mad! going through "a book of abstract algebra" now and you gave me the intuition for chapter 8's exercises that he lacked to provide.. thank you!! keep it up!
Thank you. This is the first illustration of conjugation that I have been able to find. Most mathematics websites and books simply recite the standard (axa^-1) definition, which is pretty useless , especially in the context of cyclic groups. Call me a heretic, but I am starting to think that the people manufacturing the textbooks don't really grasp what they are reciting. Thanks again.
mad! going through "a book of abstract algebra" now and you gave me the intuition for chapter 8's exercises that he lacked to provide.. thank you!! keep it up!
This is fantastically well explained!
love those tables and venn diagrams
Execllent explanation. Thanks
Group theory just got interesting!
This is a great vid!
Thank you. This is the first illustration of conjugation that I have been able to find. Most mathematics websites and books simply recite the standard (axa^-1) definition, which is pretty useless , especially in the context of cyclic groups. Call me a heretic, but I am starting to think that the people manufacturing the textbooks don't really grasp what they are reciting.
Thanks again.
Careful at around 7:00! The renaming should be done by the inverse of tau, not tau!