I really love Sarah’s voice in this live version. It is not childish whispering. The chorus is spectacular and Sarah is singing with her natural awesome voice.
I agree with u! I don't like it when she singa in a very light sound.. i didnt like her Dream chaser album.. the albums from Symphony and before were good..
@@CosmicCourtOfLaw hi ,I really dont like ";you and me" from the Beijing Olympic. with all my respect to our diva,she sounds like a desinflated balloon, so whisper and breathy .In special when she sings the phrase "come together ".I just skip this song from my playlist. This 'Hymn album," it is just beyond perfect. It contains all Sarah's voice coloratura. soprano,natural voice and whispered.
She' she's been with me through cancer, a honeymoon, a divorce, the birth of my daughter, her concert in Cape Town with my mum. For some unknowable reason her music is the theme song to my life.
It has been 18 years since I fell in love with your music)) And I am already 37 years old. I remember when I was a student, I met the sunrise, listened to your CD, fell in love with a beautiful girl and dreamed!!!
@@philiprhodes5537 9hhuchhu8uuu8hviu19u89h8hu8uhiu09uc988ucwhh8u9uhijiv8ug9jhu8h8c 8c9h80cv9iv9ucuhj18huhhu8018u08vuh8hj8u9h889v988qu88hj8c99h8u9u19h9h9ujhuh9h9u8u9u18u08hcui98818 U8vu9hu81u1h1uu8u88huhu88189uu8u990cuhucw888811ojñjjuu988hq88:+08+-:'8+8++-8:88+8-7+-1+08:++-'89109+2+899+98+++19-0/8+8+-8878++8-++8+89- g0j 20h8188juuhuu8809u1h1hh289u188u98h8h8221uuuu99+1-+1(:189882+88-?88897++-1+-8+01$0++19+++++6868+356355%++8+6-%+3+556863+53-633638+33++638+-35653+355+656-+653553+1+36-653666363++3-6+36+%5568363u9uu188uh9w28i1u2286366++5--35133%%6663385566+656516363+8355+3+6338uuuhiuhuh92uvuuu8u18uh9huh9u888h8w9u9%63655 336iv5635+3+3+636153-6338%36653666666353*%6535+5+%686536*/%563-/5*3*363**53533363*56*63863*%3536*6%%%333*6-38653533356363636556*6636363-3+365%+-%%638586+-63+3685563336-3366-665636+638U ui 9 u8h 8u uu III 9hu 9j8 III u0uu9huuuu8918 ir uu huevos uuhu8uh8h9u1 yo 9w9uh8 hoy u8j66%333+33636+3*63*3/35666533/6555%6*38533366353+365+:97+:#+-18++ u huduh9889u8 88 q uu 891h1 ir uu III yo uwh 88 9jh1uuu9 III 1j tu+ 9 III wujj III no 88 no hu 88 08j8uu2uu III 9uhuh III uhuu un uuu88 III 1 88 8 III 2uhuhuu9uc119-9@11u9huhquh9u1q III vw8 jo uh8uc1uu9uucuh yo ucuhu981 88 ic he ug uuu88 9u8ih9 88 899u8hu uu uu 88 h 88 ghu1h89g 88 uh88uu888h89uuu yo 89uiu III uu9uuu 88 hu u III 0u8uh u880vuh yo u9uhiquiuh III un III 8 III 809g9u III 88 yo 88 III iv9h III huo yo mi uu8hu III 8h 88 88 III 888888++91-9808:298-70-89+:+2+- uh0 yo uihij9huiwuhw1 III i9w III ir i9v8u III 88 uuu88 1 III j yo uh8u 88 9uuu99hu III III u89uu1uhuh888h8uu uuu88 1uiv8jhjuhuu uu 88u uu III u 898 uu uu 88 9u8h hijos uu c III juh uuu88 88 III vh uhuq III u899u8jvg8 III 0iv1uhuuw 88 uu8u 88 u 88 III 81u HH hu 8h III u III 1 88 c 88 9199u2918v III h yo ux898u00v2icui1 up huu III juh u u8i8 III uwu8 uu 8uu88u8 HH u011b ir 88 j1ucu98h 88 0 uuu88 III 1 88 uuuh988 88 uu91uuuujj1uuuh9 III jiu211 88 89uj19wuu188+++7/8+-81+8-8-++-19:8:80-++2++:2++:1+28++889+++89+2++9:071-+8889-8+-9+89:880+(89-99-9+7---:178 III 9 III HH HH 9 88 uu III u9i29u0888 III III 889hi jo 8v ha 8v9979h9 III 8u8j9199uw9u III 9h uuu88 j8u III 9h8u hu 8 vi 8ic99 III u19+@++++9177'++:+8+18879+7'+:+8'8:800+0-/8971+)/9'uuu88 u8wu III uhu0u1 III 8 I1uj981uc89 III 899uu8u9u III uuu88 u uuu88 9 III u999 III 98u2111q88u III w/+-++-+0748333*3*3/%5%6*33*3*353%63%/6-3+5603+66-+68686+++3636%666666%36*386%333355366/5,3386**3*63**53+-6+33 88 1u99ui9 III u III III uh III ih III III uc89 III cuuh 8 yo 88 u III c III 8uu9 HH III 81 yo 89u 88 9uc82u9u188uh8u9h8q63566+66h9hg HH III h8 III 8 HH 2um91 88 18u8 88 III u 88 8 yo uuuuh9 III III 8 88 u 88 hu819 III 99w9ivc III i19h9 h8u HH ve uuu88 u009jc 88 8h8w 88 u1u 88 99u HH 91uu191uhuih9hui2u8u01juiwuu 98v9 III u1 yo uhiqu9c8u9uw8j 9h+663866336356+3+3+6636++666+5666+6+++6673+6+%6866336*3/63*38**33365*36%6/3636/383*636536683%*3%6866335*33*3/3363%6363+3-8633563353++3%+556/6338356633*3-566353335683666%%36686356%36338q9u9 yo 88 989uu9uw8h3qi6%+++33*/6%%3(*88358**6**6635633+63668+-636--*6***55*66566*6650uh015653+3+636536+38+63+6633636%*%336*666/3635*335*35635336666656+-855 HH 1 HH HH 890u III III III uuh 2u9w11u0*uu0 HH 82uiww9h9j9u368336-36%353663*6*68*633*/33533+++8%%3%35043%5686/+63%6636653%6635535*6-3***3366368353-35353-65538+35+363338%5++-6+363+6%353553+%335635668+38h921 u1 uwuu8u8huj21 88 8 III 99u3w8i8gu 88 98919j98uh965-9-8-h uu 91991h919w88 III uh III uu9vu III 89uhcu8 HH HH 9888u99918uqu9uuuhg9+88++++88+-8129-+1'2+921881+8+:++9+9+11+11juu9009uu9hjl9881icu1uwuivu21c8h91+++(1++9:819-919-+--++9hjvhu+++2+-8+18++++++7818+:+2+81-2098+19-++1+-++9-0'89+-'+9+1+++:1++:81+-1++1+1+87:+++1+-9++(7+9hu09uuu1u1uuhuu219u1hu8uh hh21w993ui1h881u98uj9uw0uuq09uuu hu82u91u29h9u899hh9uww9uq98u8uwui9huuh1qw119hu9qwc988ivhuj91v1uuiu981gu8h33u8h928uuucww9ivh8h2u8wuq91uuu11wusu,1u81uh9w9w9wuuuhhuh81uh1u188u1uu1uhcuhi8u8u9iw938v8u198891i99gwu9uuu18uhh8viv8u8q8uh9u99uvwuuqu1uiguhuu1u8uu1w81quuiv98u989hjiv9uhq911u1huhuu9uu1ujwuu8igu99uwuu9uuuu129892huh89u9vquu9uiuu988u1huh11uju99uu8wujqhh8u19181hh9u1huu9hu8p8uw9u818uuuuu8uqu189ivu9guhhuwuuu98uuh81w9u0uu29829uuu1uhu2181uuwh94cu1+28 uu1
Sounds like it’s about suicide, or suicidal ideation. Poor girl, all she wants to do is fly to paradise, any other place than this, because she’s lost so much. If you look into the sky, you might catch her flying by on her way to paradise.
@@javierortiz5537 For me, it’s about those precious moments between bouts of depression, when you can feel like flying in the light instead of being shackled to darkness. But that’s just me.
@@javierortiz5537Она не попадет в рай,она то кто заставит сжаться сердце Всемогущего от боли...Ведь он создал эту девочку для жизни и для радости😮😮😢😢😢❤❤❤...
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Perfect, amazing, beautiful. Has been 20 years since I was lost in a record store because I heard Eden playing into the that store, a few days after I received for christmas, my first album of Sarah Brightman. That’s how I discovered the opera, the classical music, the culture but most important, her. And this video makes me love her even more. Thank you Sarah, you are magic and that’s what give us with every album and every Concert.
Eh seguido desde hace años a Sara Brightaman, tiene una de las voces mas hermosas del mundo, como me encantaria poder ir a uno de sus concierto en vivo, es una belleza de voz, me hace sentir cosas que no se pueden describir en palabras. A su edad sigue siendo excepcional.
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
What a perfect arrangement to demonstrate her incredible voice!! As fabulous opera opening and seamlessly crossing over to a beautiful ballad!! She has such stage presence,, I'm mesmerized watching her! And I have been lucky enough to have been entertained by this incredibly talented lady since the 80's when I saw Phantom of the opera. She still has her power!! She is most certainly incomparable!!!
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Sarah just FLEW us all into Paradise hey 5:20 is better than nothing! ."Better to have BEEN there for 5:20, than to have NEVER been there at all!" (re: Paradise)
daniel hoadley She lip-synchs like all major performing artists, especially with such heavy touring schedules. However, there is vast and enough evidence of her as an impecable live performer, going back 35 years. So please, don’t even try to discredit her, it’s useless.
This beautiful voice and music is in memory of my Mom and Daddy- I miss your gentleness and your strength- I'm so very lost and have lost ambition and spark- everyday is an edge but your love for me wakes the moment of painful sadness and I smile at many years of your blessings- I will see you both again your loving son..
Incredible as always brightman has a voice like no other she is totally unique in every way , voice performance and of course she's really beautiful ❤❤❤
No word of a lie, this song and my dear friend Lesley helped me get over my extreme fear of flying. I then flew from Ontario to British Columbia and I loved every minute!!. Thank you.
Esta canción en vivo cumple el objetivo de la majestuosidad que representa, los coros son excelentes y la presencia junto a la voz de Sarah son excepcionales. Creo yo que Sarah tiene más fans en México y es lógico porque la amamos aquí. 💙
Я поняла, что моя душа давно не танцевала.... А с этой песней она затенцевала!!! Парит, парит, моя Душа в красивый мир своей мечты! Лети, лети, там хорошо, там нет предательства, а есть Любовь!!!!
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Exquisita... sublime... magnífica... Todo calificativo es insuficiente para definir a esta gran cantante que interpreta como sólo los grandes saben hacerlo, cuanto quiera cantar. Ilumina el escenario y los corazones que la escuchamos emocionando hasta lo más profundo. Mil gracias por compartir tanto arte. ¡FELICITACIONES ¡
O my goodness, Billie and Family are truly blessed and so before your time such as a lot of your co entertainers are. Just so special at these trying times of this world. Thank You for being You.
WOW! A W E S O M E!!! Pop/Rock/Electronic, this is the way i love Sarah most!!! The Album „Fly“ is on of the best music that ever was written in this Universe! Since day 1 a very personal fav‘ of mine!
BlueVaraMike I think if the album Fly would’ve been released everywhere (it never saw the light of day in the US, for starters) and been promoted PROPERLY... meaning Sarah was treated like a pop-rock or adult contemporary artist (similar to Whitney and Celine) rather than this so called “classical crossover”, that album could’ve been HUGE. It has everything that the 90s loved all in one record, plus the beauty and uniqueness of Sarah’s voice and style... there’s no reason that album shouldn’t have sold over 30 million copies had it been treated the way it deserved. With her constant reinventions over the years, I think Sarah could’ve really rivaled Madonna in terms of commercial success. But she was always just seen as an “opera singer” by the mainstream and never had the chance.
Love this song. Thank you for posting. I saw Sarah perform this at her Hymn concert earlier this year. It was the 5th concert I’ve been to of hers dating back to my first which was her One Night in Eden concert. All 5 concerts were seen in the same city (Eden, La Luna, Harem, Dreamchaser, and Hymn) but different venues and were all breathtaking to see and hear. I’ve been a mega fan of Sarah’s for more than a quarter century and have virtually every album and DVD ever produced.
Sara forever…
This voice is from other world
From Paradise:)
I don't know who the people were who disliked this video, but they don't deserve to listen to this angel's voice.
they deserve live performance, no playback
You must be an angel ❤
They are Madonna and beyonce fans, and they hate music and talent
And here it is, one of the most beautiful art creations of humanity...
Peccato non canti quasi mai live 😢
Wanna fly to paradise...sometimes too...because this music gets tears on my eyes...so many loving memories.
She is wonderful ... incredible ... your voice so warm transports me to paradise ... thank you for existing
Una Voz Maravillosa muchas graciS
It's true.
There is no better way to say it than this thank you
You wrote my comment for me...
There is no better way to say it than this thank you
You wrote my comment for me...
Maravillosa interpretacion mejor puesta en escena muchas gracias por este regalo
I really love Sarah’s voice in this live version. It is not childish whispering. The chorus is spectacular and Sarah is singing with her natural awesome voice.
Alex Espinosa
Her signature soft delivery is melodically GORGEOUS!!!
Alex Espinosa I agree, it’s mega
We are all alone under the our own skin, so that is the her face...
I agree with u! I don't like it when she singa in a very light sound.. i didnt like her Dream chaser album.. the albums from Symphony and before were good..
@@CosmicCourtOfLaw hi ,I really dont like ";you and me" from the Beijing Olympic. with all my respect to our diva,she sounds like a desinflated balloon, so whisper and breathy .In special when she sings the phrase "come together ".I just skip this song from my playlist.
This 'Hymn album," it is just beyond perfect. It contains all Sarah's voice coloratura. soprano,natural voice and whispered.
She' she's been with me through cancer, a honeymoon, a divorce, the birth of my daughter, her concert in Cape Town with my mum. For some unknowable reason her music is the theme song to my life.
❤ 🤗
It has been 18 years since I fell in love with your music)) And I am already 37 years old. I remember when I was a student, I met the sunrise, listened to your CD, fell in love with a beautiful girl and dreamed!!!
Sarah is one of the few artists who has taken care of her voice throughout her extensive career. Her vocals have not diminished much at all.
And she looks fit and well she ha amazing style and stage presence. her hair is stunning .
Her voice can summon the angels!
If an angel sings, then that's it
No it’s not it if she is killing herself slowly because of vanity
Saray Brightman has a heavenly voice, so soothing ❤
Que banda , que orquestra , que voz , que produção , é IMPOSSOVEL NÃO SE ARREPIAR !!!! Sarah Brightman sempre impecável !
One of the best female singers in the world!! Fantastica!!
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (!!!!!)
Sure is!!!😂
@@brendahall5404 But, I enjoy Mirusia better. That is Mirusia Louwerse.
@@maxamahnken7325, what the bull sh.t?!
Nope - the Best!!!
Living legend
Totally agree and still as stunning as ever infact she doesn’t seem
To have ages a day in the past thirty years
philip rhodes she’s full of Botox and lifts.
Come on now. ...living legend? ??I don't think so.....now...DIMASH. ...that's a living legend. ...
That's right
@@philiprhodes5537 9hhuchhu8uuu8hviu19u89h8hu8uhiu09uc988ucwhh8u9uhijiv8ug9jhu8h8c
U8vu9hu81u1h1uu8u88huhu88189uu8u990cuhucw888811ojñjjuu988hq88:+08+-:'8+8++-8:88+8-7+-1+08:++-'89109+2+899+98+++19-0/8+8+-8878++8-++8+89- g0j 20h8188juuhuu8809u1h1hh289u188u98h8h8221uuuu99+1-+1(:189882+88-?88897++-1+-8+01$0++19+++++6868+356355%++8+6-%+3+556863+53-633638+33++638+-35653+355+656-+653553+1+36-653666363++3-6+36+%5568363u9uu188uh9w28i1u2286366++5--35133%%6663385566+656516363+8355+3+6338uuuhiuhuh92uvuuu8u18uh9huh9u888h8w9u9%63655 336iv5635+3+3+636153-6338%36653666666353*%6535+5+%686536*/%563-/5*3*363**53533363*56*63863*%3536*6%%%333*6-38653533356363636556*6636363-3+365%+-%%638586+-63+3685563336-3366-665636+638U ui 9 u8h 8u uu III 9hu 9j8 III u0uu9huuuu8918 ir uu huevos uuhu8uh8h9u1 yo 9w9uh8 hoy u8j66%333+33636+3*63*3/35666533/6555%6*38533366353+365+:97+:#+-18++ u huduh9889u8 88 q uu 891h1 ir uu III yo uwh 88 9jh1uuu9 III 1j tu+
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Fly to Paradise is my favorite song on the Hymn album, and Hymn is a glorious Album from my favorite singer, the glorious Sarah Brightman!
She is an adorable and amazing singer😍😍💖🎶🎵📀🎶📀⭐
Żeby tak śpiewać trzeba mieć nie tylko głos. Trzeba mieć serce.
Sounds like it’s about suicide, or suicidal ideation. Poor girl, all she wants to do is fly to paradise, any other place than this, because she’s lost so much. If you look into the sky, you might catch her flying by on her way to paradise.
For me, it’s about those precious moments between bouts of depression, when you can feel like flying in the light instead of being shackled to darkness. But that’s just me.
@@javierortiz5537Она не попадет в рай,она то кто заставит сжаться сердце Всемогущего от боли...Ведь он создал эту девочку для жизни и для радости😮😮😢😢😢❤❤❤...
Такая целебная и бодрящая музыка! А исполнение просто огонь, Сара спасибо вам за ваш талант и веру в жизнь!
This is the REAL QUEEN
E é assim que se faz música! Que belíssima canção!
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
I agree
Perfect, amazing, beautiful. Has been 20 years since I was lost in a record store because I heard Eden playing into the that store, a few days after I received for christmas, my first album of Sarah Brightman. That’s how I discovered the opera, the classical music, the culture but most important, her. And this video makes me love her even more.
Thank you Sarah, you are magic and that’s what give us with every album and every Concert.
Omg amazing moving uplifted to the heavens makes me wanna channel my inner Goddess from her spiritual magic . Blessed
Eh seguido desde hace años a Sara Brightaman, tiene una de las voces mas hermosas del mundo, como me encantaria poder ir a uno de sus concierto en vivo, es una belleza de voz, me hace sentir cosas que no se pueden describir en palabras. A su edad sigue siendo excepcional.
No es excepcional, sigue siendo la MEJOR.
Le oído varias cosas y simplemente es maravillosa en todos aspectos, en opera no se diga, bendiciones.
creó que ella no tiene edad, es como su voz, simplemente Magnifica.
Yo finalmente la vi en vivo y fue una experiencia inolvidable UNICA!!
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Wow, not heard anything of Sarah Brightman in years, this was breath takingly beautiful!
This song always leaves me breathless. 💖
What a perfect arrangement to demonstrate her incredible voice!! As fabulous opera opening and seamlessly crossing over to a beautiful ballad!! She has such stage presence,, I'm mesmerized watching her! And I have been lucky enough to have been entertained by this incredibly talented lady since the 80's when I saw Phantom of the opera. She still has her power!! She is most certainly incomparable!!!
Es INCREÍBLE! magnífica! No hay nadie igual o cerca de sus dones, grandiosa! Espectacular!❤🎉
how can she get the pitch just so............an incredible talent, unequalled
The golden voice of my idol sarah brightman
Voz maravilhosa
M eu sonh o e ver
Você é il Divo canta no juntos
@@marialuizasenaluiza6567 wwwww2
@@marialuizasenaluiza6567 IöyLp
Прекрасное исполнение! Очень красивое музыкальное сопровождение и световые эффекты! Оригинальное платье! Браво!
это все очень дорого, но у Сары есть бабло, чего стоит подпевка в 300 человек
@@Asm75w тут решает голос и талант.
Ей далеко до Эммы Шаплин
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
@@vitaliycheremisov6226,естественнно ангелу далеко до ничего.
Талант и Неземная красота, слушать,смотреть :- потрясающе!!! Спасибо природе за такие подарки...
You and Linda Ronstadt !!! The two Greatest!
Sarah just FLEW us all into Paradise hey 5:20 is better than nothing!
."Better to have BEEN there for 5:20, than to have NEVER been there at all!"
(re: Paradise)
Perfect to feel better on this Covid 19 times , thank u Sarah !!!!!
I was never particularly fond of this song but this performance was breathtaking. She is one of the best live performers alive; a living legend!!!
She is the best!
Absolutely agree!.
Hmmmmm.....?? The greatest mime artist maybe.
daniel hoadley She lip-synchs like all major performing artists, especially with such heavy touring schedules. However, there is vast and enough evidence of her as an impecable live performer, going back 35 years. So please, don’t even try to discredit her, it’s useless.
She does look different. However, to me she is beautiful and her voice is still angelic!
Sarah Brightman is beautiful and charming, a super lady. I wish you good health and success in your work.God bless and the Guardian Angel.
This is music ❤ her voice the sound from heaven wow beautiful
never underestimate the power of music
This beautiful voice and music is in memory of my Mom and Daddy- I miss your gentleness and your strength- I'm so very lost and have lost ambition and spark- everyday is an edge but your love for me wakes the moment of painful sadness and I smile at many years of your blessings- I will see you both again your loving son..
This is what greatness looks and sounds like , there's nothing she can't sing or do simply amazing
당신의 팬입니다. 31년 되었습니다.
테이프로 듣다가 CD로 듣다가 어느덧 MP3로 듣다가 지금은 이렇게 유투브로 보네요. 사랑해요 ~ 나이 먹어도 노익장을 과시 해주세요. 요즘 제가 마음이 아파요. ㅠㅠ 슬퍼요.
Don't be sad! All the world with you while you feel how this world is beautiful! From Siberia/Russia with love!
Incredible as always brightman has a voice like no other she is totally unique in every way , voice performance and of course she's really beautiful ❤❤❤
Just a 1 in billion voice,enchanting,soothing and gets better with age Just beautiful
Woo! It was a privilege to hear her sing this song in Boston. I remember her saying "I love that song" afterwards.
Richard You can tell she does. She sings this so passionately
Check out eric whitacre's vc4 of this song. It's where she got it from. Well, his electric opera, but vc4 is awesome. And I was in it!
She is my favorite singer , I see her in 2013 in San Jose ca , I love her
The evergreen Queen Sarah Brightman. I can't imagine a world without you. The ultimate performer, a legend, a goddess.
Most incredible video and song that I've seen in many years.
I love her beautiful voice.
No word of a lie, this song and my dear friend Lesley helped me get over my extreme fear of flying. I then flew from Ontario to British Columbia and I loved every minute!!. Thank you.
Her voice makes me shivers from head to toe, wonderful voice!!
Esta canción en vivo cumple el objetivo de la majestuosidad que representa, los coros son excelentes y la presencia junto a la voz de Sarah son excepcionales.
Creo yo que Sarah tiene más fans en México y es lógico porque la amamos aquí. 💙
Sabes en que lugar fue grabado el concierto amigo?
@@MiguelMikeLopez En Bavaria.
Pois é, não basta só ouvir, tem que penetrar o mental da Sarah.
Asi mismo, le vi en vivo en Buenos Aires , fue un sueño, un increíble sueño
Sarah Brightman es amada en México pero su agenda nunca es comparable con la de otros países
Always Amazing! What a beautiful voice! From Heaven! Please Praise God as well!
Одна из самых любимых мной композиций...!!!...........БОЖЕСТВЕННО !!!
Я поняла, что моя душа давно не танцевала.... А с этой песней она затенцевала!!! Парит, парит, моя Душа в красивый мир своей мечты! Лети, лети, там хорошо, там нет предательства, а есть Любовь!!!!
Частичка Творца свыше
She looked so different but still gorgeous and stunningly incredible. Loving her live version!!
Yeah, it's okey coz everyone is ageing, she still sounds so good as forever
Brilliant, the best.
Incredible sing and performance, Sarah is very impressive.
Heavenly voice ❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏👏
Well put, have a great Xmas ❤
@@paulobrien211 Thanks, same to you❤
Sarah Divina y preciosa como siempre, lo único rescatable en la música actual.
Wonderful voice, choir and orchestra, all is magical, like an angel singing 🙏
There are no words to explain how much I love this song 💜
What a blessed voice! Just beautiful.
We love you Sarah !!!
Сара -- умничка, обожаю! С уважением. Россия. Екатеринбург.
Россия Ярославль
There is only one Sarah Brightman...amazing ethereal singing that borders on mystical!
Fly to paradise, my favorite song from the album Hymn.😍 I love Sarah
Meudeus! Que concerto, que voz, que orquestra maravilhosa. Perfeito!
I love this video from Sarah brightman! She sings as an angel!
Worth every bit of money if you can attend one of her performances. Absolute pinnacle of professionalism.
SARAH BRIGHTMAN siempre mostrando virtuosismo y calidad en cada uno de sus discos! Te esperamos en México!
Dos años ara que vuelva xc
Восхитительно! Нет слов! До глубины души! 👏👏👏
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Sarah tu voz es tan angelical! No sos de este mundo. Gracias por regalarnos esta maravilla. Saludos desde Argentina
Es una bendición d verdad.escucharla me calma el alma el espíritu.
The heavy backing music complimented her ethereal voice! Nicely done!
Tuve la fortuna de verla en el 2009 y 2014 , impresionante!!!! Y lo que sigue
Great voice, great woman. Greetzz from The netherlands
Essa música me leva para outra dimensão, Parabéns orquestra e a grande diva da musica clássica, no 1000!!!!@
Ela e Enya vão além da perfeição
Sarah´s incredibly beautiful voice, it´s always a pleasure to hear her...standing aplause!!
Tengo piel chinita, que voz!, que espectáculo! eres grande Sarah! bendita es tu voz, hace vibrar mi corazón y me hace tener esperanzas 🥰🥰💓💓
Que Espetaculo... Sensacional... Sarah Brightman é o nome de minha ida e volta ao paraíso... Magnífica!!!!
#Solo, #Attraktivität von Live-Venue-Videos, #Die Aufführungsgeschwindigkeit von Musik ist am höchsten. # Realismus und tiefer Bass, # Kamera-Split-Cut-Split, # Bühnenfarben-LED-Scheinwerferstrahleffekt, # Bühnenfeuerwerk Niagara-Wasserfalleffekt, Das Lied einer großartigen Sopranistin ist ein Vibrato-Lied mit einer langen und attraktiven Stimme. War von der Intonation beeindruckt. Auch das Kamera-Split-Video mehrerer TV-Kamera-Umschalter ist wunderbar. 🙌👍❤️ Danke. 😊
Wooooo Sarah Brightman un Ángel en la tierra dentro de unos días la estaré viendo en londres por primera vez será unico estar ahí.
Y como fue el show en londres ,q bendicionnn,queria assistir a un concierto desta Diva
@@reyeszingarasmodacigana8992 fue algo único he incomparable un show espectacular.
Ahh q genial quem sabe um dia vou a verla
@@estuardomejia6382 Y cuánto cuesta el boleto por ir a verla??
Exquisita... sublime... magnífica... Todo calificativo es insuficiente para definir a esta gran cantante que interpreta como sólo los grandes saben hacerlo, cuanto quiera cantar. Ilumina el escenario y los corazones que la escuchamos emocionando hasta lo más profundo. Mil gracias por compartir tanto arte. ¡FELICITACIONES ¡
She is outstanding
O my goodness, Billie and Family are truly blessed and so before your time such as a lot of your co entertainers are. Just so special at these trying times of this world. Thank You for being You.
I love you Sarah Brightman! Beautiful music!
WOW! A W E S O M E!!! Pop/Rock/Electronic, this is the way i love Sarah most!!!
The Album „Fly“ is on of the best music that ever was written in this Universe!
Since day 1 a very personal fav‘ of mine!
BlueVaraMike I think if the album Fly would’ve been released everywhere (it never saw the light of day in the US, for starters) and been promoted PROPERLY... meaning Sarah was treated like a pop-rock or adult contemporary artist (similar to Whitney and Celine) rather than this so called “classical crossover”, that album could’ve been HUGE. It has everything that the 90s loved all in one record, plus the beauty and uniqueness of Sarah’s voice and style... there’s no reason that album shouldn’t have sold over 30 million copies had it been treated the way it deserved. With her constant reinventions over the years, I think Sarah could’ve really rivaled Madonna in terms of commercial success. But she was always just seen as an “opera singer” by the mainstream and never had the chance.
Indiscutiblemente maravillosa!!!! Sara eres un ser de luz y una bella sensación el escucharte y verte.
To the most Enchanting Woman in the World..Incredible Entertainer..An Endless Beauty😍An Angel🕊...Much love🙏
🤍⚘🤍 Graze
She is perfect!!
Love, her voice carries me away to another place , far away from the days travails. a voice of an angel.
De las mejores canciones que salieron en HYMN, qué preciosidad! Me encanta la explosión en el coro! 👏😍
Sarah Brightman... she´s my favourite singer, her voice is amazing, Woaw :)
Sarah I love your voice and music!
Вы лучшая ! Слушаю Ваши песни уже много лет и всегда испытываю восторг. Спасибо за Ваше творчество.
Love this song. Thank you for posting. I saw Sarah perform this at her Hymn concert earlier this year. It was the 5th concert I’ve been to of hers dating back to my first which was her One Night in Eden concert. All 5 concerts were seen in the same city (Eden, La Luna, Harem, Dreamchaser, and Hymn) but different venues and were all breathtaking to see and hear. I’ve been a mega fan of Sarah’s for more than a quarter century and have virtually every album and DVD ever produced.
What a blessed voice... Stunning performance.
Over and over again this reminds me of wonderful past...when birds sang and love was in full bloom...please come back.
Can you imagine what a great MENTOR Sarah is?!
Só. Simeone that know
Suas apresentações são perfeitas, mas esta, em especial, me emocionou demais!!
Great great singer and group!!!!
Это прекрасно, слов нет! Прекрасная актриса, певица! Вау!)))
God blessing the Lord take care and protect.every one from your family. Beautiful song 😍
This peace of music took me again...far away in the past when all of my family were alive...