
  • Опубліковано 8 бер 2007
  • Spot sito www.miodesopsie.it


  • @giovannifelaco2759
    @giovannifelaco2759 9 років тому +11

    È da tutta la vita che ne soffro pensavo di esserne l'unico,spero che un giorno si possa fare di più per noi che non possiamo osservare il celo

    • @SuperCanzoni
      @SuperCanzoni 9 років тому

      Al momento ci sono delle cure tra cui lo yag laser per eliminare sia la miopia che le miodesopsie ed esistono anche integratori a base di amminoacidi che alleviano le mosche volanti

    • @stefanodemontis9867
      @stefanodemontis9867 8 років тому

      +Maurizio Manna cazzata

    • @SuperCanzoni
      @SuperCanzoni 8 років тому

      Per gli integratori si ma per lo yag laser si può risolvere

    • @stefanodemontis9867
      @stefanodemontis9867 8 років тому

      +Maurizio Manna si .. lo yag lasera.. quello che provoca al 100% cataratta.. infezioni varie , distacco di retina , flash visivi e Scotomi? bella soluzione

    • @stefanodemontis9867
      @stefanodemontis9867 8 років тому

      +Stefano Demontis laser*

  • @nelmiomondo9231
    @nelmiomondo9231 8 років тому +11

    Una rottura...

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    PART 3 It took me a long time (again- because I worried so much about it) but one day I stopped and realized I hadn't thought about it in years. They were still there- but I just hadn't noticed them anymore. They really are nothing to be afraid of (although I do recommend going to your eye doctor or specialist and having them dialate your pupils and do a good check of your inner eye).

  • @tommasoflute
    @tommasoflute 15 років тому

    concordo con ciò che dici, anche io soffro di questo disturbo, ho 18 anni e credo di averlo da almeno 10, inizialmente non ho mai dato peso a quelle macchioline, ma l'anno scorso sono aumentate in modo considerevole e ho fatto una visita oculistica, tutto dipende dall'alimentazione, stress, stanchezza e ovviamente dall'intensità della luce. GLi occhiali da sole sono ottimi per dimenticare il problema.....

  • @KisukeAizen
    @KisukeAizen 15 років тому +1

    i drank heavily over a long period of time as a result of depression, recession and whole mix of other things. anyway at the end my floaters started to become more prominent. since ive drastically cut the drink however the damage has already been done. So little word of advice for those who have floaters, dont become an alcholic because it will get worse!. I wish i had never started drinking in the first place.

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    PART 1----I'm 30 years old now and I was 12 when I first started noticing these things. It freaked me out so bad that I had my parents take me to my eye doctor who broke it down for me. I wasn't satisfied with what he said so I saw a couple specialists. They all said the same thing. It's simply the vitreous gel in your eye breaking down (which happens to everybody) but in some cases small spots or threads of the gel get caught in the fluid and that is when you see floaters.

  • @edoardofabbrizioli87
    @edoardofabbrizioli87 10 років тому +2

    Un bel fardello!

  • @giuseppe84ss
    @giuseppe84ss 13 років тому

    @abdboji yes, there're not medicine or treatments. The opticians say only to drink more water and try to accustom oneself to them.

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    By the time I was about 15 or so I started to forget about it- not because that's easy to do- but because when enough time goes by (and again- I was very young and we're talking about years) you do just naturally start to forget about them and then you don't notice them... more to come...

  • @totakikay
    @totakikay 16 років тому

    i understand whats going on. i even know some people who have them too, its common. i agree i heard veggies and natural juices help the eyes but not cure there disorders... here are some tips: 1) use sunglasses esp. when driving. 2) use soft light (the "green" kinds lol) when reading, and don't read so close (keep a foot distance). 3) eat healthier. 4) try getting eye-exams every other year. collab with your eye doctor about the issue. take care!

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому +1

    I went to see eye docs and specialists again- and all said the same thing- all though they understood that the size and number of floaters I had (which at this point i would honestly say was dozens in each eye) had increased that it was normal for people who notice them and totally harmless... MTC

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    I have tried many suggested remedies and they didn't work for me. I would never tell somebody not to try something if they want to. I can only say what hasn't worked for me. For anybody reading this I suggest you look back over the history of these comments and you'll see that 2 people have been attacking me for some reason since the beginning. I'm glad to see I've helped many of you though and appreciate your emails

  • @stefanoferri5850
    @stefanoferri5850 5 років тому +1

    2018 niente da fa... ci moriremo

    • @myherem3856
      @myherem3856 4 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 lo yag laser???

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    NOW- I will say that the number I have in both eyes increased dramatically from when I first noticed them at twelve until the age of 17 or 18- but at that point (i am 30 now) it pretty much stablilized and hasn't really increased. I definately have at least a dozen in each eye- varying in size and shape...MTC...

  • @newcemsal
    @newcemsal 14 років тому +1

    Ciao, grazie per lo spot e per il vostro sito, che aiuta a far conoscere il problema. Da qualche mese ho questo problema ed mi risulta via via più invadente... miodesopsie dimmerda. Speriamo che qualcuno trovi qualche sistema non invasivo per risolvere. Per adesso accettiamo la convivenza e speriamo.

  • @aalyahahmed
    @aalyahahmed 16 років тому

    i would like to thank psargen i have many floaters but sadly hes right nothing can be done you have to learn to accept them i am 27 i have had floaters for over a year now i just keep busy for instance how many of u accualy noticed your floaters when reading comments!

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    Then when I got to be about 17 or 18 (i just remember I was still in high school- but almost finished) something brought my attention back to them and suddenly I started noticing and thinking about them again all the time... MTC...

  • @Amondane
    @Amondane 13 років тому

    Hey I'm 23 years old, had a orange flash over my whole sight for a split second and some weeks later I noticed a smaller black transparent dot that motioned around with my focus. Upon tryin to fix my focus on it and after it succeeded, then I noticed two other black transparent floaters on the vision. The second is very transparent but black and formed like a line, the third is just a dot. Got several others that are completely transparent. The doc said nothing to be done, but research shows not

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    PART 4 I've had them for 18 years now and I don't even notice them anymore. But I wouldn't recommend going out and spending money on whatever "cures" you're hearing about. I've never had one single doctor recommend any of those things to me.

  • @giuseppe84ss
    @giuseppe84ss 14 років тому

    @4tun3dBACK ma quello è normale, capita a tutti che osservando un' immagine particolarmente luminosa come il cielo si vedano tanti piccoli filamenti che fluttuano...il corpo vitreo dell' occhio spesso contiene piccoli grumi di collagene che appunto provocano quell' effetto, il problema è quando queste macchie diventano più grosse e scure come nel filmato.

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 17 років тому

    yes tey are depressing...i have them in both eyes....see the sky is depressing...drive is depressing...

  • @vitofiladelfia2812
    @vitofiladelfia2812 11 років тому

    Io c'e' l'ho da 20 anni con la comparsa di questi filamenti che mi e' venuta quando avevo solo 16 anni ed ora da 1 mese la situazione e' pure peggiorata.Con il tempo mi sono abituato a conviverci tanto che e' come se non le vedessi se pur quando guardo il celo le vedo chiaramente.Purtroppo pero' non vedo solo queste mosche ma anche puntini luminosi e ragnatele.Spero che ci sia una cura per almeno ridurle e capisco chi ne e' affetto come me perche' e' terribile averle davanti al campo visivo.

  • @83stellina83
    @83stellina83 14 років тому

    @pillboi mine too! transparent... not black!

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    I'm not saying that I don't notice them at all any more- but it just doesn't occur to me to pay attention to them anymore- and the times that i do they just don't bother me anymore

  • @adperil
    @adperil 14 років тому

    Salve a tutti, naturalmente soffro anche io di questa patologia che purtroppo risulta essere invalidante. Credo che, al di là di quanto la scienza potrà fare per noi, ci sia la necessità per quanti soffrono di questo problema di poter essere riconosciuta una sorta di invalidità o quanto meno si possa considerare i farmaci utili, quali ad esempio gli integratori, mutuabili. Sono disponibile a qualsiasi iniziativa tesa in tal senso.

  • @MeliannaK.
    @MeliannaK. 13 років тому

    OMG the one floater is like a gigantic worm!! And I thought mine floaters are big!!!! :-p

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 17 років тому

    hello psargen and thank you!i have many floaters in both eyes...i.' afraid, but i want to live!i don' t want that theese floaters condition my life!thank you for your story, yoau are helping me!ps sorry for my bad english, i' m italian

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    ...Because I had had such bad luck with my eye doctor for such a long time at that point I didn't believe him when he said they were innocuous. For at least a year or two I was incredibly upset about it... more to come

  • @pezzadore
    @pezzadore 13 років тому

    @StrengthOfWisdom same as me i did when i first noticed them but i channel them out now and hardley notice them, but some days i do lol

  • @buddarace
    @buddarace 16 років тому

    i dont know but when i forgot about having the floaters they disappear and i can see clear , but when i remember that , they start appearing little by little , from my point of view , you should not focused on them too much .

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому +1

    thank you so much for that. nice to hear my message is coming across correctly to people- mostly i've only heard from these 2 lunatics about how evil they think i am. don't get it. but yeah- they're nothing to worry about and they become less and less noticable with time- just don't listen to those 2 guys who keep telling people they'll be cured if they drink juice. not true

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    I would never tell you not to try any of these remedies that people are suggesting here- but I will say--- as someone who's been through this for 18 years- I really don't believe any of them will work. And the truth is- it doesn't matter- because in time you WILL forget about them!

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    but I really don't notice them anymore. If it's a really cloudy or rainy day when the sky is very white it's more apparent or if I'm in a brightly lit place with florescent lighting it's more apparent- but the point is this--- MTC

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    That's what happened to me. Now- the few times I do notice them I just really don't care. They're a nuissance and a distraction- but they're not gonna make you go blind- and things could be a lot worse! Enjoy your life!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    But to answer your question humanotwista- mine used to upset me horrendously and affect my mood terribly. You'll find as time goes on that it just bothers you less and less and then one day you'll think- wow- I haven't thought about my floaters in years

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    You really should stop worry about them or even thinking about them too much. They're not going to make you blind- they're not going to overtake your vision- they're not going to inhibit your life in any way. They're just a nuisance... MTC

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    PART 2---

  • @capanneso
    @capanneso 13 років тому +1

    I have the same problem for a vitreous detachment in my left eye. (My right eye is blind). I think i'll try a vitrectomy with laser . I hope you too. (Sorry for my English)

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    If this is new to you I know you'll think I'm crazy or that your case is more severe than mine and I just don't understand - BUT- please- let me tell you. The first time I noticed mine I was 12. I had one in my right eye.

  • @vonauritz
    @vonauritz 15 років тому

    ok :)

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    PART 2 There is no cure. But I have good news. I know how irritating and sometimes frightening or depressing these things can be. It really upset me terribly for a very long time and I worried a lot about it and that my vision would diminish. The good news is that believe it or not you really will eventually get used to it.

  • @TurboXtr3me
    @TurboXtr3me 13 років тому

    @seritessen the more you focus on them the clearer you see them, try to ignore them and with time you'll forget them, wear sunglasses in bright areas so you dont notice them, they are not dangerous just dam annoying

  • @AwsomestKill
    @AwsomestKill 15 років тому

    my floaters look nothing like this i can barley notice them oh and also i have this thing wer when i go from light to dark i see flashes of light go by nothing serious though

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 17 років тому

    I'M TRYING TO RESIST,i live in sicily(italy)and in theese days i hate watch the sky....

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    so sorry for the 4 part post--- just wanted to give some thorough info--- hope this helps somebody. I know how upsetting this can be. But in time I promise you really will forget about it.

  • @chiarakyara
    @chiarakyara 13 років тому

    @giuseppe84ss Anch'io pensavo così, ma poi ho iniziato a chiedere e molta gente non sa di cosa parlo... io le ho da sempre, le percepisco solo in campo chiaro anche se ci sono sempre... sono così abituata che non mi sono mai posta troppi problemi, pensavo che fosse la normalità... del resto sono anche pesantemente miope, sono cresciuta accettando il fatto di non poter mai vedere bene, perché la mia vista peggiora costantemente e non posso farmi lenti nuove ogni 6 mesi... importante è accettare..

  • @gabrielereka4050
    @gabrielereka4050 4 роки тому

    Ma puo venire anche per stress perche io ho 15anni e quando vedo il cielo le vedo ma poco ed e un periodo brutto per me forse e per quello?

  • @larossomalpelo
    @larossomalpelo 17 років тому

    anch'io ne soffro

  • @notaliyah
    @notaliyah 13 років тому

    omg thats how mine are :O

  • @vonauritz
    @vonauritz 15 років тому

    If you're seeing flashes it could be serious, go see a doctor.

  • @Beppe03gameplay
    @Beppe03gameplay 11 років тому

    io ho 17 anni e a quanto mi ricordo le ho da almeno 4-5 anni, ma non sono così nere, solo non proprio pallini, ma anche "fili annodati" , ormai ci ho fatto l'abitudine e ci penso poco

  • @UniversoOwna
    @UniversoOwna 12 років тому +1

    stessa situziONE .. :D MA NON SONO PREOCCUPATO

  • @patasarriba100
    @patasarriba100 14 років тому +1

    Marco da Genova io sono disperata per via delle miodesopsie, ne soffro da un mese e sono ancora nella fase di impanicamento e non accettazione. mi diresti per favore, perchè consigli questo medico? che tecniche usa? perchè sarebbe una solizione? grazie mille, mi faresti un favore

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому +1

    If they just wanted money wouldn't they try to peddle miracle cures and potions to heal? I'm not going to fight these people though- if they want to waist their money and invest false hope they can be my guest

  • @Blulikesky
    @Blulikesky 10 років тому

    Ne soffro da circa sei anni (ne ho 38) ho provato integratori vari ma...niente! Ormai ho perso le speranze,me le devo tenere...c'é poco da fare! :(

  • @TheChristianxx94
    @TheChristianxx94 12 років тому

    io ho 17 ed è da 3 anni che vedo già questi filamenti e pallini neri..

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    For the first few days I was totally freaked out because my parents didn't seem to understand what I was telling them -they didn't have them- so they didn't get it

  • @AwsomestKill
    @AwsomestKill 15 років тому

    i did i just have myopia nothing serious.

  • @giuseppe84ss
    @giuseppe84ss 14 років тому +1

    cazzo! Io da qualche giorno ho la vista dell' occhio destro alterata da queste macchie scure...è grave?

  • @xpyrogodx
    @xpyrogodx 15 років тому

    i see like 15 clear ones in my vision they really bother me :(

  • @willow9530
    @willow9530 4 роки тому


  • @wimpog97
    @wimpog97 15 років тому

    There is Italian product/multivitamin called VITREOXIGEN which seemed to help some people to either get rid of them or reduce them. Has anybody here tried it? You can currently only buy it in Italy. No international shipping.

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 12 років тому

    volevo dire 24 ANNI....ormai nn chiedo a nessuno....sembro essere il solo a soffrirne...

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    yeah- i'm not gonna respond to those guys anymore- i just saw newhere11's latest video. I never even would have tried to have an intelligent discussion with him if I had known how unstable he is. I know these things can be annoying but damn- that kid is nuts

  • @BlueSharingan01
    @BlueSharingan01 15 років тому

    Indeed these things suck ass, they're EXTREMELY ANNOYING, I can't stress this much out. I have them since I was 15/16 and I'm 18 now, and in in only two/three years they've gotten SO MUCH WORSE! Plus there's this flashing thingy that happens here and now, they say it happens when MORE floaters are on the way... DDDDD:
    And doctors say we must chill out about it, that it's just a MINOR ANNOYANCE! JESUS, that's what it's not!
    Plus, it can be a doorknob to other extremely serious eye diseases.

  • @MeliannaK.
    @MeliannaK. 10 років тому +1

    0:15 Hey jumping d_ck, get out of my vision! I can't see! :D

  • @Vansoncrack
    @Vansoncrack 13 років тому

    @daramusbogdan i have the same egsact thing your not alone dont worre

  • @HermioninaLoisa
    @HermioninaLoisa 11 років тому

    io ho 27 anni e ne soffro già da parecchio! Il mio oculista mi ha consigliato di bere molta acqua, che la causa potrebbe essere che soffro di pressione bassa, ma niente.
    ormai è un ossessione, non riesco a guardare spazi chiari che mi ritrovo davanti queste macchie! fortunatamente non sono eccessivamente grandi, ma se si peggiora?

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    That whole year (when i was 12) I was crazy about it because I started to get more and in both eyes. It wasn't until probably my fourth or fifth trip to that idiot eye doctor that he accurately diagnosed it. more to come...

  • @DaramusBogdan
    @DaramusBogdan 13 років тому

    mine are small dots transparent inside with dark thin circle and long lines.
    Hopefully some doctor will do some pills, beside vitroctemy , that is the only solution to remove floaters, but not all of us, have the money to doo it !, becouse it's like worse than having cancer and cancer is curable but this damn floaters, are not :( Common people !! I`d rather prefer to have cancer than Floaters.... God help us ALL, becouse only we, know what we suffer Thumbs up so they see this

  • @DaveDG
    @DaveDG 12 років тому

    @zoratan2030 Ciao come mai non riesco a mandarti un mess privato? Mi piacerebbe chiederti qualche dettaglio in più. Davide

  • @mistaspot1
    @mistaspot1 16 років тому

    nic, with all due respect, you don't cure cancer by drinking juice. we don't have cancer, but we are suffering a serious eye condition. just leave us alone if you're going to recommend juice.

  • @doggoforlife2452
    @doggoforlife2452 Рік тому

    qualcuno che ha fatto la vitreolisi yag laser c'è?

  • @Samufenice
    @Samufenice 4 роки тому +1

    Si sono visti i risultati dopo 13 anni!!

    • @myherem3856
      @myherem3856 4 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 ma lo yag laser???

    • @myherem3856
      @myherem3856 4 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 dicono che il dottor orione abbia portato buoni progressi, tu l'hai provata però scusa lo yag laser?

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    I'd appreciate it if you just got off my back. I'm on here to tell people my story and try to help people and every time i've posted anything you attack me. I'm sick of it. Go pick a fight with somebody else- I'm here to try to make people feel better. Your behavior is destructive

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 17 років тому

    sandyroquai ti ho inviato un messaggio

  • @Portelli1000
    @Portelli1000 6 років тому

    Io mi sn operato

    • @Portelli1000
      @Portelli1000 4 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 bene

    • @myherem3856
      @myherem3856 4 роки тому +1

      @@andrearossi9567 non sì è operato sarà una cazzata di un bimbo di 8 anni

    • @Portelli1000
      @Portelli1000 3 роки тому

      @@myherem3856 vedi che mi sn operato davvero ho fatto la fov a roma cn Giulio bamonte avevo ste macchie da quando avevo 11 anni e cn gli anni mi sn peggiorate e a 26 anni mi sn operato e adesso sto bene che ne ho 30

    • @Portelli1000
      @Portelli1000 3 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 ho fatto la vitrectomia 25 g senza punti di sutura in anestesia generale x una settimana ho avuto una bolla di gas che poi se ne andata sola e x un mese ho dovuto mettere collirio a base di antibiotico e cortisone e poi basta più

    • @Portelli1000
      @Portelli1000 2 роки тому

      @@andrearossi9567 bene dai metto ogni tanto lacrime artificiali x occhio secco nel complesso sto bene a distanza di quasi 6 anni mi ha operato il famoso Giulio bamonte

  • @makoyuppy9629
    @makoyuppy9629 7 років тому +1

    i miei amici dicevano fossi pazza☺ o schizzofrenica, invece no! sollevata, peraonalmemte li trovo fighi e a me non danno così fastidio apparte quando al buio appena giro l'occhio vedo anche fascie luminose un po mi cago sotto....

    • @dafne1740
      @dafne1740 7 років тому +3

      quando sorgono fascie luminose può essere il segnale di un distacco della retina, ti consiglio di farti visitare da un bravo oculista

  • @tarantino1983
    @tarantino1983 12 років тому

    dopo quasi 5 annis to di nuovo male...ero riuscito a stare meglio...ma una bella giornata di sole mi ha fatto capire quanto sto emsso male....ho cominciato a 34 anni cazzo troppo presto..

    • @Clipspazze
      @Clipspazze 2 роки тому

      phahhaha ti lamenti e io che ho 18 anni

  • @bluhands84
    @bluhands84 11 років тому

    ma una cura perchè non esiste cioè ci deve essere una cura siamo nel 2013

  • @mikeywido2007
    @mikeywido2007 16 років тому

    yea i have this fucking shit almost as bad as that video but still eye floaters are annoying as fuck!

  • @marone6611
    @marone6611 8 років тому +1

    Non capisco come mai siano mal considerate... a me sembrano così fighe

    • @myherem3856
      @myherem3856 4 роки тому +2

      @@andrearossi9567 anche le mie grz

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    at that point if you can find even one source suggesting that there is a cure or that drinking your stupid juice will help please come back and let me know where i can find that information- then we'll talk- unless that happens i will not respond to you again

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    this will be my last response to you newhere- because i'm tired of wasting my time on you. if you don't want to believe me and you don't want to trust medical experts then at least do some research on your own. type in "vitreous floaters" and read all the material you can on them

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    i mean it though- you're a bad guy for doing that to people--- so do not bother speaking to me again until you have proof to back up your claims that can be found on the internet--- anything else you say to me from here on out will be ignored

  • @psargen
    @psargen 17 років тому

    you should be ashamed of yourself for coming here again and again telling people who are worried and afraid about a health problem that a cure is available when it is not. that's sick and cruel- research some facts to substatiate your ridiculous claims