No Apologies #47 - Primacy of Peter

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Ave Maria! Amongst the Apostles it's clear that our Lord singled out one to hold a unique place in His Church - St. Peter. Ave Maria!
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  • @ChristianSaintSavior
    @ChristianSaintSavior 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for the explanation! Ave Maria!

  • @joseluisborrageiro1989
    @joseluisborrageiro1989 5 років тому +2

    Thank You! God Bless You!!! Ave Maria!

  • @seths8517
    @seths8517 9 років тому

    Good video. Ave Maria!

  • @joesabatoa3996
    @joesabatoa3996 11 років тому

    I think as Bishop Kallistos Ware has said many times, the Western Metropolitans essentially lost all their jurisdiction and authority. The western church was unfortunately drastically changed during the 9th , 10th and 11th centuries. Its easy and uncharitable just to say the " east" misunderstand the authority of the Papacy without a sober investigation of the changes that took place in the west.

  • @monkigun
    @monkigun 12 років тому

    The Holy Church established by Christ, ministered by the Apostles and their successors and guided by the Holy Spirit makes no mistakes with regards to Doctrine. To say otherwise is to say that Jesus made a mistake when, as you suggest , He made an imperfect Church. The Catholic Jesus doesn't make mistakes. His Kingdom is perfect , His Church is Perfect!, The Holy Church is as the Scriptures say in 1 Tim 3:15 'The Pillar and Foundation of Truth" and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against Her.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Matt16;18 Is all about what makes a person a part of the church. Peter confession is what brings a person into the church. Every one that comes to the church does so just like Peter. Peter came to faith in Jesus by the power of God and confessed Jesus as Lord. Peter has the keys but Peters confession not Peter the person is what brings people to build a church.

  • @xavierthomas6792
    @xavierthomas6792 6 років тому

    I enjoyed the debate.Still a Catholic to the end.To those who call Mary a Dinner be very sure.If Catholicism elevated Mary as immaculate does it in anyway offend Christ even as you insist our belief is defective.Brother ,what if your assertion that Immaculate Mary is a sinner is truly flawed to eternity? Will you stand up and argue your case with the Holy One? Ave Maria bro.

  • @franciscanfriars
    @franciscanfriars  11 років тому

    Of Coarse this is anti-Catholic. The infallibility of the Pope is a Catholic doctrine. This you deny.

  • @joesabatoa3996
    @joesabatoa3996 11 років тому

    If I my comments are perceived that way I sincerely apologize

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 років тому

    No, it is BOTH Peter's revelation AND his reward for it. You cannot divorce these two from Matt 16, because you have no authority to make such declarations.

  • @joesabatoa3996
    @joesabatoa3996 11 років тому

    It's not " that they did not trust Rome " its that Rome capitulated and sang the filioque. The issue had already been decided during the time of John VIII between East and West. And unfortunately Popes in the west would use the false decretals of Isidore to expand their own intentions. Every historian today recognizes this , however from the 9th century onward they were used as a means to an end in the west. The Papacy no longer existed as the Apostolic See in the West

  • @jayd4ever
    @jayd4ever 10 років тому +1

    I think the roman catholic churches is closes to the true church

  • @GiantsMets7760
    @GiantsMets7760 11 років тому

    The Pope is only infallible in matters of faith and morals and must make these claims while stating "ex cathedra". We are promised by Christ that the Truth will prevail through His Spirit. This does not mean that popes are sinless as all are sinners. Furthermore, the election of popes are not doctrinal the fact that there were disputes over the seat of Peter certainly does not disregard the Truth of Church teaching, but just shows how the holy Church is made up of sinners.

  • @joesabatoa3996
    @joesabatoa3996 11 років тому

    I think Eastern Orthodox would love the Apostolic See to return as the Vicar of Peter , the primate , the elder brother Bishop. However this has many implications such as the obvious problem you guys have with multiple Creeds. The Uniate churches are somehow supposed to accept the filioque however they do not recite it. An honest look at how the false decretals, the Frankish Carolingian theology, the rejection of the council of 879 in the 11th century , scholasticism, etc. affected the west

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Jesus in John 21 with Peter is to confront Peter 3 times for Peter 3 times of a denial. Peter is very Key but Peter is for one generation. St. Peter is to be followed in what Peter teaches. The Spirit of God is the one to stay with the church for all time.,not literally Peter.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    First, the revelation was from the Father and not Peter. As for a reward, every believer and the Apostles have the same reward - it is called Heaven. As for Authority - See 2 Timothy 3:14 - Each Christian has the authority of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Every Christian has the authority to correct a teaching. So what Jesus says is about Peter Confession and not about Peter the person. No reward is given to Peter accept was is given to all believers and that is everlasting life.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Many Catholic think that Rome can make no mistakes or ERR in Doctrine. Well this is false. By doctrine 3 Popes where voted in at one time. The doctrine was followed and bishops were voted to a tri-papalcy. So ERR in action happened. RCC Human yes- and that is why Sin has come into RCC. True Doctrine will never be in error but who defines the doctrine can by action make the doctrine in practice not work and become sinfilled. Sorry but the excuse of no ERR does not cut it with me. Sin is Sin

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 років тому

    The Eastern Orthodox are a true Church of Christ, the only error they make is defying the authority of the Pope. They do not possess the fullness of Truth either, but they are VERY close.
    The Truth is never an easy thing to accept, especially when you have been swallowing propaganda all of your life. Only the Holy Catholic Church has the fullness of Truth and Grace, and no other faith possesses such qualities.
    Where do you find this "directness from God" that you claim to possess? The Bible?

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 років тому +2

    Jesus didn't teach it, He instituted it, and it has existed ever since. The Bishops have always had apostolic authority - St. Ignatius of Antioch was a disciple and student of St. John the Apostle, and he was one of the first to call the Church "Catholic", which means Universal.
    You can deny history and the Truth all you want, it only reveals you to be blind to it. Again, stop judging Jesus by placing your own flawed interpretation over Christ's ministry. You've no authority. Submit instead

  • @eddierulz007
    @eddierulz007 12 років тому

    You claim you quote from Jesus , did the Bible fall into your lap from Heaven? Where did it come from? When was it first compiled? Why were books like the Didache and Shepherd of Hermes left out? Who closed the Canon of Scripture? Why at the end of Revelations does it not say that only these books are Scripture? Sola Scriptura is itself unscriptural!

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    The Jesus gave to every believer the authority to teach and correct a false teaching. Jesus never gave authority to a "church" but believers that make up a church. Believers are filled with the HS and "not" institutions my friend. I have the authority since this truth is right in Scripture. You fool yourself when you believe in the false teaching that Peter is the "church" and not the Jesus as its' foundation stone. Peter is just one of many rocks. Don't be a fool, Listen to what Jesus says

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 років тому

    Jesus did NOT give His authority to every believer - that would create doctrinal chaos (which it has). Christ gave His authority to the Church to continue His ministry in His name.
    This Holy Spirit you claim is nothing more than your ego, and your worship of the Personal Jesus it has created. Peter is the Rock of the Church - his reward given to him by Christ for the revelation that Jesus is the Son of the Living God.
    Worship the true Christ, not your flawed personal beliefs.

  • @eddierulz007
    @eddierulz007 12 років тому

    Your bias towards the Catholic Church can be easily seen in your numerous 'Roman this and that' comments but lets try and debate with humility and respect towards each other . And yes investigate each and every "Roman claim" and find the Scriptural eveidence for it , the internet is a great tool to start with! God Bless!

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Jesus is the one fonder of the Church and it was Rome that left the fold when it declared that Peter and Rome are the foundation of the Church. Bad teaching on this by Rome. Rome was the political center of the Roman empire. Jesus says that we are to worship by the spirit and told us that no "place" is special any longer. Paul teaches that we are the temple of the HS, our bodies and not a building or Church building. The HS is free and indwells believers and not buildings any longer.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Heresy still exists in part of teaching of Rome. Peter confession is what is the rock of the church. Baby or non-believer Baptism is not scriptural or valid. Papal authority is only for Roman Catholic not the whole Christian church. Apostolic tradition is not from Jesus, it is a human tradition. Deposit of Faith is for and by all Christians in Rome and all over the world. The New Testament does not need nor should follow all topologies from the Old. Mary is not ever virgin, or sinless.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    St. Ignatius of Antioch - is He an Apostle? So what Authority does he have?? catholic is with a little c in this case. Universal in that we all believe in Jesus but plenty of local belief were different by church. Know you history. I quote from Jesus and you never have yet to prove anything. I will be glad to submit to teaching from the Lord Jesus but not the crap that humans spew out of Roman. Mary as ever virgin , come on and think, 3 popes at once - who is the right one? False teachings

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Jesus gave authority to every believe since every believer has His very spirit to discern the true. You limit God by holding to one "church" as the only truth. Never something God wanted. When did Jesus, Peter or Paul ever say that 'One Church" was the only way God could work. You better learn you history and scripture and not drink the Roman cool aid my friend. You don't know what you are talking about from what Jesus says. Go see. John 3, Believers are empowered to buildings.

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 12 років тому

    The Church isn't brick and mortar, but an ORGANIZATION that was formed upon the 12 Apostles at Pentecost, who in turn consecrated Bishops to spread the word and ultimately replace them. Upon these Bishops, united with one another, they receive the apostolic authority from Christ.
    You claim the "Holy Spirit", but every heretic claims this. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you only posses a partial truth whose source is your ego, and your own desires of who you want Christ to be.

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    The Apostolic tradition is good for the verification of teaching but has nothing to do with replacing the 12 Apostles in any shape or form. Only once did Peter replace Judas. But never again was any Apostle replaced. Bishops were overseers in the churches and help with leadership and teaching. They were strong Christians. No Apostolic authority is ever taught by Jesus, Paul or Peter - you are mistaken again as usual. So you must claim the HS so are you a heretic also - you are so judgmental

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    You and the Catholic Church have no authority since they and you have left and followed human tradition and not the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. As usual you don't site Jesus or Apostles teaching about Rome or the Pope. Where is your proof? Did Jesus ever teach that Rome and Catholic are the only churches of Truth? You speak of human teachings and not from Jesus or Apostolic teachings. So why follow what even Rome can not teach with any authority since they don't follow Jesus or Peter

  • @billjones4614
    @billjones4614 12 років тому

    Jesus never gave his authority to any church since they are not real and are just brick and mortar. The Holy Spirit is the very Person who help one understand what is true or false. My ego is not in this at all. How can you make such judgements? Christ gave his authority to the 12 Apostles and told them to spread the word and not to a church. Your logic never came from Jesus. You are a great Romanist but very false thinking. I do worship Jesus and not Peter or Rome. You fool yourself.