Thanks for the video. I love knockoffs and replicas *condup* and I don't care if anyone knows they are knockoffs or replicas. No matter how much money I have I refuse to let someone else get rich off of a name. No. Knockoffs and replicas, my money is in my pocket.
I bought the *condup* Dior bag a few months ago. I bought the large size because I wanted to use it as a work bag and needed to carry my 13" laptop and iPad. I love it and it is one of the best work bags I have ever had. I love that it does not lose its shape even when I put all my work stuff in it. The website has pictures of things that fit and that really helped me make a decision. I bought the black leather one and it looks very professional and nice.
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
Great video, but I have to say something about the Chanel 22 *condup* . This bag has been around for several seasons and I don't think it will go away. When you touch the leather and wear it, the bag conforms to your body; it's amazing. I love it. I think it's a great purchase.
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
@@3monstersmom sure! I’ll do a tour of the “girl room” and include my current collection! Make sure you subscribe so you can get notified when I post new content!
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
I love the Jackie bag! Especially the recently released burgundy model. I have a *condup* , two vintage models and one re-released burgundy model, and I think choosing the color and material (canvas or full leather) makes a big difference with this bag. But it all comes down to personal preference.
A very insightful video it’s interesting how sometimes people buy replicas and then pretend they are the real thing, which in a way feeds into that sense of exclusivity that discourages people from buying the real thing in the first luxrul !! Like the drama that happened on the reality show Singles in Hell
ty so much for the review! does the flap move around in the front where you can straighten it when closed if it looks crooked? I'm looking at one and in the photos it looks crooked but I wonder if it can be adjusted since there's a single magnet closure ❤
@@myluxurycloset529 hi! Yes it does have some play that if one side is a little crooked, you could straighten it with just a pull. It usually closes pretty straight tho. Hope that helps!
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
I think the *condup* Gucci Jackie is only suitable as a large shoulder bag. As you said, the small size is very thin and not very functional. The large size is actually a perfect all-day bag
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, luxrul is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public
Oh, I just received my Newspaper Print Saddle *condup* . This is a special bag! There are very few bags that I am so excited about. Great video!
I know the perfect luxury seller *condup* and it shows up in my bag shopping cart every time.
Thanks for the video. I love knockoffs and replicas *condup* and I don't care if anyone knows they are knockoffs or replicas. No matter how much money I have I refuse to let someone else get rich off of a name. No. Knockoffs and replicas, my money is in my pocket.
I bought the *condup* Dior bag a few months ago. I bought the large size because I wanted to use it as a work bag and needed to carry my 13" laptop and iPad. I love it and it is one of the best work bags I have ever had. I love that it does not lose its shape even when I put all my work stuff in it. The website has pictures of things that fit and that really helped me make a decision. I bought the black leather one and it looks very professional and nice.
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
As a lover of red, I think your bag is gorgeous!
@@lindap7719 thanks! I love pink and red!! Such pretty colors!
Cute! I think the creases are called gussets. Thanks for sharing.
@@tylovesbags9950 yes!! Gussets!! You are right! My brain wasn’t braining! lol! Thank you!
Great insight into your thoughts on these bags! I love my YSL! *condup* So hard wearing but beautiful too
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
Great video, but I have to say something about the Chanel 22 *condup* . This bag has been around for several seasons and I don't think it will go away. When you touch the leather and wear it, the bag conforms to your body; it's amazing. I love it. I think it's a great purchase.
I like this bag of *condup* very much. I have carried it for several days. It can hold everything I need every day. The design is perfect and it is very convenient to put some touch-up cosmetics.
Love your content, can you please do your bag and slg collection video
@@3monstersmom sure! I’ll do a tour of the “girl room” and include my current collection! Make sure you subscribe so you can get notified when I post new content!
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
I have always dreamed of buying a luxury bag, but then I bought a bag on *condup* and I changed my mind.
I love the Jackie bag! Especially the recently released burgundy model. I have a *condup* , two vintage models and one re-released burgundy model, and I think choosing the color and material (canvas or full leather) makes a big difference with this bag. But it all comes down to personal preference.
A very insightful video it’s interesting how sometimes people buy replicas and then pretend they are the real thing, which in a way feeds into that sense of exclusivity that discourages people from buying the real thing in the first luxrul !! Like the drama that happened on the reality show Singles in Hell
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
Thanks for your sharing, but I do like *condup* ’s leather bags.
ty so much for the review! does the flap move around in the front where you can straighten it when closed if it looks crooked? I'm looking at one and in the photos it looks crooked but I wonder if it can be adjusted since there's a single magnet closure ❤
@@myluxurycloset529 hi! Yes it does have some play that if one side is a little crooked, you could straighten it with just a pull. It usually closes pretty straight tho. Hope that helps!
The quality of the bag is very good, there is no color difference from the picture, the leather is very soft, and the color is just what I want. I recommended it to my friend Lucy. *condup*
I think the *condup* Gucci Jackie is only suitable as a large shoulder bag. As you said, the small size is very thin and not very functional. The large size is actually a perfect all-day bag
I have no interest in spending $40k on a bag (a piece of leather + labor = $1000 max) imagine paying $39k on this brand. Totally unnecessary. If you are also looking for niche yet fashionable products, luxrul is definitely your best choice. There are many treasures hidden here that have not been discovered by the public