We Are One #1 | Meher Baba | In conversation with Cyrus M. Khambata, disciple of Meher Baba

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Meher Baba was born into a Zoroastrian family of Persian descent. He was educated in Pune and attended Deccan College there, where at the age of 19 he met an aged Muslim woman, Hazrat Babajan, the first of five “Perfect Masters” (spiritually enlightened or “God-realized” persons). Meher Baba said that he was the Avatar of the Age - interpreting that term to mean the periodic incarnation of God in human form.
    “I am the same Ancient One come again into your midst,” he told his disciples, declaring that all major religions are revelations of “the One Reality which is God.”
    Meher Baba’s cosmology may be summarized as follows: the goal of all life is to realize the absolute oneness of God.
    His Tomb-Shrine is inscribed with his mission statement - “I have come not to Teach, but to Awaken.”
    A visit to Meherabad in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India can precipitate inner transmutation and turn the page of one’s life, if only one approaches with an open heart. And miracles do happen.
    While Meher Baba dictated several works during his physical ministry, such as ‘God Speaks’, ‘Beams from Meher Baba on the Spiritual Panorama’, ‘Discourses’, ‘Life at Its Best’, ‘The Everything and the Nothing’, ‘The Path of Love’, ‘Sparks from Meher Baba’ and few more, Meher Baba never sought to form a sect or proclaim a dogma. He attracted and welcomed followers of many faiths and every social class with a message emphasizing love and service, the elimination of the selfish ego, and the potential of realizing God within themselves.


  • @tamarakowli628
    @tamarakowli628 Місяць тому +3

  • @pankaj2403
    @pankaj2403 Місяць тому +3

    Thank you Anu for creating this sacred space for seekers and truth-lovers. I look forward to tuning in and absorbing the wisdom you'll be sharing. May your podcast touch hearts, minds, and souls, and may it be a beacon of light on the journey to self-discovery.

    • @DecodewithAnu
      @DecodewithAnu  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you so much for your support!

  • @chittaranjangangde6250
    @chittaranjangangde6250 Місяць тому +2

    Wonderful ❤ jai Meher Baba

  • @chittaranjangangde6250
    @chittaranjangangde6250 Місяць тому +2

    Very nice narration jai Meher Baba ❤❤❤

  • @ganeshshenoy1102
    @ganeshshenoy1102 7 днів тому

    Jai Meharbaba🙏

  • @leelaantony1251
    @leelaantony1251 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you baba 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you Cyrus sir🙏🙏

  • @rustomdotivala9018
    @rustomdotivala9018 Місяць тому +2

    Brilliant talk

  • @akshaychoudhari007
    @akshaychoudhari007 Місяць тому +1

    Loving ❤
    Jai Baba

  • @DwijayBane
    @DwijayBane Місяць тому +1

    Beautiful exchange of love and remembrance ❤

  • @growingwithtashi
    @growingwithtashi Місяць тому +1

    We are one 🌹✨ so beautiful insights of meherbaba 🌻

  • @namitaheble7476
    @namitaheble7476 Місяць тому +1

    Beautiful narration. Thank you Baba

  • @anthonybongiorno9870
    @anthonybongiorno9870 Місяць тому

    Thank you for this interview. Have been following Cyrus and Sonya on live stream and find their readings so helpful in understanding Meher Baba's God Speaks and other works. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai🙏

  • @aran4209
    @aran4209 Місяць тому +1

    Jai Baba! Thanks so much for this wonderful conversation.. Have been listening him for so many times at Meherabad 😊

  • @AlpeshPatel
    @AlpeshPatel Місяць тому +1

    Jai Baba ❤

  • @user-pz6xw7dk4l
    @user-pz6xw7dk4l Місяць тому

    Beautiful podcast
    Looking forward to more such discussions with Khambataji

  • @user-dq7fc3hg7g
    @user-dq7fc3hg7g Місяць тому

    tahe❤se, Jay meher baba ❤️🌹🌹❤️🙏

  • @udaysurya6428
    @udaysurya6428 Місяць тому

    Jai Meher Baba

  • @bdaraius
    @bdaraius 24 дні тому


  • @ramaraom2739
    @ramaraom2739 Місяць тому


  • @gretaaarons4941
    @gretaaarons4941 14 днів тому

    Please seek the truth through Jesus Christ. It is important in these times. Do call a Christian apologist or preacher.

    • @wisdom-peace
      @wisdom-peace 8 днів тому +1

      Meher Baba never asked nor encouraged people of other faiths including Christian’s to abandon nor neglect their own cherished beliefs and precious faith.
      Many Christian’s approached Baba, and what Baba taught them was to truly understand the heart and mind of Jesus Christ and to emulate the life of Christ in spirit and in truth. To eschew hypocrisy and superficiality. To eschew sectarianism, prejudice, bias and denominationalism.
      If you are a person of Christian faith then be a true Christian, a true follower and doer of the love, kindness and sympathetic understanding that was displayed by Christ Jesus. Jesus came to reveal the heart of God. Don’t be like the hypocritical Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’s time that killed the hearts of the people and weighed them down with misrepresentations of God and with dry, unsatisfying and powerless dogma, theology and hermeneutics.
      Follow your own path and let others be. There was only one Jesus Christ and there is only one Bible and yet there are thousands of Christian sects and denominations with diverse religious beliefs and ideologies! Perhaps you too have revised and changed and enhanced many of your previous religious ideas and beliefs. And why did you do this? Because you were not truly happy nor satisfied with the kind of teaching you were receiving. It was not honestly meeting the needs of your heart and mind; and they were not completely in tune with your God given conscience! Follow your own path and let others be. God doesn’t need your help. God knows how to reach and speak to each and every person in that way and manner that their hearts will be truly and wholeheartedly receptive and responsive to God! Receptive and Responsive to God, and not mere religiosity, superficial piety, denominationalism and sectarianism.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.
      Follow God according to your honest conviction and faith, and allow others to do the same.
      Perhaps what you call and understand as Christianity has not truly brought deep, settled and finalized peace and satisfaction to your heart and mind. You are still searching for a better and truer vision, experience and understanding of God. Perhaps that is why you are on this site listening to this video. Otherwise why are you here? You are not being completely honest with yourself. You are seeking. Continue to seek. Try to learn and discover Christ Jesus anew. Follow your own path and let others be. Allow others the same privilege you allot to yourself to change, adjust and enhance their views, understandings and beliefs just as you have over the course of weeks, months and years.
      There is no one size fit all religion. That is why there are thousands of Christians sects and denominations with varied and diverse views on all kinds of things and they all reason it out from the Bible! In Christianity there are all kinds of contradictory, arbitrary and sabotaging ideas and beliefs! What the various systems, sects and denominations of Christianity teach is one thing and what the true, actual, simple and direct teachings of Christ Jesus were another.
      People are different and they have different needs. Not only that, but God expects a person to be truthful and honest with themselves. God does not expect anyone to arbitrarily and artificially force themselves to profess belief and/or conviction in something that they honestly don’t and can’t believe in. Follow your own path and let others be.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.
      There is no teacher better than God himself. There is no need for preachers nor apologists. Entrust and surrender yourself to God alone and let God guide you. After doing that allow others to do the same.
      The reason you are here or came here is because you are still searching. You are not yet truly happy nor content with your spiritual life and outlook. How can you try to persuade others and invite others to that which you in its totality do not believe nor can believe? How can you offer others a satisfaction that you do not yet have for yourself?
      Be respectful towards others and their own cherished beliefs, and have faith in God. God is not working in the lives of others according to your agenda or your personal and individual religious ideas and beliefs. The true and living God; the God and Father of Jesus Christ is the universal God of all creation and beings. Human beings create religions and religious systems. God has asked only loving kindness, rectitude, sincerity, truthfulness and humility from us. That is all that is needed and required.
      Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto Me, and I will show you [I will reveal to you] great and mighty [wondrous, wonderful and remarkable things and secrets] that you do not know [that you did not know].”
      Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in Him [alone].”
      Proverbs 2:2-5 “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to lovingly revere the Lord, and you will gain knowledge [direct experience and understanding] of God.”
      Song of Songs 6:3 “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.”
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.
      God is not a Christian, nor a Muslim nor a Hindu nor another name of religious affiliation. God is Love. God is a person. God is a person of love. Have you understood this? Have you understood this in a simple, direct, straightforward and experiential manner? Where there is love there can be no fear, worry nor anxiety. God is the supreme person of Love. Let God, let Love fill you and direct your path. Follow your heartfelt path sincerely and wholeheartedly and let others be. Follow your heartfelt path sincerely and wholeheartedly, and let others do the same.
      As God speaks to your own heart, mind and conscience, in like manner follow Him. Accord others the same privilege and right. God leads and guides each person uniquely. Never forget that.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by apologetics, preachings nor sermonizing but by love and compassion; practical and demonstrated love, tenderness, affection and compassion.
      There is no fear, insecurity nor intimidation in God. God is not a God of fear, insecurity nor intimidation. God is a person and being of understanding, sympathy and gentleness. God is a God of Love. God is Love. That which we call, experience and know as Love is nothing other than God.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by apologetics, preachings nor sermonizing but by love and compassion; practical and demonstrated love, tenderness, affection and compassion.
      Have no fear. Do not worry. Entrust and surrender yourself to the Lord and Friend of immeasurable beauty, boundless light and infinite radiant life just as you presently are, and in the fullest measure that you honestly are able to; that is sufficient and adequate. Be happy and confident. Give to Him not only your strengths, but also your weaknesses, doubts, fears, worries, anxieties, misunderstandings and insecurities. Turn it all over to Him, once and for all, including yourself and be done with it, and find ever-increasing and lasting peace, joy, happiness, wellbeing and love.
      When will you understand that God loves you, that He can do you no harm, and that He will never harm you?! He will never harm you! There is no malice, revengefulness, trickery, deception nor bitterness in God. Evil, harmfulness, cruelty and malice never arises in the heart-mind of God. When will you understand and accept in the simplest of terms that God is truly, entirely and completely love?! There is only good will and love in God. Love loves! Love must love! Love alone heals the heart. Love alone generates faith, trust and confidence. In His own way and time God will perfect you by and through love, in love, and for love. God loves you. You exist because of Him and for Him. He brought you forth to love you and do good to you and to fill you with joy and happiness. You exist to be the intimate companion, collaborator and friend of God. God did not create you to be a servant. God created you to be His intimate friend and companion, to receive His love and friendship and to reciprocate love and friendship.
      The Lord melts iron hearts not by forceful means but by love and compassion.