Have You Been Thinking of Leaving the Message of Grace: Part 1 - What Is Your Loss?
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- 2013 Grace Bible Church Bible Conference
Grace Bible Church (Warren, MI)
Speaker: Rodney Beaulieu
Date: 2013.09.20 (Fri)
I could ask the same of you, Rodney...
rightly divide, thanks so much. I have been studying Right Division for over a quarter of a century. I knew a little about Judgment Day, but this has helped me advance a lot further with that doctrine, as I run toward our Highest Calling. I know I am now one
who will never waver as I finish the race. For His Honor and Glory! Amen!!
Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you 😊
Thank you so much for this!Glory to God I give for this teaching,it has been richly received 🙏
People leave because our adversary tempts them! I really believe this! I remember being in every denomination looking for grace,looking for peace,looking for something that I didn’t know existed! And found grace in 1985! A program I heard on the radio called “People To People Hosted by Bob George! I was set free from bondage to any denomination,I was excited! And for some he was taken off the air! I felt like crying! This message was like blood running through my veins! I started listening to other ministries,looking for the grace message ! None to be found! Many years down the road while in a “Non Denominational Church Men’s Bible study, I met someone who listened to “People To People! We were excited to meet! In one study that we did,my friend interjected about the two kingdoms of which I never heard ! Strange to me,but since we both kind of grew with the “ People to People “teachings,I listened and learned how to divide the word,and today I must say I look forward to listening and learning the dispensational truth!Thank you brothers in Christ 👏😀
Such a powerful message series Rodney! 🙏🏾
I'll have to study more on this subject but I know for sure that this man is a great Preacher----We all need to be thankful for the Grace Preachers
Amen. :)
He was a good preacher, but unfortunately has went off the deep end...
This is a healing message for some
Glory to Jesus! Amen ♡
only way to under stand the rightly dividing the word you need to read the new testament over and over again .will help if you a born again believe .truth will set you free God bless thankful for the Grace Preachers like this pastor
such a Blessing, Grace and Peace 👑🌈❤
Praise the Lord God Almighty that Pastor Randy spoke the total Truth on how each of us, by Faith, must Believe on the FINISHED WORKS that The Lord Jesus did FOR YOU at Cross to be Saved; even before the 2:40 time stamp!! A Great work done by this Pastor who heeded 2nd Timothy 2:15💝!!
So GREAT is our Salvation that we need only by Faith, to Believe on the Gospel that Saves us found in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4:
The Lord Jesus Christ DIED and shed His Precious Blood for the Forgiveness of ALL your sins, Past, Present and Future;
He was BURIED;
He ROSE AGAIN on the 3rd day FOR YOUR Justification, according to the Scriptures.
*When YOU by FAITH, BELIEVE the Lord Jesus Christ did ALL these things FOR YOU; YOU are immediately SAVED; and at the same time upon "trusting on this Gospel of your Salvation (referring back to 1st Corinthians 15:1-4), you are "Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise" until the day of your "redemption.". Ephesians 1:12-14.
Your Eternal Salvation is totally SECURED by God, who has "Sealed YOU with the Holy Spirit of Promise". Who on Earth or in Heaven above, has the AUTHORITY and POWER to UNSEAL "HIM" which the Lord God Almighty Himself, has already SEALED within YOU?
Please see Romans Chapter 10 for how we are or were saved.
Thank you very much for the link; I plan to do that Bible study with that video this week:)
Reason No. 3 as a single person with no husband or children and no local rightly dividing church you find yourself with increasing mental illness due to having absolutely nobody to talk to about peculiar spiritual matters (depression and anxiety) and crippling loneliness which drives you to go to a crap church just for some human to human contact. Not all of us are Blessed with a spouse or church or children. Even science proves that you die prematurely without social contact. Perhaps some people are given only two choices; suffer and die prematurely or go to a crap church.
Amen. GLORY To God. Thank you! :)
Yes, rightly dividing the word is a big deal. I dont think I am too good at that. Can anyone kindly guide me in this! Thank you.
Thank you, Chris. Shall correslond on email.
Saved by GRACE through FAITH. What is definition of Grace? What is the definition of Faith? This really is saying, Saved by the power to live right [Tit. 2:11-12/Heb. 13:9 GRACE], by entrusting one's self to a cause [Acts 14:22 FAITH]? And the only way to this power to live right, is entrusting one's self to The Word of God [Jn 6:63] & Prayer [Lk. 18:1]= Communion/Communicate with God; consistently [Ps. 1:1-6/Josh. 1:8]. Do this in remembrance of Me. When Jesus died on The Cross, the curtain in The Temple tore down the center, in two, so now you can have your own fellowship with Jesus [relational no longer religion]. Living by The Law is depending on a pastor to have your relationship with God for you. Going to church is very necessary [Heb. 10:24-25] because the pastor knows how to break down The Word of God. Blessed are the poor in spirit. The poor in spirit realize that they are nothing without God each & everyday, so they seek Him as their life depends on it each & everyday [because it does], and Jesus [God] gives them grace [power Tit. 2:11-12] to overcome sins that they would have done had they not seeked Him. Seeking God for inner strength is NOT "works salvation;" doing "good deeds" without spending time with God is works salvation. Salvation By Grace: Having the correct definition of grace changes the dynamics, and one's outlook on being a Christian back to Biblical. The definition of "grace" that’s been circulating is "God's unmerited favor." The only place you will find this definition is an attempt to define "grace," in brackets, is in the Amplified Classic Bible. All other Bible versions define GRACE as God's power to live right [Titus 2:11-12/John 6:63/Hebrews 13:9]. You are not going to separate Grace from The Holy Spirit. How to get grace [power to live right] is by a consistent relationship with God through His Word & prayer; fasting too. That other definition of grace sounds “lovey dovey,” but it deflates a Christian, leaving him/her a tare [empty> no longer caring about the poor & evangelism] if they stop seeking God as a result of hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness devour God's Holy Word & pray consistently; fasting becomes their good friend as well. The Amplified definition of "grace" has one gut out many of Christ’s own Words: KEEP YOUR LAMPS TRIMMED & BURNING; WATCH!!! Please see Jude 1:4, and you will see that the incorrect definition of "grace" leaves a person to live a sinful lifestyle, still, thinking everything is alright , "because I'm saved by grace." If one is poor in spirit, hungering & thirsting after righteousness, (s)he will go to God for themselves in the wee hours of the morning, burning that midnight oil. This becomes MANDATORY in this Christian's life. "Saved by grace," the incorrect definition: "I'll just go to church and that will count as me spending time with God. I don't need to take notes, to study later, because I'll remember what was preached, (though I normally don't remember what the sermon was about by tomorrow while undergoing trials & tribulations); But 'I'm saved by grace,' so I expect to sin. I really don't expect that God's power can keep me from sinning [2 Timothy 3:5/Psalm 1:1--6]. Diligently seeking God is just 'a suggestion.' It isn't necessary to apply myself to diligently seek after God; I don't want to be guilty of 'works salvation' after all. I'm saved by grace, so I'm going to kick back and not press myself to seek after God during those times when I don't feel like it; I have my golden statue of Ptah [Oscar] to ensure glory is fanned to by way of T.V./movies [2 Kings 17:33, 40-41]. Yes sir re Bob 'I'm going to Heaven because, 'I'm saved by grace.'" Can you see the problem with being "saved by grace [the incorrect definition]?" I ruined my life off of this doctrine that I believed. This is where you are going to get the lukewarm Christians from. They are going to get spewed out of Christ's Mouth. That doctrine needs to quit being taught. Teach & practice the right definition of grace, we'll become sharp Christian wheat, and the world will see revival. The world groans for the sons of righteousness to be revealed. Let’s cast our nets on the other side of the boat; shift to the correct definition of grace. Change the dynamics of Christianity. Blessed are the poor in spirit. The poor in spirit realize that they are nothing without God each & everyday, so they seek Him as their life depends on it each & everyday [because it does], and Jesus [God] gives them grace [power Tit. 2:11-12] to overcome sins that they would have done had they not seeked Him. Grace: God's presence in our lives. By this we have: Strength Courage Faith Hope Love The mind of Christ Readiness Knowledge of God's goodness. Help towards others Fruit of the Spirit Proper world view Church family Needs/wants On and on..… All literate Christians should take notes from church and study them to show God that retaining the knowledge of God's life changing sermons/Word are paramount in their lives. When you get home, you can study the notes you've taken from church [that you wrote in your notebook] as additional devotionals. The Holy Spirit will give you more revelation knowledge as you study. Taking notes in church is paramount, because you have the devil who will try to rob you of your memory of ever hearing the positive life changing sermon through adverse circumstances; don’t you want to keep your map to anointed Christian living? If you study those notes, you embolden yourself to stand in adversity> now that is faith. The only only way to have Grace in you [God's presence in our lives (which is power)], is to spend real quality time with Him consistently [Mt. 26:40-41/Jn. 6:63/Josh. 1:8/Deut. 6:4-9/Ps. 1:1-6/2 Tim. 3:5]. If one doesn't spend time with God, they will wither [Jn. 15:1-13]. Spending time with God is NOT "works salvation;" it just means that you realize that you are a hopeless nothing, and a junkie without Him. Doing everything else without first getting into God's presence so that He shines through you; that's works salvation. Pray, do something to seek Jesus everyday for inner strength. For Christians who do have a Bible: to much who is given, much is required. Its our responsibility to buy Bibles, and give them to people who are without. Acts 14:22 They strengthened the believers and encouraged them to remain true to the faith. “We must pass through many troubles to enter the Kingdom of God,” they taught. GNT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEPARATE THE HOLY SPRIRT FROM GRACE>John 6:63 What gives life is God's Spirit; human power is of no use at all. The words I have spoken to you bring God's life-giving Spirit. GNT
Wait. Was Rodney Beaulieu a Sonship Edification (SE) person when he preached this message? Is he SE now today? Because Sonship Edification people also teach that not every member of the Body of Christ will reign with Christ.
Wow! That's true!
No matter how much sense grace makes to the believer every single person I have asked who has left MAD have one basic underlying reason : the preachers that preach it. Arrogant and self righteous in the security of their self taught knowledge of God's word. It's not a case of the truth being taught edifying the believer. It's a case of HE who teaches being known as the one doing the edifying and them giving God nothing but lip service because they don't believe the Holy Spirit of God revealed the truth to them.
MAD teachers are actually worse than Calvinists in their conceited and presumptuous assurance that only they are the holders of the truth. They drive new believers seeking to understand God's word away.
Oh the irony
LOVE this Pastors teaching.
In this video his seems to be bitter and angry.
Hope I'm wrong.
Also he is French 🤓 he’s mentioned it before. This is why he sounds angry, I often teach to people in an angry manner too. It’s like the spirit moves us to express Gods frustration just a taste of it 🤷♂️. Paul wrote
“What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?”
1 Corinthians 4:21 KJV
I have seen some messages later where he admitted he had anger problems.
The message is "Anger and the Age of Rage".
Jim Smith,this is his heart speaking 😊
sorry, discernment .
horrendous scripture twisting, looks like those people who left your teaching had a bit of disengagement.
enemies of the cross in heaven! !!.
Amen ❤️