Legenda gyvuoja amžinai! 2000-aisiais su nauju tūkstantmečiu prasidėjo ir vis dar tęsias ši daina ir 2021 :D Šimtai metų į priekį parašyta, jei ne visam Tūkstantmečiui!
Perfect song and perfect way to describe how we should be, don’t lose your head for the gold do it for yourself, for your family, for your life, own it and control your destiny not for what others think but for how much your babushka will love and adore you for it!! ❤😂 Love this so much makes me proud to be Lithuanian and brings back warm memories being around my own people, good times! 👏🏼🔥❤️
🍀🍀🍀 Tiesiog noriu išgirsti tikrą dainą Pasiilgau tikrumo Palaikymo komandos Ačiū Marijonai Faina klausyti ir eiti Žodžiu,visada reikiamu momentu,duoda gazoooo...
Galbūt per daug ir per ilgai mes kariavom, Galbūt per ilgai kartojom žodį "šlovė" (jė-jė, jė-jė) Gal kartais per daug iš kitų reikalavom Ir kartais per tyliai mes norėjom nugalėt. Ir aš ten buvau, Laimingas pergalės dainas dainavau, Iškėlęs du pirštus į dangų laikiau, Nes nugalėtojų jau niekas neteis, Į juos akmens nepaleis. Viskas buvo seniai - Tu per ilgai per ramiai gyvenai, Bet mano gyvas kraujas vėl atsigaus, Kaip atsigauna žolė po gero lietaus. Jė jė jė jė Nesikankink dėl medalio, Bet verta kovot ligi galo dėl savo garbės, Pabandom iš naujo, Nors esam pasauly tik trys milijonai, Neliek savo kraujo dėl aukso, Nes būsi legenda, Kol nepraradom vilties, Net jeigu ir vėl Tik per klaidą netapom mes čempionais. Ir aš tūkstantį kartų sakiau savo draugui: "Mes geri, mes galingi, mes šiandien laimėsim", Ir jis sakė "nė velnio", Ir jis tūkstantį kartų buvo teisus, bet Bet geriau negyvent negu visai netikėt (jė). Nenuleidžiam galvos, net jeigu mums nesiseka Devynis kartus iš eilės. Juk mes ne iš tų, Kur pralaimi dar nenugalėti. Ir nebelieka jau baimės, Kada viskas nurimo ir baigės, Gali numirt iš nevilties ar iš laimės, Net jei žaidi tik šachmatais arba dartais. Juk būna, kad kartais Lieki vienas be draugo Ir jauti, jog kažkas tave saugo. Mes per vieną naktį dideli užaugom Ir mes galingi iš naujo (jaho, jaho, jaho). Nesikankink dėl medalio, Bet verta kovot ligi galo dėl savo garbės, Pabandom iš naujo, Nors esam pasauly tik trys milijonai, Neliek savo kraujo dėl aukso, Nes būsi legenda, Kol nepraradom vilties, Net jeigu ir vėl Tik per klaidą netapom mes čempionais. (2 k.)
@diezas :D Taip jeigu atsisakytu tautos uzsienije, kurie vis dar save vadina Lietuviais. Bet ar negirdite dainos zuodziu, kurie kalba apie visa pasauli. Tai butu katastrofinis demografinis smugis Lietuvai, jeigu nuspres pasidalinti ir atiduoti genofonda uzsienio salims. Aisku jei taip bus, 2 milijono salis ateityje gales isgyventi, tik reikes paleisti ex-sovietinius kompleksus kurie vis dar yra stiprus Lietuvoje.
+Amandas Media national attempt. nacionalinis bandymas :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, beje hymn, kaip ir anthem gali buti naudojamas :)
This song became Lithuania's Olympic Anthem/Hymn in 2000. The song reflects on inspirational efforts in years gone by, striving always to do our best. We will not give up. For me, there is a sub-text of, just as we fought for independence, we will fight our hardest for honour in the sporting arena. For such a small country, Lithuania punches well above her weight, especially in basketball. In the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Lithuania came within just 2 points of beating the USA in the semi final. Wonderful effort for a nation of just 3 million people!
Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting, Maybe, too often we repeated the word "glory" (je-je, je-je), Maybe we demanded too much from the others, And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win. But I was there as well, Happy victorious songs I have sung, Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held, Because nobody will judge the winners, Nobody going to throw a rock. Everything was too long ago - You have lived peacefully for too long, But my living blood will recover, How is recovering grass after a good rain, Je-je, je-je. First part of translation, probably not the best one, but reply here if you want the rest.
Here are the lyrics in English (Translated my self so there will be mistakes) Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting, Maybe, too often we repeated the word "Glory" (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah), Maybe we demanded too much from the others, And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win. But I was there as well, Happy victorious songs I have sung, Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held, Because nobody will judge the winners, Nobody will throw a rock. Everything was too long ago You have lived peacefully for too long, But my living blood will recover, How grass recovers after a good rain, (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah) Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions And I said to my friend a thousand times We are good, we are strong, we will win today He said no-way And a thousand times he was right, but It's better to not live than to not believe (Yeah) Let's not put our heads down, even if we don't succeed Nine times in a row After all, we are not one of them Who lose not even defeated And there is nothing left to fear When everything calmed down and ended You can die from despair or from happiness Even if you just play chess or darts After all, it happens sometimes You are left alone without a friend And you feel that someone is protecting you We grew big in one night And we are strong again (Yeah Yeah Yeah) Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
@@redditsurge Of course we understand some words from this song, broliai :D For example some words in Lithuanian in this song is very similar to Latvian language and words, like "trys milijonai" - in Latvian "trīs miljoni" or "akmens" in Latvian is the same - "akmens", "gero lietaus" - in Latvian "labs lietus", "del medalio" - in Latvian "medaļas dēļ", "tūkstanti kartu buvo" - in Latvian "tūkstoš reizes bija" etc. ;) We are Balts! We understand each other! :D Greetings from Latvija, broliukas! ;)
@@redditsurge ''mēs esam pasaulē tik 3 miljoni'' is almost Latvian :D ''Tik par klaidom(kļūdām) netapām mēs čempioni'' also almost the same. Although mostly it's very hard, the stress in Lithuanian is on 2nd syllable of words, so that also makes it more difficult. But I think it would not be very hard to learn it at least at a level when you can read newspapers and follow videos in Lithuanian.
Šią dainą netyčia išgirdau praėjusį mėnesį dviračiu tyrinėdama Lietuvą. Nuo tada ji įstrigo mano galvoje. Linkėjimai iš Lenkijos broliams lietuviams.🇵🇱🇱🇹
@@mindaugasvitkauskas1872 Pirmą kartą šią dainą išgirdau Druskininkuose, grojo prie gražaus fontano miesto centre. Per Punską taip pat važiavau grįždamas iš Kauno. Tai labai gražus kaimas.
Here are the lyrics in English (Translated my self so there will be mistakes) Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting, Maybe, too often we repeated the word "Glory" (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah), Maybe we demanded too much from the others, And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win. But I was there as well, Happy victorious songs I have sung, Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held, Because nobody will judge the winners, Nobody will throw a rock. Everything was too long ago You have lived peacefully for too long, But my living blood will recover, How grass recovers after a good rain, (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah) Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions And I said to my friend a thousand times We are good, we are strong, we will win today He said no-way And a thousand times he was right, but It's better to not live than to not believe (Yeah) Let's not put our heads down, even if we don't succeed Nine times in a row After all, we are not one of them Who lose not even defeated And there is nothing left to fear When everything calmed down and ended You can die from despair or from happiness Even if you just play chess or darts After all, it happens sometimes You are left alone without a friend And you feel that someone is protecting you We grew big in one night And we are strong again (Yeah Yeah Yeah) Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions Don't torture your self for a medal But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour Let's try again Although we are only three million Don't spill your blood for gold Because you will be a legend While we haven't lost will Even if again Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
Marijonas Mikutavicius is a very talented singer. His wife is a pretty fashion designer. It is just so beautiful. I like art, beauty, fashion like I have mentioned before 😊
Lietuviu mazai bet patvarke usa. Irodem savo galia. Super bravo rinktinei ir treneriui.
Legenda gyvuoja amžinai! 2000-aisiais su nauju tūkstantmečiu prasidėjo ir vis dar tęsias ši daina ir 2021 :D Šimtai metų į priekį parašyta, jei ne visam Tūkstantmečiui!
2022 tęsiasi :D
@@Lampmatre pratesiu ir as sarasa is 2022 lietuva gyvuoja
Seni daba 2022 jau sekmedienj 2023 ir still klausosi
greeting from the UK
Perfect song and perfect way to describe how we should be, don’t lose your head for the gold do it for yourself, for your family, for your life, own it and control your destiny not for what others think but for how much your babushka will love and adore you for it!! ❤😂
Love this so much makes me proud to be Lithuanian and brings back warm memories being around my own people, good times! 👏🏼🔥❤️
Tiesiog noriu išgirsti tikrą dainą
Pasiilgau tikrumo
Palaikymo komandos
Ačiū Marijonai
Faina klausyti ir eiti
Žodžiu,visada reikiamu momentu,duoda gazoooo...
Labai grazi diana prime man meile savo gimtinei Lietuvai🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹❤❤❤
I love Lithuania and Lithuanian Basketball. Most passionate basketball nation. Greetings to krepsinis fan from Hungary. 😀✌🏀🏀🏀🇭🇺🇱🇹
Linkėjimai iš Lietuvos 🇱🇹
its literally our second religion brother.
I've played professionally for 6+ years, I think Harden would approve my skill
Galbūt per daug ir per ilgai mes kariavom,
Galbūt per ilgai kartojom žodį "šlovė" (jė-jė, jė-jė)
Gal kartais per daug iš kitų reikalavom
Ir kartais per tyliai mes norėjom nugalėt.
Ir aš ten buvau,
Laimingas pergalės dainas dainavau,
Iškėlęs du pirštus į dangų laikiau,
Nes nugalėtojų jau niekas neteis,
Į juos akmens nepaleis.
Viskas buvo seniai -
Tu per ilgai per ramiai gyvenai,
Bet mano gyvas kraujas vėl atsigaus,
Kaip atsigauna žolė po gero lietaus.
Jė jė jė jė
Nesikankink dėl medalio,
Bet verta kovot ligi galo dėl savo garbės,
Pabandom iš naujo,
Nors esam pasauly tik trys milijonai,
Neliek savo kraujo dėl aukso,
Nes būsi legenda,
Kol nepraradom vilties,
Net jeigu ir vėl
Tik per klaidą netapom mes čempionais.
Ir aš tūkstantį kartų sakiau savo draugui:
"Mes geri, mes galingi, mes šiandien laimėsim",
Ir jis sakė "nė velnio",
Ir jis tūkstantį kartų buvo teisus, bet
Bet geriau negyvent negu visai netikėt (jė).
Nenuleidžiam galvos, net jeigu mums nesiseka
Devynis kartus iš eilės.
Juk mes ne iš tų,
Kur pralaimi dar nenugalėti.
Ir nebelieka jau baimės,
Kada viskas nurimo ir baigės,
Gali numirt iš nevilties ar iš laimės,
Net jei žaidi tik šachmatais arba dartais.
Juk būna, kad kartais
Lieki vienas be draugo
Ir jauti, jog kažkas tave saugo.
Mes per vieną naktį dideli užaugom
Ir mes galingi iš naujo (jaho, jaho, jaho).
Nesikankink dėl medalio,
Bet verta kovot ligi galo dėl savo garbės,
Pabandom iš naujo,
Nors esam pasauly tik trys milijonai,
Neliek savo kraujo dėl aukso,
Nes būsi legenda,
Kol nepraradom vilties,
Net jeigu ir vėl
Tik per klaidą netapom mes čempionais.
(2 k.)
Nors ir pralošėm, bet mes nepasiduosim ir sugrįšim tik stipresni. Myliu tave Lietuva ♥.
Big love from italy!! I love this song
Labas aš nelabai galų rašiti Letuviškai bet aš LABAI milu tavo daineles 🇱🇹😍❤️❤️
Tikari gera ir STIPRI daina! Su Gimtadieniu Lietuva!
+Latvia Balkānu mūzika
Tai netiesa, musu yra 4 milijonai.
@@1MuchButteR1 nei 3 milu nera :D
@diezas :D Taip jeigu atsisakytu tautos uzsienije, kurie vis dar save vadina Lietuviais. Bet ar negirdite dainos zuodziu, kurie kalba apie visa pasauli. Tai butu katastrofinis demografinis smugis Lietuvai, jeigu nuspres pasidalinti ir atiduoti genofonda uzsienio salims. Aisku jei taip bus, 2 milijono salis ateityje gales isgyventi, tik reikes paleisti ex-sovietinius kompleksus kurie vis dar yra stiprus Lietuvoje.
@@1MuchButteR1 tarybu sajunga jau nugriuvo pries 30 metu ir iki siol trukdo tau gyventi))
Yra klausančių 2024m?
Tai tep
verry great song :) I listen this all day
greeting from Slovenia
This song is like Lithuanian basketball hymn :D
Pagal like(ant komentaro) tai 11 slovėnu žiurėjo
+Amandas Media national attempt. nacionalinis bandymas :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, beje hymn, kaip ir anthem gali buti naudojamas :)
@@sauliuslukasevicius7597 visgi 51 Slovėnai :D
Amazing song❤ love from Italy (Johnny)
Puiki daina. Šaunuolis Marijonas
gera veliava thumbnaile :)
Ši daina mane labiau įkvepia negu bet kokia daina kuria aš esu girdėjus.
Cfgg ccb Jxc mk, xv jiedu io z x v j h 😀😍🎷😃😄
@Nepažystamasis kartais patriotizmas gali labai įkvėpti žmogų. :))
@@evaldas.8407 butent
@Nepažystamasis du**s
Паклаусик тарибини гимна, йис ирги иквепс тавя
my lithuanian wife loved this song and even after nearly two decades of our divorce i still listen to this song, this still reminds me of her
:)) kaip tik si daina tinka karantinui!😊😃
I have no clue what this man is saying, but I’m digging it
its about basketball. that we shouldn't give up and we are only three million in this whole world:)
if you want to i can translate the whole song
Glad people from other countries like it
This song became Lithuania's Olympic Anthem/Hymn in 2000. The song reflects on inspirational efforts in years gone by, striving always to do our best. We will not give up.
For me, there is a sub-text of, just as we fought for independence, we will fight our hardest for honour in the sporting arena.
For such a small country, Lithuania punches well above her weight, especially in basketball. In the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Lithuania came within just 2 points of beating the USA in the semi final. Wonderful effort for a nation of just 3 million people!
Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting,
Maybe, too often we repeated the word "glory" (je-je, je-je),
Maybe we demanded too much from the others,
And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win.
But I was there as well,
Happy victorious songs I have sung,
Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held,
Because nobody will judge the winners,
Nobody going to throw a rock.
Everything was too long ago -
You have lived peacefully for too long,
But my living blood will recover,
How is recovering grass after a good rain,
Je-je, je-je.
First part of translation, probably not the best one, but reply here if you want the rest.
Here are the lyrics in English (Translated my self so there will be mistakes)
Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting,
Maybe, too often we repeated the word "Glory" (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah),
Maybe we demanded too much from the others,
And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win.
But I was there as well,
Happy victorious songs I have sung,
Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held,
Because nobody will judge the winners,
Nobody will throw a rock.
Everything was too long ago
You have lived peacefully for too long,
But my living blood will recover,
How grass recovers after a good rain,
(Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah)
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
And I said to my friend a thousand times
We are good, we are strong, we will win today
He said no-way
And a thousand times he was right, but
It's better to not live than to not believe (Yeah)
Let's not put our heads down, even if we don't succeed
Nine times in a row
After all, we are not one of them
Who lose not even defeated
And there is nothing left to fear
When everything calmed down and ended
You can die from despair or from happiness
Even if you just play chess or darts
After all, it happens sometimes
You are left alone without a friend
And you feel that someone is protecting you
We grew big in one night
And we are strong again (Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
Geriausia Daina! (Broliukas iš Latvijos :D)
Do you understand any lyrics?xd
@@noraisinsplease1487 Yea for real, do you understand anything? Cuz lithuanian is very simillar to latvian :)
@@redditsurge Of course we understand some words from this song, broliai :D For example some words in Lithuanian in this song is very similar to Latvian language and words, like "trys milijonai" - in Latvian "trīs miljoni" or "akmens" in Latvian is the same - "akmens", "gero lietaus" - in Latvian "labs lietus", "del medalio" - in Latvian "medaļas dēļ", "tūkstanti kartu buvo" - in Latvian "tūkstoš reizes bija" etc. ;) We are Balts! We understand each other! :D Greetings from Latvija, broliukas! ;)
@@redditsurge ''mēs esam pasaulē tik 3 miljoni'' is almost Latvian :D ''Tik par klaidom(kļūdām) netapām mēs čempioni'' also almost the same. Although mostly it's very hard, the stress in Lithuanian is on 2nd syllable of words, so that also makes it more difficult. But I think it would not be very hard to learn it at least at a level when you can read newspapers and follow videos in Lithuanian.
Šią dainą netyčia išgirdau praėjusį mėnesį dviračiu tyrinėdama Lietuvą. Nuo tada ji įstrigo mano galvoje. Linkėjimai iš Lenkijos broliams lietuviams.🇵🇱🇱🇹
Punsko apylinkes?
@@mindaugasvitkauskas1872 Pirmą kartą šią dainą išgirdau Druskininkuose, grojo prie gražaus fontano miesto centre. Per Punską taip pat važiavau grįždamas iš Kauno. Tai labai gražus kaimas.
Linkėjimai iš Lietuvos broliams Lenkams 😊
Lietuvos antras himnas!
Mikas and Mikas yra super ir bus superinis .iki jis skromnas ,bet kietas . Sėkmės Mikai
Greetings from Montenegro!
Aciu mano draugui kompozitoriui Mariui Narbuciui uz muzika !
Dievuliau su visom sventom Marijom, jei kada bus, kazkas didesnis..
Beautiful song, broliai! Greetings from Latvija! ;)
Thanks brother
thanks bro!
greetings from lithuania
atėjau paklausyt po lietuvių pergalės prieš USA
this is the way
Atejau paklausyt po lietuviu pralaimėjimo prieš serbus..
@@emilijus319 taip pat :))
@@LukasBan skausmas gyliai širdyje🥲
@@emilijus319ir aš😐
Lietuva - maža valstybė , didelė širdis
didele valstybe ne esme plotas
Kokia dar sirdis? Bybis didelis😂 Isdulkinsim ir didesnius
Ko zliumbi,myzniau?😅
@@nerijus3831 gal tu nebegedink savo teveliu kad toky nepraustaburny uzaugino
Xadrez Verbal , Belo som , obrigado
Labai gera daina, kai klausau bybys stovi taip ogi 2 pirstus i dangu laikau
Tobula daina man, mano zmonnai ir vaikam.
Restless mūras esam m šešiese ta g kur gimė tarsi neesu kur rankinukas tu m keraminės tu i😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
kultinė daina ! :)
Klausant užklumpa nostalgijos jausmas toks, kad tenka prisimint visą Lietuvos krepšinio rinktines istorija.... Ačiu Marijonai
nuostabi daina, daug nuostabiu prisiminimu ziurint Olimpiada, tik gaila, kad musu Lietuveleje jau nebera 3 milijonu zmoniu
Suuuu peeeergaaaaleeee !!!!
Žalgiris 2021 be like: "Net jeigu mums nesiseka 9 kartus iš eilės"
Dvidešim antrais nekitaip
Taip viskas
More like 2022
kaip išgirdau šita daina pradėjau labai dažnai ja klausyti.Pati geriausia daina.😀😃
Pasaulio čempionatas 2019 💕💕
OLIMPINES ZAIDYNES 2021! uoj pamirsau
Jaunuoliai su aukso medaliu😍😍😄😄😄
Mažai peržiūru hebra , daugiau peržiūrų vertas Marijonas Mikutavičius - trys milijonai . 👏🏻,🇱🇹,📿,💯.
Gimiau ir sensiu už tris milijonus. Lietuva!!!!!!!!!!
Yra klausianciu 2025?🔥🔥
važiuojam, svarbiausios pergalės dar priešaky
Keliauja namo rinktinė, eilinį kartą apsišikus rungtynių gale...
@@ev9079, "nenuleidžiam galvos, net jeigu mums nesiseka 9 kartus iš eilės, juk mes ne iš tų, kur pralaimi dar nenugalėti".
Here are the lyrics in English (Translated my self so there will be mistakes)
Maybe, too much and too long we were fighting,
Maybe, too often we repeated the word "Glory" (Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah),
Maybe we demanded too much from the others,
And sometimes too silently we've wanted to win.
But I was there as well,
Happy victorious songs I have sung,
Lifted two fingers to the sky I have held,
Because nobody will judge the winners,
Nobody will throw a rock.
Everything was too long ago
You have lived peacefully for too long,
But my living blood will recover,
How grass recovers after a good rain,
(Yeah-Yeah Yeah-Yeah)
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
And I said to my friend a thousand times
We are good, we are strong, we will win today
He said no-way
And a thousand times he was right, but
It's better to not live than to not believe (Yeah)
Let's not put our heads down, even if we don't succeed
Nine times in a row
After all, we are not one of them
Who lose not even defeated
And there is nothing left to fear
When everything calmed down and ended
You can die from despair or from happiness
Even if you just play chess or darts
After all, it happens sometimes
You are left alone without a friend
And you feel that someone is protecting you
We grew big in one night
And we are strong again (Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
Don't torture your self for a medal
But it's worth it to fight to the end for your honour
Let's try again
Although we are only three million
Don't spill your blood for gold
Because you will be a legend
While we haven't lost will
Even if again
Just cause of an error we didn't become champions
tylek modestai tu zvirbli cir vir vir pavasri lerva tu
only 3 million of us in the world*
@@buckethatboi274 idiot ?
@@buckethatboi274it’s okay he done his best 🔥☺️
su pergale visus :)
megstamiausia daina, aciu marijonai kad sukurei tokia daina, tikiuos susitiksime kazkada
Legenda :)
Šitas Himnas forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legendine daina 😌💛💚❤
Jau 2023, o daina vis dar NE apie sportą, o apie mūsų gyvenimus 😊😊😊
Gyme gerai dauzo😊
chebra padarom tris milijonus perziuru!! :D
Great song i can listen all day
Labai gera daina
Marijonai, tu geriausias 😎
hey from turkey :) Come here because of a friend advice :) thanks to her
Megstamiausia daina✌✌🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹
Geriausia daina pasaulyje❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
2021 klausosi!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌❤
iki ašarų... 🤘
Net nereikia lyricsų tokiai dainai🖤
Žalgiriečiai klauso💚🤍💚🤍
Nice song, even if I don't understand the lyrics. Greet from Slovakia
Song is about basketball
@@patiopke9515 Dainoj net nėra paminėtas krepšinis, bruh...
Jau 2023 bet niekas neužmiršo dainos😊 kad būtu su taip dabar kaip buvo tada
very good song greetings from kosovo
2023. Prieš PČ nusiteikineju 😂❤🇱🇹
su pergale !
I love this song
Kas klauso 2024??😂🤣🤣
Aš ❤
As ir🤣🤣
me too
geriausia daina
Legendinė daina niekada nepasibaigs gyvavimas
Nemirtinga daina 🇱🇹❤️
Very beautiful, hello from Belarus
awesome song
pagaliau radau! muzika pamaši į "2 Unlimited"
Čia antras Lietuvos himnas
Gera žai dainoji
marijono mėgstamiausia daina
Na liuks❤❤❤
taip ir toliau
Nieko nežinau nū legenda
Zuper, Super!!!
primena vaikyste
Kas čia po Amerikos 104-110?
This is the song I play when people ask to hear Lithuanian music.
LT AUKSAS. jis geriausias daininkas y eurovizija ji :)
Marijonas Mikutavicius is a very talented singer. His wife is a pretty fashion designer. It is just so beautiful. I like art, beauty, fashion like I have mentioned before 😊
what should we do, Latvians, we are less than 2 million in the world :D
Šita daina išties leidžia tikėt savim kad gali but daugiau nei manai.
Gera daina
prašau pykštelkit kurioje dainoje dainuoja Mikutavičius ,,trys tabletės saujoj,, Nu labai reikia