There is a video of a live playing of this piece, b the camera was slightly closer to the low brass. For the life of me, I can’t find it, but if someone knows which video I’m talking about about, could you please share? Thanks!
there is a finals night recording which is worse audio but you can hear the baritones a little better. not sure if there is a studio recording or not...
Chills every time I hear this
I was at RCC show hornline warmups in 99, 00, 01, 02 😎
Blow my face off!!!
This is freaking legendary
I LOVE this warm up!!!
two cheers for minidisc!!!!
That G would be my band director in his prime ;)
Who was that?
@@ez8308 6 years late but I would assume Scott Dean
@@ryanl8931 I can ask him but I don’t think he was ever a band director? Maybe though
noooo you cut out the tuba part at the end!!!!! =[
There is a video of a live playing of this piece, b the camera was slightly closer to the low brass. For the life of me, I can’t find it, but if someone knows which video I’m talking about about, could you please share? Thanks!
Yeah...I don't know what happened with that. Honestly though, you can BARELY hear it on this recording. Just didn't project enough, unfortunately.
The last note is a Double E
Not double or it would be another octave up
no, I just piano checked it. its double C at :46
that's a triple G
What happened to the other video of this piece from 2002? I remember there being another one from earlier in the season
there is a finals night recording which is worse audio but you can hear the baritones a little better. not sure if there is a studio recording or not...
I don't have any videos, only audio. Probably someone else?