독자❤️ 앞으로 댓글 많이 달게요! (알고보니 CHARIBO ABT님 영상들이 ASMR이였음..)

    • @AvestaShengali
      @AvestaShengali 9 місяців тому

      Do you know what appp?

    • @lev1axx
      @lev1axx 8 місяців тому

      @@AvestaShengali Procreate!

  • @etherval_40
    @etherval_40 2 роки тому +22

    This is so pretty! Your drawings are so cute!

  • @koreajhlee
    @koreajhlee 2 роки тому +32

    차리보님 영상 다 넘넘 좋은 것 같아요😍 공부하면서 BGM으로 듣고 있는데 사각사각 소리가 집중 잘돼요💗

  • @claire.g3
    @claire.g3 Рік тому +83

    with all due respect, I Desire To Put This Art Into My Mouth And Absorb It's Vibe

  • @OceanMelodies789
    @OceanMelodies789 2 роки тому +7

    And the art the ART IS SO BOOTIFUL

  • @연우-v9i
    @연우-v9i 2 роки тому +172

    Awww 그것은 너무 귀여워! 나는 그것을 사랑한다! 소품들이 너무 귀여워요!색상이 너무 예뻐요!

    • @buttery515
      @buttery515 2 роки тому

      öpp öp ki ı ki ol p ol öp ol pppppooooppoppoo öp ppıoö0p0ooopoöppoo9pp0 öp öp ol o ol öp öp0p öp ppöp0p0ppp0pppoo00poooıopppıoo ı öp öp öp p0 ki öp ppo0pppppppppp0p0 öp0 öp öp öp0pppö PKK ki p öp p0popop0ppoıoıooo0poooooııôopooooıoooopoıooôıııooıooooıoo9pıo8ıı o p öp p PKK öp ııooıopopp pp poooppıoıoıopppooıöoopoopooıııııı9 öp p öp ol öp PKK ki ı ki o ki öp ki PKK ki pıopoıoıoııııopıoopopıoooıoooopıoooopoooö PKK oooooop9 ki ı öp ol PKK ki öp öp ol opıoooıooıııııoıoııoııooooıoıoıoooooıoooııoııııooııoooı8ı8 öp ı öp PKK ki o öp PKK ııooooıooıooooooppıııoıııo öp pıııoıooıoopııooıııoıııııoıoıoıooııôı8ıoıooıııopııııııııııııııoooıııı8ı8ııııııııı8ı8 ki ki ki ı öp PKK ııo8ııııoooıooıoooopıııııoıopıııııııııııooııııı8ıooııoıoıoııııııııııııı8ı8ıoooooıoıııoııııo8 öp oıoooııı8ııoooıııııııı8ı8ı8ıoı8ııııı8ıoııoıııııoo8oııııııııooıııııo8ı8ıopıııoıı8ı8ı8ıııııoıııııııııı8ı88ıııııoıoı8ı8ııııııııııııoı8ı8ıı889oooooooo9p0p ooöooppo9 o p o0p0ppo0p0 PKK o öoop9poppppo0 PKK öp öp öperim öp0p o opo0opoö0p0 o po0p0p00p09p o0pp o o0ppp o p o o0p o p0p0ppppoo9popp0opop9p o PPP o p o p o p ol pp ol ol ppoppppöopo o ppooppooppoppoöoppppoppo0opp o pp o ol ol p ol Pippa o o p PKK ol p0opopoppppopoop ol o p ol pp o0 o PKK poopoop9 o ppoppoppopopöopppopoppo0p ol o ppopopp9 o pooöp0opop o popp o p0popopp ol ol p o p PKK p ol o o p o p o PKK o o p o p o ol ol pp ppoppppöopo o o p ol p o ol öp öp öp oooh opoopoppopoo ol ol ol o o o ppoopoppoopoopopppopoopoooooop9oopopopppoppooopopoopopopooppoopop o p ol p ol o o oppppop0 öp poooppopoppoooopooooppopooopop ol oopopooppopoopopopooo0oooppopooopppopoppopoopp o ppoppppöopo ol o pooopopooppooopopopopopooö ol pp o pp o öp öp p öp o o pp o POOPOPOPOPPPOOPOPOPOPOOOOPPOPOPOOPPPOOOPPPOOPOOOOOOPOOPOOPOPOOOOOPOPPPPOPPPOÖOPOPPOPPOOPOPPOPOOPPPOPPOOPPPPOOPPOOPOPOOPOPOPOOPOPOOPPO popopopoö o öp popo opoopoppopoo öp öp öp ol o POPOOOPOOPOOOOPOPOPPPPPOPOOPOOPPOPOOPPOOOOPPOOPPOOOPPOPPPPOPOPPOPOPPPPPPOOPOOOPPPOOPOOOPOPPOOPOPPOOOPO ooo pooopopooppooopopopopopooö ol ile bir👍👍👍👍👍👍 ile iyi😇 ile bir için➡➡➡ ile ilgili için➡ ile ilgili olarak☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ile birlikte👬👬👬👬 8ııııııııı8ıııııııııııpppp öpp0opp p0ppı öp ppppppoooö öp

    • @aUv0b
      @aUv0b 2 роки тому +9

      Your words are so cute :)

    • @nyeomia
      @nyeomia 2 роки тому +3

      i clan have go

    • @channel_weidu
      @channel_weidu 2 роки тому +2


    • @hajimehinata1593
      @hajimehinata1593 Рік тому +3


  • @maeby3258
    @maeby3258 2 роки тому +86

    Your art style and mine are very different, but I wish to one day be able to do such cute illustrations!

    • @dollidream
      @dollidream 2 роки тому +3

      I hope you get better 💗

    • @jhpark862
      @jhpark862 Рік тому +2

      프로크리에이터로 그….그걸 그린다고요..?ㅣ. ㅘㅏㅏㅏ 금손😊😊

  • @l.d6566
    @l.d6566 2 роки тому +297

    My voice: « Can I make this ? :) »
    My head: « Yes, u can ! »
    My IPad: « Yes, u can ! »
    My hands: « Mmmh, nop »

    • @iambutethd9895
      @iambutethd9895 2 роки тому +11

      Just try it you can do it !!!

    • @LarisaK.50
      @LarisaK.50 2 роки тому +3

      Lol true

    • @Th3yHaTe_RaE
      @Th3yHaTe_RaE 2 роки тому +1


    • @Strawbo-z1d
      @Strawbo-z1d 2 роки тому +12

      For me it's like:
      My head: i really wanna do it!!
      My voice: this won't b easy....
      My hands: OH NO NOT AGAIN-
      My pad: *N* *O*
      I need procreate.
      And I'm not havein a iPad and it needs money😭😭😭

    • @TheCarolchereja
      @TheCarolchereja Рік тому +1

      Did she use a template or she made it from scratch?

  • @와다닥-p5j
    @와다닥-p5j 2 роки тому +8

    안녕하세요 차리보님!!❤️‍🔥 그림들 하나하나 다 이쁘고 귀엽네요...🫠❤️

  • @MagicalSlime5555
    @MagicalSlime5555 5 місяців тому

    The detail and effort you put into these tiny treats is truly commendable! Amazing work!

  • @Winter_123.
    @Winter_123. Рік тому +10

    This is SO CUTEEE❤❤❤ I LOVE THE DRAWING❤❤❤ also I was wondering what brush did you use because the brush Is REALLY GOOD so can someone tell what brush it is? ALSO keep up the good work!❤

  • @Shane_stars123
    @Shane_stars123 Рік тому +4

    Why are there some sprinkles everywhere but your so creative nice drawings 😊😊

  • @포카포장하는펭구
    @포카포장하는펭구 2 роки тому +3

    어떻게 저렇게 이쁘게 그리지...?
    쓱쓱 소리 넘 좋습니다 🤟👍💪

  • @Mak1moe
    @Mak1moe Рік тому +10

    너무 귀여워요! 별을 그리는 방식이 정말 마음에 들어요 ٩(๑>◡

  • @reenasamlals1111
    @reenasamlals1111 2 роки тому +22

    Soo adorable! Great job :D

  • @t26rumahku8
    @t26rumahku8 Рік тому +2

    Your draw is very simple and cute!! You make a perfect star and that looks like so simple

  • @Pretty.Jeongmin
    @Pretty.Jeongmin 2 роки тому +14

    00:00 - 16:13 Tracing
    16:15 - 16:17 Changing lineart color
    16:20 - 17:44 Coloring little with her doll (?)
    17:45 - 35:52 adding details coloring
    35:54 Changing of drawing
    Sorry I didn't do everything I got lazy

    • @Th3yHaTe_RaE
      @Th3yHaTe_RaE 2 роки тому

      Im confused what ur doing

    • @ireneity0607
      @ireneity0607 2 роки тому +1

      @@Th3yHaTe_RaE put the timestamps

  • @mericalmermaid4477
    @mericalmermaid4477 2 роки тому +13

    정말 존경합니다. 그림을 정말 잘 그리시네요.💗💗💗💗

  • @carriefulton1058
    @carriefulton1058 4 місяці тому +3

    This is really ASMR i like your drawing so much they are so cute i wish i was you❤

  • @Koi_The_Fox
    @Koi_The_Fox Рік тому +2

    Ty for a 2hr one! This made me fall asleep

  • @IRooo_owo
    @IRooo_owo 2 роки тому +7

    와 저 글씨 연습하면서 들으니까 마음에 편안함 그런 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다! 그림 너무 잘그리세요 부러워요

  • @mariachristinajimenez6465
    @mariachristinajimenez6465 4 місяці тому +2

    I’m listening to this while doing my plates ✨

  • @Nothinglol-r9
    @Nothinglol-r9 2 роки тому +4

    I❤️charibo art very amazing! I like it!

  • @mxpxxh9687
    @mxpxxh9687 2 роки тому +3

    Your ASMR VIDEO make me feel relax, I usually to watching it before sleep 💕

  • @iambutethd9895
    @iambutethd9895 2 роки тому +3

    I love the illustrations and the colorrr

  • @최현경-e6t
    @최현경-e6t 2 роки тому +35

    헉 내 방 그리기 모음집이라뇨..! 너무 좋습니다ㅜㅜ
    학원 가기 3시간 전이니 숙제하며 봐야겠어요 ><
    요즘 너무 더운데 음식상하지않게 조심하시구
    건강하세요! 오늘 영상도 잘 보고 갈게요(●ˇ∀ˇ●)

  • @hrp752000
    @hrp752000 Рік тому +1

    This is so satisfying!!!! I love how you draw! I love the taste of color you have!!!!!

  • @elgatooo177
    @elgatooo177 Рік тому +4

    If you’re asking what app is this this app is procreate

  • @heidokij
    @heidokij 11 місяців тому +3

    i would die for this artstyle

  • @VictorVasquez-b3w
    @VictorVasquez-b3w Рік тому +1

    Really love the texture of the drawing and the sound to😊❤❤.

  • @lily_iscool11
    @lily_iscool11 Рік тому +5

    너무 귀여워요 ❤

  • @동백인데요
    @동백인데요 6 місяців тому +2

    소리 완전 짱...

  • @Nothinglol-r9
    @Nothinglol-r9 2 роки тому +6

    Very cute bedroom!

  • @Lostgirl_404
    @Lostgirl_404 2 роки тому +26

    How did you get so good at drawing this style? I want to draw like this! It’s so beautiful and cute 💘🥰

  • @llllavemder
    @llllavemder Рік тому +1

    came here for sleep, stayed because the lineart looked yummy and timeloss kicked in. no sleep was achieved BUT IT WAS WORTH IT

  • @Babybear87613
    @Babybear87613 2 місяці тому +1


  • @0dett3
    @0dett3 Рік тому +1

    Coloring part: 1:08:53

  • @LilAllygator
    @LilAllygator 2 роки тому +1

    안녕하세요! 저는 알리예요. 미국 사람이에요 ☺️ 한국어를 배워요. 리보 아트를 너무 좋아해요 🥰
    I’m sorry my Korean is so bad 🙈 I’ll keep studying! 🙇‍♀️

  • @yonessavalencia3312
    @yonessavalencia3312 2 роки тому +3

    당신의 그림은 너무 귀엽다!

  • @user-yl1xb1gi4o
    @user-yl1xb1gi4o Рік тому +4

    안녕하세요! 저도 용기내서 아이패드 드로잉 촬영을 시작해보려 하는데 혹시 촬영할 때 어떤 제품을 쓰시는지 링크나 정보를 주실 수 있을까요..? 삼각대에 아이폰을 고정하여 쓰시는지.. 간절한 마음에 댓글달아 봅니다. 감사드려요 더욱 번창하시길 기원하겠습니다!

  • @juliegarbs4018
    @juliegarbs4018 Рік тому +1

    You are so good. I am trying to learn how to use my drawing tablet. You make it look so easy and good.

  • @iheartrengoku8603
    @iheartrengoku8603 Рік тому +2

    You should make a digital/coloring program that you can draw with all the lines. Or you can make a program with all your drawings and the people can color them, Ofc u don’t have to do this just an idea! (Loveeee your vid’s btw I wish I can draw as flawless and smooth as u❤❤)!

  • @sunshine847
    @sunshine847 2 роки тому +5

    나는 당신의 비디오를 사랑합니다!

  • @DebbieBriones-k9w
    @DebbieBriones-k9w 2 місяці тому +1

    omggggg😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 so relaxing

  • @Nothinglol-r9
    @Nothinglol-r9 2 роки тому +2

    Art is the best!

  • @Supercatop
    @Supercatop Рік тому +5

    와 이게 정말 필요했는데 너무 편안하네요

  • @bishamontentv
    @bishamontentv Рік тому +1

    Wow🎉❤ i like your drawing 😊

  • @bahngchanz
    @bahngchanz Рік тому

    Your videos always help me fall asleep!❤️🫶🏻

  • @emmaroo7010
    @emmaroo7010 2 роки тому +1

    All of the drawings r so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee

  • @휴닝이쓸어모아
    @휴닝이쓸어모아 2 роки тому +3

    이비스 쓰다가 엄마가 프로크리에이트 사주셨는데 쓰니까 너무 빡쳐서 다시 이비스로 갈아탔는데 대단해요 … 👍🏻

  • @uni_mayu2222
    @uni_mayu2222 7 місяців тому +1

    Awww! So cute!❤

  • @ysczxsvgswvsvsxshsc5295
    @ysczxsvgswvsvsxshsc5295 2 роки тому +2

    매우 아름답습니다 당신의 채널을 사랑합니다 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @-PanjuMan-
    @-PanjuMan- 9 місяців тому +1

    소리 진짜 야무짐

  • @LindsayLavender
    @LindsayLavender 11 місяців тому

    I’ve never seen anyone draw or write like me with your hand technique. I hold my pencil the exact same way you do where it rests on the ring finger instead of my middle finger. What software do you use?

  • @adakocer8924
    @adakocer8924 2 роки тому +1

    Hello sorry if ım interupting but may ı know what do you use ,procreate maybe? Because we will get that app so we need to know if you use it

  • @연어맛케이크
    @연어맛케이크 2 роки тому

    그림 진짜 말랑콩떡 찰져요 8ㅅ8 여기가 내가 누울 자린가

  • @Olivia1inamillion
    @Olivia1inamillion Рік тому +1

    this sound is so relaxing and the colours are so beautiful and cute, love this sm❤❤

  • @TheCraftyFamily
    @TheCraftyFamily Рік тому

    Great job! Everything is awesome and super pretty!

  • @shanzaeltsaniamarcella
    @shanzaeltsaniamarcella Рік тому

    So cute i love u too you
    I. M so cute know that
    Good luck guys dreak

  • @miawheatley1641
    @miawheatley1641 2 роки тому

    I subscribed and I was just wondering if you could tell what app u use. I was inspired by this

  • @정나현-x3p
    @정나현-x3p Рік тому +1

    너무 귀여워용 😊😊😊

  • @angellyrodriguezflerez1766
    @angellyrodriguezflerez1766 2 роки тому

    ASMR analyze - sounds - magnificent -relaxing

  • @KawaiiDropVibes
    @KawaiiDropVibes 10 місяців тому

    the teddy bear stickers are so easy to draw, more easier after you have a demo. Thank you again.

  • @Mary_10y-e5t
    @Mary_10y-e5t 10 місяців тому +2

    What is the app

  • @Thecutestawesomestperson
    @Thecutestawesomestperson Рік тому +1

    It’s procreate right?

  • @JaydeeMalama-Cardenas
    @JaydeeMalama-Cardenas 2 місяці тому +1

    Color and bedroom queen

  • @션-sy
    @션-sy Рік тому

    토끼발에 마이크 찝어둔거 귀엽다ㅋㅋ😂❤

  • @모아도어_해피
    @모아도어_해피 Рік тому +4

    무슨앱 쓰는지 알려주세요

    • @in-koonam2442
      @in-koonam2442 9 місяців тому +1

      프로크리에이트입니다 유료에요

  • @탭탭이
    @탭탭이 Рік тому

    너무 잘 그려서 짜증나요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♡^♡

  • @메에에메
    @메에에메 2 роки тому +1

    리보님 혹시 애플펜슬은 아이패드에만 적용되나요?..

  • @shyonne
    @shyonne Рік тому

    If you sold the outline drawing with a transparent background, i would love to buy it and just enjoy coloring on my ipad!

  • @ngoc_hochoi
    @ngoc_hochoi 2 роки тому +4

    what app or you using to draw O.o

    • @casluvs
      @casluvs 2 роки тому +1

      Procreate !

  • @chloemichel5823
    @chloemichel5823 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow is so cool

  • @amylagendijk7602
    @amylagendijk7602 Рік тому

    The brushes are amazing.. does anyone know where I could get kind of those brushes?

  • @super_ksu4347
    @super_ksu4347 Рік тому +1

    Good day,
    I'm sorry to bother you, but what is the name of this program in which you draw?

  • @Minto8384
    @Minto8384 Рік тому

    Turn your switch off girl!! That thing loses power fast!!!!
    In all honesty though this is such a relaxing and cute video. Love the brush you use for line work!

  • @peepquack
    @peepquack Рік тому +1

    1:14:25 does anyone know how she can change the black color word “choco” to white with that stroke? i don’t know how to change the color of an existing drawing to another?

  • @esfpenfp6056
    @esfpenfp6056 2 роки тому +2

    알고리즘에 뜨셔서 차리보 님을 처음 봤는뎅,,,,
    너무 그림을 잘 그리셔용!!!! 그림체가 넘 제 스톼일 !!!!!!!!( 그래서 바로 구독 갈겨!!!!!ㅎㅎ)
    아이돌이나 연예인을 차리보 님 스타일로 그려두 예쁠 것 같아요!!!!(예전에 올리신 블핑이나 방탄 그림두 잘 봤습니당!!!!)
    아이돌 혹시 더 해주실 수 있나요??? ( 혹시 가능하시다믄 아이브, 클라씨, 투바투, 방탄 해주세여.......그럼 정말 감사할 것 같아유...)

  • @maimaisilvano3299
    @maimaisilvano3299 9 місяців тому

    may I ask what app your using? I really wanna download it!

  • @jenniexstarr
    @jenniexstarr 7 місяців тому

    does anyone know how she gets the drawing thing? like the template of the drawing, where can i download it? thanks!

  • @boraJB
    @boraJB 2 роки тому

    난 방금 당신을 발견했고 당신은 아주 좋은 채널입니다, 당신의 채널을 구독했습니다. 당신은 너무 달콤하게 그려줍니다 ❤

    • @TashyBester
      @TashyBester Рік тому

      Hey can I ask what app she used

  • @Purplevine-fd9qd
    @Purplevine-fd9qd Рік тому

    It's so cute and sweet!!

  • @leahcreighton4213
    @leahcreighton4213 Рік тому

    Do you sell your brush pack?

  • @AtelierArts
    @AtelierArts 2 роки тому +3

    My brain sees 2 hours and immediately changes the title to "How to stay up for 2 hours past midnight"😂

  • @gemmadidi1350
    @gemmadidi1350 Рік тому

    Please can someone tell me what type of tablet and apps she uses. I've been wanting to try drawing on a tablet for a long time.

    • @ollie52r1
      @ollie52r1 Рік тому +1

      iPad 3rd generation 12.9 inch 256 gigabytes I think check description :)

    • @iEsclleraa
      @iEsclleraa Рік тому

      It’s in her disc I think, the app is procreate for 9.99

  • @NizarNuryahya
    @NizarNuryahya 4 місяці тому +2

    لدي أيضًا علامة تبويب مثلك، وآمل أن أكون مثلك في المستقبل

  • @1luvxSummer
    @1luvxSummer Рік тому

    I ❤ ur vids, keep on posting more plsss 🎉😮

  • @sanoya01
    @sanoya01 2 роки тому +1

    Can you tell me what writing on pintreast to show me this? I want this pls answer mee ☺️❤️

  • @Sweetsakuramilk
    @Sweetsakuramilk 10 місяців тому

    Do you draw these yourself or do you find those pictures

  • @pianoplayer31
    @pianoplayer31 2 роки тому +1

    Hey charibo! If you have anytime could u make a wallpaper for me? You are so good at drawing I kind of want it like this drawing but with brown skin not that much and black hair! Could u do that? Please reply

  • @bl4nkwho_
    @bl4nkwho_ Рік тому

    can you do an all green drawing id really like to see how that would turn out :)

  • @furbyboomeveltna707
    @furbyboomeveltna707 Рік тому +1

    かわいい ❤❤

  • @lildiamond6235
    @lildiamond6235 Місяць тому

    Which microphone do you use?

  • @rururu_ki1239
    @rururu_ki1239 2 роки тому +3


  • @mericalmermaid4477
    @mericalmermaid4477 2 роки тому +1

    작업실을 어떻게 꾸밀지 그림으로 그려주시면 좋을 것 같아요.☺

  • @Jenny-c9p
    @Jenny-c9p Рік тому

    어떤 드로잉 소프트웨어를 사용하여 만드셨나요?😊🎉

  • @iEsclleraa
    @iEsclleraa Рік тому

    안녕! 채색, 선화, 스케치에 어떤 브러시를 사용하셨나요? 감사합니다, 좋은 하루 보내세요!▼・ᴥ・▼