I always like seeing singer's react to beatboxing, because they've been exploring so many interesting sounds with the human voice. Have you seen Stitch's GBB21 wildcard "Feels Like Nothing" yet? I like to nerd out on extended vocal techniques, and he does some singing stuff I haven't heard anywhere else.
actually, inward bass from d-low makes use of the epiglottis, more than false folds. It's nearly impossible to activate false folds inward, due to their position in the throat, but you could use the oscillation from the epiglottis to vibrate the suprahyoid muscles, apply tension and maybe involve the uvula too. what also contributes to d-lows specific tone is the low position of the larynx when he's using inward bass
@@echospace7347 Everyone says that Inward bass is just chest bass inwards. Chest bass is using the epiglotiss, therefore almost all inward bass variants use it as the base sound.
As a choir director myself, your reaction from 8:55 to 9:10 is what made me subscribe to your channel, because I'm right there with you, bro. "Um. ... What? Can you repeat that?" I fell out of my chair laughing at that reaction, because YES, EXACTLY. lmao
D-low beatbox is so amazing. Complex, creative, personal and stylish. I love how he prepared everything for battle. In part 2 he changed his position, take the mic or get closer. You can probably think he's improvising but all he's doing is perfectly calculated.
0:50 he is rolling his tongue outwards while singung and doing like a forward's vocal trumpet 8:55 that's inward bass, its like doing chest bass but while breathing in, the one dlow does is like a variation that sounds even lower
thing i like most about this battle in particular is how they respond too each other, both in their respect of each other and how they implement elements of the other guys round into their set. if you havent yet you should watch this years battle between King Inertia and Helium. absolutely nuts
I love when people from different genres stumble across beat boxing and are blown are by their skills, talent and ability. But then also recognise and respect what their doing, 👍👏👏👏
Dlow has a judge showcase that is 20ish minutes long with parts cut out. He beatbox for 30 minutes on stave at GBB 2021. Check out his showcase and his evolution of beatbox. You will see an evolution of DLow and beatbox over yhe years if you do. He has been doing this for 15 years or so, I think more, and his showcase is a staple
It's interesting because I have been watching the GBB and following the scene for some time. D-Low went from being on the tails of napom and those OG folks when he was super young. The thing that I think has developed the most is his musicianship. He used to slip in and out of time and now he's a human metronome. Crazy progress in just a few years.
@@LesageSinging definitely insane how he's evolved, especially these last few years you saw the change and growth increase tenfold. It's just insane to see all of this come together.
I have seen alot of reactions to Beatbox, but this might be the best and funniest so far. Something about a voice Expert being taken to a field he dosent know too well, but still tecnicly his field.
MB14 is one of my favorite beatboxers, but I'm not sure if his "opera" singing would measure up to actual opera performances. He does amazing things with his voice and is one of the best beat-boxer singers, but actual opera singers are hyper-specialized and there's no comparison, even though they couldn't do most of the things MB14 does either.
Your commentary is so on point, I really hope you check out more beatbox videos, if you want to get on the recent ones the GBB21 (biggest beatbox event worldwide) videos have dropped, you can react to some of the solo battles! Zekka vs Colaps as well as King Inertia vs Helium are my favorites!
There is a documentary with a beatboxer called Reeps One, in it a doctor does tests on him while he beatboxes and they have come to the conclusion that beatboxers are in fact evolving the human body its an interesting doc
I LOVE when people from classical backgrounds get their hands on professional/competitive beatboxing. So much is going on in beatboxing that they just aren't aware of. If you think about a school of thought that has been writing and researching and teaching for the oldest instrument known to man (The human voice) for literally thousands of years, you'd think that they'd know just about all there is to know about the human voice and mouth. But nah. It's still so surprising. And these guys are literally discovering new things every month, like you said. 8:55 is my favorite moment and sums up things pretty well.
Amazing reaction, it’s always good to have insight from people like you who are an expert in another subject. One thing I recommend is the BBU wildcards, they have a lot more production put into them and are very pleasant to watch and listen to. The first one I would recommend is Hiss Dream Again BBU Wildcard.
The very low "this is the circle of death" done by d low was Inward Bass. You are correct about the usage of the false folds although there is debate over if it is JUST the false folds or both. You can kind of think it as throat bass done inward, depending on the tension you can get an octave or two down from the pitch of a throat bass. Also, the opening sound used by d low in the first round is outward. Not sure exactly what it is but my guess is tongue roll will a uvular trill pitched either to an octave or fifth. Although, it should be said, I'm not sure as I cannot do that sound and it is rather rare in the community ATM. If you do have any questions feel free to ask and I have a video breaking down some sounds for non beatboxers on my channel. It may help
The tongue bass/roll he did there was with a h-sound, his voice and an u or o shaped mouth. If you listen, the first tongue bass/roll doesn't sound the same as the second roll.
its chest bass inwards not throat bass they use different parts of the throat so it isnt the false folds someone else explains in the comments so go find that comment it should be at the top
@@hasdaboss if it is chest bass inward, then holy shit. That sounds so uncomfortable! Not questioning your knowledge but just curious, have you got the sound?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we got another one. Keep reacting to Beatboxers brother, there is a lot to this iceberg than what you have discovered. This community is growing to be one of the greatest, and Its good to see you be a part of it. I hope you continue this content. Big ups, ESH!!!
bro that 2nd d-low beatbox thing is just inward bass even I can do it but its actually cool d-low big love I love your beatbox its on a different level man
Man since you are an Opera singer, I would seriously suggest you to react to MB14- LA CUP SHOWCASE. I feel like you will have the best reaction to that video
Actually, I think opera & bbx have something in common; training. Much like how some athletes take ballet to improve their performance, I think the same could be applied to bbxrs & opera. Even interchangeable between the genres.
It sounded like you said “this is how I know we’re in a simulation” after dlow’s 2nd round 🤣🤣💀 love watching your reactions because my mind was absolutely blown too! When I showed someone they were not impressed and i was like whatever..but i was so fun rewatching with you because you see how amazing it is to do what they do.. gets me so excited! Thank you for sharing your technical knowledge about what’s happening in the anatomy while they are making certain sounds..very interesting!!
That was something I actually brought to a scientist who I interviewed. He hasn't found anything conclusive in his research. He uses MRI video footage from beatboxers. His research is ongoing, but when asked about inward bass, he said there was nothing conclusive. However, it may well be true and the imagery seems to help people find it. Here is the interview. I apologize. I don't remember when we actually discussed inward bass. ua-cam.com/video/Ao_uRGNic1o/v-deo.html
Also of course his control of dynamics are masterful but that microphone is actually a condenser capsule. It’s a DPA microphone, super interesting stuff.
I love how music producers or singers and stuff tell stuff that even we dont know and they make beatbox seem more complicated. Actually beatboxing is not actually hard its just Boots n' Cats😉
Indicator has a insane polyphonic subbass(thats what he calls it) he does it is insane and i would love to see you explain where the sound comes from. (It sounds like vibration bass(second subharmonic of throat bass) but it is not)
I love these beatbox reactions, it's cool to see your perspective on how great and complex beatboxing is! D-Low and other pro beatboxers also have an adept or expert knowledge in music theory related to beatbox.
Definitely subscribed… I love seeing singers watch beatbox!!! Also super dope texture on your throat bass. I might reach out to you in DMs to talk about exactly what’s going on in the mouth and throat because I love nerding out over that stuff.
I've heard in a couple beatboxing videos, that while the "technical" drumming portions of beatboxing come from the mouth while vocal noises come from their nose
I am a beatbox and I’ve heard a lot of Dan’s beats. You have a level of understanding that not a lot of “non-beatboxes” have. If you want to learn anything just hmu
I find it kind of interesting to hear you explain sounds in a way that i might not do. Like in the opening part, where you say he's making some polyphonic noise, i just hear the tongue bass and him singing, and when you say he is vibrating his lips to change hia throat bass, i just hear vocalized chest of a sort. Might be more to it than what i know, but its interesting to see other perspectives
What always stumps me about D-Low is the way he sticks to his internal metronome and his innate ability to take any melody and turn it into an insane groove, like he does with the theme Zekka offered, turning it into a massive liquid drumnbass tune. It angers me in the best way possible! LOL
I always like seeing singer's react to beatboxing, because they've been exploring so many interesting sounds with the human voice. Have you seen Stitch's GBB21 wildcard "Feels Like Nothing" yet? I like to nerd out on extended vocal techniques, and he does some singing stuff I haven't heard anywhere else.
Second the motion
@@theyonlycomeoutwhenitsquiet Third the commotion.
@@MrNikolidas Fourth, a promotion?
Fifth, the ocean
sixth lotion
I love how well you understand the small details of what makes their routines incredibly good. Thank you for reacting to more beatbox. Esh
Esh 🙌
@@games4061 Esh Games
13:50 man literally pulled out one of the cleanest polyphonics ive ever heard like it was nothing haha
Man that's so detail😂
that moment when D-low busts out his inwards bass and his head snaps round lol
actually, inward bass from d-low makes use of the epiglottis, more than false folds. It's nearly impossible to activate false folds inward, due to their position in the throat, but you could use the oscillation from the epiglottis to vibrate the suprahyoid muscles, apply tension and maybe involve the uvula too. what also contributes to d-lows specific tone is the low position of the larynx when he's using inward bass
Dude what you just said sounds so cool but I don’t speak that much science 😭😭
With the epiglottis does everyone use that for inward bass?
@@echospace7347 Everyone says that Inward bass is just chest bass inwards. Chest bass is using the epiglotiss, therefore almost all inward bass variants use it as the base sound.
Idk tf u talking about u just breath inward like a grandma and give it a nice pitch to get that sound 😂
@@ashart8450 He's explaining what the sound actually comes from, it's interesting.
As a choir director myself, your reaction from 8:55 to 9:10 is what made me subscribe to your channel, because I'm right there with you, bro. "Um. ... What? Can you repeat that?" I fell out of my chair laughing at that reaction, because YES, EXACTLY. lmao
D-low beatbox is so amazing. Complex, creative, personal and stylish. I love how he prepared everything for battle. In part 2 he changed his position, take the mic or get closer. You can probably think he's improvising but all he's doing is perfectly calculated.
8:59 Every single voice experts when they react to insane beatbox techniques.
0:50 he is rolling his tongue outwards while singung and doing like a forward's vocal trumpet
8:55 that's inward bass, its like doing chest bass but while breathing in, the one dlow does is like a variation that sounds even lower
thing i like most about this battle in particular is how they respond too each other, both in their respect of each other and how they implement elements of the other guys round into their set. if you havent yet you should watch this years battle between King Inertia and Helium. absolutely nuts
I love when people from different genres stumble across beat boxing and are blown are by their skills, talent and ability. But then also recognise and respect what their doing, 👍👏👏👏
Sick reaction
I love how in detail he explains everything really puts how tough beatboxing is into perspective
you are already my favorite person to ever react to beatboxing. keep it up man :)
Dlow has a judge showcase that is 20ish minutes long with parts cut out. He beatbox for 30 minutes on stave at GBB 2021. Check out his showcase and his evolution of beatbox. You will see an evolution of DLow and beatbox over yhe years if you do. He has been doing this for 15 years or so, I think more, and his showcase is a staple
It's interesting because I have been watching the GBB and following the scene for some time. D-Low went from being on the tails of napom and those OG folks when he was super young. The thing that I think has developed the most is his musicianship. He used to slip in and out of time and now he's a human metronome. Crazy progress in just a few years.
@@LesageSinging definitely insane how he's evolved, especially these last few years you saw the change and growth increase tenfold. It's just insane to see all of this come together.
I love how professionaö Singers are the biggest fans of beatboxer because the know actually whats so crazy about that
I've been waiting for this, I'm soo happy you liked it! Awesome reaction!!
I have seen alot of reactions to Beatbox, but this might be the best and funniest so far. Something about a voice Expert being taken to a field he dosent know too well, but still tecnicly his field.
"are he inhaling or exhaling? I do not know"
makes the same sound
Since you are an opera singer check out one of MB14’s loopstation showcases. he does opera in his beatbox routines
here is a link to one of his showcases
MB14 is one of my favorite beatboxers, but I'm not sure if his "opera" singing would measure up to actual opera performances. He does amazing things with his voice and is one of the best beat-boxer singers, but actual opera singers are hyper-specialized and there's no comparison, even though they couldn't do most of the things MB14 does either.
@@ryansmallwood1178 yeah im not saying he’s the best opera singer but i’d like to see his reaction to MB14 doing it in his routines
D-Low Won The Final
Your commentary is so on point, I really hope you check out more beatbox videos, if you want to get on the recent ones the GBB21 (biggest beatbox event worldwide) videos have dropped, you can react to some of the solo battles! Zekka vs Colaps as well as King Inertia vs Helium are my favorites!
i saw many reactors reacting bbx videos they only see and just go on but bro you are the best analyser of beatboxing 🔥🔥🔥hats of to you man🙌🙌
I love watching reactions, first time on channel, better than I expected. Nice vid
There is a documentary with a beatboxer called Reeps One, in it a doctor does tests on him while he beatboxes and they have come to the conclusion that beatboxers are in fact evolving the human body its an interesting doc
I LOVE when people from classical backgrounds get their hands on professional/competitive beatboxing. So much is going on in beatboxing that they just aren't aware of.
If you think about a school of thought that has been writing and researching and teaching for the oldest instrument known to man (The human voice) for literally thousands of years, you'd think that they'd know just about all there is to know about the human voice and mouth.
But nah. It's still so surprising. And these guys are literally discovering new things every month, like you said.
8:55 is my favorite moment and sums up things pretty well.
Amazing reaction, it’s always good to have insight from people like you who are an expert in another subject. One thing I recommend is the BBU wildcards, they have a lot more production put into them and are very pleasant to watch and listen to. The first one I would recommend is Hiss Dream Again BBU Wildcard.
The very low "this is the circle of death" done by d low was Inward Bass. You are correct about the usage of the false folds although there is debate over if it is JUST the false folds or both.
You can kind of think it as throat bass done inward, depending on the tension you can get an octave or two down from the pitch of a throat bass.
Also, the opening sound used by d low in the first round is outward. Not sure exactly what it is but my guess is tongue roll will a uvular trill pitched either to an octave or fifth. Although, it should be said, I'm not sure as I cannot do that sound and it is rather rare in the community ATM.
If you do have any questions feel free to ask and I have a video breaking down some sounds for non beatboxers on my channel. It may help
Also bc it's inward there's rlly no limit on how low you can get
The tongue bass/roll he did there was with a h-sound, his voice and an u or o shaped mouth. If you listen, the first tongue bass/roll doesn't sound the same as the second roll.
you're right in your 3rd paragraph
its chest bass inwards not throat bass
they use different parts of the throat so it isnt the false folds
someone else explains in the comments so go find that comment it should be at the top
@@hasdaboss if it is chest bass inward, then holy shit. That sounds so uncomfortable! Not questioning your knowledge but just curious, have you got the sound?
i love this setup!
Ive been following the beatbox scene for years and you’ve pointed things out to me that I’ve even thought about, i knew i had to sub after that
Especially after figuring these things out on your initial reaction
Man your are just the best for beatboxing reactions
I appreciate it. I had to balance out my life and I'll be easing into doing as many videos as I used to.
I reaally hope you make more beatbox reactions!!!!! love this video!
Ladies and Gentlemen, we got another one. Keep reacting to Beatboxers brother, there is a lot to this iceberg than what you have discovered. This community is growing to be one of the greatest, and Its good to see you be a part of it. I hope you continue this content. Big ups, ESH!!!
💯 the community aspect to beatboxing is where I'm the most hype. Its incredible.
"this is how i know we're in a simulation" lmao trueeee
bro that 2nd d-low beatbox thing is just inward bass even I can do it but its actually cool
d-low big love I love your beatbox its on a different level man
I recommend watching dlow sbx kickback battle winner compilation or zekka sbx kickback battle runner up compilation. Love the reaction dude! ❤️
Man since you are an Opera singer, I would seriously suggest you to react to MB14- LA CUP SHOWCASE. I feel like you will have the best reaction to that video
8:45 this is inward bass, for me it works like vocal fry and growl bass combined but breathing in
This Battle is on very very high level i love it.
Great reaction! More beatbox💥💥
Love your reactions man! So cool seeing your perspective on beatbox!
I think that water drop noise with the reverb that you mention is actually called the cough snare, and it's really easy to learn.
2016 i fell in love with beatboxing..
Ждём больше реакций на битбокс❤️
This guy is fucking hilarious with his reactions
You should react to show-go’s wildcard solo. He makes some pretty amazing noises with his face hole.
Actually, I think opera & bbx have something in common; training. Much like how some athletes take ballet to improve their performance, I think the same could be applied to bbxrs & opera. Even interchangeable between the genres.
Mb14 is a great example of this 🙌🏾
It sounded like you said “this is how I know we’re in a simulation” after dlow’s 2nd round 🤣🤣💀 love watching your reactions because my mind was absolutely blown too! When I showed someone they were not impressed and i was like whatever..but i was so fun rewatching with you because you see how amazing it is to do what they do.. gets me so excited! Thank you for sharing your technical knowledge about what’s happening in the anatomy while they are making certain sounds..very interesting!!
God I love the beatbox community
This dude shouts at "what" but his facial expressions don't change; that made this reaction a little better imo lol
super late but its actually an inward sound caused by the vibration of the epiglottis
That was something I actually brought to a scientist who I interviewed. He hasn't found anything conclusive in his research. He uses MRI video footage from beatboxers. His research is ongoing, but when asked about inward bass, he said there was nothing conclusive.
However, it may well be true and the imagery seems to help people find it. Here is the interview. I apologize. I don't remember when we actually discussed inward bass.
Also of course his control of dynamics are masterful but that microphone is actually a condenser capsule. It’s a DPA microphone, super interesting stuff.
I have feeling that this guy and D-low would get along well if they met.
I love how music producers or singers and stuff tell stuff that even we dont know and they make beatbox seem more complicated. Actually beatboxing is not actually hard its just Boots n' Cats😉
It is called inward bass cuz he uses the vibrations in his throat to create this sound
Hurts so bad if u learned it the first time
So, D-Low not only beatboxs but do the mastering EQ live too
you're like if hank green and music itself had a child
9:14 thank you for this knowledge man!
12:48 they are allowed to put a small amount of reverb effects on the mic so you are actually hearing reverb
Good to know ty
@@LesageSinging no problem!
Your face when D-Low says circle of death lmao
Indicator has a insane polyphonic subbass(thats what he calls it) he does it is insane and i would love to see you explain where the sound comes from. (It sounds like vibration bass(second subharmonic of throat bass) but it is not)
Also the part where dlow said "wow this is the circle of death" was inward bass
The noise he does at 4:00 is what he simply calls the “Dlow Kick”
Simple but very effective
Just like doctor strange's spell
I love these beatbox reactions, it's cool to see your perspective on how great and complex beatboxing is! D-Low and other pro beatboxers also have an adept or expert knowledge in music theory related to beatbox.
I realy enjoyed your reaction
Definitely subscribed… I love seeing singers watch beatbox!!! Also super dope texture on your throat bass. I might reach out to you in DMs to talk about exactly what’s going on in the mouth and throat because I love nerding out over that stuff.
d-low song structure is one of the biggest things that sets him apart from everyone else for me
You should react to stitches GBB 21 wildcard. It has amazing voice fluctuations
Wow, you bring an interesting perspective.
I've heard in a couple beatboxing videos, that while the "technical" drumming portions of beatboxing come from the mouth while vocal noises come from their nose
"This is how I know we're in a simulation".
So we just witnessed a perfectly natural reaction of literally anybody watching D-low haha.
Check out king inertia vs helium and stich 2021 wild card
may i suggest taking a listen to Show-go's 2021 GBB solo wildcard? or even just the solo wildcard winners video, theres a lot of great ones there!
I am a beatbox and I’ve heard a lot of Dan’s beats. You have a level of understanding that not a lot of “non-beatboxes” have. If you want to learn anything just hmu
9:11 I think I've partially figured it out - he's inhaling, closing off his nose and using his false chords. But I'm not entirely sure. :)
Yea it would give off a certain texture closing the nose. But closing the nose isn’t necessary to emit this sound
«Stitch - Feels like nothing». Love to get your comments on the polyphonic voice
the first bass sound he did was a tongue roll (rolling letter r) while vocalizing
Lessgo man new subscriber here!💯🙌
It does look like a dynamic mic but I'm pretty sure it's a dpa handheld condenser
I suggest u to watch MB14 LA cup showcase ... He's also an opera singer and a beatboxer and lot more... I highly recommend u to check out
oomg please react to Rofu Kohey anniversairy Beatbox Its soooo crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Don’t worry even beatboxers have to slow down fast combos to understand/deconstruct them
"the levels of each hit are insanely precise" well yea that's D-low that's what he does
Inward bass always impresses non beatboxers it's so funny to see xD
You should watch more videos of Zekka you will love his talent
3:00 That's Bill Burr impersonating a woman 😂 Love it
love the intro XD
I'm witnessing someone will become a future beatboxer.
Love your commentary man
But it's actually a condenser mic that looks like a dynamic mic
this is the circle of death, inward bass
I find it kind of interesting to hear you explain sounds in a way that i might not do. Like in the opening part, where you say he's making some polyphonic noise, i just hear the tongue bass and him singing, and when you say he is vibrating his lips to change hia throat bass, i just hear vocalized chest of a sort. Might be more to it than what i know, but its interesting to see other perspectives
D-Low messed up his uvula and that’s why he can make his inward bass sound like that. I asked on stream and he said it happened years ago
Is it me or he just said "bigidboxer" at the beginning?
Btw checlout dlows 2019 gbb compilation
You should react to stitch’s gbb 2021 wildcard
I don't know if someone told you
but dlow's round is based on countersss
also zekka's final 30seconds
Dilip Vs Zekka was a great battle 🔥🔥🔥
What always stumps me about D-Low is the way he sticks to his internal metronome and his innate ability to take any melody and turn it into an insane groove, like he does with the theme Zekka offered, turning it into a massive liquid drumnbass tune. It angers me in the best way possible! LOL