The Remnant's Heart | Pastor Nicole Silva (Message Only)

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2024


  • @alishajohnson6823
    @alishajohnson6823 2 місяці тому


  • @LoveofBethel
    @LoveofBethel 2 місяці тому

    WELL Done good and faithful for the Good and Faithful (Thank YoU) For TrUST and letting me in ThANK You All So So Much for LiFE 💝🧬💝

  • @LoveofBethel
    @LoveofBethel 2 місяці тому

    Whoohoo 😅😮😅😅😂❤🎉

  • @LoveofBethel
    @LoveofBethel 2 місяці тому

    (D)esire of the Beginning a (e)seed in THe earth of the Lord's (s)Servant in the earth (i)One under the Sun/SoN taking what is in the earth and laying it in front of you (r) (Word) a Seed Within itself (e) the Buried Treasure Jesus Christ + Desire of His Word For Good Works unto the Good, No One is Good except for the.....Who is The Father, the Gardener--- I in HiM and He in ME, Makes ME OnE with My Father(Jesus)but not buried But RiSEN+++ SO the BegiNning and the END looks like JesuS Which now in the begining (NEW BIRTH) With (J)esu+S the End is (S)alvation But there is MoRE He Rose from Grave on The ThiRd DaY So we Now have JesUs So the BegInING (J)esus left a seed in the (e)arth a (s)ervant of God the (U)niVeRSE for a (s)ervant. BUT NOW MORE+++ JesUS after Jesus Christ rose from the Grave He didn't ascend right away he CaMe down to the UpperRoom to His Disciples then HiS Ascension so that is here in this LaW JesUs But then the NaMe is jeSuS why? Because He was in His Glory the old Life was Former glory So we Claim Him as the Beginning of My LiFE So NoW WE HaVE (JeSUS) Jesus a seed in itself Salvation of THE UnIvErSE of the Highest and Lowest is Salvatio(N) Ending with ThiRD DaY Resurrection😮 (N) 😮 NeW the ThiRD DaY a Seed in (NeW)World I Hope this shows you Why mobs wanted to kill Him Because He is The Author of LiFE One WiTH HiS FaThER who is God who is the "WORD"... So if Jesus is My JOY and he left me Good Works unto HiS Father(WORD)... And a NeW WorD and The WORD can not Be Pleased with out faith, God can not be pleased without faith. This Is Why Jesus said " They worship ME With their lips, But in their hearts wait what is in your Heart if you have Let Jesus' in the Tablets of your HeART in My HeART is MY FruIT. the fruit of the word fills The Earth of Man, But OuR FruIT is A good work unto Our FaTHER the KINGS WORD +++ Jesus Said Someone has Come in and Poisoned My Nation(WORD), don't forget about the Rich man that Jesus answered when He was AsKED How do I get inTo Heaven? Well ❤️‍🩹 he had wealth and could not sell it Why?, Because it was a treasure that he was unable to give away this Wealth I believe because of the Law of the Letter of the Word lust of the inside (World) vs WORD good in earth and from Heaven (FaTHER) this couldn't had happened if I hadn't pondered OnLY His WORD all DaY and NiGHT... And by Faith Only BY Faith this was revealed of HiS Word and my faith in HiM OnE Under the SoN\SuN....If this is Confusing I do not have that intention, But to Shout the TiDINGS of Great JOY and Repair, it what was finished, do not be afraid He CoMES to Bring you the WORD ReVeALeD The (R)ighteousness a se(e)d in itself (V) ictory's Seed in The Earth the (A)lpha LoVE that CaMe down to Be with You Till the end (L) Left a Seed in The Earth (e) the ending Desire of Go(D) who holds all Your Future❤️‍🔥 but look at not Just the Word BuT look IN The WoRD.