I am just a beginner and can anyone help me to do this program to create password? 1.User should be able to enter the text 2.Find odd numbered words(eg. *Hai How are you?* ,where odd numbered words are Hai,are) 3.Select even numbered character from the selected words 3.Pswd length should be greater or equal to total word count(eg.Hi How are you?,word count=4 and pswd length should be >=4)Add * to make the word count equal to pswd length.(if word count=5,and pswd length=2 then add 3 '*')(if pswd =st and word length is 5,final pswd must be st***) 4.include single quote ' ' before and after the pswd for better understanding 5.Character count must start from 1 not from 0(H-1,a-2,i-3..vice versa) Eg.input text:Hai. How aRe you? Output:'a.R*' Input text:Hellooooo. How r you? Output:'eloo'
Great bro 😎🔥🔥
I am just a beginner and can anyone help me to do this program to create password?
1.User should be able to enter the text
2.Find odd numbered words(eg. *Hai How are you?* ,where odd numbered words are Hai,are)
3.Select even numbered character from the selected words
3.Pswd length should be greater or equal to total word count(eg.Hi How are you?,word count=4 and pswd length should be >=4)Add * to make the word count equal to pswd length.(if word count=5,and pswd length=2 then add 3 '*')(if pswd =st and word length is 5,final pswd must be st***)
4.include single quote ' ' before and after the pswd for better understanding
5.Character count must start from 1 not from 0(H-1,a-2,i-3..vice versa)
Eg.input text:Hai. How aRe you?
Input text:Hellooooo. How r you?