Lots of good info here, thanks for explaining a lot of the different approaches to offense. Some comments - try to train yourself out of using the word 'Obviously'. Using the phrases 'it is generally advantageous" or "this is usually a weak option" are more of a mouthful, but also leave room for further follow up, exceptions, or questions later. Or if it is a filler word, just cut it out completely. Also with the close jab/throw situation if you run into someone who is defeating both it is usually the case of an experienced player who knows to use a delayed button press when blocking. It will block a jab and tech a throw if the aggressor is immediately using either option after the 22L, and if the aggressor does nothing, the move comes out.
Would you pressure normally?
Nah I’d 66L
Stand proud, you were reversal’d
Yet again, no comments on this vid feels like a crime. Keep it up. Love the content.
Lots of good info here, thanks for explaining a lot of the different approaches to offense.
Some comments - try to train yourself out of using the word 'Obviously'.
Using the phrases 'it is generally advantageous" or "this is usually a weak option" are more of a mouthful, but also leave room for further follow up, exceptions, or questions later.
Or if it is a filler word, just cut it out completely.
Also with the close jab/throw situation if you run into someone who is defeating both it is usually the case of an experienced player who knows to use a delayed button press when blocking. It will block a jab and tech a throw if the aggressor is immediately using either option after the 22L, and if the aggressor does nothing, the move comes out.
With the addition of 2booty she is the only character with a plus 2 jab. Its also 6f
Why does close 5L into 5H sometimes not work if the opponent mash throw and you're dashing?
Dash have inbuild uncontrollable slide at the end, for like 1-4 frames. SO you need to stop the run earlier then it seams.