I Played AP Thresh To Get Better at Thresh

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @sylvaticriver5428
    @sylvaticriver5428 Рік тому +52

    it's funny to see this video since I've been onetricking different thresh builds in sololane, and a friend of mine would sometimes watch some of my games. As a joke he decided to just play AP thresh mid once going exactly the same atrocities as I did, and he ended up having a lot of fun, so he kept doing it. Fast forward a month, and he now plays thresh support ranked, since it has become his best champion by far. He even gets tons of surprised comments from his other friends that his thresh just became godlike out of nowhere

  • @azkaghafara5712
    @azkaghafara5712 Рік тому +117

    I love how he shows 2 anti sinergy with briar while explaining ap thresh is good and bad in the same time

    • @lemon9.9
      @lemon9.9 Рік тому

      Building AP items on thresh just make you unable to fulfill support role

    • @biggsbeve
      @biggsbeve Рік тому +3

      @@lemon9.9 ok

  • @jasonochoa7876
    @jasonochoa7876 Рік тому +9

    I still feel like ap thresh is more fun then ad thresh because it allows you to use all of his kit and do more dmg to multiple targets instead of big phat slap for some hahas. For those who want to run ap in the support role i reccommend rod of ages because its a cheap item and going catalyst first item keeps u somewhat tanky like if u were buidling regular sup thresh. Go cdr boots or mobies, and get mask or hourglass depending on their comp. if u go hourglass second you'll have around 180-200 armor (maybe more if ur a soul goblin) this is my second season of league... im only gold... but my thresh wr is 62% with 42 games played this split. (57% with 200 last split... i havent been playing as much and if i did i can see myself hitting plat)

  • @reaper4812
    @reaper4812 Рік тому

    Your editing this game was tight as FUCK man, especially those brand jokes and cut-off jokes in general. Extremely solid stuff.

  • @bar-elch7809
    @bar-elch7809 Рік тому

    I love this idea! any chance you can make a mobafire version for an easy to follow version anytime i need to whip it up?

  • @jakeheckert2494
    @jakeheckert2494 Рік тому

    Great video!

  • @Insane_Power
    @Insane_Power 10 місяців тому

    As Brand enthusiast can confirm R=Penta

  • @snorpus
    @snorpus Рік тому

    what's that death sound from 1:00 again? it sounds so familiar but I cannot remember to save my life

  • @strange7190
    @strange7190 Рік тому

    Really cool seeing someone doing league content like a lot of tf2bers would do their content, excited to see more

  • @eduardokerber2931
    @eduardokerber2931 Рік тому

    Inspired me to try to limit test Ashe top, thanks for the suffering

  • @averageleaguehater3549
    @averageleaguehater3549 Рік тому


  • @Robozimal
    @Robozimal Рік тому

    I have an idea :)

  • @markossmith8895
    @markossmith8895 Рік тому

    I'm sorry but the build path used here is just not good, leeching leer is basically not even a powerspike. Better to just buy the individual components by a long shot. Plus, riftmaker first is generally weak, as its usefulness is only strong when combined with other items, and in extended trades (which you'll never be able to have without going oom). Demonic first would be a much stronger first item for this reason, as it adds a lot of damage in a lane where people generally stack hp

  • @lordofacoustics1167
    @lordofacoustics1167 Рік тому +161

    AP Thresh or as we truly know it; Mordekaiser 2.0: Eletrocute Boogaloo

    • @kreeperkiller4423
      @kreeperkiller4423 Рік тому +2

      I honestly see AP thresh as being closer to Gwen because of his On-Hit potential

  • @powerguido8181
    @powerguido8181 Рік тому +44

    I always love your more edited explanation videos. They are more difficult to make I know, but they are always so much fun! I hope you can do more of them in the future!

    • @CryoBeat
      @CryoBeat  Рік тому +5

      Making more of these is very much the plan!

  • @Timmeh7o7
    @Timmeh7o7 Рік тому +7

    That Briar got her ult cucked twice in this video

  • @clreyawesome3527
    @clreyawesome3527 Рік тому +3

    I live by the motto "every hook you don't throw is a missed one" so, while it's obviously good to hold onto them for a good opportunity, sometimes you need to just chuck one out and pray spaghetti gives you a pick and sways a game. However, may need to try the bruiser variant of ap.

  • @AlohaCxbe
    @AlohaCxbe Рік тому +1

    it’s fun to see how many team briar ults you just E‘d the enemy away from lmaoo

  • @lemon9.9
    @lemon9.9 Рік тому +1

    All I see is cryo keeps denying his team's briar the satisfaction of hitting ult

  • @TheDanmark1234
    @TheDanmark1234 Рік тому +1

    The strongest tresh has ever been was when stattic sjov was just reliazed, with stormrazwr for a 300% soul scaling 300 ad scaling on The burst with massive amount of armor to survie any fight until Next full reset

  • @Jeppie_NL
    @Jeppie_NL 11 місяців тому +1

    Question: What items would you build in Wild rift ? And what runes?

  • @llante7508
    @llante7508 Рік тому +4

    I've been playing Thresh for quite a while now and I've never really "bothered" trying AD build, even if it's on One For All or in AR/URF. AD thresh may be fun for some people with the right click mechanic, but I just have more fun playing AP as it really kind of forces you to learn how to properly play in different situations.
    also, the minion hook kill travel thingy is always smth i've tried doing both on rotating game modes and in ranked games. no one expect those

  • @El_Bellota
    @El_Bellota Рік тому +1

    I play tank Kai'Sa, to get better at Kai'Sa. Respect brother.

  • @thepooplord592
    @thepooplord592 Рік тому +1

    this guy is like the league of legends version of lazy purple

  • @snootgamenotofficial
    @snootgamenotofficial Рік тому

    Ive been ranking with Thresh mid bruiser build a lot, its pretty nice, and ive gotten to gold 1 with it. So hey, its off meta. Not trolling

  • @ajhintleman215
    @ajhintleman215 Рік тому +2

    As someone who plays AD, Bruiser, Tank, and Support thresh, I love the idea of an AP Bruiser version of it! I always thought about going Riftmaker with an onhit build since lifesteal isn't nearly as good as omnivamp on thresh, but never actually tried it...Thanks for the ideas!

  • @frustratedsquirrel
    @frustratedsquirrel Рік тому

    I wish this kind of mindset was more prevalent in the league community, instead of the immediate brain rot shutdown most people have whenever they see a build that's slightly off-meta.

  • @techknight3753
    @techknight3753 Рік тому

    On this build, nashors is hardly for the on-hit, it's for the attack speed on an ap item.
    Also on the support thresh note... EVERYONE forgets that Thresh's abilities deal damage when he is alone botlane. It feels like in 80-90% of my support Thresh games there is atleast one solo kill available entirely due to enemies underestimating you.

  • @Rickkhry
    @Rickkhry Рік тому

    Ad thresh is so much fun and better then ap imo.
    Last time i played ap, i got completely destroyed and overwhelmed.
    While with ad u already get power spike (imo) with 1 item, bork or the collector, then 3 with ldr or bt, bork or collector and galeforce, etc
    Buff E passive riot ;)

  • @jairartis
    @jairartis Рік тому

    6:20 doesn’t that mean I’m playing tank thresh since I get armor per every soul?
    So I should play FULL TANK THRESH. Got it.

  • @bocchitherrat1798
    @bocchitherrat1798 Рік тому

    I don't listen to anyone that doesn't practice what they preach, Cryo
    Now I'm playing AP Thresh top in ranked (wild rift cause league is dead in the PH)
    ((Actually started doing it since they added riftmaker to the game and been winning a lot with it))

  • @EckiSchmecki
    @EckiSchmecki Рік тому

    what is your full set of runes? :) besides PtA, Presence of Mind and Boneplating/Second Wind?
    i'd go with alacrity, coup de grace and unflinching

  • @yammoto148
    @yammoto148 Рік тому

    I mean I also play ap thresh, but with static shiv, lichbane, dark harvest and Nashors for the ultimate B-Slap. And its so much fun, plus I always feel like flay is pretty average at waveclear so having shiv really makes thresh this dangerous split pusher that will pull a one shot out of nowhere.

  • @AndruThresh
    @AndruThresh Рік тому

    i am a main thresh, i don t play thresh top but i play thresh mid ap and its funny.. i m not so to farm tbo... i can cancel so many ganks and engage with lantern, in late its a oneshot machine, last match i have a malph top who have 4/0 and in late game i delete it(i was mid) bcz no MR, next game i try your build,

  • @jestrhrt
    @jestrhrt Рік тому

    I have about 500 games on offmeta thresh and most of them are ap or tank thresh(I played tank th in ranked low elo) my favorite mythic for ap thresh is night harvester but riftmaker looks kinda strong too

  • @HelloHelloe
    @HelloHelloe Рік тому

    Why not hurt convert him into an AD/AP HYBRID Bruiser with Hearsteel as a base to fatten up over the course of the game

  • @TheDollGwen
    @TheDollGwen Рік тому

    My friend said that you can't build ap thresh in willd rift
    After i build it i can confirm that it crazy fun to play him as ap ( oh when you one shot the enemy with one hook) 😅

  • @tomek5655
    @tomek5655 Рік тому

    I honestly expected another off-meta montage with memes every 5 seconds, didn't expect to watch such a good vid

  • @Leo21C
    @Leo21C Рік тому

    Hmmm... what if I do this, but with Rell? (Insert Elon musk smoking meme here)

  • @rwolfyo
    @rwolfyo Рік тому

    dude i just cooked some people with this they wrote me a whole thesis on how i should commit atrocities upon myself and everyone else around me.

  • @dvisk1995
    @dvisk1995 11 місяців тому

    So do you finish the build with more tanky items or more AP? What would a full build look like?

  • @Hallorenzo
    @Hallorenzo Рік тому

    What do you think about a rift maker titanic hydra core? (I love hybrid builds)

  • @bloodstainedwander9585
    @bloodstainedwander9585 Рік тому +1

    Ok nah the heavy taunt kill into morde laughing iike heavy is actually the funniest shit i've ever seen

  • @PepinodeMar1166
    @PepinodeMar1166 Рік тому

    What do you mean you are "trying ap thresh" I started playing it in ranked a long time ago bcs of you

  • @lordofacoustics1167
    @lordofacoustics1167 Рік тому +1


  • @vondruke4731
    @vondruke4731 10 місяців тому

    Welp time to annoy my friends by taking this to support, if senna exists i can sup and do damage

  • @LieLaxx
    @LieLaxx Рік тому

    So what youre telling me is...that i should go ranked thresh ap top?!

  • @somo4227
    @somo4227 Рік тому

    i always find it sad when a champion can only be played in the sup role
    wich happens to be a half of my mains

  • @justusedforstuff4391
    @justusedforstuff4391 Рік тому +1

    WP thresh for making briar miss her ultimate by pulling the target towards himself

  • @ched7591
    @ched7591 Рік тому

    Damn you have a Supporting Dad, That's very nice to him.

  • @pioneerxx
    @pioneerxx Рік тому

    Bruh wtf is this project sekai background music?????

  • @sanadabiege3789
    @sanadabiege3789 Рік тому

    I keep laughing everytime Briar's R misses because you used E

  • @DunktLOL
    @DunktLOL Рік тому

    Would be cool if you played AP Thresh to get better at Lee Sin 😐

  • @EWithNoE
    @EWithNoE Рік тому

    Ap thresh is my baby. Thank you for spotlighting my son.

  • @yuckyg
    @yuckyg Рік тому

    I play full ap everfrost thresh, just freeze them and you get a free one shot

  • @el3ctrogamer834
    @el3ctrogamer834 10 місяців тому

    I absolutely love the league characters doing tf2 emotes

  • @Murmarine
    @Murmarine Рік тому +1

    AD Thresh is the Whip
    AP Thresh is the Nae Nae
    I will hear no other thoughts on this

  • @nihalriyaz8114
    @nihalriyaz8114 Рік тому

    i would love a ranked ap thresh play from you even if it its shit

  • @xion7042
    @xion7042 Рік тому

    Love your contec bruv, its calming to watch them ❤

  • @TheMuffinMan15
    @TheMuffinMan15 Рік тому

    I saw atleast 2 clips where you made a briar miss her ult with flay

  • @iscot319
    @iscot319 Рік тому


  • @koniku3y
    @koniku3y Рік тому

    That briar ult keep getting sent to oblivion lmao

  • @bambroz13
    @bambroz13 Рік тому

    how did u get 3 lines on your mastery for thresh

  • @jonathanvalladolid8930
    @jonathanvalladolid8930 Рік тому

    Waos voy a intentarlo pero de supp XDXDXD

  • @ClairvoyantLastrus
    @ClairvoyantLastrus Рік тому

    You should try rod of ages too! It feels good

  • @hollowward3n
    @hollowward3n Рік тому

    I really like this video style with the edits

  • @Jawwen
    @Jawwen Рік тому

    you sir, give me really bad ideas xD

  • @prime4939
    @prime4939 Рік тому

    How to descend to iron with ap thresh

  • @josephm6719
    @josephm6719 Рік тому

    Hi have you ever tried attack speed thresh with lethal tempo, nashors- you have both ap and attack speed making some of the most hilarious plays in the game. Thresh's auto attacks always looked hilarious to me so this one time I decided why not just be the adc(as I already 1v2 while playing support thresh) and it results in some very hilarious moments. Btw this build was insanely good before they nerfed shiv

  • @magi1340
    @magi1340 Рік тому

    amazing editing here man, you are like a TF2 UA-camr but for League and I love it

  • @riot1133
    @riot1133 Рік тому

    when would it be optimal to build nashors on this ap bruiser build?

    • @CryoBeat
      @CryoBeat  Рік тому +1

      Probably after those 4 main items; or sooner if really ahead/don't need magic resistance.

  • @jacksheldon1875
    @jacksheldon1875 Рік тому

    ok i ap thresh in ranked now.

  • @tirell2075
    @tirell2075 Рік тому

    This is a bit of a nostalgia trip, I used to play an on hit bruiser Thresh in top lane when he came out because I didn't want to play support and he had at a minimum the flat bonus magic damage equal to his souls. I remember reading at the time about hybrid damage on top lane being difficult to build against, so easy justification for TF and Wit's End. It was honestly pretty fun, had some of the burst in this video, extremely strong at setting up ganks for any jungler. It's tempting to try this build, hadn't realised his ratios had been buffed so much.

  • @peanuts5338
    @peanuts5338 Рік тому

    you know i use to main thresh but i havent played him at all lately, i still think he is an amazingly well design champ except the ult prob could be cooler xd but i think ill pick him up again

  • @swimmersky4079
    @swimmersky4079 Рік тому

    I’m trying thresh top right now to see how it goes wish me luck

  • @UNKNOWN-uz1tp
    @UNKNOWN-uz1tp Рік тому

    Cryo, Thresh was one of the first champions I started playing when I started in League and he was the only one from the beginning that I never stopped playing, I have an absurd affection for this champion and I know your channel 3 years ago, this character is really cool, I do some of the two builds every now and then and it's incredible how you do these weird things with this Champion and it's not really bad. Thresh is amazing, thank you for us to always show more of him ❤️

  • @MrCostaClayton
    @MrCostaClayton Рік тому

    Support Full CDR Thresh is hilarious to play - Hook cooldown is practically one auto-attack in time

  • @wolfhawk69
    @wolfhawk69 Рік тому

    This is a great video

  • @GentlemanZeta
    @GentlemanZeta Рік тому

    I do wholeheartedly agree, AP Thresh is so much fun. I've always been a fan of off-meta stuff, it makes the game less tedious and boring. Thanks for a great video Cryo :>

  • @h3l_l
    @h3l_l Рік тому

    biriar tilt ult!! >:(

  • @VladimirMortenstein
    @VladimirMortenstein Рік тому

    Okay let me be clear

  • @RussianSpy4632
    @RussianSpy4632 Рік тому

    Thresh gaming

  • @JustaChomik
    @JustaChomik Рік тому

    i like to go ap thresh but tbh i pref everfrost for the aditional cc to make it more consistant and since it gives you all the stats you want in my opinion its perfect

  • @lennonchahivec-schneider6722


  • @kokkinosdrakkos8386
    @kokkinosdrakkos8386 Рік тому

    good guide ❤

  • @_Necromancer_
    @_Necromancer_ Рік тому

    When im not in mid or top , but when i do go supp i allways go ap tank-ish , also great editint ❤

  • @christianautilus374
    @christianautilus374 Рік тому

    i always enjoyed watching your ap thresh videos since its a feast for the eyes seeing these spell rotations being thrown around with a such deeply thought out idea behind it, like seeing a master tactitian executing his plans in the battlefield with a succesful outcome, btw youre playing on na or euw? because from what i remember you were a brit but i cant get rid of the thought that you primarely played on na, and id like to know if you sometimes play games with your viewers, i would love to take a part in that assuming you do play on euw, also cant wait for some of your next ap tresh videos and worry not about uploading longer and less edited content, ill watch regardless

    • @CryoBeat
      @CryoBeat  Рік тому

      I'm on EUW and play with viewers quite often!

    • @christianautilus374
      @christianautilus374 Рік тому

      ​@@CryoBeat thats nice, how do i attend?

  • @sandwuxh
    @sandwuxh Рік тому

    Play normal games to get better human

  • @xgunstrikexgaming8831
    @xgunstrikexgaming8831 Рік тому

    we want gameplay ty

  • @that1guyfinn418
    @that1guyfinn418 11 місяців тому

    I do enjoy riftmaker myself and I hope it survives the mythic purge in S14

  • @ticklemegrimey3043
    @ticklemegrimey3043 Рік тому

    barely a minute in and guys, I think he hates Brand