on divination by playing cards) on playing card divination) on playing cards) on playing cards) #7ofclubs
4 of diamond means a rented property with 7 of clubs can mean you should carefully take action . negotiation,discomfort,disaggrement is related to this combination.other cards should also be considered for correct answer
Thank you :)
welcome and thanks for watching :)
what would 7 of clubs with 4 of diamonds mean?
Rasalila Hargreaves it depends on ur question is it a work related question or relationship question
well it has to do with renting a house.
4 of diamond means a rented property with 7 of clubs can mean you should carefully take action . negotiation,discomfort,disaggrement is related to this combination.other cards should also be considered for correct answer
Thank you :) I've been studying cartomancy for a while now and your style and meanings really resonate with me. Thank you for sharing.
thanks for appreciating...-)