Hold your breath sunshine

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ireneschwaiger5284
    @ireneschwaiger5284 3 роки тому +4

    This man is a gift of god to the women 🥰🥰

  • @Yorkmum
    @Yorkmum 16 років тому +11

    That was absolutely stunning - I've been a Shaw fan since the Professionals - all the girls in my class swooned over Lewis Collins - I think I got the better deal - getting better with age and still producing thought provoking work.
    Keep 'em coming!

  • @rowleyrosie
    @rowleyrosie 17 років тому +4

    Ain't this just a joy? A four minute fix to brighten any day! Lovely music and simply stunning pics. Thanks for sharing this with us Doyle lovers.

  • @anetanrahlova8853
    @anetanrahlova8853 2 роки тому +2

    The most beautiful man I have ever seen.

    • @sunshine4537
      @sunshine4537  2 роки тому +1

      Welcome to the wonderful world of Pros 😁❤ Enjoy your experience!

  • @jeanmalcolm8372
    @jeanmalcolm8372 4 роки тому +1

    Martin a great actor - always lived his hair in the professionals

  • @Yorkmum
    @Yorkmum 14 років тому +4

    still one of my faves......

  • @firefly1311
    @firefly1311 17 років тому +3

    Thank you from the addicts for that fix! Drooling doesn´t begin to describe what´s going on here.... dragonfly & firefly

  • @finnhere2
    @finnhere2 15 років тому +4

    Hello Sunshine,
    once more a fabulous vid from you. Of course, the leading man is the best in the world... and what a nice pick of music, I've got so bored to hear the "original" vocal version but this instrumental is absolutely perfect. :)

  • @calleighf
    @calleighf 15 років тому +2

    Hello sunshine ! dieses video ist der absolute hammer ! ! ! ich könnte es stundenlang ansehen !das hast du zusammen mit der musik , perfekt gemacht ! mein grosses kompliment ! und ein big Thanks for you ! ! !

  • @ConnyLandes
    @ConnyLandes 17 років тому +4

    *THUD* This is so bloody perfect! The choice of pictures, the music, the effects and especially the watercolors at the beginning and the end - absolutely perfect.
    Gods, I'm so in love with that guy *drool*
    Thank you so much for doing this, sunshine. I owe you one! *pounces and huggles till you squee*

  • @Yorkmum
    @Yorkmum 14 років тому +4

    the image at 1.14 is quite breathtaking!

  • @Redwings641
    @Redwings641 12 років тому +2

    This is a very belated thank you for this lovely vid. which I have played many times

  • @calleighf
    @calleighf 15 років тому +1

    Hi sunshine ! deine vids sind so toll gemacht , da ist ein kleines Danke an dich das mindeste ! mir macht es jedenfalls grossen spass , sie zu gucken ! viele liebe grüsse und bitte weiter so !

  • @jeanmalcolm8372
    @jeanmalcolm8372 4 роки тому +2

    Always 💖 Martins hairstyle in the professionals

  • @lauratejero7674
    @lauratejero7674 3 роки тому

    Tan lindo de joven y ahora también...

  • @lorrainehodder8913
    @lorrainehodder8913 2 роки тому

    Oh you gorgeous cheeky boy...Judge :)

  • @jolf1245
    @jolf1245 14 років тому +2

    I do remember another cop calling people "sunshine", and that was way before this and it was even better. People will know what I mean; Get your trousers on - You're nicked!

  • @veralux8613
    @veralux8613 4 роки тому

    Qué hombre hermoso hasta el día de hoy! 🤗💕

  • @jolf1245
    @jolf1245 14 років тому +1

    Guess you are right. And you know all the good stuff, as it would appear.

  • @MichelleStaunton-l4b
    @MichelleStaunton-l4b Місяць тому

    Perfect lips!❤️

  • @ConnyLandes
    @ConnyLandes 17 років тому +1

    *wipes* Check out LJ - just posted something yummy *G*

  • @tino1890
    @tino1890 8 місяців тому