I love the Mora Robust, I bought that knife for both of my sons, and when we camped I found myself using their knives instead of my own. Your mods are very nice, love the video!
it's nice to see someone actually demonstrate the mods they make instead of just putting things on a knife and saying there you go. i like seen the mod, and then showing how you use it. very good!
Hey Simon. Great mod! I use a Mora too, with a piece of copper in the handle, cut off the belt clip, and wear it as a neck knife. Thanks for sharing. ATB, Tom.
+wikto5 Fiu, fiu... Dzięki, chociaż myślę, że jeszcze sporo mi brakuje :) Tak, jestem Polakiem i nawet kilka ostatnich moich filmików zrobiłem po polsku.
fajnie fajnie :) ja w swoim Robuście wywigerciłem dziurkę w tym czarnym plastiku na końcu rękojeści i przeciągnąłem paracord. robi robotę ;) pozdrawiam.
Great video. Is there any advantage to using the coin as the hand piece rather than just a piece of wood? Or have you just included it so you don't need to make one in the field.
+Almus Quotch There's a huge difference. Wood will always cost you a lot of trouble and a lot more energy than something like a stone or a piece of steel. It often heats up and smokes quicker than you hearth board, it wears out fast and cause the spindle to jam... It's the worst option possible but sometimes it's the only way. Unless you have you handhold on you all the time :)
Video is about a year old now that i am watching and enjoyed, seems i, like your self tend to make the knife and or sheath my own by adding or removing things to make it better at least in my way of thinking. I whole heartily agree the mora high Q robust would be hard to beat, i have several Mora's as well as a truck load of other brands of bush craft, survival knifes . Did i perhaps miss something in your video on the coin being used as part of your bow drill? That was the reason i continued watching thinking it would be used, so a little disappointing, i hadn't heard of any one using a coin at this point in time. Glad you showed correct length in your bow so folks just starting out will not have to fight with that problem, Thanks for your time making video and i will watch your others and maybe pick up a trick or two and perhaps even see you using your coin. I will never claim to be an expert in the wilds, but I'm not afraid to be there with minimal tools. Also as i watch for perhaps better way of doing things your way, if i think i have something that i feel is working well for me i will pass it on to you to give it a try. As i look at bush craft, survival, camping etc. i feel as if we are a family of same mind, enjoying the wonderful times in the great out doors. And yet as we enjoy our times out doors we can never know when our fun turns into a time of troubles and need to use all our skills to be able to stay alive and be able to return to the enjoyment of the out of doors. So in closing i say enjoy our times and memory's and teach our youth what we have knowledge of, stay safe, leave our sites cleaner than we found them, never be unprepared for what might happen. As they say in Murphys law, IF IT CAN HAPPEN, IT WILL, God Bless
+Gene Sauerbry Thank you very much. I used the coin to reinforce the plastic sheath so that it wouldn't melt from all the drilling. You can see in in the thumbnail and in the video as I'm using the bow drill. It's essentially the bearing block for the bow drill.
Say Heah Simon, How are You. fine I hope. Once I found out that my Hockey Skates were made out of the 12Cr27 Sandvik Stainless, and that Mora uses that stainless steel on their knives, I have no problem using their Stainless Steel Knives, One of my Fav's is my Mora 2000, I teamed it with the Mora Hatchet and I added a Bacho Laplander Saw to make a nice Lite Trio that I used alot almost all spring, I also used a makeshift camp foldover purse into my Haversack and I carry my other C's in it. I bought three if those camo purses for I think either $2.95 or & 3.95 apiece, I didn't think they would last that's why I bought three, But the first one after a few years now is still going strong. But then I found out the Military uses the Mora 2000, It's a unusual Grind, It's a Scandi towards the handle and a Flat Grind towards the tip and for what I use a knife for in the bush, It works great for me, It's easy to sharpen regardless of the two grinds, I also like how it looks and it matches the other tools in their color, So to me it's a near perfect match, My set is in green, but you can make a Trio in orange too a hi-viz. Nice saying Say Heah, I enjoy your videos.
Easy, Just start at the Scandi Grind and continue that angle, It's actually very easy no matter what sharpening system you use. I like using my Work Sharp because with a belt grinder, It gives and I get a beautiful convex, So on a Scandi, I get a Beautiful Scandi Vex, on a Saber a Saber Vex, Even on a Full Flat, I get a Vex secondary, But Yeah, They know how to design that Mora 2000, Or it would never be used by the Military, But it also works wood great.
Nice modification of the sheath Simon. Lets face it, Mora's are cheap enough that if you try something like this, and it goes wrong, then it wont have cost you too much money!!
+MrTatts64 That's right. And that's why you see the same knife being used and abused in many of my videos. I still haven't been able to damage it beyond repair. And boy, have I tried..! :)
The piece of Metal in the Knife will be get warm, Ballbearings stay cool. If you had wet conditions by drilling, it will be a problem, because it will take a long time to get a fire. Sorry for my English...
Instead of doing knot halfway down the string...do a bowline knot at the forked end and use the end you poked a hole through to adjust tightness. The video was about your knife and mods, yet you used the awl...kind of defeats the point don't you think?
did you see the methode from a guy named buntbär? he uses another way fixing the string on his drillstick....thanks for the advise, not to place the coin in the grip....
The SAK is there for convenience. It's not necessary. You can use your shoe laces but the whole rig and the idea of this so called 'ultimate survival knife' is based on the cordage being attached to your sheath.
You don't. I made that hole because I could and wanted to. You don't need it to make a bowdrill. Besides, the whole thing is a bit of a joke. That's why the entire phrase 'The Ultimate Survival Knife' is in quotation marks.
+Simon's Discoveries in hindsight a penny is considerably cheaper than a bearing but if you have a bearing laying around Workshop it might be useful however bearing has moving parts and so it requires some care to at least keep it a little penny is probably the best bet
Moim zdaniem, każdy nóż, który będziemy mieli przy sobie podczas kryzysowej sytuacji możemy nazwać survivalowym... Zaś modyfikacje noża, m.in. te poczynione przez ciebie możemy uznać za niezwykle pomocne w takowej sytuacji. Oczywiście jeśli w sytuacji kryzysowej znajdziesz się ze swoją Morą, a nie bez niej - np. w samych gaciach :D
Krul Mateusz Niektórzy twierdzą wręcz, że nóż surwiwalowy, to taki, który mamy przy sobie kiedy akurat musimy coś przetrwać. Dlatego taka Mora jest często w praktyce bardziej surwiwalowa niż te wszystkie półkilowe kosy, których tak naprawdę nikt nie nosi bo są za ciężkie, za duże, zbyt nieporęczne itp.
Krul Mateusz Piszesz, że każdy nóż będzie survivalowy, jeśli masz go przy sobie. Napisałem kiedyś coś podobnego na jakimś forum nożowym,czy survivalowym, bo używam KS wz.98 w terenie, to myślałem, że mnie zadepczą i zakopią :-) Mój nóż, tnie rąbie, dłubie, kopie w ziemi, struga obiera i otwiera konserwy. Zarzucili mnie jakimiś cyframi o stali, o jakości i miękkości itp. Wiem, że KS nie jest najlepszym nożem świata, ale w terenie daje radę i fajnie wygląda :)
The Bushcraft Black may be the worst excuse for a knife in the last twenty years. Nothing about it is good in the wild. It's all gimmick and no show. The only sillier, more overpriced knife Mora makes is the Garberg. Both these knives are made for people who believe advertisers always tell the truth, but who know pretty much nothing about the wilderness. I seriously doubt there's a worse choice in the world for a survival knife, or a bushcraft knife, or a hunting knife, than the Bushcraft Black.
I rate it is an excellent knife and very reasonably priced. I have done everything from survival courses, processing small to medium game, general field utility work and bush crafting with mine. It is the knife I most often go to for such tasks. It sharpens easily, holds a good edge, is comfortable to use and very rugged. Then again what would I know about the wilderness or knives being a retired combat vet and SERE instructor and having hunted, hiked and fished for the past 3 decades.....
+cottojn Yes, he is :) I think you missed the point here. Some call it redundancy. Two is one, one is none. I even say - 'let's assume I lost the ferro rod' - to demonstrate how the bowdrill works with the bearing block. Thanks for watching.
J. C. He’s probably got a bic lighter too but that doesn’t mean he can’t show another method of starting a fire, just because some idiot (like yourself) can’t appreciate that it doesn’t mean someone out there won’t benefit from the demonstration
There is nothing that is ultimate with a Mora hahaha:-)) your funny. They are throw away knives here in Norway. We use them in the kindergarden,school and for workers. And maybe some people who dont know anything about knives in general. And the steel is way soft and crappy. But i get the point.
PolskiNóż Nie tylko Anglicy mówią po angielsku. Tylko Polacy mówią po polsku :) Oglądają mnie Amerykanie, Kanadyjczycy, Brytyjczycy, Australijczycy, Nowa Zelandia, RPA, no i wszyscy inni, którzy mówią po Angielsku bo się tego języka uczyli w szkole. Są Rosjanie, Czesi, Słowacy, Meksykanie, Niemcy, Szwedzi, Brazylijczycy, itp. itd. Nawet Arabia Saudyjska się czasem trafi ale największy ruch mam ze Stanów, Kanady, UK i Polski.
Ale czy na pewno jest ich więcej niż Polaków? I czy Polacy mają czytać polskie napisy zamiast słuchać polskiego? No cóż, to jest twój kanał, mimo to ja na pewno bym robił filmy mówiąc po polsku, i wcale nie tak duże angielskiego pisać...
PolskiNóż Zdecydowanie więcej. Samych amerykańskich widzów mam 35%. Polskich 20%. Do Ameryki trzeba dodać Kanadę, UK, Australię, Nową Zelandię, RPA i całą resztę świata, z której spora część i tak mówi po angielsku... Zakładając ten kanał nie mieszkałem już w Polsce więc robiłbym sobie niedźwiedzią przysługę idąc pod prąd. Polska, to bardzo duża i ważna część mojej widowni ale nie największa, a do tego ja sam mieszkam w USA.
Yes, I also used a camera. And never claimed I was in a survival situation while shooting this video. It's a demonstration of a survival skill. For some it's just a hobby, for others something more.
I love the Mora Robust, I bought that knife for both of my sons, and when we camped I found myself using their knives instead of my own. Your mods are very nice, love the video!
+Jonah Chaddon It's a great knife. Thank you.
it's nice to see someone actually demonstrate the mods they make instead of just putting things on a knife and saying there you go. i like seen the mod, and then showing how you use it. very good!
+john drury Thanks. I thought it'd be nice to show how it works :)
Love Mora knives and this is a fantastic modification! Thanks for sharing.
I like them too. Thanks for watching.
I agree
The coin mod is so simple and effective -- thanks for sharing it, and for a clear demonstration.
Random Button Pusher You're welcome :) Thanks for watching.
seriously unfair i haven't found your channel before now. great stuff!
+Surviving Denmark Thank you and thanks for watching :)
That is a genius sheath mod. Well done!
+Scott Bell I like it too. Thanks :)
Great Video & Mods Dude. Keep up the great work. Nick.
+Nicholas Aarons (Nick Mini) Thank you :)
fancy bow man, love it! thanks for sharing the mods you did...
i really enjoy your videos...keep them coming!
cri sis Thank you. I appreciate you watching :)
Good bow drill demo. Take care
Nice mod tips Simon. Thumbs up!
+aHigher Power Thank you.
Hey Simon.
Great mod! I use a Mora too, with a piece of copper in the handle, cut off the belt clip, and wear it as a neck knife.
Thanks for sharing.
ATB, Tom.
Bushcraft Tom Hello and thanks for watching. I wear some moras on my neck too but those are mostly the lighter ones like the classic series.
hej! Zarąbisty patent! Zwłaszcza ta moneta. Dzięki! Pozdrówki!
+Pawel Dudzinski I jeszcze działa jak marzenie :) Dzięki i również pozdrawiam.
Very good video!
Donny B Thank you. Glad you liked it. Thanks for watching :)
Have that knife and love it. Funny though, every time I use it I think 'wow, what a great knife'. Going to try that coin mod though.
It's a lot of fun to make and use it :)
świetna modyfikacja tego noża.
Adam Nowak dzięki :)
Like your idea.and the bike tube I drilled a 1/4 in hole back of handle for lanard
+Mike Townsend Thanks.
Jesteś polakiem ? Bo jak cię słucham noto słysze prawdziwego amerykanina/anglika . Propsy za angielski ! Pozdrawiam :D
+wikto5 Fiu, fiu... Dzięki, chociaż myślę, że jeszcze sporo mi brakuje :) Tak, jestem Polakiem i nawet kilka ostatnich moich filmików zrobiłem po polsku.
:) właśnie obejrzałem tamte filmiki :P według mnie kanał naprawde dobry ! subik leci ! pozdrawiam :D
wikto5 Dzięki i również pozdrawiam.
fajnie fajnie :) ja w swoim Robuście wywigerciłem dziurkę w tym czarnym plastiku na końcu rękojeści i przeciągnąłem paracord. robi robotę ;) pozdrawiam.
+Wojciech Sędzielowski Da radę bo tam już nie ma metalu. Dzięki i również pozdrawiam.
thanx a lot.
I love that knife. ....
Me too :)
Great video.
Is there any advantage to using the coin as the hand piece rather than just a piece of wood? Or have you just included it so you don't need to make one in the field.
+Almus Quotch There's a huge difference. Wood will always cost you a lot of trouble and a lot more energy than something like a stone or a piece of steel. It often heats up and smokes quicker than you hearth board, it wears out fast and cause the spindle to jam... It's the worst option possible but sometimes it's the only way. Unless you have you handhold on you all the time :)
Video is about a year old now that i am watching and enjoyed, seems i, like your self tend to make the knife and or sheath my own by adding or removing things to make it better at least in my way of thinking. I whole heartily agree the mora high Q robust would be hard to beat, i have several Mora's as well as a truck load of other brands of bush craft, survival knifes . Did i perhaps miss something in your video on the coin being used as part of your bow drill? That was the reason i continued watching thinking it would be used, so a little disappointing, i hadn't heard of any one using a coin at this point in time.
Glad you showed correct length in your bow so folks just starting out will not have to fight with that problem, Thanks for your time making video and i will watch your others and maybe pick up a trick or two and perhaps even see you using your coin.
I will never claim to be an expert in the wilds, but I'm not afraid to be there with minimal tools.
Also as i watch for perhaps better way of doing things your way, if i think i have something that i feel is working well for me i will pass it on to you to give it a try. As i look at bush craft, survival, camping etc. i feel as if we are a family of same mind, enjoying the wonderful times in the great out doors. And yet as we enjoy our times out doors we can never know when our fun turns into a time of troubles and need to use all our skills to be able to stay alive and be able to return to the enjoyment of the out of doors.
So in closing i say enjoy our times and memory's and teach our youth what we have knowledge of, stay safe, leave our sites cleaner than we found them, never be unprepared for what might happen. As they say in Murphys law, IF IT CAN HAPPEN, IT WILL, God Bless
+Gene Sauerbry Thank you very much. I used the coin to reinforce the plastic sheath so that it wouldn't melt from all the drilling. You can see in in the thumbnail and in the video as I'm using the bow drill. It's essentially the bearing block for the bow drill.
Simon Discorys, that cool, thanks man, see you later
Very cool brother!!! Thank you for sharing!!! I dnt know why Im yelling!!!???!!! Lol
+John K. Eich Bushcraft. :) Thank you and thanks for watching.
Yes sir!!!
goodbi99 Thank you.
Brilliant idea. Have to modify my Mora too. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed to your channel too. Atb Christian
Thank you and thanks for watching.
good idea...
Thank you
Say Heah Simon, How are You. fine I hope. Once I found out that my Hockey Skates were made out of the 12Cr27 Sandvik Stainless, and that Mora uses that stainless steel on their knives, I have no problem using their Stainless Steel Knives, One of my Fav's is my Mora 2000, I teamed it with the Mora Hatchet and I added a Bacho Laplander Saw to make a nice Lite Trio that I used alot almost all spring, I also used a makeshift camp foldover purse into my Haversack and I carry my other C's in it. I bought three if those camo purses for I think either $2.95 or & 3.95 apiece, I didn't think they would last that's why I bought three, But the first one after a few years now is still going strong. But then I found out the Military uses the Mora 2000, It's a unusual Grind, It's a Scandi towards the handle and a Flat Grind towards the tip and for what I use a knife for in the bush, It works great for me, It's easy to sharpen regardless of the two grinds, I also like how it looks and it matches the other tools in their color, So to me it's a near perfect match, My set is in green, but you can make a Trio in orange too a hi-viz. Nice saying Say Heah, I enjoy your videos.
I'm very well. Thanks :) Yeah, I remember that green mora with its funny grind :) Was wondering how it would sharpen.
Easy, Just start at the Scandi Grind and continue that angle, It's actually very easy no matter what sharpening system you use. I like using my Work Sharp because with a belt grinder, It gives and I get a beautiful convex, So on a Scandi, I get a Beautiful Scandi Vex, on a Saber a Saber Vex, Even on a Full Flat, I get a Vex secondary, But Yeah, They know how to design that Mora 2000, Or it would never be used by the Military, But it also works wood great.
See what i mean dude, i see you under every single video i watch, xD
@Thomas Cooper I've seen those belt buttons but can't find them now. Damn it! I'll let you know as soon as I remember.
Awesome idea! With which glue did you fix the coin?
Draenor Thanks :) At first I didn't even use any glue. I just melted it in. But it started loosening and I think I gave it a bit of superglue.
sweet idea
Bush Brother Thank you. Glad you liked it.
Nice modification of the sheath Simon. Lets face it, Mora's are cheap enough that if you try something like this, and it goes wrong, then it wont have cost you too much money!!
+MrTatts64 That's right. And that's why you see the same knife being used and abused in many of my videos. I still haven't been able to damage it beyond repair. And boy, have I tried..! :)
My garberg black was cheap? This guy must be rich.
What Kind Of Birds Are Singing There ? Thank You For A reply.
There's quite a few european birds in this video. That was before I moved to the US. Blackcaps, robins and possibly blackbirds and song thrushes.
super pozdrawiam
+Miłosz Kaczorowski Dzięki :)
Not a knife I'd ever trust with my life, but still a very good knife for its intended purpose.
The piece of Metal in the Knife will be get warm, Ballbearings stay cool. If you had wet conditions by drilling, it will be a problem, because it will take a long time to get a fire. Sorry for my English...
sorry Simon Google dropped a lot of my subs but I'm back great mods on the robust sheath
+kabaruser Thanks and thank you for joining me again.
Wear can buy it in my country I can't find it.
What country is it?
You could probably even make a Fällknive DC3 on the sheath, than you even can sharpen is everywhere.
Yup. I've seen people do that to Hultafors' sheath.
Instead of doing knot halfway down the string...do a bowline knot at the forked end and use the end you poked a hole through to adjust tightness.
The video was about your knife and mods, yet you used the awl...kind of defeats the point don't you think?
More upvotes deserved
did you see the methode from a guy named buntbär? he uses another way fixing the string on his drillstick....thanks for the advise, not to place the coin in the grip....
+Waldschrat No, I don't think I have seen his channel. Will check him out. Thanks.
You have a firesteel!!
Yes. I'm also in a park and not lost. It's just a demonstration :)
Like the old Robust better. New Pro is OK but just like the blade and handle of the old one better.
+Dan Kress Sadly, they're not making them anymore as far as I know.
Put in a Stainless Steel Ball Beraring. Greetings from Germany!
КРУТО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** благодаря :)
That Fire Starter Has Been Around For 1 Billion Years. If All Else Fails , Shoot Your Flaregun Toward The Massive Jet Flying Over Your Head !
Ah the swiss army knife...always useful...
Огниво?Нет, не слыхал!
Алексей В Спасибо за просмотр
What If I Lost My Swiss Army Knife And Had No String ?
The SAK is there for convenience. It's not necessary. You can use your shoe laces but the whole rig and the idea of this so called 'ultimate survival knife' is based on the cordage being attached to your sheath.
discontinued and replaced by www.moraofsweden.se/allround/morakniv-robust-50.0.527.2
+Cain0078 You can still buy it.
No, not in sweden... but it's ok, already have two.
So... for your ultimate survival knife to work, you need another knife? How is that "ultimate"?
You don't. I made that hole because I could and wanted to. You don't need it to make a bowdrill. Besides, the whole thing is a bit of a joke. That's why the entire phrase 'The Ultimate Survival Knife' is in quotation marks.
Sorry Bearing...
use a skateboard bearing instead of a coin
I don't have one :)
+Simon's Discoveries in hindsight a penny is considerably cheaper than a bearing but if you have a bearing laying around Workshop it might be useful however bearing has moving parts and so it requires some care to at least keep it a little penny is probably the best bet
Richard Bucker It may not be perfectly ergonomic but it's definitely cheaper and easier to find.
You will drill much more Faster!
No need for all that work when you have a fero rod at your disposal.
I also had a lighter but that wasn't the point of the video.
sri lanka.
Sorry, I have no idea but I'm sure you can get one online. eBay or something like that.
Modyfikacje praktyczne, ale mało estetyczne.
Krul Mateusz Dlatego nazywam to nożem surwiwalowym a nie pokazowym :)
Oczywiście on jest tak raczej z przymrużeniem oka surwiwalowy. Chociaż...
Moim zdaniem, każdy nóż, który będziemy mieli przy sobie podczas kryzysowej sytuacji możemy nazwać survivalowym...
Zaś modyfikacje noża, m.in. te poczynione przez ciebie możemy uznać za niezwykle pomocne w takowej sytuacji.
Oczywiście jeśli w sytuacji kryzysowej znajdziesz się ze swoją Morą, a nie bez niej - np. w samych gaciach :D
Krul Mateusz Niektórzy twierdzą wręcz, że nóż surwiwalowy, to taki, który mamy przy sobie kiedy akurat musimy coś przetrwać. Dlatego taka Mora jest często w praktyce bardziej surwiwalowa niż te wszystkie półkilowe kosy, których tak naprawdę nikt nie nosi bo są za ciężkie, za duże, zbyt nieporęczne itp.
Krul Mateusz Piszesz, że każdy nóż będzie survivalowy, jeśli masz go przy sobie. Napisałem kiedyś coś podobnego na jakimś forum nożowym,czy survivalowym, bo używam KS wz.98 w terenie, to myślałem, że mnie zadepczą i zakopią :-) Mój nóż, tnie rąbie, dłubie, kopie w ziemi, struga obiera i otwiera konserwy. Zarzucili mnie jakimiś cyframi o stali, o jakości i miękkości itp. Wiem, że KS nie jest najlepszym nożem świata, ale w terenie daje radę i fajnie wygląda :)
Może nie będę oryginalny, ale jest cała masa lepszych noży niż ten wz.98. Ale każdy nóż, jest lepszy niż żaden.
Hmmmm wz98 gruss aus Deutschland
If you want a Mora survival knife just buy the Bushcraft black survvial model.....
The Bushcraft Black may be the worst excuse for a knife in the last twenty years. Nothing about it is good in the wild. It's all gimmick and no show. The only sillier, more overpriced knife Mora makes is the Garberg.
Both these knives are made for people who believe advertisers always tell the truth, but who know pretty much nothing about the wilderness. I seriously doubt there's a worse choice in the world for a survival knife, or a bushcraft knife, or a hunting knife, than the Bushcraft Black.
I rate it is an excellent knife and very reasonably priced. I have done everything from survival courses, processing small to medium game, general field utility work and bush crafting with mine. It is the knife I most often go to for such tasks. It sharpens easily, holds a good edge, is comfortable to use and very rugged. Then again what would I know about the wilderness or knives being a retired combat vet and SERE instructor and having hunted, hiked and fished for the past 3 decades.....
why do you think the garberg and bushcraft black are the worst Knifes for Surivival /bushcraft? What are then the better ones or the best?
Is this guy serious? Why go through all that trouble when he got a striker, ummm yeah!
+cottojn Yes, he is :) I think you missed the point here. Some call it redundancy. Two is one, one is none. I even say - 'let's assume I lost the ferro rod' - to demonstrate how the bowdrill works with the bearing block. Thanks for watching.
J. C. He’s probably got a bic lighter too but that doesn’t mean he can’t show another method of starting a fire, just because some idiot (like yourself) can’t appreciate that it doesn’t mean someone out there won’t benefit from the demonstration
There is nothing that is ultimate with a Mora hahaha:-)) your funny. They are throw away knives here in Norway. We use them in the kindergarden,school and for workers. And maybe some people who dont know anything about knives in general. And the steel is way soft and crappy. But i get the point.
Pisać byś mógł po angielsku, a gadać po polsku :)
+PolskiNóż Gdyby proporcje widzów były odwrotne, to owszem :)
A więcej jest Anglików? Nie wierzę...
PolskiNóż Nie tylko Anglicy mówią po angielsku. Tylko Polacy mówią po polsku :) Oglądają mnie Amerykanie, Kanadyjczycy, Brytyjczycy, Australijczycy, Nowa Zelandia, RPA, no i wszyscy inni, którzy mówią po Angielsku bo się tego języka uczyli w szkole. Są Rosjanie, Czesi, Słowacy, Meksykanie, Niemcy, Szwedzi, Brazylijczycy, itp. itd. Nawet Arabia Saudyjska się czasem trafi ale największy ruch mam ze Stanów, Kanady, UK i Polski.
Ale czy na pewno jest ich więcej niż Polaków? I czy Polacy mają czytać polskie napisy zamiast słuchać polskiego? No cóż, to jest twój kanał, mimo to ja na pewno bym robił filmy mówiąc po polsku, i wcale nie tak duże angielskiego pisać...
PolskiNóż Zdecydowanie więcej. Samych amerykańskich widzów mam 35%. Polskich 20%. Do Ameryki trzeba dodać Kanadę, UK, Australię, Nową Zelandię, RPA i całą resztę świata, z której spora część i tak mówi po angielsku... Zakładając ten kanał nie mieszkałem już w Polsce więc robiłbym sobie niedźwiedzią przysługę idąc pod prąd. Polska, to bardzo duża i ważna część mojej widowni ale nie największa, a do tego ja sam mieszkam w USA.
get a bic
It's like telling a painter to get a camera.
Simon's Discoveries yoi use a Suisse knife, why not a bic. This is not survival , it is only imagination . Have a very nice easter
Yes, I also used a camera. And never claimed I was in a survival situation while shooting this video. It's a demonstration of a survival skill. For some it's just a hobby, for others something more.
Simon's Discoveries be always happy