Make Noise QPAS Mimeophon + X-Pan Modules - SonicLAB Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @walrtbstudios5430
    @walrtbstudios5430 2 роки тому

    I’ve had the Mimeophon for several months, but didn’t know it could be used as a sound source. Thank you! (Now I have to go rtfm…)

  • @MrQurutin
    @MrQurutin 5 років тому +14

    Uploaded 43 seconds ago? UA-cam really knows what I like.

  • @strangemobius
    @strangemobius 5 років тому +1

    Will have all three of these soon enough....

    @JOEYMAGGZNETIC 5 років тому +3

    Truly amazing video, extremely well done.

  • @beenmicrophone5817
    @beenmicrophone5817 5 років тому +3

    Make Noise really have some incredible visual design! it ain't practical, but god damn it's sexy.

  • @MisterNiles
    @MisterNiles 5 років тому

    Nice. Another confirmation that I need a Mimeophon. I buy all Make Noise modules anyway. I'm just looking forward to adding it to my Frippertronics style looping. It seems like something that will add a nice atmosphere to my looping. I can't wait to get full loops from my line 6 into a large buffer and then switch to different zones, capture those in the Morphagene post QPAS and then reprocess. Should be cool.
    As far as QPAS taking over.... I almost sold the damn thing because every patch I did with it became the QPAS show. I finally overcame its lush, syrupy allure and started using more it more subtly and as a more integral part of my patching.
    Thanks for the video.

  • @triplebacon1
    @triplebacon1 5 років тому

    Real nice Demo,I enjoyed that thanks! Amazing pieces of kit ;-)

  • @Dogboy73
    @Dogboy73 5 років тому +2

    I think my life could be very happy with these modules and a Morphagene. A lot of money there though.

    • @tristanawild380
      @tristanawild380 5 років тому +2

      Worth it, imo. The Morphagene is an instrument onto itself, nvm paired with additional stereo modules.

  • @liverawkstar
    @liverawkstar 4 роки тому

    Thank You
    What a great video--
    I want all of this, the second patch is especially awesome

  • @jonridley
    @jonridley 4 роки тому

    Really great review, i have the xpan which is great for making a mix sound separated and the mimeophon is arriving too. i already have a sister filter and will probably stick with that, you can get 2x distinctive outs from that anyway...

  • @hollownation
    @hollownation 5 років тому +2

    Total protonic reversal? That’s ghostbusters isn’t it? Don’t cross the streams :)

  • @electronicmorphine2636
    @electronicmorphine2636 5 років тому

    Great video for great modules! Thanks!

  • @krachwerkstatt8112
    @krachwerkstatt8112 5 років тому +1

    Thanks, great video. i actually wanted morphagene, now i am not sure:) i already have x pan , with the money of morphagene i can have the other 2, so what to do?

    • @Goldkalb
      @Goldkalb 5 років тому +1

      I´m actually in exact the same dilemma.... what to do - the struggle is real!

  • @mgscheue
    @mgscheue 5 років тому

    Ack, I want all three! Brilliant!

  • @fburton8
    @fburton8 5 років тому +2

    Total protonic reversal... How's that even possible??

  • @craigjohnrichardson7499
    @craigjohnrichardson7499 5 років тому

    we do possess 2 ears after all?!

  • @studio48nl
    @studio48nl 5 років тому

    I did enjoy it! Now you're done, will you send them please? (pretty please 🤗?)

  • @whitelightenergydads
    @whitelightenergydads 5 років тому +2

    Edd Butterworth can't be a real name

  • @CO5MA
    @CO5MA 5 років тому


  • @solitudeguard5688
    @solitudeguard5688 5 років тому


  • @Mark_Ocain
    @Mark_Ocain 5 років тому

    In at 1 minute and digging this

  • @bobafruti
    @bobafruti 5 років тому +1

    I’ve never heard someone talk about “filter cores”
    Using your computer too much?

    • @XanderEwald
      @XanderEwald 5 років тому +2

      It’s the terminology that Make Noise themselves use to describe the QPAS: A quad-core stereo filter.

  • @kentxx12
    @kentxx12 5 років тому

    The price kills the deal,by by greedy people :(

    • @XanderEwald
      @XanderEwald 5 років тому +4

      These are amazingly affordable considering the amount of functionality they offer. Nothing greedy here.

    • @BubbaSatori
      @BubbaSatori 5 років тому +1

      Why are they greedy people?

    @DOOMJESUS 5 років тому +2