Trueeee I also find it funny how Noah has a D rank affinity with Incursor even though his best role is DPS meanwhile Taion has S rank even though he’s better at being a healer
@@randomguyonyt6060 I never understood that 😂😂 based on the character interactions it should’ve been Mio- but I would prefer it on Taion because I can’t not put it on him cuz his massive orange scarf matches the massive orange flag 😂
The highest praise I can give this class; aside from it giving any character using it crazy cake, is that its weapon and style are cool. And Monica is a pretty cool mom.
Honestly Eunie not inheriting Healer's does make sense lore-wise, as she does say in one of the Gamma Quests she only knows enough to be passable in the Medical Arts. Her Past Incarnation was a Sniper, honestly I'd guess Joran was the healer of their group before his death and it made her learn
I'm fine with Lanz not getting caked up, because he's the only character on whom the chest texture looks right (Even Eunie doesn't have tits as big as Monica, and Lanz being the beefcake he is looks like he could actually have big enough chest muscles for the texture to look believeable. Even though his model doesn't actually reflect that, because Monolith are cowards.)
I've loved Demolition since the first time I used it. It has insane power, it ignores the defenses 50% of the time and it synchronizes really well with ultimate Qigong.
6:04 This is the first that I've heard of Ether Master Arts becoming Physical when used in a Fusion Art with a Physical Attack. Is that always the case?
I feel this class really exemplifies my problem with Aggro's design- the only reliable way to maintain Aggro is to deal more damage, which makes playing around Defense inherently bad because no matter how much you can resist it doesnt matter if you never get targeted, and Atackers are inherently better at drawing Aggro anyway.
Lost Vanguard, to me, feels more like a Xenoblade 1 class than a Xenoblade 3 class. The utility arts feel more like arts Reyn might have than they do like arts a Xenoblade 3 character would have; it's really weird. *Post-game class/hero spoiler warning* They managed to translate Melia into XC3's combat style well enough that she feels like a Xenoblade 3 version of Melia, even if Royal Summoner doesn't feel exactly like a Xenoblade 3 original class, so it's weird that a class that actually *is* original would feel more like a Xenoblade 1 class. On another note, however, I'm excited to see what you say about Lifesage and Royal Summoner, since I like both classes a lot, but don't really know how to use them correctly/optimally. Very curious to see what you come up with! Royal Summoner seems like it might actually be decent for AI control (Unlike Melia in Xenoblade 1 proper, ironically.)
Gonna play devils advocate for a moment, but I think they could have handled that class a little better even if it’s a pretty good class. The biggest issue I have with the class is three things, how long the cooldown on everything is, how you almost need to rely on Master arts to increase the talent gauge, and the lack of choice when it comes to summon elemental. What I wish they would have done instead was making Elemental Discharge the Talent art, having it work like the current talent art does, and change the regular arts into three element summons that change into different summons when you've discharged enough. So for example, The Combat arts could be Summon Flare & Bolt, Summon Earth & Ice, Summon Water & Wind, Starfall, and Shadow Stitch. From there you would summon Flare, Earth and Water elements to attack alongside you and you'd discharge them like in XC1, but after enough discharges, lets say 6 as an example, you'd start to summon Bolt, Ice and Wind instead, which give a higher buff values and deal more damage. Have the elements auto attack and increase the talent gauge passively with that. If it worked like that, then it would have been a perfect port of Melia’s old arts.
I've found that Taunt Pulse does a decent job holding aggro from a group of enemies. Even though the damage is pitiful, it constantly draws aggro from enemies around you, so you don't need them to be slightly bunched up like with other "accumulates more aggro" damage arts, nor do you need to wait for a cooldown on those "accumulates more aggro" arts. Generally speaking, whenever I have something like a quest battle with 5 or more enemies at once, Taunt Pulse is pretty consistently able to keep aggro on my tank, but if I don't have a Lost Vanguard or don't run Taunt Pulse, it can be tough to draw or keep aggro.
I had a lot of success playing this class as the only tank in my party, running the armor veil + defense up fields (using the multiple fields skill), and letting myself not take aggro, so I can equip the entire party with Fraternal Badge + Protector's Pride (increase art recharge when non-defenders are targeted). You basically run around helping whoever has aggro not die while everyone spams arts like mad. Had no problem beating superbosses on hard difficulty with an otherwise pretty unoptimized set up.
The new direct has revealed the new hero and their class seems to have a very high amount of variation due to the skill trees it seems to have , plus challenge mode will release as well ! I can't wait for your guides for those
First off, I love your videos and guides on all things Xenoblade, and I look forward to watching and learning everything I can from these! Just an observation though, it seems some of the general consensus/understanding on tanking has carried over from XC2, mainly in the sense that basically says "Damage = Aggro", that the only reliable way of generating aggro is to dish out more and more damage. And while it is still very true that more damage = more aggro, in my experience thus far with XC3 (230+ hours, hard mode), it really seems like Monolithsoft has tweeked the aggro system A BUNCH in favor of the tanks. With Lost Vanguard for example, It feels like the "draws more aggro" from Taunt Pulse draws a HECK of a lot more aggro than would normally be gained by triple-digit damage. Likewise, the "drawing aggro" from Come an' Get Me! seems like more aggro than would normally be gained from that amount of damage dealt. For me, Lost Vanguard has been crazy good at getting and keeping aggro! AOE aggro on every Mighty Beat + continuous AOE aggro from Taunt Pulse + basically AOE aggro from class spike damage from blocking 100% (with Shield Wall if native block isn't maxed). All that boosted with it's own self-heal, plus GC's taunt art, this class has been amazing for me both in terms of aggro and resilience! Especially against groups of enemies. Granted, I haven't gone up against the superbosses yet, and I could be totally wrong on the XC3 aggro system/tweeks, but so far for the face-tank role, I'm loving me some Lost Vanguard!
Are you planning to do a lucky seven/unlimited sword guide once all the class guides are done? It feels like essentially its own class, and like enough of its own playstyle for players to commonly gravitate towards I don't know what class/setup to really use yet for the highest consistent damage while keeping aggro low, and wanted to see other builds and opinions
I really enjoy the way lost vanguard functions when utilized as an off tank. Giving armor veil and damage mitigation to the main tank is pretty nice, and it’s stance makes it really good for multi-enemy fights. Really the main weakness of the class is simply that we don’t have a lot of post game content that involves multi-enemy engagements yet.
I actually disagree, I think there are several ways to make creative tank classes. Some examples could maybe be a drain tank class, or a self-healing based class, or a Reflect based class.
As for drain tank/Self healing, I think they didn't go that direction because classes like that are generally broken one way or another. If you can heal enough to out pace the enemy's damage, then you start cutting into the work healers have to perform. Maybe you'd get away with one healer instead of two, for instance. If you don't heal enough, then the class (generally) becomes a worse face tank class. That's because they usually have skills and such that support it's low quality selfhealing/drain. These types of classes are a developer's nightmare to balance. As for a reflect damage class, that's kind of what they were going for with lost vanguard. It has damage dealt on shield blocks and (pitiful) reflect damage from one of it's arts. If that art was amped up, I think it would be a very strong contender for being an ai controlled tank. Maybe that would be too powerful, and that's why it sucks. Edit: Generally speaking reflect damage classes generally have a very low skill cap and also aren't usually very engaging, since the premise is to just let the monster beat on you.
honestly a great a video to show off one of the lesser defenders even tho there’s already very few. Looking forward to the royal summoner class been trying to make it a heavy hitter lately
Ever since XB1 I sorta wished that we got a tank that actually wasn't very tanky, but has so much innate regen that you could off set a lot of incoming damage or all damage with a proper set up. Catalyst in XB2 was the closest to this, but they never actually got aggro so... yknow. Also, we don't have a single Ether damage focused tank in the game, that's a little weird.
I still find it hilarious that Eunie, one of the default healers, gets 2 tank classes while Lanz, one of the default tanks, gets 2 healer classes. It's hilarious
The beauty of this game's classes is that time and understanding is demanded from every class. Even classes like the Yumsmith, Stalker, and Lost Vanguard (which aren't all that remarkable) bring things to the table that are routinely featured on ideal setups. This also unfortunately makes me worry about the Expansion Pass and the potential for DLC Power Creep overshadowing the main game classes again. I really don't want that.
the only thing i noticed with this class the lost vanguard it has a higher dps than guardian class and can get the same stats as the guardian class.but only the awakening buff separates the guardian class and the lost be honest if you have a signifier you do not need the guardian class at all. Guardian and the lost vanguard are 99% the same ,but one buff makes them 1% different.
13:23 - so you actually want low agility on this class. Lanz has 2nd-lowest agility (Taion is lowest but worst HP), 2nd-highest atk, highest HP so yeah, lol
I just unlocked the class and ngl it feels pretty good to actually hold of aggro from my Sena using Alexandrias class which most other classes fail to do.
I use Phantom feather with this class to draw more aggro. Though I use Guardian Commander than this class, I find having Phantom feather here is good to keep the aggro in this class. Thanks for the guide Enel!
Lol. This class is super underwhelming…but it has “the” smash art which makes it so much more useful than a number of other classes, despite sucking. We better get a Keves smash art as well for DLC
I hope we don't... agnus attackers are already a lot better than the keves classes. So it's a nice way to balance them by giving them no access to smash. Same thing with troubadour and signifer being both agnian so u can't use all the good skills on a single character.
honestly, the thing I dislike most about this class is that it doesn't really have a unique gameplan. Like, it's only unique aspects are it's smash art and the armor veil field art. Otherwise, like all tanks it has skills to help keep aggro, stats to keep the character alive, and arts that draw aggro. Zephyr has multiple ways to evade and does spike damage when you evade. Heavy guard has a block art and a decent attack stat. (admittedly this one's also a bit mid, but I think it's skill that continuously draws aggro is notable for early game.) Guardian builds up to its role art then strikes back by giving itself awakening. And Lone Exile does damage, has a skill that makes it draw additional aggro by dealing its good damage, and a skill that makes you do more damage when you get low on health due to your lack of native defensive options. But, what exactly is Lost Vanguard's identity as a class? Smash art? Feels like a tank version of flash fencer, you come here for a master skill/art and leave. (Although tbf flash fencer is still way better as a class on its own, has good master arts AND skills, and given how niche capable hands is as a master skill the class still maintains an identity.)
the only thing i noticed with this class the lost vanguard it has a higher dps than guardian class and can get the same stats as the guardian class.but only the awakening buff separates the guardian class and the lost be honest if you have a signifier you do not need the guardian class at all. Guardian and the lost vanguard are 99% the same ,but one buff makes them 1% different.
@@1BadAssArchAngelvs14 hmm. interesting. Yeah, I'll admit that Lost Vanguard and Guardian are functionally the same. I guess what I value about Guardian over Vanguard is the feel? It feels engaging to progress through Guardian's gameplan, whereas Vanguard just kinda goes smash. Does that make sense? Guardian has its own approach to encounters, whereas Vanguard's smash art isn't very distinct to the class. Idk, this might be pure nonsense.
I do find use putting "now that's tactics" on Lanz and Sena (for obvious reasons) but also Noah. The extra to in chain attacks comboed with unlimited sword is STRONG. Especially if you can break and topple every round.
I really wish that some of the tanks were more than just "i am a damage sponge". Would have liked another evasion tank or maybe a tank that would generate aggro and temporarily boost its block rate/ deal scaling spike damage for using an art while an enemy was mid attack
Thank you for the guide. Everytime I watch these I'm reminded I still need to max gems, finish Tank and healer roles for Noah, and farm soulhacker upgrades...
As a Tank main in every game that offers the role it's such a shame that every tank in this game kinda sucks bar Zephyr and I've always more preferred face tanking rather than evading. INO do be a tank tho and DLC power creep is definitely possible. Oh also Enel is very handsome and intelligent
Class inheritance in this game is weird Both tanks inherit two healer classes (Valdi & Fiona for Lanz Miyabi & teach for Mio) Both healers inherit the opposite of their base class (Tank for Eunie & attacker for taion) Funnily enough only the attackers stick to their niche Noah & sena only have S Rank in Attacker classes
Does Enel have a video summarising Xenosaga ? I saw tons of xenosaga streams in the backlog that are each several hours long, like several tens of them. I'm not too sure about watching that. Still, would it be a good idea if nintendo remade xenosaga for the next switch ?
Y'know, these videos have made me realize some of the classes I'm playing completely wrong, but i can fix it before the Nopon Archsage comes with the new character in a few months lol
I had no idea that the master arts take the attributes if the class art in a fusion art. I could have sworn that if I put ether attacks as master arts on a physical class that one of the damage indicators would be much lower.
The best UM for farming ceramic belts is Foolhardy Saide in southern Cadensia. I used the burst spam soulhacker setup and each kill got me a belt about half of the time, much better than any other UM I've heard of being able to drop it. I'm saying this because you only have three of them, I'm not sure if you just don't want more or if you couldn't find more.
@@EnelXC I just watch your last Rhinon soft lock I'm a master of save scum, so i know that you are not gonna get that auto save because apparently auto-save won't save, if the game was crashed or forced close I really feel sorry for you i'd be pissed too
Hi Enel your videos have been helping me a lot so I really appreciate it. I did have a question for you and I really hope you can answer because there isn’t much online about this. Question is what do you think about the “chain ring”. Do you think it’s a good accessory?
Somewhat fitting that this class is pretty bad apart from a good smash art. Roc's legacy truly lives on, now we just need a DLC class to come with a better smash master art to fully repeat history
Wait wait, so fusion arts are always a single type, either physical or ether? I've heard that using a master art without fusing will use the weapon and stats of that art, but fusion makes both arts use the stats of the class weapon? Does this mean I can use Medic Gunner's Ether Cannon on physical attackers, and (when fused) it'll become physical?
I feel like trying to make an all tank setup that relies on crazy defense, the juwel for extra healing power and the talent that lets you heal yourself on basic attacks Something that can kill the superbosses on auto fight even if it takes forever xd And the rest will be focused on reflecting damage and other self healing stuffs It may not be usefull now but who knows maybe challenge mode will have infinity difficulty and then a max survival build would be best
@@improbablegaming6592 yeah, it's basically only Zephyr and Lone Exile that are actually effective tanks. I'm sure you can make a Soulhacker that can hold aggro as well, but I'm fairly certain that a lot of people are like me and will just build Soulhacker for damage
2 years late lol but Resonant Flag is special in that its buff passing effect lasts throughout the whole animation, whereas other arts only have effects on hit. This means that when the fusion art hits during the animation, the buff effect of the fusion art happens while the buff passing effect is still active and the buff is instantly passed. This is why Shadow Eye is often paired with Resonant Flag, since Power Charge won’t generally expire on Signifer anyway whereas Attack Up will, so it’s nice to have it to instantly renew and pass. Normally a regular art hits first, then a master art which is why linking Soaring Tempest to Mighty Beat on Lost Vanguard will not work for an instant Smash, just a Launch.
I ask the holy Monapon, why does this class' outfit give EVERYONE a sparking hell of a dumptruck? Hell, the texture work makes everyone look like they have a rack And don't get me started with Flash Fencer Eunie and Mio... Not against it
I use this class and I never had issue aggro wise Or maybe bcz I got troubadour lanz/signifier Mio puking out buffs like nothing, Taion crit nuking with Alex class, Sena is a bit of a benched unit bcz Noah suddenly decides he's tired n doom everyone with Lucky 7
Does demolition set enemy defense to zero and UQ gets substracted afterwards making it -50% Or does demolition ignore enemy defense after UQ has reduced it in the first place. Making UQ and brooches literally useless? Ignoring the defense value even though it might be negative
Assuming defense nullification works the same way it did in XC2, enemy defense is treated as 0% unless it's negative. So if Ultimate Qigong lowers a 30% def enemy to -20%, the game would not ignore the defense since it is increasing your damage instead. However, take this with a grain of salt. This is purely based on the assumption that it works the same way it did in 2
@@JoeThomas-lu6fy as I said, this was based purely on how defense nullification works in Xenoblade 2. I don't have the necessary tools to go digging around in the code to find out how it works in XC3, or the time to test it myself, so if I'm wrong then I'm wrong.
i just wanna point out that monica teaches the party how to "smash" in two different ways
Underrated comment my bois
The most important thing to do with this class is to pair taunt pulse with soaring tempest so that you can launch enemies by just pointing up
I use Jackal Claw in the same way and give myself a shoryuken.
This is genius
Eunie being an inheritor for 2 tanks, 1 dps, and 0 healer classes is so fucking funny lmao
Trueeee I also find it funny how Noah has a D rank affinity with Incursor even though his best role is DPS meanwhile Taion has S rank even though he’s better at being a healer
Makes it even funnier when Lanz inherits more healer classes than Eunie and Taion combined.
Lanz is the inheritor of friggin signifier.
@@randomguyonyt6060 I never understood that 😂😂 based on the character interactions it should’ve been Mio- but I would prefer it on Taion because I can’t not put it on him cuz his massive orange scarf matches the massive orange flag 😂
Her Uroboros full party revive skill that has the "side effect" of her instantly taking all aggro actually makes her the best tank in the game.
The highest praise I can give this class; aside from it giving any character using it crazy cake, is that its weapon and style are cool. And Monica is a pretty cool mom.
she make the monicurry
She is best girl
I think you mean bitchqueen
It's crazy that the game devs made her 33. She acts way older.
She's also Australian. (Her VA isn't Australian, but she does the best fake Australian accent I've ever heard. Her DAUGHTER, on the other hand...)
That shield is crazy, it’s like Monica ripped a door off its hinges and used it as a shield
It looks like it comes from xenoblade X
It looks like it based off a tower shield
Honestly Eunie not inheriting Healer's does make sense lore-wise, as she does say in one of the Gamma Quests she only knows enough to be passable in the Medical Arts. Her Past Incarnation was a Sniper, honestly I'd guess Joran was the healer of their group before his death and it made her learn
Eunie was once the legendary Mwamba class.
which would be an equally good explanation for why lanz started picking up healer classes pretty much all the time after seeing joran again
The best thing about this class is the outfit for giving every character, except Lanz, an absolute dumptruck
Noah got a rack and I'm OK with that.
I'm fine with Lanz not getting caked up, because he's the only character on whom the chest texture looks right (Even Eunie doesn't have tits as big as Monica, and Lanz being the beefcake he is looks like he could actually have big enough chest muscles for the texture to look believeable. Even though his model doesn't actually reflect that, because Monolith are cowards.)
@@daltongibson1033 Well, Ethel also got an incredible set herself thanks to Monolith though. I guess fanservice helps selling more copies.
Lost Vanguard Lanz looks like he's got a tummy window 😌
@@tallnerdgirl you've opened my third eye
Knowing that the master art becomes the damage type of the art attached to the class equipped in a fusion art changes everything!
Do we know if this is for every art, or only for the smash reaction art?
If it is true then Ultimative qigon is more useful.
I've loved Demolition since the first time I used it. It has insane power, it ignores the defenses 50% of the time and it synchronizes really well with ultimate Qigong.
Where did you see this info?
@@cocomunga Enel brings it up at 6:14, though I wish he went more in depth as to wether it applies just to Smash reactions or all Fusion arts.
Quick Reference
Lost Vanguard
Arts: 1:13
Mighty Blast/Demolition
Shockwave/Soaring Tempest
Electro Field/Shield Bash
Skills: 7:05
Mind for Guarding
Ultimate Qigong
Gems: 9:21
Empowered Combo
Steel Protection
Accessories: 10:40
Martis Rings/Boost Block Rate
Hermit Mask/Boost Damage Terrestrial
Ceramic Belt/Boost Attack
6:04 This is the first that I've heard of Ether Master Arts becoming Physical when used in a Fusion Art with a Physical Attack. Is that always the case?
Ah yes, the class that has smash on a master art as the only reason you would ever use it.
I feel this class really exemplifies my problem with Aggro's design- the only reliable way to maintain Aggro is to deal more damage, which makes playing around Defense inherently bad because no matter how much you can resist it doesnt matter if you never get targeted, and Atackers are inherently better at drawing Aggro anyway.
Lost Vanguard, to me, feels more like a Xenoblade 1 class than a Xenoblade 3 class. The utility arts feel more like arts Reyn might have than they do like arts a Xenoblade 3 character would have; it's really weird.
*Post-game class/hero spoiler warning*
They managed to translate Melia into XC3's combat style well enough that she feels like a Xenoblade 3 version of Melia, even if Royal Summoner doesn't feel exactly like a Xenoblade 3 original class, so it's weird that a class that actually *is* original would feel more like a Xenoblade 1 class.
On another note, however, I'm excited to see what you say about Lifesage and Royal Summoner, since I like both classes a lot, but don't really know how to use them correctly/optimally. Very curious to see what you come up with! Royal Summoner seems like it might actually be decent for AI control (Unlike Melia in Xenoblade 1 proper, ironically.)
Gonna play devils advocate for a moment, but I think they could have handled that class a little better even if it’s a pretty good class.
The biggest issue I have with the class is three things, how long the cooldown on everything is, how you almost need to rely on Master arts to increase the talent gauge, and the lack of choice when it comes to summon elemental.
What I wish they would have done instead was making Elemental Discharge the Talent art, having it work like the current talent art does, and change the regular arts into three element summons that change into different summons when you've discharged enough.
So for example, The Combat arts could be Summon Flare & Bolt, Summon Earth & Ice, Summon Water & Wind, Starfall, and Shadow Stitch.
From there you would summon Flare, Earth and Water elements to attack alongside you and you'd discharge them like in XC1, but after enough discharges, lets say 6 as an example, you'd start to summon Bolt, Ice and Wind instead, which give a higher buff values and deal more damage. Have the elements auto attack and increase the talent gauge passively with that.
If it worked like that, then it would have been a perfect port of Melia’s old arts.
I've found that Taunt Pulse does a decent job holding aggro from a group of enemies. Even though the damage is pitiful, it constantly draws aggro from enemies around you, so you don't need them to be slightly bunched up like with other "accumulates more aggro" damage arts, nor do you need to wait for a cooldown on those "accumulates more aggro" arts. Generally speaking, whenever I have something like a quest battle with 5 or more enemies at once, Taunt Pulse is pretty consistently able to keep aggro on my tank, but if I don't have a Lost Vanguard or don't run Taunt Pulse, it can be tough to draw or keep aggro.
this is truly the lost vanguard guide of all time
I had a lot of success playing this class as the only tank in my party, running the armor veil + defense up fields (using the multiple fields skill), and letting myself not take aggro, so I can equip the entire party with Fraternal Badge + Protector's Pride (increase art recharge when non-defenders are targeted). You basically run around helping whoever has aggro not die while everyone spams arts like mad. Had no problem beating superbosses on hard difficulty with an otherwise pretty unoptimized set up.
The new direct has revealed the new hero and their class seems to have a very high amount of variation due to the skill trees it seems to have , plus challenge mode will release as well ! I can't wait for your guides for those
Imo the best part about the Lost Vanguard class is putting the outfit on Noah and climbing a ladder
First off, I love your videos and guides on all things Xenoblade, and I look forward to watching and learning everything I can from these! Just an observation though, it seems some of the general consensus/understanding on tanking has carried over from XC2, mainly in the sense that basically says "Damage = Aggro", that the only reliable way of generating aggro is to dish out more and more damage. And while it is still very true that more damage = more aggro, in my experience thus far with XC3 (230+ hours, hard mode), it really seems like Monolithsoft has tweeked the aggro system A BUNCH in favor of the tanks. With Lost Vanguard for example, It feels like the "draws more aggro" from Taunt Pulse draws a HECK of a lot more aggro than would normally be gained by triple-digit damage. Likewise, the "drawing aggro" from Come an' Get Me! seems like more aggro than would normally be gained from that amount of damage dealt.
For me, Lost Vanguard has been crazy good at getting and keeping aggro! AOE aggro on every Mighty Beat + continuous AOE aggro from Taunt Pulse + basically AOE aggro from class spike damage from blocking 100% (with Shield Wall if native block isn't maxed). All that boosted with it's own self-heal, plus GC's taunt art, this class has been amazing for me both in terms of aggro and resilience! Especially against groups of enemies. Granted, I haven't gone up against the superbosses yet, and I could be totally wrong on the XC3 aggro system/tweeks, but so far for the face-tank role, I'm loving me some Lost Vanguard!
LV: What is my purpose?
Players: You Smash.
R34 artists: Agreed
Any chance will be getting one of these about Royal summoner @Enel
Are you planning to do a lucky seven/unlimited sword guide once all the class guides are done?
It feels like essentially its own class, and like enough of its own playstyle for players to commonly gravitate towards
I don't know what class/setup to really use yet for the highest consistent damage while keeping aggro low, and wanted to see other builds and opinions
I mean it's not hard to use lucky seven. You push buttons and things start dying, even on higher difficulty.
Once there was an Australian Defender. It was so Australian that no-one died. The end.
Lately I switched to using SH tank/heal combo. Works pretty fun when you have all the available skills/arts.
I really enjoy the way lost vanguard functions when utilized as an off tank. Giving armor veil and damage mitigation to the main tank is pretty nice, and it’s stance makes it really good for multi-enemy fights.
Really the main weakness of the class is simply that we don’t have a lot of post game content that involves multi-enemy engagements yet.
I actually disagree, I think there are several ways to make creative tank classes. Some examples could maybe be a drain tank class, or a self-healing based class, or a Reflect based class.
As for drain tank/Self healing, I think they didn't go that direction because classes like that are generally broken one way or another.
If you can heal enough to out pace the enemy's damage, then you start cutting into the work healers have to perform. Maybe you'd get away with one healer instead of two, for instance.
If you don't heal enough, then the class (generally) becomes a worse face tank class. That's because they usually have skills and such that support it's low quality selfhealing/drain. These types of classes are a developer's nightmare to balance.
As for a reflect damage class, that's kind of what they were going for with lost vanguard. It has damage dealt on shield blocks and (pitiful) reflect damage from one of it's arts. If that art was amped up, I think it would be a very strong contender for being an ai controlled tank. Maybe that would be too powerful, and that's why it sucks.
Edit: Generally speaking reflect damage classes generally have a very low skill cap and also aren't usually very engaging, since the premise is to just let the monster beat on you.
honestly a great a video to show off one of the lesser defenders even tho there’s already very few. Looking forward to the royal summoner class been trying to make it a heavy hitter lately
Ever since XB1 I sorta wished that we got a tank that actually wasn't very tanky, but has so much innate regen that you could off set a lot of incoming damage or all damage with a proper set up. Catalyst in XB2 was the closest to this, but they never actually got aggro so... yknow.
Also, we don't have a single Ether damage focused tank in the game, that's a little weird.
I just soloed with Catalyst. Actually surprisingly good, as long as you don’t get one-shot.
Who's Catalyst???
@@TheGloryXros a post game hero.
@@TheGloryXros A huge spoiler character for 2.
@@samreddig8819 Which one? I've played XC2.
I still find it hilarious that Eunie, one of the default healers, gets 2 tank classes while Lanz, one of the default tanks, gets 2 healer classes. It's hilarious
The beauty of this game's classes is that time and understanding is demanded from every class.
Even classes like the Yumsmith, Stalker, and Lost Vanguard (which aren't all that remarkable) bring things to the table that are routinely featured on ideal setups.
This also unfortunately makes me worry about the Expansion Pass and the potential for DLC Power Creep overshadowing the main game classes again. I really don't want that.
the only thing i noticed with this class the lost vanguard it has a higher dps than guardian class and can get the same stats as the guardian class.but only the awakening buff separates the guardian class and the lost be honest if you have a signifier you do not need the guardian class at all. Guardian and the lost vanguard are 99% the same ,but one buff makes them 1% different.
Same! Although I’d like another tank class that can punch above it’s weight. Tank is the least plentiful and most underwhelming of the 3 roles.
Spoiler dlc characters are mostly fine, but Rex is insane
You know, this Class's outfit looks really nice on Mio. Oh, and the Smash Art is cool too, I guess. That's about all I got.
13:23 - so you actually want low agility on this class. Lanz has 2nd-lowest agility (Taion is lowest but worst HP), 2nd-highest atk, highest HP so yeah, lol
They honestly should have made a self sustain tank with crit heals or something and low def.
I just unlocked the class and ngl it feels pretty good to actually hold of aggro from my Sena using Alexandrias class which most other classes fail to do.
The final base tank class.
Lost Vanguard does have higher block than Zeon's class, making it better there outside of that class's talent art.
I use Phantom feather with this class to draw more aggro. Though I use Guardian Commander than this class, I find having Phantom feather here is good to keep the aggro in this class. Thanks for the guide Enel!
Lol. This class is super underwhelming…but it has “the” smash art which makes it so much more useful than a number of other classes, despite sucking. We better get a Keves smash art as well for DLC
I hope we don't... agnus attackers are already a lot better than the keves classes. So it's a nice way to balance them by giving them no access to smash. Same thing with troubadour and signifer being both agnian so u can't use all the good skills on a single character.
It’s like Roc all over again
honestly, the thing I dislike most about this class is that it doesn't really have a unique gameplan. Like, it's only unique aspects are it's smash art and the armor veil field art. Otherwise, like all tanks it has skills to help keep aggro, stats to keep the character alive, and arts that draw aggro. Zephyr has multiple ways to evade and does spike damage when you evade. Heavy guard has a block art and a decent attack stat. (admittedly this one's also a bit mid, but I think it's skill that continuously draws aggro is notable for early game.) Guardian builds up to its role art then strikes back by giving itself awakening. And Lone Exile does damage, has a skill that makes it draw additional aggro by dealing its good damage, and a skill that makes you do more damage when you get low on health due to your lack of native defensive options. But, what exactly is Lost Vanguard's identity as a class? Smash art? Feels like a tank version of flash fencer, you come here for a master skill/art and leave. (Although tbf flash fencer is still way better as a class on its own, has good master arts AND skills, and given how niche capable hands is as a master skill the class still maintains an identity.)
the only thing i noticed with this class the lost vanguard it has a higher dps than guardian class and can get the same stats as the guardian class.but only the awakening buff separates the guardian class and the lost be honest if you have a signifier you do not need the guardian class at all. Guardian and the lost vanguard are 99% the same ,but one buff makes them 1% different.
@@1BadAssArchAngelvs14 hmm. interesting. Yeah, I'll admit that Lost Vanguard and Guardian are functionally the same. I guess what I value about Guardian over Vanguard is the feel? It feels engaging to progress through Guardian's gameplan, whereas Vanguard just kinda goes smash. Does that make sense? Guardian has its own approach to encounters, whereas Vanguard's smash art isn't very distinct to the class. Idk, this might be pure nonsense.
I do find use putting "now that's tactics" on Lanz and Sena (for obvious reasons) but also Noah. The extra to in chain attacks comboed with unlimited sword is STRONG. Especially if you can break and topple every round.
I’m glad the smash art gives this class at least some utility
I really wish that some of the tanks were more than just "i am a damage sponge". Would have liked another evasion tank or maybe a tank that would generate aggro and temporarily boost its block rate/ deal scaling spike damage for using an art while an enemy was mid attack
from my testing it seems taunt pulse has an insane aggro gain as far as i can see
Yeah same here, felt really effective for me
I’d be interested in seeing the actual amount you gain
Could be missing something, but Monica is 33 and Ghondor is 18 meaning had gad Ghondor at around 15
Thank you for the guide.
Everytime I watch these I'm reminded I still need to max gems, finish Tank and healer roles for Noah, and farm soulhacker upgrades...
Thanks for the guide!
All I care about is that Monica is the Lost Vanguard and I ALWAYS HAVE HER IN MY PARTY.
I dunno, I feel like this class is just a better Gaurdian Comander. It was always more reliable, and I used it a lot on hard mode and it worked well.
As a Tank main in every game that offers the role it's such a shame that every tank in this game kinda sucks bar Zephyr and I've always more preferred face tanking rather than evading. INO do be a tank tho and DLC power creep is definitely possible. Oh also Enel is very handsome and intelligent
Lone exile is fun if you like dealing a bit more damage, shame it’s really frail for a tank though
@@mx.e2176 Yeah LE is alright and I love Ashera but it still feels kinda weak compared to other roles
Lone Exile n especially Guardian Commander are pretty good I’m if you got the right accessories n high lvl gems
idkk, my Eunie with LV solos enemies with no healer
When FMJ is the second best tank in the game you know there's a problem.
The real best Waifu of this game. Easily one of my favorite characters in the game.
She is my waifu and my favorite hero who gave birth to the WORST HERO IN THE GAME. I can't stand her daughter...
@@DandySlayer13 cap ghondor is goated
If Mwamba were from Agnus, he’d have a smash art
Ethel already have a smash art (even if it's a talent art) and she's Kevesi, you saying Mwamba is not as great as Ethel?
Class inheritance in this game is weird
Both tanks inherit two healer classes
(Valdi & Fiona for Lanz
Miyabi & teach for Mio)
Both healers inherit the opposite of their base class
(Tank for Eunie & attacker for taion)
Funnily enough only the attackers stick to their niche Noah & sena only have S Rank in Attacker classes
Noah has Guardian Commander.
Mommy Monica’s Mammaries
Does Enel have a video summarising Xenosaga ? I saw tons of xenosaga streams in the backlog that are each several hours long, like several tens of them. I'm not too sure about watching that. Still, would it be a good idea if nintendo remade xenosaga for the next switch ?
Hope the next tank is strong and fun, could use more tank variety.
She's already been announced yesterday. She's supposedly an artificial blade, the last one ever made apparently.
Eunie inheriting Lone Exile makes sense, honestly; why she inherited Lost Vanguard, on the other hand, I'll never know.
Hell yeah, I don't give a damn about what anyone says about Monica she is best girl
As a character? Seconded
Correct. But sadly she gave birth to the WORST GIRL.
wait who's talking bad about monica
@@pondwithducks3092 this Kian guy, imagine dissing the actual best girl in the game
Does anyone else get the name of this class mixed up with Lone Exile?
Y'know, these videos have made me realize some of the classes I'm playing completely wrong, but i can fix it before the Nopon Archsage comes with the new character in a few months lol
Ah yes, Xenoblade. The only series where “almost 5 million damage” is considered decent.
Enel, any chance you find the time and nerves in the near future to make videos on the few remaining classes incl the brand new one? 🙏🙏🙏😅😇
I wish you could play her and her daughter at the same time. The banter would be epic
Lost vanguard has access to smash. Apparently the only class with a Switch and 3 extra controllers. Truly the best class
I had no idea that the master arts take the attributes if the class art in a fusion art. I could have sworn that if I put ether attacks as master arts on a physical class that one of the damage indicators would be much lower.
I just want to say that the Lost Vanguard outfit looks great on everyone.
Taunt Pulse is exactly 50% of your Attack as periodical damage.
Noah is the correct choice for this class. I think we all know why
The best UM for farming ceramic belts is Foolhardy Saide in southern Cadensia. I used the burst spam soulhacker setup and each kill got me a belt about half of the time, much better than any other UM I've heard of being able to drop it. I'm saying this because you only have three of them, I'm not sure if you just don't want more or if you couldn't find more.
Looking forward to you posting broken builds once you have done all the class guides
At least Monica is hot
Just finished the main story so can resub to mr enel
Oh ya, it’s time for THE MONICURRY SPECIAL.
Why do you say lawnz when the game says lanz with short a
Are you going to do the last two class guides soon or are you going to wait a while? If option b how long is a while?
Yeah, first one will probably be out later tonight? I can only really work on videos in the evening currently.
@@EnelXC yeah I know that you're a high school math teacher. My dad was a high school teacher for 30 years so I know how busy that job is.
@@themegatonmenace1224 yeah it can definitely be a lot! Which is why the video will be tomorrow instead LOL
@@EnelXC I just watch your last Rhinon soft lock
I'm a master of save scum, so i know that you are not gonna get that auto save
because apparently auto-save won't save, if the game was crashed or forced close
I really feel sorry for you i'd be pissed too
I literally only ran this this class just because I was able to pull of the entire smash combo in like 3 seconds right after a battle started
I hate that you can press "-" to open the sorting menu for arts, but sorting them by category sorts them in a basically random order.
Hi Enel your videos have been helping me a lot so I really appreciate it. I did have a question for you and I really hope you can answer because there isn’t much online about this. Question is what do you think about the “chain ring”. Do you think it’s a good accessory?
More specifically should I use chain ring or lunae rings?
would the increased smash damage accessory have a bigger impact than the terrestrial damage bonus?
I use this class for lanz and with the gem and the rings that increase block rate for ove 90% block rate
Any plans to make a guide for healer/defender soulhackers?
Will you do the two post game classes relatively soon or will you give it a break to wait for more people having finished the game?
Any reason why Monica herself does not have Mighty Beat?
Somewhat fitting that this class is pretty bad apart from a good smash art. Roc's legacy truly lives on, now we just need a DLC class to come with a better smash master art to fully repeat history
Could you make a video that explains the best team that synergies the most that works for almost for everything plz
Wait wait, so fusion arts are always a single type, either physical or ether? I've heard that using a master art without fusing will use the weapon and stats of that art, but fusion makes both arts use the stats of the class weapon?
Does this mean I can use Medic Gunner's Ether Cannon on physical attackers, and (when fused) it'll become physical?
I feel like trying to make an all tank setup that relies on crazy defense, the juwel for extra healing power and the talent that lets you heal yourself on basic attacks
Something that can kill the superbosses on auto fight even if it takes forever xd
And the rest will be focused on reflecting damage and other self healing stuffs
It may not be usefull now but who knows maybe challenge mode will have infinity difficulty and then a max survival build would be best
What happened to the people from the city after the worlds seperated again???
Man, I love defenders that struggle to hold aggro because they do less damage than a pool noodle. Hopefully Ino doesn't fall into the same category.
Based on the character she's inspired by, I don't think she will. *Flashbacks in Poppi*
@@daltongibson1033 I would be over the moon if she's as strong as Poppi is. We'll obviously not know until October, but it's always fun to speculate
Half of them fall in this category :(
@@improbablegaming6592 yeah, it's basically only Zephyr and Lone Exile that are actually effective tanks. I'm sure you can make a Soulhacker that can hold aggro as well, but I'm fairly certain that a lot of people are like me and will just build Soulhacker for damage
@@conorb.1901 I don't think anyone ever has used soulhacker for defence as opposed to healing or offence lol
I know this game is kinda well balanced, and you’re supposed to role-play, but which class formation would you say is the best for post-game?
He has a video on his party formation for superbosses
Oh boy I’ve been waiting for this one. Can this class even really be viable?
So does the master art damage type change to the standard art?
If the normal arts come out first why does cross impact with resonate flag give power charge to everyone on Signafer
2 years late lol but Resonant Flag is special in that its buff passing effect lasts throughout the whole animation, whereas other arts only have effects on hit. This means that when the fusion art hits during the animation, the buff effect of the fusion art happens while the buff passing effect is still active and the buff is instantly passed. This is why Shadow Eye is often paired with Resonant Flag, since Power Charge won’t generally expire on Signifer anyway whereas Attack Up will, so it’s nice to have it to instantly renew and pass. Normally a regular art hits first, then a master art which is why linking Soaring Tempest to Mighty Beat on Lost Vanguard will not work for an instant Smash, just a Launch.
I ask the holy Monapon, why does this class' outfit give EVERYONE a sparking hell of a dumptruck? Hell, the texture work makes everyone look like they have a rack
And don't get me started with Flash Fencer Eunie and Mio...
Not against it
Can Ether Attacks penetrate through Block Rate?
Pog Smash
I use this class and I never had issue aggro wise
Or maybe bcz I got troubadour lanz/signifier Mio puking out buffs like nothing, Taion crit nuking with Alex class, Sena is a bit of a benched unit bcz Noah suddenly decides he's tired n doom everyone with Lucky 7
Does demolition set enemy defense to zero and UQ gets substracted afterwards making it -50%
Or does demolition ignore enemy defense after UQ has reduced it in the first place. Making UQ and brooches literally useless? Ignoring the defense value even though it might be negative
Assuming defense nullification works the same way it did in XC2, enemy defense is treated as 0% unless it's negative. So if Ultimate Qigong lowers a 30% def enemy to -20%, the game would not ignore the defense since it is increasing your damage instead.
However, take this with a grain of salt. This is purely based on the assumption that it works the same way it did in 2
@@conorb.1901 It might not work the same way in regular battle, but in Chain Attacks, defense is pierced, then reduced afterwards.
@@JoeThomas-lu6fy as I said, this was based purely on how defense nullification works in Xenoblade 2. I don't have the necessary tools to go digging around in the code to find out how it works in XC3, or the time to test it myself, so if I'm wrong then I'm wrong.
Eunie's the boss 👌
I love monica
Forgot about the most important thing. MONICA IS THICC