To everyone that says water can't understand english. It's not that water understand english, It is that we understand english and we impart a vibrational frequency on whatever we feel or think about when we hear or see a word in english. It's about the meaning of the word, not the word itself.
+Fefee10 actually, the Bible supports this entirely. Words have power. What you believe in your heart, and you speak out, WILL manifest and happen. the bible clearly states this.
R.I.P Dr.Masaru Emoto. Like water, the ripples of our actions will go out and have far reaching effects that we will never know about. The ripples Masaru created had a profound impact on me , and my life many years ago. I am blessed to have been apart of those ripples. Rest in Peace Dr. Masaru Emoto. You will be missed.
Aramariv Ando -. Perhaps you will try this experiment at home and prove him wrong. But if not, perhaps you could start reading more on sound waves. There is an excellent book out there that states much the world is evident of sound waves. Research it. Do the rice experiment. But make sure you are feeling love in your heart when you say the words. Think of a loving person or animal in your life.
I love this man Dr Emoto.He is important in my life first helping me some 5 years ago, when I had just begun to awaken by setting off a spark of understanding the power of our thoughts & creativeness.Being positive, the true history of saying grace before eating (just like producing spectacular ice crystals), spirituality, -Big moment in my life seeing Dr Emoto at work, got me to higher vibrations, smile on my face.
I just received complete validation of changing my water when I blessed it! We have good water here at the house. I decided to bless it a couple of weeks ago and it was unusually bitter, but when I finished drinking it I got a sweet taste in my mouth. I’ve done this several times since and the bitterness comes and goes in strength but this sweet aftertaste remains! Just imagine what we can do with our body!!!❤️🙂
love and gratitude. As i wrote it on my water bottle at work, I felt a shift of energy inside of me even before taking a drink. I'm pleased that Dr. Emoto has done this work to allow ourselves to look a little deeper. Thank you.
Intention is an amazing thing.. imagine all the hormones and bio-electric energy in your body. Without water your body is just ash. treat yourself and others well, that's how you make a beautiful world.
No. It is not the same at all. The church doesn't and priests do not, nor any religious person "thinks" or "exudes" love at the holy water. There is no intention at all to the holy water of- Gratefullness, Thanks, Love, Happiness, Kindness etc... before being used for any religious rights or rituals. Because religion is a man made trap to control humanity with fear. It is not the same as being aware that we all are pure Awareness, an Infinite Consciousness having a human experience. Namaste -
All this makes sense... Heart attacks are due to stress & everything negative.. If you're living a happy fulfilling loving life people don't get heart attacks.. Your emotions/thoughts are powerful.
Dr. is onto something. I have always thought that creation of this universe was created into exsistance by sound waves resonance. Because when "GOD SAID"... he SPOKE it into exsistance. In other words.. The resonance energy that came forth was created (spoken) and came forth from God.
Mike Kirk - Yes, I have been of the same thought as well. Think of the creation of the. universe. God created it, uni. - Verse. “One Word”. Maybe one sound wave. This is how God created the sun. And God said, “Let there be Light”. So in creation, sound waves. Quite Lovely, isn’t it? So awesome! Perhaps We should be praying out loud also.
Kind of how scientist have discovered that the sound of the HARP has a healing property. Upon further investigation, they discovered that it is actually the vibration / (resonance) that movement / (energy) of the harp strings that cause the metal of the harp frame to resonate. And the heavy frame is held tight to human body, hence the resonant energy is transfered into the body as a healing power.
I’ve worked with Dr.Emoto’s photographs many times with my prayer board instrument to help in Japan from 2009-2016, while I lived on Honshu in Hiroshima. For me, there’s magick in every photograph of these beautiful Easter crystals 🙏🏼
Hearing any word many times, can cause bad or good effects onto one self. It is you who choose which words you wish to allow into your conciousness. We have the power in our selves to bring energy that either makes us happy or sad to help create our lives.
Wasn't Emoto incredible? I've just uploaded a video about blessing your water based on the studies of Dr Emoto. Would love to know what you think of it!
Do you know first Few verses know as Fatiha, Quran if you read them or listen to them seven times, they give reliieve any kind of pain??? Even cute if don't constantly, 1 second ago•
Merry Meet Dr. Masaru Emoto. Passed away Dr Masaru Emoto heeft de geheimen van water laten zien aan de wereld, Voor velen die het Rice Experiment van Emoto gedaan hebben weten hierover mee te praten. Masaru Emoto die vooral bekend geworden is door zijn omstreden onderzoek naar het vermeende geheugeneffect van water en energetische eigenschappen ervan. Emoto bewees bijvoorbeeld dat ijskristallen mooiere vormen hebben die ook meer symmetrisch zijn wanneer het water waaruit ze gevormd worden is blootgesteld aan esthetisch "mooie" dingen (vriendelijke woorden, zachte muziek, afbeeldingen van mooie landschappen) dan wanneer het wordt blootgesteld aan esthetisch "lelijke" dingen (gescheld, dissonante muziek, natuurgeweld). In vrede en dankbaarheid. Zijn werk leeft voort in velen. Hij heeft intenties zichtbaar gemaakt en daarmee aangetoond hoe bepalend ze zijn. Revolutionair, want daarmee heeft hij laten zien dat wat wij waarnemen wordt beïnvloed door hoe wij waarnemen. Hij kreeg bekendheid door de film What the Bleep Do We Know! Onderwerpen die in de film worden besproken zijn onder andere neurologie, kwantumfysica, psychologie, epistemologie, ontologie, metafysica, het magische denken en spiritualiteit. Echt een Must to see! HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER - Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment R.I.P Masaru, I'm sure you are on a better world now. Thank u for all Dr Masaru Emoto Blessings and Love Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto about the magic of Water
+Charles “Mole” Darwin Government paid troll has been detected. Be aware of these guys, they get paid real money to run propagandas. (Talking about Charles Mole Darwin) Also research government paid trolls on the internet.
Write in google government paid trolls. and also write in google: Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
And oh.. I've seen many of them, by the way, the troll attack are only english people from U.K I think on these kind of videos about energy vibrations and morphic resonance. I've noticed they do it for months or years even (Seen 1 troll who has been trolling the same guy videos for around 4 years)
John Smith You think the government pays people to comment on these kinds of UA-cam video's to discredit homeopathy. What about all the overwhelming scientific evidence that homeopathy (or water memory theory) does not work better then a placebo?
Eclectic Being Yes I believe, for good reasons. Please, don't attempt to brain wash me, I've seen enough of you already all over the internet for half a year, spamming, spamming and spamming, 1 troll admitted to me that he gets paid, and he wrote the same stuff you say now and same stuff the other idiot says.....
Always wonderful this info! Thank you! But all the links mentioned are no longer viable... wanted to download the children's book mentioned for free. Great info, Thanks!
I the rice experiment as well and had the same results. I don't think it matters if it is rice or some other organic material, cooked or uncooked, covered or uncovered.. If you are skeptical of the outcome, try it yourself and share your results. Here is a link to my video: The Rice Experiment
Thanks for sharing. For those who don't believe; look for the rice experiment. It's great. Spread this. It's so important that we all know that there is more than meet the eye of many. Love and peace!
I am so happy I learned of this! I found him on someone's Wordpress blog...this is amazing! It speaks to my heart--"water has memory!" Fascinating! WOW!
This is amazing,because when I 1st saw the Dr.'s photographs in the movie, "What the $@!*# Do We Know," I began talking to water AND writing on bottles of water AND also started taking cigarettes out of packs & using Cigarette cases. I did this based on quantum physics as well as the water experiments, but never knew anyone else applied it cigarettes, etc. You may think I'm crazy, but water also speaks to me and I seem to effect water to the point that airplane couldn't take off due to "water difficulties,"!? Hotel night before lost all hot water with no explainable reason, and now permanent water leaks in my apt bldg. I hear the water begin rushing toward my bathroom wall when I'm sitting in there, and at times can hear actual communication/advice. I've been psychic, but the relationship w/ water is recent since I began talk/sing/labeling it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Eye opening for sure, I also noticed how all the positive words interestingly had a pattern of 6 side's. Now I'm not attacking this in a negative way I'm just stateing what I observed. Anyone got some input to give?
That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It reminds me of the story of Adam, when he stood in the Euphrates to grieve his sins, and all the fish surrounded him and grieved with him.
The first who discovered the "memory" of water was Jacques Benveniste in the 80s. After several repeated processes of dilution and agitation, the water can retain the electromagnetic waves originally sent by the used molecule (yes molecules send electromagnetic wave messages so they can communicate far apart, not what you learn in classical biology), even when the molecule has disappeared due to dilution. He had recorded and digitized the information left in water, saved it in a wave file and successfully sent it where it could be replayed. After publishing his experiments in Nature (where he already published before several times), they started to treat him like a black sheep, or worse like Galilee, lucky they didn't burn him, these crazy dogmatic arrogant bastards of the big headed establishment. They didn't like it. The Nobel Prize Luc Montagnier (the one who first discovered the AIDS virus) has now proven that Benveniste was right, after he too used Benveniste's protocols in his own experiments. He also succeeded in recording a wave message (originally coming from an AIDS DNA) left after 10 dilutions where the molecule wasn't there anymore, sending it to Italy through Internet where it was played to a tube of water (inserted into a coil in a metal tube) during one hour. The DNA message could not only be successfully reconstructed through a PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) protocol, proving something was there to be used as a model, but with an accuracy of 98% when compared to the original DNA. The work of Emoto was based on Benveniste discoveries. Benveniste used to say water acts like a tape, it's not the tape which is important, it is the message recorded on it. Emoto liked to see the beauty of the frozen patterns, as if you'd like to look at various CD etchings through microscope. The important elements are the quantum clusters and the implications of Benveniste and Montagnier's experiments on new ways for research and on treating patients, if the establishment let it be done. Thirty years have been wasted to protect the pockets of the pharma-industry thanks to a flock praying with empty hands and stuttering at the look of frozen water. No offense intended, just facts.
+Ebrobaru 2014 What you say about Benveniste is stupid. Who are you to judge someone as "pseudoscientist"? What have you done to think you can be the judge of that? I was just quoting facts, not judging anyone... maybe too sarcastic about the praying flock, but hey, nobody's perfect :P But for your record, Benveniste was a member of several scientific councils of very high level, was one of the 40 Wise-men ("sage" in French) managing and steering French research and also held functions as ministerial adviser, already published several times in the well-known Establishment's scientific magazine Nature. And what you say about homeopathy prove that you don't even understand what's in my first comment. And you also choose the denial way in neglecting to comment the fact that the Nobel Prize Montagnier has proven Benveniste was right. So what you think about Emoto just makes me smile. Try to learn from mistakes, even donce by others, instead of spreading ridiculous scuttlebutt based on ignorance. But believe what you want, I don't believe, I just stick to facts.
+Ebrobaru 2014 If you already decided to stay deaf, dumb and blind, why not go further and mute your keyboard :) Your life, your choices. I don't get what you say in your last sentence. YOU are the believer, I'm not. Benveniste has never been "debunked" as you said, the inept scientists couldn't reproduce the protocol without the help of his assistant. The "debunking" has never really taken place. It were witch hunt at that time. I've already proven you wrong by quoting his credentials, really debunking your dismissive judgement calling him "pseudo-scientist". Of course you prefer not to comment on that. I already briefly described the procedure in my first comment. What I didn't quote was names. Montagnier sent the file containing the digitized EMS to the University of Benevento, Italy, to Vittorio Colantuoni, professor of molecular biology and Dr Vitiello where the DNA message was successfully reconstructed. Names and facts. Montagnier not only did the experiment, but it was highly reproducible: 12 out of 12 times. And he also repeated it with the DNA of another bacteria, the one responsible of the Lyme disease. You're soooo wrong buddy. You just write gossip without backing up anything. I think you're just a denial-loving ostrich. No offense, it's a fact you yourself backed up :P Anyway, in the eighties, they didn't like what Benveniste said, because it was opening new ways of treatment, not only backing homeopathy as you naively put it. But today, other scientists have done research on those "water memory" mechanics. Just as an example, not unrelated to this, Igor Smirnov working with Kornilova and Vysotskii have shown that activated water has effect on biological systems. Just another example and proof that you're wrong, just echoing the "holy" establishment's denials. But they have interest in doing that. You, you're just a brainboxed fool still living in a cave, just connected to Internet, and thinking it gives you the right to be arrogant and judge pioneering scientist like Benveniste. In the same vein, it was even "forbidden" by the scientific "establishment" to write the term "plasticity" in publications, relating to the brain ability to rewired itself, when Bach-y-Rita pioneered the first experiments proving this. Now it's "neuro-plasticity" commercialized everywhere. At the time of Galileo you certainly would have been one of the fool condemning him, as you do for Benveniste and probably would have done for Bach-y-Rita, if you knew his existence. It's why I hate you, silly McCarthyist :)
+Ebrobaru 2014 Haha, you're such an hypocrite. You are the guy who call Benveniste a pseudo-scientist. Don't hide now behind a word like establishment. You are the guy who just spread gossip without scientifically backing up through examples. Everybody knows what the Church did to Galileo, tell me something I don't know instead of playing denial and showing easy to spread marmalade-like pseudo-knowledge. Nobody came to rescue him, not even the scientific community. And since the beginning, the subject is Benveniste and his research because of your arrogance. So your hipocrisy is an obvious big ego-rescuing tool of yours. And you think that the scientific establishment doesn't exist? And to the contrary of what you say, not only me, use this word, even the social science use it, what a display of narrow-mindedness! Not only yes, but stronger that ever. And you think that your health count more that the ROI of the powers in charge? That naive? or dumb? or blind? or alltogether? There are (huge) interests fighting (residual) objectivity in a strongly media-conditioned society. And powerful investments are winning thanks to lobbying, coward and easy to corrupt politicians, and ultimately people like you (I didn't mean you are coward and easy to corrupt). And "religious thinking" in a global meaning is everywhere to be felt in those social and economic forces of nowadays. You are not only naive, but you also have no distance or sense of humour whatsoever, hence your arrogance and your easy judgement of Benveniste. Yet, despite the references I gave contradicting everything you said, you're still preferring your ego-inclined denials void of real scientific arguments. It's not a matter of intellectual display, yours or mine, or big ego, yours or mine. It's a matter of trying to de-conditioned ourselves and save the right thing to do for humans or what is left of it, against greediness of lobbying-powered industries. Long life to you, despite your medicinal beliefs...
+Ebrobaru 2014 ...your logic from one comment to the other is like octopus' ink... when you're given arguments and references contradicting your claims you don't even check and just go one with your denials. Religulous at best...
+Ebrobaru 2014 First, you don't understand much don't you? I never say your answers don't accommodate me, I said you always hypocritically refuse to acknowledge that I factually proved all your claims about Benveniste are fallacies. So it just means to me that you are a guy full of ???what in fact??? and who has a stupid Big Ego. Like believing in a god, and that god has created everything, and that Man is a superior (when in fact only egocentric) creature, and believers will sit near the Guy when they are dead, in a beautiful place, whatever they call it. To put it simply and briefly, there are two things. First, there is what Benveniste's work was and now proven to be true (even if he already proved it :P), and where our ways diverge (I did say ways, not what we believe about it, I stick on facts proven by someone who knows because I don't know shit, not like you who is a believer and has an opinion based on fabrications you prefer because it keeps you in your comfort zone). Second, there is the "religious" or "pseudo-spiritual" interpretations of Emoto's work for which I haven't heard anything humanly intelligent. And since you ask, I didn't even finished this video. I stopped one or two minutes after she mentioned Benveniste and they were talking about cigarettes. I am totally not interested in those interpretations about God, message of love or whatever they call it, though what is true is that energy potential is everywhere, that your mind can in turn rewire your brain. But God stuffs is to me.... you now know. What interests me is that the discoveries of Benveniste could have long ago pave the way of new remedies, what your big friends avoid and your brainboxed thinking doesn't grasp. Ciao!
Dont believe the nay sayers 90% of the time they are just materialistic. Modern tech and ancient knowledge could work together but why would they want people cured all about returning customers. Level to this shit. Peace
@Gra Ra5 yeah so what's your point I am not anti science but I will not just say ok the scientist have spoken. Go look into a guy named royal raymond rife and you will see how true my words were from 2yrs ago
Gra Ra5 what is your point? What are you trying to prove? I am waiting for data all you have said is the science and bullshit about evidence when you have given zero. Keep your little tips n philosophy I dont need that shit. I gave you a name I am not about to give you the whole backstory on the guy then you say where is this or that etc and i end up looking the shit up no fuck that you do it go learn about the great man Rife. Dont project your believers assurance on me, I am not like you now if i would have been pointed in a direction of something I might want to know I have no problem checking it out and being proven wrong you didnt even investigate Rife and automatically assumed no evidence can be found and you should tell me some bullshit all while never presenting any cold hard evidence. I have made smarter people than you look dumb not because I am so damn smart their arrogance did them in. Geez another one of these smart dumb MFers. Dont tell me I am wrong show me I am wrong. Yeah and I dont care about grammar.
It just vibrates at different frequencies and the energy we put out changes that. The energy you are made with helped you evolve..from is not spirits and ghosts
What you are saying is very interesting! Would you please share the information with us? Do you know if the book is on line? and if so, can you paste it here? Thanks in advance!
Everything is Energy, Sound, Vibration. Everything is connected. Every drop of water is like each one of us, do the drops know they're just one more cell of the sea? We are just like a thst dorp.
If his experiment was genuine, then it should be able to be duplicated - perhaps not identically, but wit the same general result. If it can't be duplicated using the same protocols, then it's more than likely not legit. More than likely this is akin to cymatics, where sound causes either chaos or beautiful patterns in different mediums like sand. There is no "memory" stored in the objects however. The ice crystals he froze wont retain their shape if refrozen under normal circumstances.
I believe you can I had treatment for colon cancer but I had the attitude that the doctor's hands were blessed. I was blessed for finding it in time. I was blessed because it would work. Even though i was stage 3 it would be reversed completely. I would live a long happy and prosperous life. I visualized this and it happened.
Memory is stored in so many ways. Not just in the human brain. For instance people used to store information by writing it down in books and now that capability is greatly enhanced through digital means. You can now store hundreds of books on a small chip. But whether it is books, computer chips or the human brain it is just impressions. All material has its own limits on taking impressions. Not just the human brain has memory but the body does too. Every cell has its own memory.
This is the point of free will. you create your reality by choosing your focus. Where your attention goes, energy flows. The goal for many who are realized is to resonate energetically to their preferred reality. As within so without means not only do we create our realities but we energetically vibrate with, are in resonance with reality. Listen to yourself & in doing so, reflect on what you hear. Ask yourself: does this response come from fear or from love. If from fear - it's probably from y
May be water is the sounding board? Words are the most powerful influencer of vibration and that vibration creates or results in a cause and effect. Words are powerful. And, water may be a great way to test the power of words?
Proverbs 16:24 - Pleasant words [are as] an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Thank you Lord Jesus, for making the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So that we may be saved by your grace through our faith in you. I hope others wake up and form a personal relationship with you before it is too late.
This video is good and covers alot of ground. It's not a sterile promo type thing. It's asking questions and debating rather than blind exception. And that's good. Also yes it does very much so seem like a dynamic process for why would say "Hitler" written on a water container necessarily put water molecules in negative states? By extension what about just a different political position you disagree with? Many have disagreed with a certain political position only to later change to that very political position themselves on further evaluations. So again the media we are exposed to if it had an agenda for example and if its automatically belived by someone for whatever reason and they then (at first) take up its (political) position.. then that media could program that person to then go on programming a false consensual pattern around them (via water) etc etc if on future examination it was proved to be agenderist fake news. "And what is Truth!?" Pilate
ok I am a scientist I want to create an experiment, so firstly I make a hypothesis. Then I create an experiment to disprove or prove this hypothesis. That my friend is the scientific method.
Great video about importance of water . We completely agree with dr. Masaru Emoto. We can try this experiment : reciting 100-syllable mantra 3,7 or 21 times of Vajrasattva Buddha over the water, before drinking it. ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་སཏྭ་ས་མ་ཡ་མ་ནུ་པ་ལ་ཡ།....
if we create our own lifes reality then wouldent we be in contrast with many others as to how the reality fits in with theres. when we make personal contact.wouldent each others reality be effected? somewhat slightly as well as drasticly?
I should clarify, they treat the water with words or music and then freeze it to see what happens. The pictures are of the resultant ice, some with amazing crystals others with horrible distortions and the frozen untreated water with more or less nothing, no snowflake-like crystals.
so those discoveries like we breath air wasn't found with a double blind test and it turned out to be true right? So in all cases do we need double blind test?
Everything is about intention!
To everyone that says water can't understand english. It's not that water understand english, It is that we understand english and we impart a vibrational frequency on whatever we feel or think about when we hear or see a word in english. It's about the meaning of the word, not the word itself.
+Fefee10 actually, the Bible supports this entirely. Words have power. What you believe in your heart, and you speak out, WILL manifest and happen. the bible clearly states this.
Pretty much the type energy that you project . Either good or bad
Rest in Peace. Thank you Dr. Emoto. You are amazing and I am grateful for you.
R.I.P Dr.Masaru Emoto. Like water, the ripples of our actions will go out and have far reaching effects that we will never know about. The ripples Masaru created had a profound impact on me , and my life many years ago. I am blessed to have been apart of those ripples. Rest in Peace Dr. Masaru Emoto. You will be missed.
He passed away!!!!... i just discovered him today... i am sad now he already left... i was hoping to see him ot listen more of him...
Jocelyn, MS. 10/17/2018
R.I.P Masaru, I'm sure you are on a better world now. Dr Masaru Emoto passed away today, october 17th 2014
Good riddance, one less charlatan in the world
Rest in peace doctor
Very sad for us indeed. He is Very Happy!.......indeed!! This is truly life changing.......Thank-You!
Aramariv Ando -. Perhaps you will try this experiment at home and prove him wrong.
But if not, perhaps you could start reading more on sound waves. There is an excellent book out there that states much the world is evident of sound waves. Research it. Do the rice experiment. But make sure you are feeling love in your heart when you say the words. Think of a loving person or animal in your life.
I love this man Dr Emoto.He is important in my life first helping me some 5 years ago, when I had just begun to awaken by setting off a spark of understanding the power of our thoughts & creativeness.Being positive, the true history of saying grace before eating (just like producing spectacular ice crystals), spirituality, -Big moment in my life seeing Dr Emoto at work, got me to higher vibrations, smile on my face.
thank U
I just received complete validation of changing my water when I blessed it! We have good water here at the house. I decided to bless it a couple of weeks ago and it was unusually bitter, but when I finished drinking it I got a sweet taste in my mouth. I’ve done this several times since and the bitterness comes and goes in strength but this sweet aftertaste remains! Just imagine what we can do with our body!!!❤️🙂
This guy is really an interesting fellow. The world certainly needs more people as smart as this!
Bro it fake OMG how can u believe this
love and gratitude. As i wrote it on my water bottle at work, I felt a shift of energy inside of me even before taking a drink. I'm pleased that Dr. Emoto has done this work to allow ourselves to look a little deeper. Thank you.
Me, as well 👍🏻
Intention is an amazing thing.. imagine all the hormones and bio-electric energy in your body. Without water your body is just ash. treat yourself and others well, that's how you make a beautiful world.
We dont create anything ! we LOVE and so The Power of God acts through us..
Holy water has the same concept I believe.
Holy water is just water right?
No. It is not the same at all.
The church doesn't and priests do not, nor any religious person "thinks" or "exudes" love at the holy water. There is no intention at all to the holy water of- Gratefullness, Thanks, Love,
Happiness, Kindness etc...
before being used for any religious rights or rituals.
Because religion is a man made trap to control humanity with fear. It is not the same as being aware that we all are pure Awareness, an Infinite Consciousness having a human experience.
Namaste -
All this makes sense... Heart attacks are due to stress & everything negative.. If you're living a happy fulfilling loving life people don't get heart attacks.. Your emotions/thoughts are powerful.
Sitation needed
Website + Citation = Sitation
Justin Burton Why do you need 'sitation'?
Justin Burton Google FMTV Live and watch the free documentary they are streaming called The Connection. Only free for the next few days.
Heart attacks are mostly caused by diet.
Dr. is onto something. I have always thought that creation of this universe was created into exsistance by sound waves resonance. Because when "GOD SAID"... he SPOKE it into exsistance. In other words.. The resonance energy that came forth was created (spoken) and came forth from God.
Mike Kirk you said it! I was thinking that through out the entire video. Shit go crazy 💫✨
Mike Kirk - Yes, I have been of the same thought as well.
Think of the creation of the. universe. God created it, uni. - Verse. “One Word”. Maybe one sound wave. This is how God created the sun. And God said, “Let there be Light”. So in creation, sound waves.
Quite Lovely, isn’t it? So awesome! Perhaps We should be praying out loud also.
We are surrounded by God's love from the invisible to visible. Keep the positive energy flowing.
What a genius question she asked about the "Smoking kills". My god.
this man's studies have greatly effected my theories
I hope you will check out MYPOSITIIVEWATER.COM you will be amazed!
@@mypositivewatercherylmyers1166 that is awesome,great idea
His work is wonderful / and timely
Deborah D Colebank dont listen to the haters.that man was a gift from god.
Kind of how scientist have discovered that the sound of the HARP has a healing property. Upon further investigation, they discovered that it is actually the vibration / (resonance) that movement / (energy) of the harp strings that cause the metal of the harp frame to resonate. And the heavy frame is held tight to human body, hence the resonant energy is transfered into the body as a healing power.
What is anthropomorphism?
MashaAllah, we are all influencers of our own lives, though we have not created ourselves.
Thank you
This is amazing! Great work Dr. Masaru..
Dr Emoto is a visionary, Although he has no idea just how much water can do, he at least started the understand and true importance of water & love
I’ve worked with Dr.Emoto’s photographs many times with my prayer board instrument to help in Japan from 2009-2016, while I lived on Honshu in Hiroshima. For me, there’s magick in every photograph of these beautiful Easter crystals 🙏🏼
The magic of water, image , Humans are 60% water. Blessings to Dr.Emoto’s .
How absolutely fabulous, love this video!!!! So very true!!! Thanks!
Hearing any word many times, can cause bad or good effects onto one self. It is you who choose which words you wish to allow into your conciousness. We have the power in our selves to bring energy that either makes us happy or sad to help create our lives.
So empowering, I must buy the book
Wasn't Emoto incredible? I've just uploaded a video about blessing your water based on the studies of Dr Emoto. Would love to know what you think of it!
Do you know first Few verses know as Fatiha, Quran if you read them or listen to them seven times, they give reliieve any kind of pain??? Even cute if don't constantly,
1 second ago•
+Fefee10 No need your quaran!
The book, that terrorists are reading everyday...
everyone lives because of water ...
No book can replace it ...
InsGadJeT. that's the most ignorant thing I've ever read! Hopefully now that a few years has past since you wrote this, your view point has expanded!
I love his work and I was sad he passed away. I learned a lot from him.
Zam zam is most amazing water in the world
Something to think about. I may try the rice experiment.
Science is not constrained o the narrow margins modern man perceives. So I agree with Dr Masaru.
Fortunately nobody cares if you agree or not
Merry Meet Dr. Masaru Emoto. Passed away
Dr Masaru Emoto heeft de geheimen van water laten zien aan de wereld,
Voor velen die het Rice Experiment van Emoto gedaan hebben weten hierover mee te praten.
Masaru Emoto die vooral bekend geworden is door zijn omstreden onderzoek naar het vermeende geheugeneffect van water en energetische eigenschappen ervan.
Emoto bewees bijvoorbeeld dat ijskristallen mooiere vormen hebben die ook meer symmetrisch zijn wanneer het water waaruit ze gevormd worden is blootgesteld aan esthetisch "mooie" dingen (vriendelijke woorden, zachte muziek, afbeeldingen van mooie landschappen) dan wanneer het wordt blootgesteld aan esthetisch "lelijke" dingen (gescheld, dissonante muziek, natuurgeweld).
In vrede en dankbaarheid. Zijn werk leeft voort in velen. Hij heeft intenties zichtbaar gemaakt en daarmee aangetoond hoe bepalend ze zijn. Revolutionair, want daarmee heeft hij laten zien dat wat wij waarnemen wordt beïnvloed door hoe wij waarnemen.
Hij kreeg bekendheid door de film What the Bleep Do We Know!
Onderwerpen die in de film worden besproken zijn onder andere neurologie, kwantumfysica, psychologie, epistemologie, ontologie, metafysica, het magische denken en spiritualiteit.
Echt een Must to see!
HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER - Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment
R.I.P Masaru, I'm sure you are on a better world now. Thank u for all Dr Masaru Emoto
Blessings and Love
Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto about the magic of Water
+Charles “Mole” Darwin Government paid troll has been detected.
Be aware of these guys, they get paid real money to run propagandas. (Talking about Charles Mole Darwin)
Also research government paid trolls on the internet.
Write in google government paid trolls.
and also write in google:
Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
And oh.. I've seen many of them, by the way, the troll attack are only english people from U.K I think on these kind of videos about energy vibrations and morphic resonance. I've noticed they do it for months or years even (Seen 1 troll who has been trolling the same guy videos for around 4 years)
John Smith You think the government pays people to comment on these kinds of UA-cam video's to discredit homeopathy. What about all the overwhelming scientific evidence that homeopathy (or water memory theory) does not work better then a placebo?
Eclectic Being Yes I believe, for good reasons.
Please, don't attempt to brain wash me, I've seen enough of you already all over the internet for half a year, spamming, spamming and spamming, 1 troll admitted to me that he gets paid, and he wrote the same stuff you say now and same stuff the other idiot says.....
Always wonderful this info! Thank you! But all the links mentioned are no longer viable... wanted to download the children's book mentioned for free. Great info, Thanks!
I the rice experiment as well and had the same results. I don't think it matters if it is rice or some other organic material, cooked or uncooked, covered or uncovered.. If you are skeptical of the outcome, try it yourself and share your results. Here is a link to my video: The Rice Experiment
Thanks for sharing. For those who don't believe; look for the rice experiment. It's great. Spread this. It's so important that we all know that there is more than meet the eye of many. Love and peace!
I am so happy I learned of this! I found him on someone's Wordpress blog...this is amazing! It speaks to my heart--"water has memory!" Fascinating! WOW!
This is amazing,because when I 1st saw the Dr.'s photographs in the movie, "What the $@!*# Do We Know," I began talking to water AND writing on bottles of water AND also started taking cigarettes out of packs & using Cigarette cases. I did this based on quantum physics as well as the water experiments, but never knew anyone else applied it cigarettes, etc. You may think I'm crazy, but water also speaks to me and I seem to effect water to the point that airplane couldn't take off due to "water difficulties,"!? Hotel night before lost all hot water with no explainable reason, and now permanent water leaks in my apt bldg. I hear the water begin rushing toward my bathroom wall when I'm sitting in there, and at times can hear actual communication/advice. I've been psychic, but the relationship w/ water is recent since I began talk/sing/labeling it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Point of attraction generates more awareness to what already existed. 💕
Eye opening for sure, I also noticed how all the positive words interestingly had a pattern of 6 side's. Now I'm not attacking this in a negative way I'm just stateing what I observed. Anyone got some input to give?
That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It reminds me of the story of Adam, when he stood in the Euphrates to grieve his sins, and all the fish surrounded him and grieved with him.
I wonder what tears would look like ...tears of pain, fear, hurt, love, joy...even saliva...what about blood🤔
Love this
As a man thinks so is he..The power of life and death is in the tongue..Bible
¡Thank you for sharing!
The first who discovered the "memory" of water was Jacques Benveniste in the 80s. After several repeated processes of dilution and agitation, the water can retain the electromagnetic waves originally sent by the used molecule (yes molecules send electromagnetic wave messages so they can communicate far apart, not what you learn in classical biology), even when the molecule has disappeared due to dilution. He had recorded and digitized the information left in water, saved it in a wave file and successfully sent it where it could be replayed. After publishing his experiments in Nature (where he already published before several times), they started to treat him like a black sheep, or worse like Galilee, lucky they didn't burn him, these crazy dogmatic arrogant bastards of the big headed establishment. They didn't like it. The Nobel Prize Luc Montagnier (the one who first discovered the AIDS virus) has now proven that Benveniste was right, after he too used Benveniste's protocols in his own experiments. He also succeeded in recording a wave message (originally coming from an AIDS DNA) left after 10 dilutions where the molecule wasn't there anymore, sending it to Italy through Internet where it was played to a tube of water (inserted into a coil in a metal tube) during one hour. The DNA message could not only be successfully reconstructed through a PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) protocol, proving something was there to be used as a model, but with an accuracy of 98% when compared to the original DNA. The work of Emoto was based on Benveniste discoveries. Benveniste used to say water acts like a tape, it's not the tape which is important, it is the message recorded on it. Emoto liked to see the beauty of the frozen patterns, as if you'd like to look at various CD etchings through microscope. The important elements are the quantum clusters and the implications of Benveniste and Montagnier's experiments on new ways for research and on treating patients, if the establishment let it be done. Thirty years have been wasted to protect the pockets of the pharma-industry thanks to a flock praying with empty hands and stuttering at the look of frozen water. No offense intended, just facts.
+Ebrobaru 2014 What you say about Benveniste is stupid. Who are you to judge someone as "pseudoscientist"? What have you done to think you can be the judge of that? I was just quoting facts, not judging anyone... maybe too sarcastic about the praying flock, but hey, nobody's perfect :P But for your record, Benveniste was a member of several scientific councils of very high level, was one of the 40 Wise-men ("sage" in French) managing and steering French research and also held functions as ministerial adviser, already published several times in the well-known Establishment's scientific magazine Nature. And what you say about homeopathy prove that you don't even understand what's in my first comment. And you also choose the denial way in neglecting to comment the fact that the Nobel Prize Montagnier has proven Benveniste was right. So what you think about Emoto just makes me smile. Try to learn from mistakes, even donce by others, instead of spreading ridiculous scuttlebutt based on ignorance. But believe what you want, I don't believe, I just stick to facts.
+Ebrobaru 2014 If you already decided to stay deaf, dumb and blind, why not go further and mute your keyboard :) Your life, your choices. I don't get what you say in your last sentence. YOU are the believer, I'm not. Benveniste has never been "debunked" as you said, the inept scientists couldn't reproduce the protocol without the help of his assistant. The "debunking" has never really taken place. It were witch hunt at that time. I've already proven you wrong by quoting his credentials, really debunking your dismissive judgement calling him "pseudo-scientist". Of course you prefer not to comment on that. I already briefly described the procedure in my first comment. What I didn't quote was names. Montagnier sent the file containing the digitized EMS to the University of Benevento, Italy, to Vittorio Colantuoni, professor of molecular biology and Dr Vitiello where the DNA message was successfully reconstructed. Names and facts. Montagnier not only did the experiment, but it was highly reproducible: 12 out of 12 times. And he also repeated it with the DNA of another bacteria, the one responsible of the Lyme disease. You're soooo wrong buddy. You just write gossip without backing up anything. I think you're just a denial-loving ostrich. No offense, it's a fact you yourself backed up :P Anyway, in the eighties, they didn't like what Benveniste said, because it was opening new ways of treatment, not only backing homeopathy as you naively put it. But today, other scientists have done research on those "water memory" mechanics. Just as an example, not unrelated to this, Igor Smirnov working with Kornilova and Vysotskii have shown that activated water has effect on biological systems. Just another example and proof that you're wrong, just echoing the "holy" establishment's denials. But they have interest in doing that. You, you're just a brainboxed fool still living in a cave, just connected to Internet, and thinking it gives you the right to be arrogant and judge pioneering scientist like Benveniste. In the same vein, it was even "forbidden" by the scientific "establishment" to write the term "plasticity" in publications, relating to the brain ability to rewired itself, when Bach-y-Rita pioneered the first experiments proving this. Now it's "neuro-plasticity" commercialized everywhere. At the time of Galileo you certainly would have been one of the fool condemning him, as you do for Benveniste and probably would have done for Bach-y-Rita, if you knew his existence. It's why I hate you, silly McCarthyist :)
+Ebrobaru 2014 Haha, you're such an hypocrite. You are the guy who call Benveniste a pseudo-scientist. Don't hide now behind a word like establishment. You are the guy who just spread gossip without scientifically backing up through examples. Everybody knows what the Church did to Galileo, tell me something I don't know instead of playing denial and showing easy to spread marmalade-like pseudo-knowledge. Nobody came to rescue him, not even the scientific community. And since the beginning, the subject is Benveniste and his research because of your arrogance. So your hipocrisy is an obvious big ego-rescuing tool of yours. And you think that the scientific establishment doesn't exist? And to the contrary of what you say, not only me, use this word, even the social science use it, what a display of narrow-mindedness! Not only yes, but stronger that ever. And you think that your health count more that the ROI of the powers in charge? That naive? or dumb? or blind? or alltogether? There are (huge) interests fighting (residual) objectivity in a strongly media-conditioned society. And powerful investments are winning thanks to lobbying, coward and easy to corrupt politicians, and ultimately people like you (I didn't mean you are coward and easy to corrupt). And "religious thinking" in a global meaning is everywhere to be felt in those social and economic forces of nowadays. You are not only naive, but you also have no distance or sense of humour whatsoever, hence your arrogance and your easy judgement of Benveniste. Yet, despite the references I gave contradicting everything you said, you're still preferring your ego-inclined denials void of real scientific arguments. It's not a matter of intellectual display, yours or mine, or big ego, yours or mine. It's a matter of trying to de-conditioned ourselves and save the right thing to do for humans or what is left of it, against greediness of lobbying-powered industries. Long life to you, despite your medicinal beliefs...
+Ebrobaru 2014 ...your logic from one comment to the other is like octopus' ink... when you're given arguments and references contradicting your claims you don't even check and just go one with your denials. Religulous at best...
+Ebrobaru 2014 First, you don't understand much don't you? I never say your answers don't accommodate me, I said you always hypocritically refuse to acknowledge that I factually proved all your claims about Benveniste are fallacies. So it just means to me that you are a guy full of ???what in fact??? and who has a stupid Big Ego. Like believing in a god, and that god has created everything, and that Man is a superior (when in fact only egocentric) creature, and believers will sit near the Guy when they are dead, in a beautiful place, whatever they call it. To put it simply and briefly, there are two things. First, there is what Benveniste's work was and now proven to be true (even if he already proved it :P), and where our ways diverge (I did say ways, not what we believe about it, I stick on facts proven by someone who knows because I don't know shit, not like you who is a believer and has an opinion based on fabrications you prefer because it keeps you in your comfort zone). Second, there is the "religious" or "pseudo-spiritual" interpretations of Emoto's work for which I haven't heard anything humanly intelligent. And since you ask, I didn't even finished this video. I stopped one or two minutes after she mentioned Benveniste and they were talking about cigarettes. I am totally not interested in those interpretations about God, message of love or whatever they call it, though what is true is that energy potential is everywhere, that your mind can in turn rewire your brain. But God stuffs is to me.... you now know. What interests me is that the discoveries of Benveniste could have long ago pave the way of new remedies, what your big friends avoid and your brainboxed thinking doesn't grasp. Ciao!
“In the beginning was the Word,...”
deep stuff
Wow. Love!
Amazing Study! Amazing!
Dont believe the nay sayers 90% of the time they are just materialistic. Modern tech and ancient knowledge could work together but why would they want people cured all about returning customers. Level to this shit. Peace
@Gra Ra5 yeah so what's your point I am not anti science but I will not just say ok the scientist have spoken. Go look into a guy named royal raymond rife and you will see how true my words were from 2yrs ago
Gra Ra5 what is your point? What are you trying to prove? I am waiting for data all you have said is the science and bullshit about evidence when you have given zero. Keep your little tips n philosophy I dont need that shit. I gave you a name I am not about to give you the whole backstory on the guy then you say where is this or that etc and i end up looking the shit up no fuck that you do it go learn about the great man Rife. Dont project your believers assurance on me, I am not like you now if i would have been pointed in a direction of something I might want to know I have no problem checking it out and being proven wrong you didnt even investigate Rife and automatically assumed no evidence can be found and you should tell me some bullshit all while never presenting any cold hard evidence. I have made smarter people than you look dumb not because I am so damn smart their arrogance did them in. Geez another one of these smart dumb MFers. Dont tell me I am wrong show me I am wrong. Yeah and I dont care about grammar.
Tq for everything
what an amazing being, so thankful for this knowledge, I will watch my words as much as possible ESPNwith my sons
If you care for your sons, you should not be peddling this pseudoscience to them
❤️ thank uou doctor for your wisdom
love that man
It just vibrates at different frequencies and the energy we put out changes that. The energy you are made with helped you evolve..from is not spirits and ghosts
Thanks for posting this video as a response :)
Maybe this is the basis of all human emotion as we are made up of water
What you are saying is very interesting! Would you please share the information with us? Do you know if the book is on line? and if so, can you paste it here? Thanks in advance!
This is Awesome •• Sound, Word and energy are co-related •• I am truly Amazed ••
Yes! I have read similar studies with plants etc... This is such good news! Love is goooooood. One Love.
"In the beginning was the WORD..." /John 1:1
Than you for posting!
👍🏽🙏🏽 great watch
Thanks and Bright Blessings.
I think it a frequency of every thing which give it different patterns
Love and appreciation....
Water helps me to clean!
This is awesome
This is God Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto about the magic of Water
i love Dr. Emoto!
Everything is Energy, Sound, Vibration. Everything is connected. Every drop of water is like each one of us, do the drops know they're just one more cell of the sea? We are just like a thst dorp.
We are made of at least 50% water. LOVE yourself, and everything in you. : )
If his experiment was genuine, then it should be able to be duplicated - perhaps not identically, but wit the same general result. If it can't be duplicated using the same protocols, then it's more than likely not legit. More than likely this is akin to cymatics, where sound causes either chaos or beautiful patterns in different mediums like sand. There is no "memory" stored in the objects however. The ice crystals he froze wont retain their shape if refrozen under normal circumstances.
have you followed the energy from that drop of water? When you do, please let me know how!
but the zamzam water is holly water and if you went good water read god words on the water
i would like to hear his opinion about flouride in water
Has anyone tried the experiment with the three jars of rice and water they mention at the end?
What a wonderful creator we have Baruch Ata Yahuah "Blessed be Yahuah "God"
I'm thinking. . What if we could do this with cancer and other deseases, killin it by only talking trash to it until it's gone..
It´d be great. Too bad it is just wishful thinking
Beentoowell Beentoowell its already possible and been known just not released to the people
I believe you can I had treatment for colon cancer but I had the attitude that the doctor's hands were blessed. I was blessed for finding it in time. I was blessed because it would work. Even though i was stage 3 it would be reversed completely. I would live a long happy and prosperous life. I visualized this and it happened.
One a note note. I had an aunt and uncle from my family have the same disease. They loathed their diagnosis. Feared death. Feared the doctor. Said
Sunkissed Brown Sugga wow is this real? If yes it gave me so much hope for my own health issues that seem to not solve.
Memory is stored in so many ways. Not just in the human brain. For instance people used to store information by writing it down in books and now that capability is greatly enhanced through digital means. You can now store hundreds of books on a small chip. But whether it is books, computer chips or the human brain it is just impressions. All material has its own limits on taking impressions. Not just the human brain has memory but the body does too. Every cell has its own memory.
so why hasn't this message been promoted world wide?!....
i feel bad for the second jar, prob got all sorts of neglect issues now
I just thought that's how some parents label their kids! And teachers their students!
This is the point of free will. you create your reality by choosing your focus. Where your attention goes, energy flows. The goal for many who are realized is to resonate energetically to their preferred reality. As within so without means not only do we create our realities but we energetically vibrate with, are in resonance with reality. Listen to yourself & in doing so, reflect on what you hear. Ask yourself: does this response come from fear or from love. If from fear - it's probably from y
Thank you!
May be water is the sounding board? Words are the most powerful influencer of vibration and that vibration creates or results in a cause and effect. Words are powerful. And, water may be a great way to test the power of words?
I went to the website, where is the "free" download?
Which dark field microscope(stereo , metallurgical, compound)is used to see water crystals?
I swear to god this is so mindblowing to me and im already a red pilled dude... but THIS was on another level!!!
Proverbs 16:24 - Pleasant words [are as] an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for making the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So that we may be saved by your grace through our faith in you. I hope others wake up and form a personal relationship with you before it is too late.
Empty your mind be formless shapeless like water. Be water my friend
There is a chanelling on youtube with Dr Emoto from the other side of the veil 💦
This video is good and covers alot of ground. It's not a sterile promo type thing. It's asking questions and debating rather than blind exception. And that's good. Also yes it does very much so seem like a dynamic process for why would say "Hitler" written on a water container necessarily put water molecules in negative states? By extension what about just a different political position you disagree with? Many have disagreed with a certain political position only to later change to that very political position themselves on further evaluations. So again the media we are exposed to if it had an agenda for example and if its automatically belived by someone for whatever reason and they then (at first) take up its (political) position.. then that media could program that person to then go on programming a false consensual pattern around them (via water) etc etc if on future examination it was proved to be agenderist fake news.
"And what is Truth!?" Pilate
ok I am a scientist I want to create an experiment, so firstly I make a hypothesis. Then I create an experiment to disprove or prove this hypothesis. That my friend is the scientific method.
an absolute yes !
Is this just sound vibrations that cause the patterns?
Great video about importance of water . We completely agree with dr. Masaru Emoto. We can try this experiment : reciting 100-syllable mantra 3,7 or 21 times of Vajrasattva Buddha over the water, before drinking it. ཨོཾ་བཛྲ་སཏྭ་ས་མ་ཡ་མ་ནུ་པ་ལ་ཡ།....
Ice crystals are pretty whether they form with music or otherwise.
if we create our own lifes reality then wouldent we be in contrast with many others as to how the reality fits in with theres. when we make personal contact.wouldent each others reality be effected? somewhat slightly as well as drasticly?
Emoto rocks
I should clarify, they treat the water with words or music and then freeze it to see what happens. The pictures are of the resultant ice, some with amazing crystals others with horrible distortions and the frozen untreated water with more or less nothing, no snowflake-like crystals.
so those discoveries like we breath air wasn't found with a double blind test and it turned out to be true right? So in all cases do we need double blind test?
If classical music did this to the water droplets what will Rock and Roll do or does?
Ebrobaru 2014 I also read that Heavy Metal did not have the same effect...we're they playing Death Metal or Slayer tunes?