First Time Watching Luca

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Jonathan_Collins
    @Jonathan_Collins 5 місяців тому +671

    The little touch of Massimo going out to look for Alberto was so heartwarming; it was a father looking for a son he never had who grew up without a father figure. It’s the little moments like that that make the movie so nice.

    • @Thebeezzkneezz.
      @Thebeezzkneezz. 5 місяців тому +21

      Even worse
      He had a father figure...
      Who abandoned him,
      even tho massimo isnt his bio dad, he still went looking for him.
      Thats a real dad and man right there

  • @bad-girl-coventhe-owl-club1119
    @bad-girl-coventhe-owl-club1119 5 місяців тому +663

    Can we appreciate how there's no drama about Giulia's parents being separated. It's just presented as completely normal in the story. She loves both her parents, her parents love her, and they've found a nice living arrangement their kid is well adjusted to.

  • @Sans0328
    @Sans0328 5 місяців тому +429

    In the short called "Ciao Alberto" settled after the movie is shown Massimo officially adopted Alberto :]

    • @kR-qj7rw
      @kR-qj7rw 5 місяців тому +6


    • @megaboy767
      @megaboy767 5 місяців тому

      ​@@kR-qj7rwshort film

    • @Sans0328
      @Sans0328 5 місяців тому +2

      @@kR-qj7rw WHAT?!?!? WHY CAN'T I FIND IT ON THE INTERNET???

    • @artthounasty5877
      @artthounasty5877 5 місяців тому +3

      @@kR-qj7rw WHERE!? O_O

    • @omarmenjivar1563
      @omarmenjivar1563 5 місяців тому

      You mean this

  • @nicodemussawbones5941
    @nicodemussawbones5941 5 місяців тому +242

    No matter how many times I see this movie the line "you got me off the island, I'm okay" destroys me every time

    • @AtlasTheMayor
      @AtlasTheMayor 5 місяців тому +2

      SAAAAME I hadn't rewatched in a while so I forgot, and it fucking killed me again

  • @basicsimp8798
    @basicsimp8798 5 місяців тому +266

    The ending song is literally about someone missing their lover....
    They could have chosen any song at the end but they specifically chose that song.

    • @imagaybanana2004
      @imagaybanana2004 4 місяці тому +12

      THAT PART!!!!! They are so gay

    • @Ebon_Sean
      @Ebon_Sean 4 місяці тому +24

      The whole movie is "Hey everyone, come check out this goose. Yes, it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, but Disney said ducks will damage the brand, so this is a goose. Understand, *wink *wink? GOOSE." Seriously, I'm a big proponent of not seeing things where they aren't, but I'm an equally big proponent of "don't NOT see it where it clearly is".

    • @imagaybanana2004
      @imagaybanana2004 4 місяці тому +4

      @@Ebon_Sean 10000% agree! That is such a good analogy!!!

    • @nycureamy
      @nycureamy 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Ebon_SeanI LOVE THIS

  • @ItsAVolcano
    @ItsAVolcano 5 місяців тому +329

    I swear at least one of the higher ups in Disney must seriously hate Pixar studios with the state of their releases, not the films themselves but their often terrible/non-existent marketing.

    • @GreatgunYu
      @GreatgunYu 5 місяців тому +34

      I think these Pixar movies failed because they were put on Disney+ instead in theater due to the lockdown at that time.

    • @elephantmarch
      @elephantmarch 5 місяців тому +12

      @@GreatgunYu Yeahhhh that's pretty much why: And the rereleases weren't going to do much: because anyone who wanted to see them could just watch them on streaming, I don't think THAT can really be blamed on anyone: not enough people would go to the theatres during lockdown so it would've have been worth the costs. The movie WAS well received on streaming, as were Soul and Turning Red: they probably would have done well in theatres had they come out hte normal way. In the long run, they'll have a great place in Pixar's history regardless

    • @kay-jay1581
      @kay-jay1581 5 місяців тому +4

      No don’t forget that the locked down and the economy really screw things up for the films. 2020-2022 we got Soul, Luca and Turning Red. Also there was black Widow film. And other movies that didn’t make it to theaters. Trollz 2 was the first big movie to hit a streaming service instead of the theater because of lockdowns.

  • @Amused_Comfort_Inc
    @Amused_Comfort_Inc 5 місяців тому +71

    The "selling your friends out" trope in This, CoCo, and Turning Red were so deep. I dont think I've ever seen other movies be up to par with these twists. I love that they took the route of not making Gulia a love interest, and tackling Albertos daddy issues. Such a unique movie ❤

  • @emilyschomer6715
    @emilyschomer6715 5 місяців тому +72

    44:05 Watch the short Alberto spin-off. You'll love it, it focuses more on his relationship with Massimo and his trauma

  • @Gremlin_Boi_
    @Gremlin_Boi_ 5 місяців тому +165

    27 mins in and i laughed when Sean said "oh yea he's gonna catch feelings for her"

    • @TheGayGinger
      @TheGayGinger 5 місяців тому +53

      My immediate reaction was “NO, F*** YOU, LUCA AND ALBERTO ARE SO IN LOVE-“

    • @analaurazanattadelgiovo3279
      @analaurazanattadelgiovo3279 5 місяців тому +35

      ​@@TheGayGinger Like frrr, we even have 16yo OFFICIAL ART of them dating

    • @Mi-dm2ks
      @Mi-dm2ks 5 місяців тому +30

      I KNOW RIGHT how did they not pick up on the gay vibes

    • @mrsfahrenheit
      @mrsfahrenheit 5 місяців тому

      @@analaurazanattadelgiovo3279WHAT where?!

    • @aurorapride111
      @aurorapride111 5 місяців тому


  • @brandonharris6716
    @brandonharris6716 5 місяців тому +48

    I love booms reactions so much. Him hiding behind his shirt after the betrayl scene was wonderful

    • @SquirrelGirl13
      @SquirrelGirl13 5 місяців тому +2

      Yea it was so real

    • @reoij
      @reoij 3 місяці тому +2

      I can't believe I got a spoiler of a reaction

  • @cocobeebunnied7371
    @cocobeebunnied7371 5 місяців тому +19

    “You got me off the island, Luca, I’m okay” hit me so hard the first time I watched this
    That and his new dad going out to look for him

  • @Dark-Wolf27
    @Dark-Wolf27 5 місяців тому +145

    0:10 that’s hot. Uh- I mean, poor ruff😭

    • @Aqua1515
      @Aqua1515 5 місяців тому +9

      Tell me y did I say the same thing 🤣

    • @Dark-Wolf27
      @Dark-Wolf27 5 місяців тому +4

      @@Aqua1515 😭😭😭

  • @nate9030
    @nate9030 5 місяців тому +87

    So glad to see that adult men enjoy Disney and cartoons too. Its for everyone. I get teased for being a Disney fan because i am 34, and its “for children”. I think Disney is for everyone. I collect some merch like the occasional mug, snowglobe or Mickey plush for holidays. Wish more people would be cool with an adult having an inner kid.

    • @complex2live
      @complex2live 5 місяців тому +8

      I am only 18 and Pixar is one of the only animation franchises I actually respect. I even went to Disney world last Halloween and got some Mickey Mouse PJs

    • @Amused_Comfort_Inc
      @Amused_Comfort_Inc 5 місяців тому +12

      Yes! Someone once told me "Never grow up, that's how you get old" and I took that to heart 😅

    • @sabrinaduckett5057
      @sabrinaduckett5057 5 місяців тому +3

      Same! I loved and still love all the classic Disney films, but as an adult looking back on the ones I grew up watching (mostly the popular ones that everyone knows, of course), I really don't think Disney has been "only for children" since the 50s, and even that's questionable given the dark imagery and themes of the movies with their films in the 30s (e.g. Snow White), 40s (e.g. Pinocchio) and 50s (e.g. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty).
      Disney has always been capable of making some really dark and confusing stuff, even for animation (The Black Cauldron), but those films are "forgotten" or become "underrated" because they don't check all the boxes for a "children's film," or only the positive things are remembered/mentioned. And even if they do, the adults/parents in families are made drawn to watch Disney films WITH their children, because that's how the kids got to the theaters and made Disney money. PLUS, our definition of what's "appropriate for children" changes every decade for a variety of reasons!

    • @mrleaf6055
      @mrleaf6055 5 місяців тому +3

      There's a difference between an adult who likes Disney and a Disney adult. The former is great, the latter, not so much.

    • @complex2live
      @complex2live 5 місяців тому

      @@mrleaf6055 are we talking about those Karen's in Disneyworld?

  • @LPanichi
    @LPanichi 5 місяців тому +170

    You guys know, i first watched this movie with a very close friend of mine and it was one of the bests experiences of my life. During a night (like, 3am) of de pandemic, we had to stop the movie a couple of times to cry... You know, i am transgender and she's lesbian; and when we realised the movie was about of being yourself and there will always be people around to worry and care bout you, it is just a perfect timing for us

  • @Ash95_12
    @Ash95_12 5 місяців тому +23

    This reaction just reminded me how much i loved Luca 🥺 its such a feel good movie and the ending always makes me cry :((

  • @evanrosman9226
    @evanrosman9226 5 місяців тому +64

    "AH! Fish out of the barn! Fish out of the barn! No, no, no! Mom's gonna kill me!"

  • @NickHall-gm1gu
    @NickHall-gm1gu 5 місяців тому +293

    Someone who work on the film said it was at first a gay love story but disney made them change it but you can still see some of the romance in the movie

    • @NickHall-gm1gu
      @NickHall-gm1gu 5 місяців тому +79

      There's even concept art of luca and alberto kissing 🫡

    • @kobemarion1137
      @kobemarion1137 5 місяців тому +6

      I don't buy that

    • @Jonathan-em8ld
      @Jonathan-em8ld 5 місяців тому +84

      The developers of the movie used heavy allegory relating to queer stories, but over all it was a cute first love type of story. Love in a friendship and a growing family. And yes one of the screenwriters did draw luberto concept art, where later years in their reunion luca gave alberto a kiss in the rain hello. 😊

    • @oliviarogers2808
      @oliviarogers2808 5 місяців тому +18

      It's based on a real friendship the director had as a child.

    • @aurora7603
      @aurora7603 5 місяців тому +43

      @@Jonathan-em8ld It actually wasn't concept art, it was personal fanart and the artist, Kenna, while she directed the short Ciao Alberto, was just a storyboard artist for the movie. The director and creator of the movie explained that he wanted to focus on friendship only when he mentioned in the interviews and deleted scenes why they took out Luca having a crush on Giulia.
      While Luberto is an adorable ship, it's not really canon yet.

  • @ower5278
    @ower5278 5 місяців тому +29

    Unironically one of my favorite Pixar movies as of late. So glad you’re watching these!

  • @MetaLatias5
    @MetaLatias5 5 місяців тому +14

    You guys should check out the Luca short "Ciao Alberto", it's a really great and heartfelt addition showing how Alberto's doing now that he lives alone with Massimo

    • @COMALiteJ
      @COMALiteJ 5 днів тому

      Yes, it’s absolutely wonderful.

  • @luciagilgsthmrvls
    @luciagilgsthmrvls 5 місяців тому +17

    2:03 acquatic freedom seeker" 😆 i love that

  • @emilyschomer6715
    @emilyschomer6715 5 місяців тому +35

    4:59 No that was the grandma, Coco was the great grandma

  • @leifenby1271
    @leifenby1271 5 місяців тому +17

    It did become canon recently that they are in fact together

    • @COMALiteJ
      @COMALiteJ 5 днів тому

      Got a link to back that up? It has to go to something Enrico Casarosa himself or someone authorized by him said.

  • @lunalaufeydottir3720
    @lunalaufeydottir3720 5 місяців тому +19

    It's so amazing how this movie does a perfect metaphor for homosexuality. The way Luca's grandmother say that some people will never accept him, but he knows the people who will and that's people he keeps around.

  • @evanrosman9226
    @evanrosman9226 5 місяців тому +30

    This reminds me of the television show "H2O: Just Add Water".

    • @discoshark7767
      @discoshark7767 5 місяців тому +7

      “Ohh naaauuurrr! Cleeoour! The condensation!”

  • @erikbyrge2024
    @erikbyrge2024 5 місяців тому +21

    8:10 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
    11:10 😂😂😂
    17:32 Yeah!
    20:23 🤣🤣🤣
    26:00 Dam!
    38:43 That was Awesome!!😂😂😂

  • @Aurora-borealise
    @Aurora-borealise 5 місяців тому +6

    This movie is super cute, i really like what they did with their friendship. Glad you guys liked it.

  • @marktapia8327
    @marktapia8327 5 місяців тому +12

    This movie is just DELIGHTFUL.

  • @emilylyver729
    @emilylyver729 5 місяців тому +15

    Please watch the short that came out after the movie called Ciao, Alberto

  • @PrimRooks
    @PrimRooks 5 місяців тому +44

    I miss seeing Ruff and Bree for these reacts, but I’m absolutely down for watching some chill summer-vibe Disney movies with Sean and Erik

  • @Gremlin_Boi_
    @Gremlin_Boi_ 5 місяців тому +87

    This movie is such a good commentary on, found family, homophobia with peers and family, and internalized homophobia. As a TransMasc, i have been in Alberto's and Luca's shoes with the way they try to accept themselves, and their peers.

    • @sebasblos1
      @sebasblos1 5 місяців тому

      It has nothing to do with homophobia or any sexuality bro what?

    • @seesawseesaw
      @seesawseesaw 5 місяців тому +29

      @@sebasblos1have u ever heard of coding?? also it’s been pretty much confirmed to be an allegory by official art of luca and alberto

    • @kaninekorvid4923
      @kaninekorvid4923 5 місяців тому +13

      @@sebasblos1concept art shows Luca and alberto were supposed to be in a romantic relationship - so it makes sense the movie itself centres around themes of accepting urself despite being so different from ur peers- and often being ridiculed/targeted for it- something a lot of lgbt people experience day to day

    • @DeathKitta
      @DeathKitta 5 місяців тому +2

      @@kaninekorvid4923 Really? I only heard about a creator saying it was a story about friendship, but he was glad that queer people relate to it.

    • @Gremlin_Boi_
      @Gremlin_Boi_ 5 місяців тому +1

      @@sebasblos1 SILENZIO BRUNO

  • @WolfieOo
    @WolfieOo 5 місяців тому +3

    It really did feel like a movie about real kids who wanted to have fun, explore, and live their own lives as they try to understand the world around them. Like, that kids would absolutely do these sorts of things (hanging out, trying to make a 'vehicle' work somehow, things like that).

  • @richarddollar4912
    @richarddollar4912 5 місяців тому +7

    Love this Pixar Classic

  • @lindabillietennant3302
    @lindabillietennant3302 5 місяців тому +9

    I love this movie! Have you seen the end credits? there are some drawings about Luca in school and the summer after

  • @jessicajepson9579
    @jessicajepson9579 5 місяців тому +2

    44:15 is my favorite part, hey, I have no shame shedding 'happy tears'. I love watching all of your videos, but when you guys teared up at the end....I love you guys even MORE!

  • @Simone-yv3ro
    @Simone-yv3ro 5 місяців тому +4

    A few fun facts about Luca: It was going to be more romance heavy, but Disney didn't want to do that (they still have weird problems with displaying queer relationships), the song at the end is actually a romance song about a woman wanting her lover to come back because the city feels so lonely without him, there are some talk about a sequel (a four year reunion), but it's not in the works at the moment.

    • @COMALiteJ
      @COMALiteJ 5 днів тому

      Where did you get that it was going to be romance-heavy? I’ve seen a few interviews with the director Enrico Casarosa and he said nothing of the sort.
      The original plan was that there’d be _three_ sea monster boys, not two. I think that the townsfolk would already know about sea monsters from the beginning. The third boy in the friendship would’ve had dark blond hair and be a little younger or at least shorter than Luca, and a bit naïve and prone to getting in trouble unintentionally. His name would’ve been Ciccio. You can find the concept storyboards that they’d drawn up featuring Ciccio with Luca and Alberto.
      But they decided that having such a three-way friendship would’ve interfered with the friendship with Giulia, so Ciccio was aged to mid-teens, made fully¹ human, fattened up more than he already was, and repurposed as Ercole Visconte’s henchman whom we first see at 17:54 carrying the front end of Ercole’s long sub sandwich, shortly before diving under Ercole’s Vespa to keep it from being damaged after the ball Luca kicked knocked it over.
      ¹ I have a bit of a headcanon that maybe they kept a bit more of the original idea. Maybe Ciccio is the son of Pinuccia Aragosta, the shorter, squat sister of the pair of elderly sisters whom we first see when Luca says “What’s wrong with you, _Stupido?”_ and who later turn out to be sea monsters themselves. There’s some resemblance in both face and build. That’d make Ciccio a hybrid - ½ sea monster. In my headcanon, hybrids don’t _externally_ transform when wet, but do _internally_ to a degree. The musculature of their limbs adapt for better swimming, and they grow gills inside their airways so that if needed they can breathe and talk underwater like full-blooded sea monsters can.
      This’d explain why he’s such a good swimmer. If Ercole hadn’t doused him in olive oil which attracted those minnows or whatever that were biting him and caused him to stop, he’d’ve easily won the swimming portion of the triathlon. He was lengths ahead of anyone else to the buoy, including Giulia. Neither he nor Ercole would know _why_ he’s so good at swimming, as his mother and Aunt Concetta (the taller, slender sister) would’ve kept the secret even from their progeny, but he knew that he was, even though his build would suggest that he wouldn’t be nearly as fast as either Ercole or Guido (the other henchman). Just from build it would’ve made more sense for Ercole to’ve assigned Guido to the swimming portion and Ciccio to the pasta-eating portion, as appearances suggest that Ciccio would’ve been pretty good at eating. Yet Ercole did it the other way around. Why?
      I suspect that Ciccio has an older sister: the heavy-set woman we see as the apparent mother of the boy that Lorenzo Paguro (Luca’s _Papà)_ dunks into the fountain. We see this kid several times. and at least twice he’s standing or sitting near a woman who seems to be his mother, such as when the Underdogs ride their “new” Vespa up to the table where Massimo is feeding the elder Paguros. This woman looks like a younger Pinuccia Aragosta. And it would explain why, in the end credits, there’s a color drawing showing five people eating gelato cones, all in human form: Libera (Grandma/Nonna) Paguro, Alberto, and the Aragosta Sisters, _and that particular boy._ The first four we know to be sea monsters in human form, so why is _that kid_ in _that scene_ as well? Is he ¼ sea monster as Pinuccia’s grandson?
      Possible explanation that wouldn’t require that hypothesis: Lorenzo had dunked the kid and ruined his gelato, causing him to cry. So Libera and/or Alberto took it upon themselves to pay that debt and bought the kid a gelato cone to eat with the four transformed sea monsters.

  • @PerfectAlibi1
    @PerfectAlibi1 4 місяці тому +1

    4:16 They're effectively a more friendly looking Gillman (species)
    Also, they're a tailed variety. Gillmen can come in both tail and no tail varieties ^^

  • @MARS20045
    @MARS20045 5 місяців тому +5

    Your guys upload schedule is unmatched! Keep up the great work!

  • @ryanking8227
    @ryanking8227 5 місяців тому +9

    Third favorite Pixar film this decade

  • @sabrinaduckett5057
    @sabrinaduckett5057 5 місяців тому +2

    Y'all are brutal with the absentee explanations. 😆
    On a happier note, I'm SO glad y'all are still working through Pixar films, they deserve so much praise!

  • @evanrosman9226
    @evanrosman9226 5 місяців тому +12

    Sea monsters can be friendly.

  • @withxoutxlife
    @withxoutxlife 5 місяців тому +2

    I love this movie so much. Its so cute and charming in its simplicity.

  • @mrsfahrenheit
    @mrsfahrenheit 5 місяців тому +3

    I had the same expectations as you guys before watching it and now this is actually one of my favorite pixar films .. it really hit me so hard emotionally. The atmosphere, scenery, the soundtrack and the whole coming of age vibe reeeeally got me. And the undeniable gay subtext that one could read in that film about “coming out“ and “being different and outcasts from society“ where very well placed - no matter If you read it as a story about friendship or love it's still a banger of a story 🧜🏼‍♂️🩵

    • @COMALiteJ
      @COMALiteJ 5 днів тому

      It’s not about being gay or trans. It’s about _anything_ that makes a child feel different, especially something that they feel like they have to hide from others lest they be rejected or even endangered. So, yes, that’d include LBGTQIA+, but also things like neurodivergency.
      This movie is set in the summer of 1968. We know this because towards the end of the B&W drawings in the scrolling part of the end credits, we see two drawings on opposite sides of the credits: on the left is an old-style CRT TV set with rabbit-ear antennæ. On the right are Luca and Giulia watching in awe at whatever is to their left, which is apparently that TV in the separate drawing. Both are dressed in pajamas with spaceship motifs printed on them, and Luca’s even wearing a makeshift space helmet. The awe on their faces at least equals that of their teacher and two of their classmates in an earlier color drawing when Luca sticks his hand in a fishbowl to reveal his true nature to his class. What’s on the TV that could inspire such awe? Look at it carefully: it’s the _Apollo 11 lunar landing!_ Apparently happening in real time! That was in June of 1969, so this would’ve been towards the end of their school year or maybe early summer, but they delay going back to Portorosso just so they can watch this historic event on Signora Marcovaldo’s TV (we saw no indication that Massimo had a TV).
      Think what other TV shows were popular back in the late 1960s: reruns of _Bewitched_ and _I Dream of Jeannie._ Both of those shows had themes of the main characters being some magical human-looking non-human species (witches and a genie, respectively) and that that secret had to be kept at all costs. Early seasons of _Bewitched_ had the Stevens family having to keep nosy neighbor Gladys Kravitz at bay.
      I think Enrico Casarosa partly (maybe subconsciously) intended this movie to be a sort of _anti-Bewitched/I Dream of Jeannie._ Those shows, as fun as they were, helped reinforce the idea that differences had to be kept secret. This movie wonderfully turns that trope on its ear.

  • @kiyaradunuwille6866
    @kiyaradunuwille6866 5 місяців тому +4

    You guys should really watch the Luca short called Ciao Alberto, it shows the whole father son dynamic between Alberto and Massimo

  • @COMALiteJ
    @COMALiteJ 5 днів тому

    @21:57 you ask how the Paguro parents (Daniela and Lorenzo) know how to walk, and then call B.S. Some things to remember:
    Luca was _yanked_ onto land the first time by his own goatfish-herding crook hooked onto his upper arm by Alberto.. That was completely by surprise for him. When he returned, he was swimming up to the surface, and turning back. He kinda crawl-walked up onto the surface, not real walking, so he had to learn walking as a human on land from scratch.
    Compare with the adults. They’re _walking_ out of the sea. While the movie doesn’t waste time showing it, I suspect that they practiced a bit while still in the water, on the sloping beach, to get the hang of it while water was supporting them and they were still in their natural forms, so that they could adapt more quickly. They’re older and more experienced than Luca.
    Also, I suspect that it really _wasn’t_ the first time for Daniela, but that her first time was in childhood with her mother Libera (Luca’s grandma), and something traumatic happened (maybe her father was with them and got killed?) and that that’s why she was so insistent that the land monsters only wanted to do murder. Maybe Libera was similarly anti-human for decades as a result and taught Daniela to fear humans even more, until after Daniela grew up, then Libera conquered her own fears and ventured to Portorosso a few times, then made it a weekly thing, but still never revealed herself until Luca and Alberto did.

  • @megabubfish
    @megabubfish 5 місяців тому +2

    This movie is so underrated. My personal favorite Disney or Pixar animated feature of the past five years, easy.

  • @Neela_Vermillion
    @Neela_Vermillion 5 місяців тому +3

    There’s like a short/mini movie about Alberto bonding with Massimo. You guys should watch that too

  • @isiragxl8289
    @isiragxl8289 5 місяців тому +2

    I am loving Boom's look these last few video's that hair is on point!

  • @AmBotSoursxx
    @AmBotSoursxx 4 місяці тому

    i watched this movie for the first time about a year ago with my nieces and it truly needs more recognition. a beautiful movie indeed!

  • @Orphic_brabble
    @Orphic_brabble 5 місяців тому +11

    If you like alberto and giulia's dad's relationship you should absolutely watch ciao alberto

  • @TheGayGinger
    @TheGayGinger 5 місяців тому +1

    This is seriously my favorite animated movie ever, maybe even my favorite movie over all and no matter how many times I watch it, I will ball my eyes out and scream like a 3 year old, I love them sm I swear 😭

  • @GuukanKitsune
    @GuukanKitsune 3 місяці тому +1

    I just love Massimo. Sure, he hunts sea monsters, but it's not out of hate. He knows Luca and Alberto as people, he knows they're not monsters. So when he finds out they're sea monsters... he just doesn't care. He sees them for what they are, two good kids. That they're the thing he's been searching for his whole life is just a bonus.
    Especially Albert. Massimo had a hole in his life shaped like a child for much of the year. He loves Giulia very, very much, and misses her terribly when she's gone. And he recognized Alberto had a hole in his life shaped like a father. They met up and they were both whole now. Alberto will never REPLACE Giulia, he loves them both, but now, now at least he isn't alone with that longing for someone to be a father to anymore. And Alberto has the father he dreamed of... his dad never came back, but a better dad came along. They can both be happy all the time together.
    In fact, the whole town seems to be in the same boat as Massimo. They don't hate sea monsters. They're just obsessed with them, wanting to know if they're real or not. As soon as Alberto and Luca prove it to them by being revealed... just like Massimo, they don't see MONSTERS, they see the same two regular good kids that have been running around town for a couple weeks now. Just a bit finnier and scalier.

  • @ilkaiam
    @ilkaiam 5 місяців тому +7

    Never clicked so fast i love this movie so much

  • @Ra1d3n-np9lr
    @Ra1d3n-np9lr 5 місяців тому +17

    Is there always just gonna be some bizarre reason for Ruffs absence whenever he’s not there?

    • @barroslucasc
      @barroslucasc 5 місяців тому +9

      Wdym bizarre? We all participate in competitions like that, right?? RIGHT????

    • @JesseNightingale
      @JesseNightingale 5 місяців тому +8

      They've been making bizzare shit up for anyone who misses recording sessions for years at this point lol

    • @rosenmael9724
      @rosenmael9724 5 місяців тому +4

      pretty much yea lmao, I actually believed them one time for when hman wasn’t there and they said he died by fleshlight 😂

  • @AnaWazHere
    @AnaWazHere 5 місяців тому +15

    fun fact: Canonically alberto and Luca were supposed ti be togheter (it was confirmed when the creator posted a ship art of them on their instagram story)

  • @JeM130177
    @JeM130177 5 місяців тому +3

    I'm having an emotional day so every time y'all get emotionally involved I'm like sobbing 😂😂. But when i first watched it I did pretty well until the two lady fish revealed themselves and I was like 😭

  • @BoodlyBugs
    @BoodlyBugs 5 місяців тому

    I love how this movie is just pure comfort. Nothing too stressful. Just all around good for anxiety.

  • @horaciodossantoscaminero1865
    @horaciodossantoscaminero1865 5 місяців тому +2

    38:43 sick trickshot dude

  • @SailorChristian
    @SailorChristian 4 місяці тому

    I'm so happy you two enjoyed this ❤
    Please consider watching the special/short of Alberto with his brand new dad❤️

  • @sargentrowell81
    @sargentrowell81 4 місяці тому

    Probably my favorite Disney movie of all time. Not Pixar, but Disney. It has such great old school Disney sort of vibes and it kind of takes me back to my childhood.

  • @gamerzilla6113
    @gamerzilla6113 5 місяців тому +6

    They needs to consider watching Ruby Gilman: Teenage Kraken

  • @bladeravenswood5816
    @bladeravenswood5816 5 місяців тому +3

    Silenzio Bruno love that line.

  • @zoeyrose3586
    @zoeyrose3586 5 місяців тому

    Guys I’m so happy you loved this!! I think if you enjoyed the father/son dynamic of Alberto and Gulia’s dad you would love Ciao Alberto!! It would be a great reaction as well!! 💗💗

  • @begreen2809
    @begreen2809 5 місяців тому +1

    You guys should 100% watch the "Ciao Alberto" short. You guys would like it!

  • @JeM130177
    @JeM130177 5 місяців тому +2

    This is such a sweet movie. Great reaction❤

  • @discoshark7767
    @discoshark7767 5 місяців тому

    4:59 in Coco, the one in the way was the grandma, and the one in the chair was the GREAT grandma

  • @vitoriabarbosa02
    @vitoriabarbosa02 4 місяці тому

    I can't describe how loud I laughed when they said that Luca could start having feelings for Giula
    The whole movie is about being different and being accepted in society, the LGBT subtext and his whole relationship with Alberto...

  • @kai.xx6
    @kai.xx6 5 місяців тому +1

    As an Italian I can’t get not even a bit angry at people for doing the stereotypcal Italian voice it's just so funny! Love you guys never fail to make me laugh. Also they sound so accurate in the movie even the va who are not italian
    Edit: If you ever come in italy I’d love to meet you

  • @emilyvlogging6102
    @emilyvlogging6102 5 місяців тому

    theres a short of Albertos life with his new dad and it's adorable if you guys wanna watch it

  • @jadzia1071
    @jadzia1071 5 місяців тому

    In Coco it was the grandma holding him back, and the great grandma (Mama Coco) was the one in the chair.

  • @reinagarcia9693
    @reinagarcia9693 5 місяців тому +3

    I’m so hype cuz I recently commented you guys should watch Luca

  • @TheAtheist8
    @TheAtheist8 5 місяців тому

    i love this movie so, so much. it's the epitome of goodness.

  • @whats_this.madness
    @whats_this.madness 5 місяців тому

    There’s a Pixar short, maybe eight minutes long called ‘Ciao Alberto’, all about Alberto and Massimo. You’d love it.

  • @discoshark7767
    @discoshark7767 5 місяців тому

    Sean and Eric singlehandedly holding up this channel is very funny to me it’s literally just two guys watching a movie

  • @MonkieKatt
    @MonkieKatt 5 місяців тому +1

    27:10 i forgot where exactly- but someone from the show actually confirmed the story was romantic with Alberto and Luca? it felt very hinted and it was cool to see it talked about a while after the movie came out? i dont remember but i did also hear the title of "summer love" like that with them-

  • @Renoistic
    @Renoistic 3 місяці тому

    This movie is just a good time. Love it. That scene were Luca sells out Alberto hits hard though.

  • @Insomniac_Hart
    @Insomniac_Hart Місяць тому

    23:43 I can eat two bowls AND go on a run or bicycle ride xD! I actually used to comute ON a 1985 Peugeot P10... Thing is as old as me ^_^

  • @uberzilla7.764
    @uberzilla7.764 5 місяців тому

    There's a Luca short you guys have to watch with Alberto and Massimo taking place after the movie. I think you'd appreciate it after watching the movie.

  • @silentecho5157
    @silentecho5157 3 місяці тому

    Bro the ball landed perfectly at the base of the v of his shirt. Baller

  • @Kelvin_Rey
    @Kelvin_Rey 5 місяців тому +7

    They watched luca

  • @flazeflame7372
    @flazeflame7372 5 місяців тому

    Didn't expect much but this was actually such a good film i love it

  • @ljb5163
    @ljb5163 5 місяців тому

    In my opinion, Luca was an instant classic.

  • @luciagilgsthmrvls
    @luciagilgsthmrvls 5 місяців тому

    8:34 i thought the same thing xD the vibes are there

  • @auntvesuvi3872
    @auntvesuvi3872 5 місяців тому

    Thanks, Sean! Thanks, Eric! 🌊 I love this one. Kudos to writer/director Enrico Casarosa.

  • @tazfm1769
    @tazfm1769 5 місяців тому

    Boom's snail shirt is awesome. Just wanted to say that :)
    And Luca is my second favourite Pixar movie (my favourite being Turning Red).

  • @gabrielkawa3477
    @gabrielkawa3477 5 місяців тому

    10:03 Grandma being a W

  • @xbamfedit
    @xbamfedit 5 місяців тому

    if you love alberto and massimo’s relationship you gotta watch the short “ciao, alberto!”

  • @kay-jay1581
    @kay-jay1581 5 місяців тому

    Poor Ruff😂 these 2 are just unhinged with out him 🤣

  • @gabrielkawa3477
    @gabrielkawa3477 5 місяців тому

    8:35 Glad you think so. I agree.

  • @Mr_Winster
    @Mr_Winster 5 місяців тому

    I see this movie as The Little Mermaid and Pinocchio put together to create a new story

  • @complex2live
    @complex2live 5 місяців тому

    20:40 something I want to know. HOW? How does Pixar make food look so good?

  • @Cool_Chill
    @Cool_Chill 5 місяців тому

    there is a short called cia alberto, its just as emotional as the movie, would recommend

  • @emilyschomer6715
    @emilyschomer6715 5 місяців тому +2

    24:18 He cheats by being much older

  • @gabrielkawa3477
    @gabrielkawa3477 5 місяців тому

    32:24 Ouch but he also had it coming

  • @artthounasty5877
    @artthounasty5877 5 місяців тому

    "He's about to catch feelings" Well yes...But actually no xD
    Although it's subtle, the relationship between Luca and Alberto was supposedly meant to depict a pre-romance friendship, as they are still prepubescent. The creative team has admitted that they had discussed queer themes for the story but decided to scrap the romance and all that (you know how it is with Disney, can't have out right lgbtq+ movie)
    Although it's not necessarily a queer allegory, and the same things can be applied to a lot of situations, there's definitely a lot of themes about having to hide who you are, and not being accepted by your peers for being different in this movie.
    Things that stuck out to *me* as especially queer:
    - Parents trying to send the kid away, then regretting not listening and paying enough attention
    - "Just stay there, you’re still okay."
    - The little fish grannies, living their life on the island in hiding, but showing their true colors when Luca and Alberto got accepted (relief, acceptance, support)
    - "Just remember, we are always here for you
    - The final scene of Alberto running after the train and both of the boys turning into their true forms while watching the other getting further away
    There's probably other stuff I forgot since it's been 2 years since I saw the movie.

  • @awesomechad7716
    @awesomechad7716 5 місяців тому

    Can't wait for Ruff to get back so they can watch Soul

  • @johnpaulboquecosa8191
    @johnpaulboquecosa8191 5 місяців тому +5

    Speaking of sea monsters, i am still eager to wait for ya'lls reaction to the Godzilla Franchise🙏😭

    • @complex2live
      @complex2live 5 місяців тому

      As long as it's not King of Monsters

    • @johnpaulboquecosa8191
      @johnpaulboquecosa8191 5 місяців тому +1

      @@complex2live it is part of the franchise😂

    • @complex2live
      @complex2live 5 місяців тому +1

      @johnpaulboquecosa8191 I am aware. You know, now that I think about it, it will be a fun movie to see them rage at

    • @johnpaulboquecosa8191
      @johnpaulboquecosa8191 5 місяців тому

      @@complex2live exactlyyy

  • @knitwit18
    @knitwit18 5 місяців тому +6

    You guys should watch Mitchell’s vs the Machines!

  • @maxdon2001
    @maxdon2001 4 місяці тому

    Great reaction!
    Such a good movie!

  • @adamiel_warning
    @adamiel_warning 5 місяців тому

    I would have love you reacting the credits, is a little story of what happened after with drawings, it's cute, I think not too much people have appreciated the final credits of this movie

  • @haz6908
    @haz6908 5 місяців тому

    Watch the short "Ciao Alberto"! WIth how much you loved Massimo and Alberto's relationship i think you will LOVE it