Virtues: Beyond the Boundary of the Lote UK Sirah Tour Night 4 Peterborough Host: Futuwwa Initiative Rabī’u’l-Awwal 1445 #virtues #seerah #seerahprophetmuhammad
No one sees Allah Physically until the day of judgement when he will reveal himself to the believers in jannah. May we all be among those people. Ameen
He felt Allahs energy and see his energy. Just like when you’re on the other side of a veil I can feel you’re there and I see your presence but I can’t see you physically. I don’t think he seen Allah physically but Allah knows best.
Alhamdullilahi Rabb'il 'Alamin. 🙌🙌🙌.. ﷺ.. Jibril ʿAlayhi al-salām🙌🙌🙌
May Allah S.W.T grace us all
8:46 subhannalh this is so beutifully worded, اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم
What a speech what a spectacle
Shaykh Ibrahim...
Mashallah Tabarakullah
Allah umah Bahrik ameen ...!!!!
Alhamdulilla, Rabbil Alameen. ❤
No one sees Allah Physically until the day of judgement when he will reveal himself to the believers in jannah. May we all be among those people. Ameen
What do you mean physically?...Does God has physique or body?
What do you mean "physically"?
Allah huakbar
Allahu Akbar
He felt Allahs energy and see his energy. Just like when you’re on the other side of a veil I can feel you’re there and I see your presence but I can’t see you physically. I don’t think he seen Allah physically but Allah knows best.
Why do you feel the need to give your opinion especially when it tries to challenge the statement of the sheikh?