Dr Purvis, can you speak to those of us on the Autistim Spectrum or parents of kids with ASD regarding the hypersensitive sensory over load issues and autism... my centeral processing Disorder causes me to hear every thing around me and not habituate out the non-dangereous sounds. I tend to analyze almost all of the sounds i hear. Its not just a helicopter flying over head. i often know what make of helicopter by the rotor rythem and noise etc. it the plane climbing under full power or ideling etc.
Dr Purvis, can you speak to those of us on the Autistim Spectrum or parents of kids with ASD regarding the hypersensitive sensory over load issues and autism... my centeral processing Disorder causes me to hear every thing around me and not habituate out the non-dangereous sounds. I tend to analyze almost all of the sounds i hear. Its not just a helicopter flying over head. i often know what make of helicopter by the rotor rythem and noise etc. it the plane climbing under full power or ideling etc.
Ray Bankes dr purvis passed 2 years ago . If you contact TCU they would be more then happy to help