Bruh this is straight up talent.. If you could would you do some tutorials in the future of how u make these... I just got into beat making and it would really help :)
mh with a big artist but in any case if you have a placement with these just let me know on ig, and yeah tag me in the title or description but if you just use my tag its all good
Yoo that flute is fkin hard af g, goddamn
ayo these are hard af
me encanta las flautas ancestrales me relajan mucho.. que buen kit
dont understand bro
@@larzz361 he likes the flutes. good kit.
if any of yall got a problem with the download, dm me on ig: @ayolarzz
edit: we hit 3k, this is insane, hope yall made heat with these
dope beat 🔥🔥🔥🔥
dope shit ill definitely use some of these!!!
great work
Thanks for sharing bro will be checking these in depth
thank you!
You went off on these loops Larzz!
thanks PeeJay!
the loops are so fire, thanks man for putting it out for free !! sending love ✌️
@@larzz361 i also just uploaded a beat with one of your melodie, tell me what you think !
mr larzz... i don't feel so good...
fr reals a lot of these blew me away!
appreciate you!
These are all fire man, great work!
u a beast🔥🥵
Yo this sounds super dope, defo a download worth
using these for Justin rarri
Dope shittttt bro🔥🔥🔥🔥
Might have to use some of these🔥
Bruh this is straight up talent.. If you could would you do some tutorials in the future of how u make these... I just got into beat making and it would really help :)
definitly bro
0:00 sample is fire!!! What's the name?
Thanks brah
Killed it fam💯🔥🔥🔥
uff bro those loops sound hard🔥
im def using some of those loops bro
This so hard bro !! Can’t wait to cook
Royalty free
They’re firee bro 🔥🔥🔥
Fire sounds damn it!
Yung 🐐
downloaded and subbed. lemme see if i can whip something up in the new year for us
yo nice one bro! 🌊 +sub
Holy fuck these are amazing can you drop the stems as well
bro 🔥🔥🔥🥵
How do you make these samples? I just want my tracks to be fire
What does it mean by major placements?
small artists can upload on spotify
yes ofc! just let me know
Nice! 🔥
Ay this is lit! What is considered a major placement and should I credit you in the title if I use this? 🔥
mh with a big artist but in any case if you have a placement with these just let me know on ig, and yeah tag me in the title or description but if you just use my tag its all good
Plz dont let it blow up so i can have em all for myself 🙂🔥
dm me on ig: @ayolarzz
The k are included?