Daahir jimcaale dhegataag. 1.0. I would like to say that the war in eukraine is absolutely an Epoxy war between the Russian Gov't and the Eukrainian Gov't. 2.0. What I had got an astonishment is that the president joe baiden said in eukraine there exists 13 trillion dollars of valuable minerals and 13 trillion doolars of food commodities. 3.0. So president joe baiden believed that we should have to take valuable minerals and commodities. 4.0. But eukraine is part of the Russian territory during the USSR regime and up to now. 5.0. So how could it possible the USA this is very rich country to think in that manner using an Epoxy war with billions of US Dollars. 6.0. Absolutely this is Shame to USA gov't.
Guul xisbullahi guul falastiiin
Waa walaalkii trump anaga ka islaam ahaan imaamkayagu waa khameni allaah cimrigiisa ha dheereyo damer la doortay um baan u aragnaa
Alle cimrigiisa hadheeyo ayatulaa sayid cali khameni💪💪💪❤
AllAhu akbar
Nin sheikh ah oo dadkii ucodeeyay ah ayuu ka maqlay sidaan warka ku hayo
Halmar hadii lagu qabto daroogo waa sanad xariga iyo tarxiil qofkaas hadii mar labaad lagu qabto waa sanad kale iyo tarxii hadii lagugu qabto mar sedaxaad daroogadaas waa dil toogashaa sacuudiga
Illaheyow ugargaar falastiin oo cadowga kaqabo
Xasan sh hadii la odhan lahaa dhalinyaradaa lacag baa lagugu siinayaa mar hore ayuu soo carari lahaa
alle ha muslimiyo
Tramaw hadii ilahay ku badbaadiyay oo aad alah garanayso adiguna dadka la gumaaday ee reer Gaza badbaadi
SCW SCW SCW❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It is muslim cleric who told him god spared his life for purpose.
arin aad iyo aad u wayn
ILaaho sharkiisà nagaqabo
Asw, brother warkan waxaa ku yidhi imam Yemeni ah oo indorcement u sameeyey markuu joogay Michigan, halkaasu ka soo qaatay ee wuxuu isagu abuuray maaha brother..
Illahay kilab killaabtisa kamida in uu kadhigo baan illahay weydisaneynaa dagaaladana joojiyo
bravo trump dagaalku waa in la joojiyo dadka lagu laynayo bilaa sababta ku socda biniadamka xurmuleeyahay maaha bilaa sabab in loo laayo
Daahir jimcaale dhegataag.
1.0. I would like to say that the war in eukraine is absolutely an Epoxy war between the Russian Gov't and the Eukrainian Gov't.
2.0. What I had got an astonishment is that the president joe baiden said in eukraine there exists 13 trillion dollars of valuable minerals and 13 trillion doolars of food commodities.
3.0. So president joe baiden believed that we should have to take valuable minerals and commodities.
4.0. But eukraine is part of the Russian territory during the USSR regime and up to now.
5.0. So how could it possible the USA this is very rich country to think in that manner using an Epoxy war with billions of US Dollars.
6.0. Absolutely this is Shame to USA gov't.
Xasan sheikh wa jawan maran oo u buuxsan
Laakin trump jawan buuxu wata
Lacagna uma baahan wbt.