I knew nothing of Joey+Rory, until you appeared on Gaither Gospel Hour on PBS, when you featured your Hymns album. I had stopped listening to country music. I watch tv with rabbit ears, no cable or internet, just got my first smart phone 3 years ago, so I was a little behind the times. When I heard Joey sing "JESUS PAID IT ALL", it was a Holy Ghost moment for me. I decided, right then, that song, sung by Joey+Rory, would be a part of my "going home". Thank you so much for what you are doing with your FLOG. Joey has always had the voice of an angel and now she sings for Our Savior. Your story breaks my heart, I lost my sweetheart 9 years ago and I still can't accept it, but watching you; leaning on, and trusting The Lord, helps me want to try harder. Your family is a wonderful blessing for me.🙇♀️
I miss Joey so much. There was/is something about her that stood out from the rest of us. They say that real Angel's walk among us, and I truly believe she was one of them. To those of us who loved her, family, friends and fans, we will see her again one day. ~ XO
Shari Lynn I agree with you. Even though I did not know her I feel like through these vlogs, cds we listen too and other videos u get to know a bit of her and feel her through that. She has something about her that you just instantly love and feel. So beautiful and loving. She was an angel on earth and still is one. Miss her too! Rory and Joey's love will live forever on.
Diana Toews you are perfectly right, don’t remember to liked somebody singing like Joey,she had a beautiful voice and beautiful inside and outside too.
To me Joey is the epitome of what a wife, mother and believer is. She’s the kind of woman that you strive to be like. The things that are important to her are the things that really matter.. as a singer myself she is such an inspiration for me.. not only musically, but the kind of wife and believer I want to be 💕
Some people look forward to the soap opera they watch during the day, I look forward to hearing what you are up to on the farm. Let's see what we're going to do today
On February 21, 2016 I was on my way to church in southern Ohio. It had rained several inches the night before. On a country road I nearly came head on with another car hydroplaning......and when the water cleared from my windshield and I saw the road again, the only thing I was cognizant of was an angel singing from a CD in my car "Bless me now my Savior........I come to thee...." And that was the day I gave my heart to the Lord and everything changed for me on that day.. I have never looked back. Joey and Rory have been a huge part of my Christian life. Their beautiful faith and love story is a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for these flogs Rory. My husband and I love you so much. And btw Joey is my husband's Alan Jackson! 😍
Rory, You & Joey had a Love for each other that most people search for their whole lives & never come close! A God Sent LOVE FOR EACH OTHER! NOW THAT'S SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY! GOD'S WILL! MUCH❤LOVE & 🙏🏻😇🙏🏻GOD BLESS YA'LL RORY🤗😘👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Isn't that the truth. Oh how us fans prayed for their love 💘 story to have a different ending. I love how Rory keeps her alive in everything he does. And Indy is a little Joey. 💓💞💕
Hi again RORY What a gem to find! Such a special story. So lovely to see Joey. A blessed love story! New stories to be told New adventures ahead But all full of LOVE...
Fantastic to see Joey I can remember the first time I watched her singing I must admit I was addicted I kept playing the songs over and over again she is a beautiful woman with a brilliant voice You were meant to be together Rory It was so sad when she passed away Rory is there a word famouser I don't think so lol Take care of yourselves xx
What a blessing Joey was to all of us but mostly to you. I’m so glad u found these tapes or whatever it was. It brought Joey back to all of us. What a beautiful woman she was inside n out. Miss her. n her beautiful voice. I know we can hear it thru our C D’s but there’s nothing like the real thing. You r very strong man Rory n I admire you tremendously. As you trust in the Lord to guide you n speak to you. Never change at who you r, please. Thank you so much sharing this video. As my momma always said to me “ if it’s meant to be it will be” It wasn’t meant to be . Right? ♥️😊👍
Thank you for letting us watch that really sweet video while you weeded the garden. We enjoyed it SO much......AND....you did a great job of weeding. :)
Oh! It’s so good to see Joey’s gorgeous face and hear her laugh. You two together was magic! Now you’ve simply carried that magic forward. I’m hoping someday you will be blessed with another wonderful mate to share your magic with! Love these vlogs!! ❤️❤️❤️
Awww!This was so sad,but at the same time it was like Joey was back here with us again.She was beautiful and you could tell she did not even realize it at all.I wish a could have met her and chatted over a cup of coffee with her,she just seemed so down to earth.We all miss you beautiful Joey and we will never forget the enjoyment you brought to us all.R.I.P. Joey until we meet again in beautiful Heaven.🙏❤😢🙂
Success was and is the fact that God found you each other, your life together, and the love that lasts forever. Your right Rory, Joey is everywhere there still with you on the farm. Her love was too great to just leave when she went too our dear Lord in 2016. That reel solidifies that your lives together are still stronger than ever...
Was getting worried when flog 19 didn’t appear. So pleased tonight to have found no. 19 & 20. Both lovely as usual. Pleased to see you’re all keeping well.
Joey looks so young in this clip. I miss her. I look forward to your FLOG everyday. I got worried when you didn't do one for several days. I found myself saying things like "Oh, I hope Indy's not sick" and "I hope he didn't change his mind and stop doing the FLOG". I live in North Florida on 10 acres and I have a garden too. Not as big as yours but when I'm working in it, I always think of Joey and how she loved her garden. Thank you for sharing your life with us. God Bless.
God Bless you Rory & Indiana I shed a tear when you're touching my heart thru our Loving Jesus! We miss your Wife lots! I cant imagine how much you miss her!
That was an AWESOME clip of the Sizzle Reel but I love seeing the farm and the garden and the cows. I have loved cows since I was a little girl. I have a cow collections of different little types of kitchen cows. When I went to look at my condo forbthe first time they explained to me that the tenant before burned the kitchen down so everything was brand new. The kitchen was very tiny but I was content there for 20 years. The kitchen had a white and black checkered floor which went great with my Jersey cows. I use to tell people I always wanted a country boy because they like the simple life. I have had 3 country boys but never made it to the alter but was only engaged one time. Now at 56 I do not believe I will ever marry. I will stay in VA until my dad is gone and then I will move to NJ to live near my brother who is a TBI patient at the present time. Today is 105 days in the hosp. Hos prosthetic skull finally arrived from Germany as that is where it is made and his surgery is scheduled for June 18th. His son graduated from college yesterday and no one could go due to the virus and Stephen is in the hosp. Stephen and I grew up in farm country up north NJ. Our rooster was name Goliath. He tore my legs up one day very bad when feeding him. I was 3. My uncle kicked him across the yard and my aunt took care of my legs. I never knew until last summer that the next night's meal was Goliath.😥 When I go back to that area yo visit and stand onto of Jug Town Mountain and look below at my Dad's little white church with it's pretty red doors I always think this is God's country. My dream for many yrs was to ring the church bell in my wedding dress and then my dad walk me down the aisle and then turn around and start preaching where on Nov 22 1963 he held me and baptized me. Well, it is late and I start work tomorrow at 7am. Nice video once again.
Rory.....Can I say I love you from a Christian perspective? You are such a good man. You love God, country and family...oh, and your fans. You were enjoying the "perfect" life when all of a sudden you were thrown into a tailspin and you found yourself alone with a young daughter and the other half of you gone. Yet here you are today sharing your beautiful life with all of us. There is so much we can take from what you show us but I personally have learned 2 things. We can lose our "soul mate" and God will see us through and 2, we can lose our "soul mate" and still believe there is a God who will see us through. Thank you for that!! Sending all my love and respect !!
Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us 🌈 Joey is so beautiful.....I have to mention how pretty the clouds looked in this video too. Absolutely stunning. ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
Love that you are still the same person...no matter what game and fortune brought you ..you are still most def human and you live the life your beautiful bride wanted and raising your totally awesome baby girl to live the same life...may God continue to shine his love on you...I know my love of your life does..js
U both were so natural n front of the camera or on the stage, but u never forgot what was most important to u both! I have so much admiration & respect for u Rory!
Rory....you are an amazingly gifted person. You and Joey complimented each other perfectly. Everything you need is right there on your farm and I don't think Joey or Indy would want it any other way. Raising Indiana with values, morals, and love is so important and you are doing just that! Never fear, Joey and the Lord are near!
I love watching your flogs. I update my mom and share with her. She loves your stories and so do I. It's my favorite part of my day to get my notifications you have posted. God bless you and your family. You are practically family to so many of us watching. You've been adopted by your fans. Much love sent! ❤❤❤
Ty again.Jessie loves you all..So focused when I play your videos, she interacts with you, Indie and family.This is a Blessing!! She loves you so much..Miss Joey alot, 🌞❤🌻
So lovely to see you two soul mates together in this video today you are really good at everything you do Thank you so much allowing us into you'rs and your Family's life i thoroughly love seeing you everyday you are a Blessing in my life you inspire me to do good be good and Love and have pure Joy in my life and I Thank you for this💖💖💖💖💖😊👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐🌺🌺🌺🌺
I think we forget that most entertainers have lives beside the glamour and the glitz. I know for you and Joey it kept you grounded. I still think it keeps you grounded. You have three amazing daughters gifted in different ways. Thanks for continuing to show that we can be normal what ever or calling is.
I'm so glad you have all these memories on hard drive. Joey was right about you telling the story of you both. These are your memories to where you would not have to share with us at all. But I thank you for giving us little time capsules of both of your lives. She continues to be loved by many, and her memories live on. I had a grandpa and grandma that is gone. I was 13 when my grandpa passed unexpected...he was my life. We use to go fishing togather and run trout lines. I never expected his death coming...I thought my world ended. My dad was never around. My grandma lived until after 1994. I was married and had three children by then. But she taught me how to home cann food. I've never forgot how. I've always had a garden and home canned everything i could get my hands on for my family. They live on in my mind and my heart. Thank you for sharing.
Whew! The first time I watched an episode of your vlogs/life and didn’t cry! I almost did, but I had already determined before I watched, that I wasn’t going to cry! You have a beautiful love story that indeed does prove there truly is a God! 😎😊👏🏻. 👍🏻👍🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rory, I love your beautiful farm, love all you've done to it, I know Joe's looking down at her family with so much love and pride. I can see that beautiful smile now. I JUST LOVE YOUR AND JOEY LOVE. Every woman should have a Rory and every man should have a Joey , then the world would be so happy.
Hi Rory I think you and our dearly missed Joey had a beautiful love story. I can't wait for the TV show I'm sure it will be a hit because Joey is looking down with that beautiful smile of hers.God Bless you and Indy everyday.
Thank God for your fame! He gave you that fame so you’d have a voice to tell your story. The story Joey said , it all happened the way it did so you’d be the one left to tell. You’re doing a remarkable job telling the story of your love for Joey, Little Indy and your girls. It’s such a beautiful story. It’s more beautiful because you kept your values and your way of life and love. God continue to bless Rory and his family 🙏🏻. I hope you know you’re a blessing to a lot of people Rory 🦋
Thanks for sharing, Rory! Your love for Joey is really beautiful (then and now). I bet she's happy you are in the garden, lol...I'm sure she was right there with you!
Life can really throw some hard balls and Life can throw some beautiful flowers at you as well. I have learned to take life one day at a time because it can change so fast. Simplicity of life is to be in the moment and enjoy what you have. You seem to embrace life.
Glad you are still Flogging Rory... We love it all..and We Miss her Too..still.. twas better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all.. GOD saw ..and Gave You both the best of Both worlds ..just like Heidi said.. "Real Life Hannah Montana" 😅Picasso said the Purpose of life is to find your gift and then give it AWAY.. 💙🙏You guys shall always be blessed ... Hugs for INDY ❣️
I knew nothing of Joey+Rory, until you appeared on Gaither Gospel Hour on PBS, when you featured your Hymns album. I had stopped listening to country music. I watch tv with rabbit ears, no cable or internet, just got my first smart phone 3 years ago, so I was a little behind the times. When I heard Joey sing "JESUS PAID IT ALL", it was a Holy Ghost moment for me. I decided, right then, that song, sung by Joey+Rory, would be a part of my "going home". Thank you so much for what you are doing with your FLOG. Joey has always had the voice of an angel and now she sings for Our Savior. Your story breaks my heart, I lost my sweetheart 9 years ago and I still can't accept it, but watching you; leaning on, and trusting The Lord, helps me want to try harder. Your family is a wonderful blessing for me.🙇♀️
Never change Rory. Share your beautiful life because I'm glad fame never changed who you are. Stay true to who you are.
I miss Joey so much. There was/is something about her that stood out from the rest of us. They say that real Angel's walk among us, and I truly believe she was one of them. To those of us who loved her, family, friends and fans, we will see her again one day. ~ XO
Agree 110% nicely said.
I sure hope we get to see her again one day!!! I haven’t heard enough of her beautiful voice yet and don’t know if that’s possible to get enough!!!!
Shari Lynn I agree with you. Even though I did not know her I feel like through these vlogs, cds we listen too and other videos u get to know a bit of her and feel her through that. She has something about her that you just instantly love and feel. So beautiful and loving. She was an angel on earth and still is one. Miss her too! Rory and Joey's love will live forever on.
Diana Toews you are perfectly right, don’t remember to liked somebody singing like Joey,she had a beautiful voice and beautiful inside and outside too.
To me Joey is the epitome of what a wife, mother and believer is. She’s the kind of woman that you strive to be like. The things that are important to her are the things that really matter.. as a singer myself she is such an inspiration for me.. not only musically, but the kind of wife and believer I want to be 💕
Some people look forward to the soap opera they watch during the day, I look forward to hearing what you are up to on the farm. Let's see what we're going to do today
There are no words to describe how Joey and Rory look at each other. Thank you for another uplifting glimpse into your world. RIP beautiful Joey!
This was fun to watch.. and as you once said to see Joey come alive on the screen.. thank you for sharing your world with us..
Rory & Joey had such a beautiful chemistry.
Still do, she's still with him, just in a renewed body.
Yes! I dream of a love like that! 🤗
They sure did.
I love what you said at the end. “Things have changed, but in a lot of ways nothing has changed at all.”
On February 21, 2016 I was on my way to church in southern Ohio. It had rained several inches the night before. On a country road I nearly came head on with another car hydroplaning......and when the water cleared from my windshield and I saw the road again, the only thing I was cognizant of was an angel singing from a CD in my car "Bless me now my Savior........I come to thee...."
And that was the day I gave my heart to the Lord and everything changed for me on that day.. I have never looked back. Joey and Rory have been a huge part of my Christian life. Their beautiful faith and love story is a gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you for these flogs Rory. My husband and I love you so much. And btw Joey is my husband's Alan Jackson! 😍
Boy how I loved Joey's ❤ throw her head back laughing 😂. She was a star 🌟 the day she was born 💖
Rory, You & Joey had a Love for each other that most people search for their whole lives & never come close! A God Sent
GOD'S WILL! MUCH❤LOVE & 🙏🏻😇🙏🏻GOD BLESS YA'LL RORY🤗😘👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Isn't that the truth. Oh how us fans prayed for their love 💘 story to have a different ending. I love how Rory keeps her alive in everything he does. And Indy is a little Joey. 💓💞💕
These videos must be priceless treasures to you. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Hi again RORY
What a gem to find!
Such a special story.
So lovely to see Joey.
A blessed love story!
New stories to be told
New adventures ahead
But all full of LOVE...
Joey's laugh just always makes me smile. Ty....see ya tomorrow.
You two have the greatest love story ever! ❤️
My Grandma always said might not have a lot of money in your pocket and might not be rich but the best thing is that you’re always rich at heart ❤️
Good man
Jean Watrous agree
Always a pleasure! Thank-you for sharing!
So good to see her smile again. We miss you Joey❤
Fantastic to see Joey I can remember the first time I watched her singing I must admit I was addicted I kept playing the songs over and over again she is a beautiful woman with a brilliant voice You were meant to be together Rory It was so sad when she passed away Rory is there a word famouser I don't think so lol Take care of yourselves xx
I wish wish there where more men in this world like you !! You r a dream
What a blessing Joey was to all of us but mostly to you. I’m so glad u found these tapes or whatever it was. It brought Joey back to all of us. What a beautiful woman she was inside n out. Miss her. n her beautiful voice. I know we can hear it thru our C D’s but there’s nothing like the real thing. You r very strong man Rory n I admire you tremendously. As you trust in the Lord to guide you n speak to you. Never change at who you r, please. Thank you so much sharing this video. As my momma always said to me “ if it’s meant to be it will be” It wasn’t meant to be .
Right? ♥️😊👍
Country life is so beautiful and so are you Rory, please never change, thank you.
Beautiful Flog of 2 people in love what sweet memories you have to share God Bless you Rory
Thanks for that memory ,,,it was great 🤗🤗🤗
Thank God you stayed who you are and lived an extraordinary ordinary life ! We are watching and rooting you on.... ☺☺☺
Thank you for letting us watch that really sweet video while you weeded the garden. We enjoyed it SO much......AND....you did a great job of weeding. :)
Thank you so much for sharing all your moments with us. I sure appreciate that. Farm Life can't go wrong.
Oh! It’s so good to see Joey’s gorgeous face and hear her laugh. You two together was magic! Now you’ve simply carried that magic forward. I’m hoping someday you will be blessed with another wonderful mate to share your magic with! Love these vlogs!! ❤️❤️❤️
Awww!This was so sad,but at the same time it was like Joey was back here with us again.She was beautiful and you could tell she did not even realize it at all.I wish a could have met her and chatted over a cup of coffee with her,she just seemed so down to earth.We all miss you beautiful Joey and we will never forget the enjoyment you brought to us all.R.I.P. Joey until we meet again in beautiful Heaven.🙏❤😢🙂
Thank you for sharing the Sizzle Reel... it was great to see what foresight you folks had back then. True Love!
Success was and is the fact that God found you each other, your life together, and the love that lasts forever. Your right Rory, Joey is everywhere there still with you on the farm. Her love was too great to just leave when she went too our dear Lord in 2016. That reel solidifies that your lives together are still stronger than ever...
Pure unconditional love ❤️
What a beautiful couple they were 💞missing Joey 😘
Just love your Flog. It's great keeping it real. Down on the Farm.💙🙏
Precious memories.... GBY ALWAYS Rory, Indiana, Hopie, Heidi & Family.... GBY ALL 🙏💖💙❤❤❤🤗✝️
Oh!!! It was so sweet to see Joey again... so healthy happy and just glowing. Thank you for that Rory! God bless you!
Love you and your family. You are so down to earth and real. God bless you.
Awesomeness as always
Greetings from germany and blessing. I know many years, than I am also ill. And than I hear, I pray for You and the Family and the Music....
Just loved it. Good to have you back.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Amazing seeing you and your gorgeous wife it sure was a blessing to see these beautiful times God bless you all
Aren’t our memories so precious? Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your life and the memories you hold near and dear!
Loved this flog so much !!! I love Seeing you and Joey together!!!
Was getting worried when flog 19 didn’t appear. So pleased tonight to have found no. 19 & 20. Both lovely as usual. Pleased to see you’re all keeping well.
Joey looks so young in this clip. I miss her. I look forward to your FLOG everyday. I got worried when you didn't do one for several days. I found myself saying things like "Oh, I hope Indy's not sick" and "I hope he didn't change his mind and stop doing the FLOG". I live in North Florida on 10 acres and I have a garden too. Not as big as yours but when I'm working in it, I always think of Joey and how she loved her garden. Thank you for sharing your life with us. God Bless.
God Bless you Rory & Indiana
I shed a tear when you're touching my heart thru our Loving Jesus! We miss your Wife lots! I cant imagine how much you miss her!
That was an AWESOME clip of the Sizzle Reel but I love seeing the farm and the garden and the cows. I have loved cows since I was a little girl. I have a cow collections of different little types of kitchen cows. When I went to look at my condo forbthe first time they explained to me that the tenant before burned the kitchen down so everything was brand new. The kitchen was very tiny but I was content there for 20 years. The kitchen had a white and black checkered floor which went great with my Jersey cows. I use to tell people I always wanted a country boy because they like the simple life. I have had 3 country boys but never made it to the alter but was only engaged one time. Now at 56 I do not believe I will ever marry. I will stay in VA until my dad is gone and then I will move to NJ to live near my brother who is a TBI patient at the present time. Today is 105 days in the hosp. Hos prosthetic skull finally arrived from Germany as that is where it is made and his surgery is scheduled for June 18th. His son graduated from college yesterday and no one could go due to the virus and Stephen is in the hosp. Stephen and I grew up in farm country up north NJ. Our rooster was name Goliath. He tore my legs up one day very bad when feeding him. I was 3. My uncle kicked him across the yard and my aunt took care of my legs. I never knew until last summer that the next night's meal was Goliath.😥 When I go back to that area yo visit and stand onto of Jug Town Mountain and look below at my Dad's little white church with it's pretty red doors I always think this is God's country. My dream for many yrs was to ring the church bell in my wedding dress and then my dad walk me down the aisle and then turn around and start preaching where on Nov 22 1963 he held me and baptized me. Well, it is late and I start work tomorrow at 7am. Nice video once again.
She is always In our heart.
That was Beautiful ❤️ if I had one wish it would be for Joey to never have gotten ill and passed away, so she could still be with you Rory 😢
Rory.....Can I say I love you from a Christian perspective? You are such a good man. You love God, country and family...oh, and your fans. You were enjoying the "perfect" life when all of a sudden you were thrown into a tailspin and you found yourself alone with a young daughter and the other half of you gone. Yet here you are today sharing your beautiful life with all of us. There is so much we can take from what you show us but I personally have learned 2 things. We can lose our "soul mate" and God will see us through and 2, we can lose our "soul mate" and still believe there is a God who will see us through. Thank you for that!! Sending all my love and respect !!
Hard work, Family and Home , and a lot of good times! As always, thanks for sharing ❤️
Nothing wrong with being a famous farmer. 🚜 ❤😷❤
Nothing better than being a common, run of the field, king of the barn, salt of the earth Farmer and Farm Family.
Love love this. Joey will keep shining☀️🌟🌈 and Rory continue to do what you do. Stay Humble & stay blessed 🙌 💙
Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us 🌈 Joey is so beautiful.....I have to mention how pretty the clouds looked in this video too. Absolutely stunning. ☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️
Love it, beautiful couple...makes me believe in God 🙏❤
God bless you ❤️
Thanks for sharing. Love your vlogs
Thanks for the flogging!!! lol--I love your videos.
Love that you are still the same person...no matter what game and fortune brought you ..you are still most def human and you live the life your beautiful bride wanted and raising your totally awesome baby girl to live the same life...may God continue to shine his love on you...I know my love of your life does..js
U both were so natural n front of the camera or on the stage, but u never forgot what was most important to u both! I have so much admiration & respect for u Rory!
I am so very happy that you have never changed. God Bless
This was so beautiful and sweet.What a true love story that ever is.Now it's Indy and Rory and Joey all around them.God Bless you all.❤️❤️🙏🙏👵
Great Dad and Indy is a beautiful Little daughter.❤❤
I love watching your flog's Rory, I miss having the simple lifestyle! You are the best!!
Thank you Rory. Beautiful 💕
Rory....you are an amazingly gifted person. You and Joey complimented each other perfectly. Everything you need is right there on your farm and I don't think Joey or Indy would want it any other way. Raising Indiana with values, morals, and love is so important and you are doing just that! Never fear, Joey and the Lord are near!
When your life is filled with happiness and purpose the only things that change are seasons.
Rory, thank you for sharing your family and life. I greatly admire your faith and humility.
I love watching your flogs. I update my mom and share with her. She loves your stories and so do I. It's my favorite part of my day to get my notifications you have posted. God bless you and your family. You are practically family to so many of us watching. You've been adopted by your fans. Much love sent!
Ty again.Jessie loves you all..So focused when I play your videos, she interacts with you, Indie and family.This is a Blessing!! She loves you so much..Miss Joey alot, 🌞❤🌻
So lovely to see you two soul mates together in this video today you are really good at everything you do Thank you so much allowing us into you'rs and your Family's life i thoroughly love seeing you everyday you are a Blessing in my life you inspire me to do good be good and Love and have pure Joy in my life and I Thank you for this💖💖💖💖💖😊👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐🌺🌺🌺🌺
You have beautiful wide open BLUE skies.
Y’all made such a sweet couple. Thank you for sharing with us and have a blessed evening. 😘❤️🤗🙏🏻🌽🐄
Just loved it. Good to have you back.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
I think we forget that most entertainers have lives beside the glamour and the glitz. I know for you and Joey it kept you grounded. I still think it keeps you grounded. You have three amazing daughters gifted in different ways. Thanks for continuing to show that we can be normal what ever or calling is.
Your amazing 👏
She’s the most beautiful woman inside and out.
You go, Rory. I love Joey’s voice. You ARE a good songwriter. Indy is lovely. Joey would be soooooo proud of her.!!!
I love you guys.
both of you are awesome
I'm so glad you have all these memories on hard drive. Joey was right about you telling the story of you both. These are your memories to where you would not have to share with us at all. But I thank you for giving us little time capsules of both of your lives. She continues to be loved by many, and her memories live on. I had a grandpa and grandma that is gone. I was 13 when my grandpa passed unexpected...he was my life. We use to go fishing togather and run trout lines. I never expected his death coming...I thought my world ended. My dad was never around. My grandma lived until after 1994. I was married and had three children by then. But she taught me how to home cann food. I've never forgot how. I've always had a garden and home canned everything i could get my hands on for my family.
They live on in my mind and my heart. Thank you for sharing.
How I wish for you God's plan was different. We miss you Joey. Sigh
All episodes are so good and interesting!
Whew! The first time I watched an episode of your vlogs/life and didn’t cry! I almost did, but I had already determined before I watched, that I wasn’t going to cry! You have a beautiful love story that indeed does prove there truly is a God! 😎😊👏🏻. 👍🏻👍🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rory, I love your beautiful farm, love all you've done to it, I know Joe's looking down at her family with so much love and pride. I can see that beautiful smile now. I JUST LOVE YOUR AND JOEY LOVE. Every woman should have a Rory and every man should have a Joey , then the world would be so happy.
This family is addicting.....
What a beautiful story. Doesn't seem you ever took each other for granted. So very blessed. 💗 Garden looking good! 🌽🥒🍅🥕🌶️🍉
Hi Rory I think you and our dearly missed Joey had a beautiful love story. I can't wait for the TV show I'm sure it will be a hit because Joey is looking down with that beautiful smile of hers.God Bless you and Indy everyday.
Thank God for your fame! He gave you that fame so you’d have a voice to tell your story. The story Joey said , it all happened the way it did so you’d be the one left to tell. You’re doing a remarkable job telling the story of your love for Joey, Little Indy and your girls. It’s such a beautiful story. It’s more beautiful because you kept your values and your way of life and love. God continue to bless Rory and his family 🙏🏻. I hope you know you’re a blessing to a lot of people Rory 🦋
I always love it when you feature old clips of Joey in your videos. Her speaking voice and her singing voice are equally as refreshing!
Thanks for sharing, Rory! Your love for Joey is really beautiful (then and now). I bet she's happy you are in the garden, lol...I'm sure she was right there with you!
Joey was a naturally stunning woman . Its truly inspirational watching you finding joy again. The garden its going to be so great!!🥬🧅
Go get em Rory weeds are enemies!
That was cool. Bye-bye
Life can really throw some hard balls and Life can throw some beautiful flowers at you as well. I have learned to take life one day at a time because it can change so fast. Simplicity of life is to be in the moment and enjoy what you have. You seem to embrace life.
She loved to laugh didn‘t she, you two were great together and thank you for sharing
Blessed Belated Birthday! Epic Year! Full of Jesus Love & cheer! We appreciate your Ministry with Joey & now, Bro! LOVED this!
Mayberry 2020....you and your videos are such a joy 😂 We love 💘 you Sweet Joey ❤ you will never be forgotten ❤
Glad you are still Flogging Rory... We love it all..and We Miss her Too..still.. twas better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all.. GOD saw ..and Gave You both the best of Both worlds ..just like Heidi said.. "Real Life Hannah Montana" 😅Picasso said the Purpose of life is to find your gift and then give it AWAY.. 💙🙏You guys shall always be blessed ... Hugs for INDY ❣️
Joey had such a pretty laugh . Such a special and talented woman with an awesome husband and he proves it even now , day after day . RIP Joey