Historic Milestone: CERN Discovers Higgs-like Boson

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • / sciencereason ... New particle observed at LHC! CERN Physicists are sure they have found a boson particle -- but is it the long-sought Higgs boson of the Standard Model?
    The ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN presented their latest results in the search for the long-sought Higgs boson. Both experiments see strong indications for the presence of a new particle, which could be the Higgs boson, in the mass region around 126 gigaelectronvolts (GeV).
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    CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson
    At a seminar and a press conference held at CERN on 4 July 2012 as a curtain raiser to the year's major particle physics conference, ICHEP2012 in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented their latest preliminary results in the search for the long sought Higgs particle. Both experiments observe a new particle in the mass region around 125-126 GeV.
    "We observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. The outstanding performance of the LHC and ATLAS and the huge efforts of many people have brought us to this exciting stage," said ATLAS experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, "but a little more time is needed to prepare these results for publication."
    "The results are preliminary but the 5 sigma signal at around 125 GeV we're seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle. We know it must be a boson and it's the heaviest boson ever found," said CMS experiment spokesperson Joe Incandela. "The implications are very significant and it is precisely for this reason that we must be extremely diligent in all of our studies and cross-checks."
    "It's hard not to get excited by these results," said CERN Research Director Sergio Bertolucci. " We stated last year that in 2012 we would either find a new Higgs-like particle or exclude the existence of the Standard Model Higgs. With all the necessary caution, it looks to me that we are at a branching point: the observation of this new particle indicates the path for the future towards a more detailed understanding of what we're seeing in the data."
    The results presented today are labelled preliminary. They are based on data collected in 2011 and 2012, with the 2012 data still under analysis. Publication of the analyses shown today is expected around the end of July. A more complete picture of today's observations will emerge later this year after the LHC provides the experiments with more data.
    The next step will be to determine the precise nature of the particle and its significance for our understanding of the universe. Are its properties as expected for the long-sought Higgs boson, the final missing ingredient in the Standard Model of particle physics? Or is it something more exotic? The Standard Model describes the fundamental particles from which we, and every visible thing in the universe, are made, and the forces acting between them. All the matter that we can see, however, appears to be no more than about 4% of the total. A more exotic version of the Higgs particle could be a bridge to understanding the 96% of the universe that remains obscure.
    "We have reached a milestone in our understanding of nature," said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer. "The discovery of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson opens the way to more detailed studies, requiring larger statistics, which will pin down the new particle's properties, and is likely to shed light on other mysteries of our universe."
    Positive identification of the new particle's characteristics will take considerable time and data. But whatever form the Higgs particle takes, our knowledge of the fundamental structure of matter is about to take a major step forward.
    • press.web.cern....
    CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics. It has its headquarters in Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Romania is a candidate for accession. Israel and Serbia are Associate Members in the pre-stage to Membership. India, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status.
    • cern.ch/
    Tags: "higgs boson" "higgs particle" higgs boson new higgs-like particle "god particle" observed discovered found cern lhc cms atlas experiments physics standard model results mass matter universe videos lecture press conference july 2012


  • @michaelgonzalez9058
    @michaelgonzalez9058 2 роки тому +1

    When you hit mass with
    A boson a mass will produce atomic optomitry

  • @ElMufro
    @ElMufro 12 років тому


  • @schrammmae5918
    @schrammmae5918 2 роки тому

    11010 (2010)‽ God?

  • @SuedeStonn
    @SuedeStonn 12 років тому

    For the person that wonders about the 'Satan Particle', thats the one that enters people and frees our minds from religion.
    Joking aside this is cool stuff, unraveling the mysteries of the universe and another step in making lives easier and more interesting. :D
    non est deus

  • @cristian50088
    @cristian50088 12 років тому

    "science has proven nothing". XDDDDDDDDD. Please someone, rate that comment.

  • @juuonse
    @juuonse 12 років тому

    Nooooooo! I might be one of the three douchebags who clicked "dislike" =(. It was an accident, I hope it registered the "like" right after.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Which is connected to the internet. This all the result of hundreds of years of scientifc discovery made by brilliant minds in fields such as physics, chemistry, engineering... But it's just all a bunch of crap I guess

  • @Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time
    @Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time 12 років тому

    Interesting video!
    This is an invitation to see an artist theory on the physics of light and time!
    This theory is based on two postulates
    1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π itself
    2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w- function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

  • @michaelgonzalez9058
    @michaelgonzalez9058 2 роки тому +1

    A microscopic boson is an element

  • @Anonymoose
    @Anonymoose 12 років тому

    A monumental achievement! Next step, replicate it and find out what it really is. This has been a long time coming.

  • @cristian50088
    @cristian50088 12 років тому

    Well, when we know a naturalistic explanation we can realize that we don't need a magical man or "inteligent creator" to explain something, certainly this discovery is not a direct proof against a god, but it´s easy to understand that "god did it" is not the real answer. Finally the burden of proof is on the people who claim the existence of an magical creator in the sky ;)

  • @Martial-Mat
    @Martial-Mat 12 років тому

    That's nothing but an appeal to incredulity. Simply because YOU cannot wrap your head around evolution does not make it less likely.

  • @Martial-Mat
    @Martial-Mat 12 років тому

    They're science jouranalists - they're supposed to be able to understand this stuff and simplify it for the rest of us!

  • @rriverstone1
    @rriverstone1 12 років тому

    This needs to be the 1st story in every media outlet on the planet, not Tom Cruize's sex life! I lived to see this. wow

  • @cristian50088
    @cristian50088 12 років тому

    Again, the burden of proof is on the people who claims that a magical man created the boson.

  • @GoblinXXX
    @GoblinXXX 12 років тому

    Who knows, if we can learn to affect the Higgs field-- Anti-gravity? Lightspeed travel?

  • @GoblinXXX
    @GoblinXXX 12 років тому

    Maybe. Or the ultimate Weight Loss Program! Now, you can have zero mass!

  • @Thrashaero
    @Thrashaero 12 років тому

    Wrong. Intelligence only comes through living things that exist within the universe. To suggest the intelligence comes before other intelligence, you're going to find yourself in an infinite regression. The only intelligence you could be possibly referring to existing before life itself is the mysterious 'higher order' of interactions that you don't understand yet. Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it sentient. To suggest that is absurd is to suggest simplicity is absurd.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    That's pretty interesting. I'll have to look some of those guys up. These guys were obviously geniuses who probably devoted their whole lives to education and science. It just pissed me off when people take these inventions for granted and our modern technological society for granted by putting down science saying it is no better than mythology. Burners-Lee, Daimer, and Cooper ought to be household names, not Snooky, Lebron James, and Jesus.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    sorry I am writing so much but I am now responding to your previous categories.Science is in no way a sub category of mythology. The only thing science and mythology have in common is the initial hypothesis, but even then it's a step above mythology, in my opinion, because scientists make well informed, educated guesses. They may study something in great depth for years before coming up with a hypothesis. After that mythology and science have nothing in common. The hypothesis goes through

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    who are paid by corps and they are so well funded, their voices dround out the10s of thousands of legitimate scientists. This is true of the whole global warming debate. There is a near consensus that global warming is occuring among climatologists, geologists... There are some very highly paid scientists who argue against it and if you look at their funding it includes oil companies. Information is tricky these days. You have to be skeptical of everything and you have to be willing to research

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    I aologize, I am finally reading some your old comments now. "Scientists have been bought by corporations. They get paid to make their data conform to the wishes of their sponsors. So it's hard to tell who's on the level anymore.:" That's a pretty general statement. Some scientists have been bought by corporations. My dad taught at a local Univ. None of his colleages were paid by corps. They were scientists who did research. In many cases it's just a few scientists who are paid by corporati

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    I just went back and read one of your beef with science "I'm well aware of the scientific process. In a perfect world it seeks out the truth. In this world it's employed in a quest for power and glory. Very god like." First of "it" is not just a tool used by scientists for power and glory. 99.999999999999999% of the scientists who study science and have contributed to their respective fields using the scientific process, do not seek power or glory, and they know they will never have that nyway

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Look, it's just annoying when someone who doesn't know all that much about science, comes on a scientific video, and tells us it's just a bunch of crap. It makes me angry. It makes me feel like you take this whole modern technological society for granted. Right now nearly every technological comfort you have in life is because of hundreds of years of the scientific process. You are up at night in an air conditioned house, eating food from your refrigerater, on your computer

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    What do you expect, people to be nice to you when you came to this video, in which the LHC, which 1000s of scientists and engineers have devoted large portions of their lives studying and creating this devise , have made a huge discovery, and you come on here, barely knowing anything about science, to tell us it's a joke, and we should put our faith in some stupid stone age myth about a god who sacrifices himself to himself so that mankind can be forgiven for his sins.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    You see where I am going here. Flaws and biases in a hypothesis will be uncovered and removed. If the tests are flawed it is discovered and corrected. Brilliant people have PHDs in how to do these experiements correctly. It is a vast system of checks and balances. It doesn't just rely on one person's arm chair conjecture. This is 100% different than religion. With religion we have a book written by "God" knows who. That is supposed to be the unquestionable truth.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    He publishes his results in a peer review journal. Many other qualified scientists in his field read his paper. They pick it apart piece by piece. They do his experiment themselves. They publish their results. 1000s of scientists read their results. They analyze every little detail. If it fails to hold up to scrutiny the flaws are discovered and the hypothesis goes in the waste bin. If it holds up, those other scientists find different ways to test this hypothesis. Their results are published.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Oh, not again... Science is the best method we have to understand the universe around us. Yes, science has an agenda, it is to discover why the universe is the way it is. The scientific method is the most unbiased procedure we have to discover the truth. I would advise you to read in detail about the scientific process to understand why. Basically a scientist has a hypothesis or an observation. He makes predictions. He tests his hypothesis to the best of his ability.

  • @JustAnotherMutant
    @JustAnotherMutant 12 років тому

    Science isn't the "be all and end all", but it also doesn't want to put itself above god. It's not a subcategory of the "god myth", it is a method for approaching truth.
    Science is typically the first to know. For example, there were dozens of claims about lightning in myth and poetry, but their divergence demonstrated that not only did they not know... they didn't know how to know. Science came along and was able to know, and demonstrate that it knew what lighting was.

  • @Myxril
    @Myxril 12 років тому

    Hypothetically speaking, if this 'waste of money' yields very useful information, the results could be astronomical. To the tune of creating/manipulating mass. Assuming this practice was honed, it would probably go hand-in-hand with nanotechnology.
    And nanotechnology is THE future of any and all technology; including medical technology. Hell, the medical technology would probably benefit us more than the other technologies (which could result in clean, unlimited energy and abundance of resources

  • @VerseInfinitum
    @VerseInfinitum 12 років тому

    We've completed one part of the story, which is far better than no part of the story. The fact is that Stephen Hawking lost the Higgs-like Boson bet, shows that we're making phenomenal progress thanks to great minds like Stephen Hawking, who was responsible for inspiring this research in the first place! This is real human progress that will make things possible that we used to doubt. When Barrack Obama say: "Yes We Can" these experiments proves that we can and will propel far ahead.

  • @VerseInfinitum
    @VerseInfinitum 12 років тому

    Let's think about this for a moment, the Higgins-like Boson confirmation is proof that our research methods are the right approach to interpreting reality and plausible to our logic facilities. It also reveals that our investigative techniques that establishes these theories in the first place are applicable and not a by product of over worked imagination or fantasy. We've come a long way and will proceed that endless path ahead with diligence and enjoying every moment of our pursuit.

  • @SuperAtheist
    @SuperAtheist 12 років тому

    best analogy for explaining the higgs boson I've ever heard! Thank you.

  • @joshuablack4764
    @joshuablack4764 11 років тому

    Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3. Things that make you go hmmm. This one can be a real stretch of faith to a believer in God. But this Higgs boson, uhh, thing, kinda looks like scientific evidence that God is

  • @abomarub
    @abomarub 12 років тому

    But The Monothiesm of Univers thoery is stating that"all the representatives of the univers are just deferant modes of friquencies"and it is give furthrs drivation of einstien equation of energy and mass with respect of velocity of light,by subistiting the velocity of light with it is variables .i.e the friquency and wave length.see my youtube I sent you before

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    And maybe these guys do have some extreme elation. These speakers have spent nearly their whole lives studying quantum physics. Now after 40 years of speculation and research one of their particles has been discovered. Of course they're thrilled. They've discovered a particle that's in every atom in your body, something no ones ever seen before. Of course they're elated.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Give me an example of how it is used for power and glory. Sure most scientists would love to make some groundbreaking discovery, but most scientists just toil away in a lab, teach classes, submit their research to journals, read other people's research, try to improve it and then they eventually retire. My dad was one of those people. There was no power or glory for him

  • @JustAnotherMutant
    @JustAnotherMutant 12 років тому

    At the moment, there is nothing for us to disprove. We're waiting for you (proposers of the "god did it" hypothesis) to come up with a testable hypothesis. What should we see and what should we not see if the "Higgs boson" is a created artifact?
    Once you subject that to scientific review, we'll start working on disproving it.

  • @Skindoggiedog
    @Skindoggiedog 12 років тому

    "no one has been able to disprove that this universe was not created deliberately."
    No-one has been able to prove that it was created at all.
    Our understanding of events WITHIN the universe cause us to make the assumption that it, as a whole, must have been 'created', but this is yet to be demonstrated.

  • @Lupercus50
    @Lupercus50 11 років тому

    The fundamental particles we already knew were missing something, the physics theory was not adding up, where do these particles get their mass.
    This is not about disproving god, that's a futile endeavour anyway because no one has presented any "god" to be falsified.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Nevermind I just looked it up. This is the last and most diffcult particle to find that, if found, would prove the standard model correct. However, They have to study it in greater detail to determine if it is the Higgs boson, because if it is a different Boson, then a new Model may have to be devised.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    I apologize for my hissy fit. Now then, what is your beef with science, and why do you believe in mythology. Why do you have a problem with science, which requires extraordinary amounts of evidence before it accepts a hypothesis, and value mythology, which requires absolutely no evidence at all.

  • @JustAnotherMutant
    @JustAnotherMutant 12 років тому

    Yes, it is a provisional knowledge, so not fully accurate... however still quite close. For example, Universal Gravitation has been disproven, but is so close to correct that we still use it in schools. The corrective mechanism for science slowly but surely getting us closer to the actual truth.

  • @JustAnotherMutant
    @JustAnotherMutant 12 років тому

    The problem is that there is no level of "genius software" that will work better than "genius software" + the right tools.
    What do you mean by our inability to see if anything happened as a result of the LHC? What sort of world changing but undetectable event are you talking about?

  • @mooxim
    @mooxim 12 років тому

    Wow in my 5 years as a confirmed atheist I've never heard that argument but I like it. Well put. Saying "You need parts of the universe to make intelligence first" assumes you know the nature of the beginnings of the universe but it makes more sense to me than intelligence coming before parts.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    nope, i mean actual canned fish, the ones you brought up because you decided to throw around ad hominem instead of attack my arguments. this is why 'debating' with you would be a complete joke.
    "this guy doesn't agree with what i'm saying! watch as i call him names!"

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    think of it like an electromagnetic field. when you excite an electromagnetic field it spits out a photon, just like your monitor or phone or tablet is doing now. when you excite the higgs field is spits out a higgs boson particle. these fields are everywhere, it's just about getting them excited ;)

  • @WINTERwaves
    @WINTERwaves 12 років тому

    Almost. From what I know the "god particle" is named after the title of a book by Leon Lederman who said: "the publisher wouldn't let us call it the Goddamn Particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing."

  • @SalamaSond
    @SalamaSond 12 років тому

    OK, the Higg's Boson seems to exist. What causes a particle that interacts with a Higg's Field to be attracted to other particles that interact with a Higg's Field in proportion to their degree of interaction with that field and the inverse of their distance apart?

  • @DogmaDisputant
    @DogmaDisputant 12 років тому

    As to not embarrass yourself any further, may I suggest you visit a Christians channel where you both can revel in ignorance and wallow in self righteousness.

  • @JuanchoMan
    @JuanchoMan 12 років тому

    this video clearly highlights the intellectual difference between a particle physicist and a journalist. Always trust a journalist to ask the most idiotic questions "since i am not made of quarks it doesn't really affect me" what a colossal ignoramus.

  • @BigSwede7403
    @BigSwede7403 12 років тому

    Historic milestone indeed. Even if it turns out to not be the Higgs Boson, it still shows there are things to find and understand in this magnificent universe. It will be interesting indeed what technological advances we will make from this discovery.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    Some lucky ones get money and fame, but hey the scientist who developed the internal combustion engine or the internet or cell phones, deserves to be rich and famous. Do you know how many billions of lives they improved with those inventions.

  • @zencat999
    @zencat999 12 років тому

    Uri Gregarin-Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the plenum saying "Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any god there."

  • @James01100011
    @James01100011 12 років тому

    Just trying to be helpful. I have no way to know your age/ education level so I usually try to be as basic as possible with my first reply. You could be 10 for all I know. After your reaction I still don’t know. Good luck.

  • @James01100011
    @James01100011 12 років тому

    Look up ‘Wave-particle duality’. The Higgs Boson is the particle form of the Higgs field. Just like the light wave Boson is a photon. What determines the mass of any particle is how much it interact with the Higgs field.

  • @WarChicken78
    @WarChicken78 12 років тому

    My deepest respect to Rolf-Dieter Heuer for the accomplishments especially due to the descovery of the higgs-candidate just now, but being a native german speaker myself his english accent makes my ears bleed.

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    No, I dnon't think you are well aware of the scientific process. It's not just the basic scientific method you learned in high school. The whole process is very elaberate, I will try to dig up some articles on it for you.

  • @YovaKid
    @YovaKid 12 років тому

    The original name is "The Goddamned Particle" But the original publisher for Professor Higgs thought it was too offense to publish. So, the publisher and editor had it changed to "The God Particle".

  • @jlc012
    @jlc012 12 років тому

    It reminds me of the phrase "our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure". I stand in awe of the power of the human mind.

  • @Alessandro-B
    @Alessandro-B 12 років тому

    What's the use of computers, planes, cars, tvs, satellites etc etc. Maybe you need to ask yrself: 'What is the point of yr sad life?"

  • @shadowmax889
    @shadowmax889 12 років тому

    Not at all. If you have mass and want to accelerate to the speed of light you gain mass in the process, but if you do not have mass you can go at the speed of light very easy

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    at which point did you see me defending islam?
    you brought up the bible so i referred to the bible.
    your strawman will be burned down quickly round these parts.

  • @maujo2009
    @maujo2009 12 років тому

    I´m a Physics grad student and I´m extremely interested in having access to that seminar/announcement at the end. Does anyone know where to have access to it?

  • @tuseroni
    @tuseroni 12 років тому

    what does the word genesis being greek have to do with anything? you specifically cited genesis 1:14 so his comment about the book of genesis was justified.

  • @LiliFromHali
    @LiliFromHali 12 років тому

    Have you seen the view count on an sxephil when it's just 20 mins old? And the fact that this is a small channel kinda proves my point, don't cha think?

  • @Martial-Mat
    @Martial-Mat 12 років тому

    That journalist thing had to be the worst analogy of all time.

  • @Trunkerad
    @Trunkerad 12 років тому

    At 6:34, it's very difficult for me to take their hard work and extreme dedication seriously with the presentation being in Comic Sans...

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    the boson particle sounds fascinating. So larger particles move through this boson field and are slowed down by it which gives them mass?

  • @poorkinghaggard
    @poorkinghaggard 12 років тому

    It will be interesting to see if this tells us anything new about how gravity works, since gravity and mass seem to be connected somehow.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    sorry! heat of the moment, thought you were the other guy! apologies!
    need to stop commenting on videos after a couple of jacks...

  • @parisruiz1
    @parisruiz1 12 років тому

    you are right my friend, thanks for sharing this.. i never liked that name 'god', i dont like make believe.

  • @zpgJiggleBilly
    @zpgJiggleBilly 12 років тому

    they already have them, but they figured if most people can't drive on the ground, what would it be like if they could fly.

  • @shadowmax889
    @shadowmax889 12 років тому

    "they're supposed to be able to understand this" You are right they are supposed to, but sadly, the mayority of time, they dont

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    What exactly do you want out of this conversation? What did you expect? You came here knowing you would get in a huge argument.

  • @LiliFromHali
    @LiliFromHali 12 років тому

    An sxephil video gets a million + views and a thousand + likes. This video gets 233 views and 25 likes. I weep for humanity.

  • @civwarfan
    @civwarfan 12 років тому

    Where do I know Joe Incandela's voice from? FFRF podcast? Or The Infidel Guy Show? I know that voice!!!!

  • @jlc012
    @jlc012 12 років тому

    To the reporter. Well let me make an analogy you might get. If YOU were a particle YOU would have zero mass. Clear enough?

  • @Myxril
    @Myxril 12 років тому

    Sad, but true. Fortunately, Science is based on scrutinizing, more or less. Even if it's being scrutinized by stupidity.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    i'm afraid you're not my type, plus it would be unfair to take advantage of someone who clearly has learning difficulties.

  • @Seymour13
    @Seymour13 12 років тому

    'Cause it'll make the religious think that it's somehow related to god and proof of god (particularly; their specific god).

  • @Jshect
    @Jshect 12 років тому

    alright then, what do you know about science? I just assumed you didn't know much when you said myths were better.

  • @sj0nnie
    @sj0nnie 12 років тому

    Cant wait for the first videos to come online saying "Science discovers proof of Jesus in space."

  • @Ignorantf00l
    @Ignorantf00l 12 років тому

    what the hell is that 9th planet in these pictures? Is that pluto that non planet drawn mosterously out of scale?

  • @xi399x
    @xi399x 12 років тому

    "CERN Discovers Higgs-like Boson"
    That is not what everyone else has reported. Thanks for being honest.

  • @sniffableandirresistble
    @sniffableandirresistble 12 років тому

    it took so long in exhaustive human terms but to all those who contributed to this discovery. thank you

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    so how long did you spend talking to the canned fish? 2? 3 hours? i hope it was enlightening for you.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    it's sad day for them and their 'god of the gaps', he must be getting really claustrophobic by now.

  • @irtehpwn09
    @irtehpwn09 12 років тому

    the higgs boson decays, breaks down, leaving its bits in the space around it creating a field.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    i'm not the one who holds conversations with sardines in order to determine their level of wit.

  • @kluten07
    @kluten07 12 років тому

    They found it? Great! By the way it's mine, i've lost it 13.72 billion years ago. Thx CERN.

  • @STOG01
    @STOG01 12 років тому

    Just a bit of trollin' - Most computers in that presentation room were not Apple products ^^

  • @JacksInn
    @JacksInn 12 років тому

    Same thing with putting the idea of a "code" into genetics. Stupid, stupid way to express it.

  • @shadowmax889
    @shadowmax889 12 років тому

    but the journalist get it, and that is important so they can't screw the story as always

  • @kulutres
    @kulutres 12 років тому

    It's sort of the last part of a model that will validate every other part of the model.

  • @EntinludeX
    @EntinludeX 12 років тому

    Makes for hilarious conversations about prophets & flying chariots of fire.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 12 років тому

    there's no point in even talking to that guy, he thinks science involves faith.

  • @etatauri
    @etatauri 12 років тому

    This must be like explaining the wave particle duality to laymen back in the 50s

  • @dsjoakim35
    @dsjoakim35 12 років тому

    For some reason I think Peter Higgs should be robbing casinos with Danny Ocean.

  • @JoeyTube
    @JoeyTube 12 років тому

    Hey, I didn't know James Coburn was the director general of CERN... =)