I remember watching this video as a child and it was really entertaining when the human team a escape on a helicopter, miss the good old day 😌 : Wednesday January 31 2024
I started to play this mode 3 years ago, for 5 months I have not played because the server on which I was playing went offline. Now I cry every day and wish the server would be online again.
This is the best video HAHAHAHA how many times to succes the escape hahaha the guy in the corner so hillarious and the guys who fell for the chopper ha hahahaha
3:29 “we good we good”
Guy in corner: “WE GOOD? WHAT ABOUT ME?!”
11/10 best moment
Ikr 😂
i cant stop laugh
Nu prea îmi place jocul
I never "got into" CS but I remember having some insane fun in the Zombie mods back in Source..Still hasn't lost it's charm.
The Cs days were gold before, everyone played these servers, especially kids
@@BalkanianNinja especially Cs 1.6 Ze and Zm
When I dont wanna listen to someone whos talking to me, I just have to watch this video. Its so loud I love it.
8:06 rip those dudes who got pushed
gabriel ghazanfar Press F to pay respects
So close yet so far.
5:49 this what people need to do when their friend gets infected in zombie movies
Ditch them 😀
5:51 I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky
Random Minecraft Player haha he can fly lol😂😂😂😂😂
lol this have sense for dat noob zombie master
I Can touch the *limit of the Map*
Not funny
i cannot stop watching this guy's vids, i dunno why
Me too
Hello fellow furry uwu
Ur nub
unknow n you too nub
Maybe ur addicting of watching zombie escape videos
My memories of counter strike
Cs 1.6 i had fun for 10 year
Css:played for 20 weaks
Csgo:played for 2 years
Weaks 😷 weaks 😨 weaks 😭
4:36 traitor level: 9999999999999999
traitor level inf
03:40 lol that guy stuck 😂
I remember watching this video as a child and it was really entertaining when the human team a escape on a helicopter, miss the good old day 😌 : Wednesday January 31 2024
Only real men use guns to move furniture 😎
man these type of videos made my meals legendary as a child
Epa que saudades do source quando jogavamos esses mapas de zombies :( volta época boa!!!!
I started to play this mode 3 years ago, for 5 months I have not played because the server on which I was playing went offline.
Now I cry every day and wish the server would be online again.
When axonek gets infected
my childhood game. played this for the first time when i was around 10. :')
RedXGaming - Trash Gameplays at 8:13
152 thousand subscribers but one but 4 million views, I even began to respect the person Who crated the Channel from scratch.
player in zambie apocalypse: stay together
Me:I don't have a gun
Haha great server bro! Looks so fun!
Many Spartans Survived some Scout Troopers did and Soldiers too some civies survived, what a Day
Don't forget the orange and blue Combine Elites...
Your friend in outside be like: wtf are you doing?!!
03:40 the one guy left ougghhh
Unscramble this words!
On the first one i got snipe
no completely wrong xd
In K hitler is the only one you did not censor 🤔
Great job for publishing such a beneficial video. Your video isn’t only useful but it is also additionally really creative.
This the only one content i can't skip
This was the days
This is the best video HAHAHAHA how many times to succes the escape hahaha the guy in the corner so hillarious and the guys who fell for the chopper ha hahahaha
This looks hella fun keep up the good work👌👌
omg go in 4:33 awesome
he teleport xD
Zombie mod
FortBit 11 sdgs ecvdsasdc. dsssx
hgcfrrfgfdgfdvd fdfggcggb
The only game or mode that won't piss you off.
If there's only *teamplay*...It's gonna be an epic escape
You make the best csgo vids in the world keep up the good work ;)
this looks fun
have fun in hell
nice BR0 keep it up
Couldn't stop watching his video. This is quite disastrous
I can describe this map in one sentence
*Get to da choppa!*
What a fucking gem at 3:29 haha! xD never laughed so hard in my life
8:10 rip Ping
4:33 smart
8:05 😂😂😂😂😂
8:50 That Chopper Is Straight From Left 4 Dead 2🤣🤣🤣
Cuz its valve model
I like all your videos
Hi! Good video,
I am playing cs 1.6, I also like it :p
I know it feel's really angry when you are just about to complete the map and a bullsh** make's you a zombie ! XD
damn you helecopterr!!!
This looks awesome! Too bad you can't Cade like in gmod though
Never the big fan of CSGO match making but custom games are always fun since 1.6
Imagine hearing guns shooting from the top floor just to escape
CSGO series in a nutshell
Outside of that helicopter it must look like helicopter shiting lasers lol
Que buen video mi hermano 👍
In 8:11 the COD4 said :Nobody would make the first jump
Teacher : 'So , who can tell me about teamwork?'
Girls : 'YES . Blah blah blah blah'
Boys :
Boys : OPEN FIREE!!!!
you number 1St In this game,Axonek3
good times
Nice skin you got my fav weapon is M4A4 like it's same is ak I guess
Someone said get to the chopper
Best video and the most best earrapae
I dunno why i waching this vid but it intresting
Games like this get my blood pumpin
Remember...... No Russian
Steve Yt *Я* русский Сочи манду
That’s from call of duty modern warfare 2 the mission No Russian
Bob PlaysFTW
No kidding
@@v.8843 No shit, Sherlock
@@v.8843 😭 Hahahaha! I'm fucking crying over here.
so nice dude
*supressive fire intensifies*
1:20 Suppressing fire!
who looks at it in quarantine
Good skins and epic game
Топ 10 концовок аниме, первое место
very nice :D
Phantom Alucard
Did that one guy say "PTHHHHhHHHhHHH" or "PZZZZZZZZZ"
Nice carambit
Dobré. Video
This atix looks better than the current one
Nice skins :)
dude why does my steam cs go takes to much time on connecting to the ze servers ?
Dude: we’re good
Dude that is stuck: where good but what about me
Dude: fuck u
Me: HAHAHA why are u leaving him help him HAHAHAHAHA 😂🤣
Zombie: my feelings too you
We good and what about me?!?! Lmao
I am a foreigner but I want to ask if it is possible to play this mode with you and if so how?
7:32 OMG !
Best berricade ever
Is there more maps like this one?
The good old days
Hahaha lol byby zombie we love you guys
awesome likes zombies!!!
On 2020 no one goes to the other rooms of this map only one room
lol zombie maps were so awesome. had the best time playing em. but i played in css
Wow amazing pwedang paheriet
Zombie server better in cs1.6
Zombie escape better in csgo
omg yes finally someone said it, im yaer late , but srsly the cs 1.6 zombies mod is 1000x times more better than this crap why i dont get it
@@omar619kamis I prefer the source engine for its physics when you're building your barricade the css's not GO's.
Wait was that lemmino
where can i play these mods in csgo?
Yo where can I find these zombie escapes?
4:42 100000000 IQ
00:00 best karambit fade ever
Wow if you play as a zombie your hand is looks like human
Awesome games dude,i want it,amazing games