kislux bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Hi! Thanks for your review as I’m very interested in the Rimowa pilot case. I was wondering if SQ will allow it up as cabin luggage. The total linear dimensions seem to exceed by 2cm but I don’t know if they measure it? Thank you!!
Hi everyone, the replica case can be found on Taobao website, there are various retailers using generic names to avoid copyright laws. But beware of scams if you decide to search for it.
Itâs not that I'm bothered by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldnât want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as kislux . And nothing is wrong with that.
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. Itâs better to go to kislux and buy a high-quality replica.
Could you share the details of how to get the Miwawa please! I like that one more! Lol.
kislux bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Hi! Thanks for your review as I’m very interested in the Rimowa pilot case. I was wondering if SQ will allow it up as cabin luggage. The total linear dimensions seem to exceed by 2cm but I don’t know if they measure it? Thank you!!
Link for the riwawa pls 😂😂
Where did you get the other one?
Where is the other one from?
Riwawa's back hinges are cleaner, it seems.
Hi everyone, the replica case can be found on Taobao website, there are various retailers using generic names to avoid copyright laws. But beware of scams if you decide to search for it.
Do you have an English link? Everything is in Chinese.
How to get the Riwawa please
Can you please advise what is the size specification cms or inches wise of Riwawa :) Thanks
What brand is the other one with the stickers?
Made in China crap
What they call Miwawa on Taobao?
Can you share the replica dimensions? Is it 18 or 20 inches? Thanks
Miwawa to the top! Could you tell more about your experience with this cheap version please. How it rolls and usability etc.
miwawa has two hinges and the original one only one! WTF!? 😂
Funny miwawa . Good name
Itâs not that I'm bothered by people buying dupes or fakes, but if I invest my hard earned money into that item, I wouldnât want to buy that brand, or bag, or design and find something more than fit into my needs and wants as kislux . And nothing is wrong with that.
seems Riwawa is a better looking one
I love rimowa❤
not the Riwawa lmao
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. Itâs better to go to kislux and buy a high-quality replica.