Valtra rulez! Needs a trailer drive though, as Valtra has ground speed PTO...hydraulic drive being another option. Not a match to a frowarder of course...but you cant do farm work with a forwarder. Pretty much the only farm tractor you can do forest work with, as it has decent ground clearance and "small" size for the power.
Forest cab available, with 180 degrees turning seat and a small steering wheel to drive backwards. And "belly" protection. And a kit to "stiffen" the front axle for stability, if the crane is mounted to the tractor.
A hydraulic drive for the trailer, And tracks for the tractor to get more traction.
Valtra rulez! Needs a trailer drive though, as Valtra has ground speed PTO...hydraulic drive being another option. Not a match to a frowarder of course...but you cant do farm work with a forwarder. Pretty much the only farm tractor you can do forest work with, as it has decent ground clearance and "small" size for the power.
Forest cab available, with 180 degrees turning seat and a small steering wheel to drive backwards. And "belly" protection. And a kit to "stiffen" the front axle for stability, if the crane is mounted to the tractor.
You can do anything with Valtra...If you have the €€€
Īsto latviešu meža profesionāļu stilā, sacūkāt un izārdīt.
the tires hasn't enough grip on the Sand
Jā tas ir Latvijā! Kādreiz kad būsi Siguldā un staigāsi pa jauno serpentīnu no Panorāmas rata lejā uz Gauju, sapratīsi kur tas ir :)
Que buen tractor .-
More weight to back end off tractor would help.
A hydraulic drive to the trailer, maybe, in those conditions? Rather desperate.
Or even mechanic...Valtra has ground speed PTO.
No one has asked why excavator hasn't tracked in the dirt?!
Ponganle tracion al remolque
pilniga antireklama gan traktoram gan piekabei!
tas i Latvija?
dumjs jautajums bet tas mezs tads aizdomigs
not a good driver, to much pressure on tires
True...lower pressure helps...perhaps with liquid ballast.
Bad driver! always low reps on engine when starting to loose traction!